IT'S GOOD TIMES November Sixteenth Is Biggest Day Yet. J-'n'irbrnthorV Evor.v thing The slogan "Wear Cotton" will change to "Sell Cotton" after the l(ith of this month. On that date the Liverpool and New York cotton exchanges will again open after being closed for many weeks. The plans have all been worked out and simultane ously the Federal reserve banks an j the cotton exchanges will be in motion. The fact that the tanks will have oceans o: gold to 1 urn loose on good securties, Ic c:-.l banks will not bo frightened, a-.-.i with the cotton exchanges 1-• .ing '.:s what cotton is worth the planter will know better than he has known for some months ' •."here he is at." % With the embargo lifted on cot ton: with foreign countries sav ing tney want great »iuanities of it: with American mills receiving orders for all kinds of cotton j.'X-ds for the foreign armies, it looks like an era of prosperity, un precedented. was coming to Am erica. If we keen out of the war, and we have great faith in our Fresident alone this line, the I'nited States of America will be came the most prosperous country in the world. Calamity will go y,o far to the woods that you can't hear it howl for ten years. The cotton speculator will ag ain come to the front: the con sumer is already waiting, and while cotton will never be fifteen cents when so much is in sight it is not unreasonable to believe it will see close to ten cents. Nine cents will perhaps be the rrice. but the man who planted tx> much can't complain if he nine cents for his over pro duction. The cotton panic may h iva b. s en worth while. It may have taught a long needed lesson 1"; the southern farmer. He tr.ust raise something besides ( tton. Finally this will be drill ed into him, and when it is he will be as independent as a hog on ice however much that may rr.ean independence. We have heard that the hog could either, walk, skate or lie down. And that is the way the farmer should : be. If he will raise his own hay,' corn and oats for his stock: his! own meats and other provisions, | ard then put in enough cotton to! give him his ready cash, he could be always prosperous. And this lesson that he has learned this year, may help some in that direction. November ltith will be an important day in the history of the United States—in the history of the South. The j new currency law which we have \ ro long needed goes into effect | DON'T FORGET. Beginning December 1, 1914, the cash-in-advance plan will be adopted by the DANBURY REPORTER, and all unpaid subscriptions will be dropped from the list. This is the policy adopted by a majority of the progressive newspapers of the United States. Our friends will oblige us by helping us carry out the policy. It is best for the paper and best for the subscriber. The expense and labor of collecting small amounts is the reason we take this procedure. Many of our subscribers who have for many years made it a habit to pay up once a year, will confer a favor by not forgetting that this rule will apply to all, and no exceptions will be made in the case of any person. Address : DANBURY REPORTER, Danbury, N. C. I GREAT IMPROVEMENT Business Conditions Are Now Good--The Opinion Of Traveling Men. Greensboro News. Judging from all the informa tion that can be gathered from the many traveling men who make Greensboro headquarters, business conditions ire slowly but surely getting back to normal, at least that is the case in the section of the country traveled by the many commercial sales men who represent practically every line that is sold. The con ditions as found last week by these men were nearly on a par with the tirst week in November. IJU3. and nearly as manv different reasons are given for the improve meni as there are men traveling out of this city. Since election day when the Republicans made bin gains throughout the country business has been on the increase in all lines and one or two sales men have been questioned who did not hesitate to answer that in their opinion the increased streng th of the G. 0. P., which to many people represents the adoption in part of the Republicans' pet plank, the high protective tariff, has had much to do with restor ing business conditions, not only in this section but throughout the country as well, to almost a nor mal state. Others state that from what they gather the reopening of the Liverpool cotton exchange has had much to do with bettering of conditions. These men state that even if cotton is selling at a very low figure, the simple fact that there is a market dealing in and with the staple product of the south is sufficient to restore confidence to every man who is not too easily and badly afflicted with the war and hard times scare. The people who are affect ed by the cotton market are cheerinp up considerably on ac count of the opening of the Liver pool exchange and as if to fur ther emphasize their belief in the statement that business will soon get back to a normal 9tate, attention is called to the fact that the New York cotton exchange may open at any time, 9uch a movement having been talked of in cotton circles for the past many weeks. The men whose business it is to sell automobiles have no kick in the world o >er the amount of that day. and with it the cotton exchanges of the world open for business. And on that day busi ness will receive an impetus, and the scare will be over. Sit steady in the boat just a few more days and all will be well. THE DANBURY REPORTER Gorrell's and Farmers Looks Better Every Day. We have been working hard for our many customers this week during the heavy breaks, and have pushed every pile offered to the buyers' top-notch price at GorrelPs and Farmers' Warehouses. As a result we have been sending home more satisfied customers than ever. The condition of the market looks better every day. Prices are better and the buyers are anxious to get all they can. The market will have big breaks again next week. You* will want to be on first sale and Farmers' Warehouse will sell first on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of next week and Gor rell's first on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We are looking for you, and will be prepared to serve you and do the most for you. Ship us your tobacco if you cannot bring it, and we will give every pile our personal attention and sell it just as soon as it arrives. Your friends, The Gorrell Boys. First Sale Days: