Size Winners al The Stokes County Fair. King, Nov. 9.—Following is a list of premium winners at Stokes fair: LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Best display bread. Mrs. R. J. Petree. Second best. Dera Tuttle. Third best, Nellie Moser. Best loaf bread, Mrs. W. A. Sullivan. Second best, Mrs. W. V. Randleman. Best butter. Mrs. Ida Johnson. Second best, Mrs. W. A. Sulli van. Third best. Mrs. S. R. Fulp. Best display loaf cakes. Mrs. VY. A. Sullivan. Second best. Mrs. S. M.Smith. Yhird best. Mrs. L. S. Crabs, chocolate cake. Mrs. 0. E. Snider. Best coeoanut cake. Hattie Smith. Best caramel cake. Mrs. C. E. Snider. Second best, Mrs. \Y. A. Sulli van. Best pound cake. Mrs. \Y. A. So;!ivan. Best honey. T. (\. Slate. Best fancy cake, Ertie Smith. FLOWERS. Best collection cut flowers. Gertrude Grabs. Second best, Elsie drabs. Best display pot plants, Mrs. C E. Snider. Second best, Mrs. S. \V. I'ul liam. 3est chrysanthemums, Mrs. Manie Si/.emore. Second best. May Sizemore. 3est fern. Ola Slate. Second best. Mrs. S. W. I'ul liam. Best blooming plant. Mrs. C. E. Snider. Second best, Mrs. R. Kiger. Best display canned goods. Mrs. L. S. Grabs. Second best, J. E. Turner. Best can peaches. Mrs. S. W. Pulliam. Second best. Effie Smith. Best can apples. Mrs. J. H. I 'jrsett. Second best, Hattie Smith. Best can pears. Mrs. T. F. P:-.ker. second best. Mrs. C. E. Snider. Best tomatoes. Manie Si/.e --r re. Second best. .1. H. Nance. Best beans in cans, Manie S:.emore. Second best, S. M. Smith. Best can corn. S. M. Smith. Second best. Manie Si.:emore. Best can beets. Zenie (Ireen. Second best. Efiie Smith. Best can cherries, Mrs. \V. A. S. '.iivan. Second best. Mrs. S. L. Pul -1 am. Best sweet pickle peach. Manie Sizemore. Second best, S. M. Smith. Best sweet pickle tomato, Mrs. T. F. Baker. Second best, Mrs. S. L. Pul liam. Best sweet pickle watermelon, Mrs. T. F. Baker. Second best. Mrs. S. L. Pul liam. Best pickle cucumber, Mrs. Eila Newsom. Best display preserves, Mrs. L. S. Grabs. Second best, Manie Sizemore. Third best, Mrs. S. L. Pul liam. Best sweet pickle pears, Mrs. S. W. Pulliam. Best strawberry preserves, Mrs. T. F. Baker. Second best, Mrs. Ella New som. Best peach preserves, Effie Smith. Second best. Mrs. Lucean Moore. Best cherry preserves, Mrs. T. F. Baker. Second be9t, Mrs. S. L. Pul liam. Best display jellies, Mrs. C. M. Fulp. Second best, Mrs S. W. Pul liam. Third best. Mrs. S. L. Pulliam. EMBROIDERY. Best display, Elsie Grabs. Second best. Clemmie Smith. Third best, Hattie Smith. Eiest center piece display, Lela Pulliam. Second best, Hattie Smith. Third best, Mrs. S. L. Pulliam. Best baby cap, Mrs. Maggie Graham. Second best, Mrs. W. E. Hart man. Best center piece, Lelia Pul liam. Second best, Mrs. Nat Bowles. Best sofa pillow, Mrs. J. A. Smith. Best pin cushion, Effie Smith. Second best, Mrs. S. W. Pul liam. Best bureau scarf, Mrs. R. T. Coe. Best table cover, Mrs. Jasper Slate. Best display collars, Mrs. S. L. Pulliam. Best shirt waists, Ola Slate. Second best, Mrs. Maggie Graham. . Third best, Mrs. S. T. Kiger. Best corset cover, Elsie Grabs. Second best. Mrs. S. T. Kiger. j Best doilies, Mrs. S. L. Pulliam. Best gown, Miss Georgia Dal ton. Second best. Miss Beulah Sheppard. DRAWN WORK. Best sofa pillow, Beulah Shep pard. Second best, Mrs. Jasper Slate. Best table cover, Mrs. Jasper Slate. Best bureau scarf, Hattie Smith. Second best. Cleniie Smith. Best pillowcases, HattieSmith. Second best. S. M. Smith. Best handkerchief, S. M. Smith. Second best, Hattie Smith. FANCY ARTICLES AND LACES. Best display, Mrs. S. F. Coe. Second best. Hester Wall. Best fancy sofa pillow, Mrs. S. W. Pulliam. CROCHET WORK. Best display. Mrs. T. F. Baker. Second best, Mrs. S. F. Coe. I Best chrochet shawl, Mrs. S. i F. Coe. Best work bag, Mrs, Ed