Gorrell's—Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays. Farmers'--Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. business they are doing. The only trouble experienced bv local dealers in the supposed luxury is in getting the cars from the manufacturers and the fact that the people of this country ar» willing to put their money in automobiles, which are a luxury to most people and not a necessity, does much to prove that the people feel sure that the financial situation will be well handled and that no panic or un due tightness in the money mar ket will arise. It Really Does Relives Rheumatism. Everybody who is afflicted with Rheumatism in any form should by all means keep a bottle of Sloan's Liniment on hand. The minute you feel pain or soreness in a joint or muscle, bathe it with Sloan's Liniment. Do rub it. Sloan's penetrates almost immediately right to seat of pain, relieving the hot, tender, swoolen feeling and making the part easy and comfortable. Get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for 25 cents of any druggist and have it in the house against colds, sore and swollen joints, rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica and like ail ments. Your money back if not satisfied, but it does yive almost instant relief. See me before you order that winter suit. E. P. Newsom, King. llnov4t LAND SALh\ By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Stoke** county, rendered liy M. T.« hiiton, '. S. C., In the Special Proceedings entitled, "Harvey L. Mitchell et al vs. William Ward et al" appointing the undersigned a commissioner to make sale of the hereinafter described lands. I will sell on Monday, the 30th day of November, 1!»14, at the postotlice at Dillard, X. at the hour of one o'clock i\ M. at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands to-wit : A certain tract of land situate, lying and being In the county of Stokes and state of North Carolina and more particularly Uescrilied and defined as follows to-wit : Lying and l>eing in Heaver island town ship, adjoining the lands of S. A. Mitchell, *A. -Mitchell, deceased, \V. A. Ward and others, and bound ed as follows, to-wit : Beginning at a dogwood corner of Lot No. 1, runs East 011 Ward's line I*3 1-2 chains to a white oak in Ward's line, thence South with said line in 1-2 chains to a stake, thence West on line of Lot No. 4, 2:> 1-2 chains to a pine, corner of Lot No. 1, thence North 011 said line It! 1-2 chains to the beginning containing :M0 acres more or less, and it beiug Lot No. 2 in the division of the lands of Anderson Carter, deceased, which was allotted to Jasper .1. Carter, who has since died, for record of said division see Hook No. •'!», pages 2tS5, etc,, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes county, N. ( The bidding will start at fWtO.or, and the sale will lie made subject to the confirmation of the court. Thiß Nov. 11, 11114. W. E. UOOLSBY, Commissioner. ,J. 1). Humphreys, Atty. for l'lffs. Forest Fires Rage Near Black Mountain Asheville, Nov. 7.—Forest fires which have been raging in var ious sections of the mountains around Black Mountain during the greater part of the present week are reported to have done considerable damage, the great er number of the blazes being re ported from the Craggy Moun tains. For a while fear was enter tained that flames would get on the immense watershed holdings of the city of Asheville, but re ports from the intake were to the effect that but little damage has been suffered by the municipality. M. Bishop, of Marion, represent ing the government, is in charge of a force of lUU men in the J!ee Tree section and back firing has been resorted to check the flames. the Reynolds Company. There is at least one corpora tion which seems to be prosper ing and smiling under a benevol ent Democratic Administration - the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Com pany. Its capital stock has been standing at $10,000,000, but this is to be brought up to the respect able sum of $12,000,000, prefer red seven percent. accumulative. The company has previously issued script for dividends. This script is to be taken in at par in payment for the new issue of stock. The Reynolds Tobacco company is one of the greatest money distributors in the whole country and through its success has been fostered a very large share of North Carolina's pros perity. Winston Journal. Farmer's Union Held Meeting Saturday The Farmer's Union held their regulai quarterly county meeting here Saturday. Thh meeting was presided over by Mr. Jesse A. Lawson, President. Quite a number of the members were in attendance. Despondency Due to Indigestion. It is not at all surprising that persons who have indigestion be come discouraged and despond ent. Here are a few words of hope and cheer for them by Mrs. Blanche Bowers, Indiana, Pa. "For vears my digestion was so Door that I could only eat the highest foods. I tried every thing that I heard of to get relief, but not until about a year ago when I saw Chamberlain's Tab lets advertised and got a bottle of them, did I find the ripht treatment. I soon began to im prove. and since taking a few bottles of them my digestion is fine." For sale by all dealers. Lots For Sale E=E=EE AT E=E== Walnut Cove, N. C. 1 still have about twenty of those desirable town lots at Walnut Cove, N. C., that I will sell. PRICES AND TERMS REASONABLE C. M. JONES, WALNUT COVE, N. C. Men and Women Wanted to sell the most remarkable bargain in the magazine world this year. Regular price Eveiybody's $1.50 Total D-il, OTo One Delineator 1.50 $3.00 ""111 Person. A monthly Hillary anil a liberal commission nu each order Salaries run UJI to ♦i'tO.OO per month. depending on the nuinl>er of orders. This work ean be done in your spare time, and need not conflict with your present duties. No Investment or previous experience necessary. We furnish full equipment free. Write for particulars to The Ridgeway Company* Spring and Macdougal Streets, , NEW YORK. IBANKOFkimB || Is Open for Business! 8 Offering You Safe, Honest, Courteous ggj Banking Service. Start a Savings |gg] ragj Account.- apM We Pay 4 Per Cent. Interest, rag? on time deposits compounded quarter ly. Give us your checking account, if it is only a small one. We will ap preciate it. DIRECTOR; • DR. J. WALTER NEAL N. E. PEPPER C. 0. BOYLES • M. T. CHILTON S. W. FULLIAM v. T. GRABS •§§s W. R. KIGER. 1 V. T. GRABS, PRES. T. S. PETREE, CASHIER

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