Car roll. , Second best. Mrs. W. E. Hart-; man. Best jabot, Mrs. W. E. Hart- 1 man. Best doilies, white. Lavada Rut ledge. MISCELLANEOUS. Best counterpane crochet, Mrs. S. L. Pulliam. Best counterpane worked. Miss Georgia Dalton. Best counterpane turfed, Mrs. C. M. Fulp. Second best. Macy Pulliam. Best crazy cuilt, Mrs. Nat Bowles. Second best. Mrs. T. 0. Wat-' son. Best calico -;ui11 . S. M. Smith. Second best, Mrs. Ella N'ew som. Best homemade rug, Pearl Xewsom. Second best, Mrs. Ella Xew som. Best homemade rug, woven. •James Tedder. iiest patch on clothing, t'earl Xewsom. Best darned stocking, Mrs. S. C. Landreth. Best heart-gizzard quilt, Mrs. S. R. Fulp. Second best. Mrs. Ella Xew som. EDUCATIOX AND ART. Best painted picture. Holt Hunter. Second best. Reva Rutledge. Best pencil drawing, Ruth Petree. Sprains, Bruises Stiff Muscles Sloan's Liniment will save hours of suffering. For bruise or sprain it gives instant relief. It arrests inflammation and thus prevents more serious troubles developing. No need to rub it in—it acts at once, instantly relieving the pain, however severe it may be. Here'* Proof Charlca Johnion, P. O. Box 106, Laic ton's Station, A\ J'., write*: "I sprain.-d my ankle and dislocated my loft hip by falling out of a third story window six months apo. I wont on rrutrhca for four months, then I started to u.«e some of your Liniment, according to your direc tions, and I must say that it is helping me wonderfully. I threw my crutches away. Only used two bottles of your Liniment and now I am walking quite well with one cane. I never will be with out Sloan's Liniment.'! All DeaUrs. 25c. Send four cents in ittmpi for • TRIAL BOTTLE Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Inc. Dept. B. Philadelphia, Pa. IS YOUR U Poor Blood | is the indirect cause of much winter sickness—it allows chills, invites colds and sickness. NOURISHMENT alone makes blood not drugs or liquors—and the nourish ing food in Scott'* EmaUion charges summer blood with winter richness and increases the red corpuscles. fits Cod Lioer Oil warms the body, fortifies the lungs, and alleviates rheumatic tendencies. * YOUR DRUGGIST HAS IT. 14-45 SHUN SUBSTITUTES. I Second best. Holt Hunter. Rest map of North Carolina. Holt Hunter. Second best, Ruth Petree. Flag winner, Yadkin Town ship. Perch School. Flag winner. Meadows Town ship, Pine Log School. POULTRY. Cuban (iame, pen, Grover Stone. Cuban Came, Ist pair, .1. F. Newsom: 2nd, Grover Stone. White Rocks, Ist pen, L. S. Grabs. White Rocks, Ist pair. L. S. Grabs. Barred Rocks. Ist pen, S. L. Pulliam: 2nd. S. L. Pulliam: Ist pair, S. L. Pulliam: 2nd, S. L. Pulliam. German Bare Neck, Ist pair. S. C. Landreth: 2nd pair, S. C. Landreth. Rhode Island Red, S. C. Ist pen, B. F. Pulliam: 2nd pair, J. H. Loggins: Ist pair, B. F. Pulliam: 2nd pair, B. F. Pulliam. Rhode Island Red, R. ('., Ist pen. B. F. Pulliam. White Orpington. Ist pen, Ed Smoak: 2nd pen. Miss Georgie Dalton: Ist pair, Ed Smoak: 2nd pair, Miss Georgia Dalton. Game Bantams, Ist pair. Del hurt Allen: 2nd pair, William Holder. Golden Seabright, Ist pair. S. L. Pulliam. Silver Seabright, Ist pair. Wiley Shore. Best hen and chicks, .1. H. Loggins. Second best. L. S. Grabs. Heaviest eggs, Mrs. Fannie Caudle. Second best. Mrs. R. J. Petree. Best guineas, pair, J. H. Log gins. Pet stock Owl, W. i_>. Crom er. Annual Season for Frea Seed Distribution. Washington, Nov. >.— All is ready for the annual distribution of seeds which members of con gress send tc their constituents to the number of 75,000,000 pack ages a year. While the actual work of sending out the seeds does not start until next month, active preparations for the work are well under wav, and big warehouses are loaded awaiting the packing. In the work of sending cut the seeds this year, a battery of 24 of the fastest packing ma chines will be in almost constant use for three months. Every machine has an output of 20,- 000 to 85,000 packages in eight hours. During the busy season 180 people are employed in the work of filling the envelopes, handl ing the seed shipments, pasting on the address slips, etc. Uncle Sam spends some $260,000 this year for free seed distribution. In addition to this, the Depart ment of Agriculture makes its own distribution of rare seeds. Altho many attempts have been made to abolish the seed distribution, none has succeeded. Each year either the Senate or the House usually votes to knock out the free seed distribution, but when the agricultural ap propriation bill goes to confer ence the conferees restore the item. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Curt: Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. THE DANBURY REPORTER A MILLION A YEAR Two Men In North Carolina Have Income Of Million. But two men in North Caro lina paid tax on an income of a million a year and over. These two men were Mr. Cea9ar Cone, of Greensboro, and Mr. J. B. Duke, of Durham. It seems that when you go to talking about millions they are not as plentiful as you imagine. A million a year income is a great proposition almost S3OOO a day and that is more money than 1 some folk can figure. Mr. Cone 'and Mr. Duke are both modest men -men who do not vulgarly display their wealth. They are both men who made their money and it was clean. There have been those who cry out against these successful business men ! but with their millions made they have furnished employment for thousands of people. They are both benefactors, instead of malefactors as the grand stand ; hot air artists point out. Every- j thing. Don't D.el»y Treating Your Cough.' A slight cough often becomes 1 serious, Lungs get congested. Bronchial Tubes fill with mucous. Your vitality is reduced. You need Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. It soothes your irritated air pas- , sages, loosens mucous and makes your system resist Colds. Give I. the Baby and Children Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. It's guaranteed ' to help them. Only 25c. at your] l Druggist. • GENTLEMEN: | | % I have at this time some big bargains in A second hand and rebuilt portable and trac- ® ;S tion engines and boilers. lam still selling % the complete line of Frick machinery, the £ ® best line of saw mills, threshers and engines J £ built, strictly guaranteed in every respect. Z SAnv size wanted at the right price. Terms S to suit customer. • I shall be pleased to figure with you on J 0 anything you want in machinery. Drop me Z # a card at any time. X Vour friend, # | T. J. THORE. | 3 PILOT MT., N. C. • Ready for To-morrow ? Horses digest their feed less thoroughly than other farm animals. In order to insure thorough I am usine Bee Dee digestion of all the food eaten, and to make your STOCK MEDICINE with horses readier for next day's work, add to their evening feed a teaspoonful of— on feed, it also maket them healthy, thriving and Don I\ P o STOCK I Ira Johnston, Dec Liee MEDICINE It will lessen your feed bills. 25c, SOc and sl. per cai It will Increase your profits. At yoar dealer's. A List of Reliable Family Remedies "Back Ease"—Kidnew pills for backache, kidney and bladder trouble, rheumatism, etc. Price, 50 cents. "Stomach Ease"—Gas and dyspepsia tablets, relieves the stomach and lets you eat what you please. Price, 50 cents. "Quick Buster" Cold Tablets will break up a cold, also re lieves headache and constipation. Price, 25 cents. "Work Easy" Cascara Tablets will keep your bowels open and your liver acting. Splendid for billious headache. Price, 25 cents. "Sure Shot" Worm Wafers ate the best for worms in child ren—sweet as candy and the children like them. Price, 25 cts. Our Palatable Extract of Cod Liver Oil with Wild Cherry, Malt and Hypophosphites is the best Spring tonic for a run down system, weak lungs, coughs. Price, SI.OO per bottle, or 6 for $5.00 by express to your nearest express office. The above medicines are reliable, made from prescription of an experienced physician and will be sent by mail or express on receipt of price. BITTING'S DRUG STORE, SPRAY, N. C. FOR PERMISSION TO SHIP TOBACCO. United States Asks Great Britain For Assurances Tobacco Won't Be Seized. Washington, D. C., Nov. 6. Although tobacco is not included by Great Britain either in the list of contraband of war or of conditional contraband the government of that country will be asked by the United States to give assurances that tobacco shipped in neutral bottoms will | not be seized. This is said to b? the result of a protest from Kentucky manu facturers and shippers who say they are encountering difficulty in finding a market for their pro duct in foregn countries. Important. Bear in mind that Chamber lain's Tablets not only move the > bowels but improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion. For sale by all dealers. 0. F. Kiny Must Pay Senator II J. Ivie $1,500 Raleigh, Nov. 6.—The Supreme Court affirms the decision of the lower court in the case of King vs. Ivie, from Rockingham coun ty, and King must pay Ivie the sum of $1,500, as awarded by the jury last August. W. READEJOHNSON Attorney-at-Law. Masonic Temple. i WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. t Will practice in both State and Federal Courts. DR. H. V. HORTON, f 1 Dentist, > Is now back in his old location, corner 3rd and Main Streets, Wachovia Bank & Trust Co. ! building. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Rooms: 301, 302, 303. DR. JNO. K. PEPPER. Disease of the Stomach and Intestines. Maitonir Temple, Winston-Salem, N. C. DR. THOMAS W. DAVIS. Ey, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office 405-7 Masonio Temple, Winston - Salem. N. C. Hours: 9to 12:30, 2to 4 and j by appointment. CHAS. R. HELSABECK Attorney at Law, DANBURY, N. C. . Prompt attention to all busi ness. Office in Taylor Hotel. DONALD. D. HAWKINS Attorney-at- Law 4th Floor Wachovia Bank Building, Collections a Specialty. WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. J. W. HALL, Attorney-at-Law, DANBURY, N. C. Prompt attention to all business entrusted. I Will practice in ail courts, | both State and Federal. I Office over Martin's store. j JOHN D. HUMPHREYS, Attorney-at- Law, DANBURY, N. C. Prompt attention to all business entrusted. Will practice in all State oourta. Lev) \V. Ferguson. Arthur E. Ferguson Ferguson & Ferguson Attorneys At Law, Over Thompson's Drujj Store, Winston-Salem, N.C. Phone 1126. Collection a Specialty. Notary Public in Office. DR. W. H. CRITZ DENTIST. Office over Drug Store. H «vf Telephone Connection. WALNUT COVE. - N c Dr. A. S. Mitchell OPTOMETRIST. My whole time nnd at tention is given to the tit ting of glasses, and charges for Name very reasonable. For reference ask any busi ness house in the city. Office Elniont Theatre 151(l»r.. \V INSTON-SA LKM. N. C. Laffargue PIANO Excella in Purity of Tone and Durability of Construction. Cataogue Free- Write Department S. R. J. BOWEN & BRO. Winston-Salem, N. C. We carry a complete line of Edison Phonographs and Re cords. Write for catalogue of new records. CHICHESTER SPILU DIAMOND BRAND LADIES I ft™ »"' for CHI-CRBS-THR'S A 1 DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in R«D .nd/\ GOLD metallic boxes, tealed with Blur{A> Ribbon. Till NO OTHBft. BnalnafVV, -k fWp CHI-CHYR-TZB" V * r SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE SSI

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