EVERY NORTH CAROLINA LOCAL SHOOLO BE BUSY THIS MONTH It Is "Union Rally Month'' for Local Unions—Every Local Union Is to Help "Community Sorvice Week" and on Novem ber 18-19 the State Meeting: Is to be Held In Ureenville. This is to be "red letter month" in the history of the North Carolina Farmers' Union, and should be a red letter month in the history of every Local Union in the State. It has been officially proclaimed as "'Union Ralley Month" throughout North Carolina: the annual State meet ing will be held at Greenville, November 18 and 19; and every Local in the State is urged to make plans # this month to help in the observance of "Com munity Service Week," Decem ber 3, 4, 5. ''Union Rally Month." First of all, let us mention briefly "Union Rally Month." The idea here is that there are good men outside every Local who could be brought into it if we would go after them proper ly. The members of every Local Union therefore are asked to make a list of outsiders in che neighborhood who would make good members of the Union. Then one or more members are to be asked to see each outsider who ought to be a member and ask him to join. Moreover, the names of such outsiders are to be sent to State Secretary E. C. Faires, Aberdeen, N. C., who will send Union literature to these men and an invitation to join—in the name of the State Union. This plan should bring in thousands of new members to the State Union and every Local should work it to the utmost. Helping "Community Service Week." The next big matter about which every Local Union in North Carolina should get busy this' -month is "Community Service Week." The State Farmers' Union at its meeting in Shelby last year declared for holding these "Community Ser vice Days," and the success of the plan so far has been largely due to the work of the State Union and State Union leaders. Now every Local in the State is asked to get busy and see that these "Community Service D«ys" are properly observed in its neighborhood December 3, 4, 5. In fact, the first topic for dis cussion in every North Carolina Local Union this month is: How can our Local Union help in the observance of ' 'Community Ser vice Week?" Now, let us see just what it is planned to do in every North Carolina neighborhood the week ending December 5. First of all, the plan is to have a survey made to find out the facts about every community. Before they can make progress, the people must know just what conditions are. You know how it is when your doctor comes to see you; you wouldn't have much respect for him if he went ahead and fixed up your medicine without asking your symptoms, taking your temperature, and examining your tongue. So the first thing we want is to have a sort of census made showing just how the community stands as to progress in education, farm ing, health, reading, home con veniences, co-operation, home ownership, etc., etc. Blanks for making this census will be sent to each teacher or some one else in each school district. What Is to Be Done "Community Service Week?" Then on Thursday, December 3. "Public Roads, Grounds, and Buildings Day," the people are to meet in each school district and do some physical work for the improvement of roads, school houses, church buildings, etc. They may work on the roads, re pair the church or schoolhouse, OWE MY HEALTH SQ toPeruna yfIHL Down From Confinement to Store. Mr. C. N. Petersen, dealer in fine boots, shoes and cigars, No. 132 South Main St., Council Bluffs, lowa, writes: "'I cannot tell you how much good ; Peruna lias done me. Constant con finement in my store began to tell cn my health and I felt that I was gradually brenklng down. "I tried several remedies prescribed by my physician, but obtained no per manent relief until I took Peruna. I felt better immediately, and live bot tles restored me to complete health. I have been In the best of spirits Blnce, and feel that I owe my health. ■ to it." Catch Cold Easily. Mr. Arthur G. Peterson, R. F. D. 21, Box 21, Otnro, ■ Wisconsin. He 'was in the habit of catching cold easily. He says: "It has been seven months now since I have taken any Peruna and I haven't felt the least touch of cold since, and I am positive that I am now rid of the tendency to catch cold. Peruna Is a wonderful remedy." Those who object to liquid medi cines can now procure Peruna Tab lets. clean off the cemetery or school grounds, plant trees and shrubs in public grounds and parks, etc., etc. On Friday, December 4, to be observed as "School and Neigh borhood Improvement Day" in every public school from Curri tuck to Cherokee, the older peo ple, as well as all the boys and girls, are urged to meet together at every schoolhouse in the morning, hear the reports of the local survey, and discuss all needed plans for improving the roads of the community, the schools, health conditions, social life, marketing and financial con- | The People [ I Should Know I And takf advantage of J the biggest SUIT SALE Sj ever heard of in this part • of the State, now going | on at BOYLES BROS. g X COMPANY. The lot con- 8 | sists of hundreds of fine | 8 SUITS bought at a special 2 !• price from the Clearing J Houses. Many samples 8 in the lot for men and tj 8 boys. |l ****** l BOYLES BROS., j j W im ,,C. 1 THE DANBURY REPORTER ditions. "Just what practicable plan for progress can we adopt in each of these particulars?" will be the question for all the people to consider together; and then strong committees of men and women will be named to prosecute whatever plans are ap proved, these committees to re port to subsequent community meetings. Then after these serious subjects are disposed of— and a picnic dinner as well—the later afternoon and evening may be given over to some program |of recreation and amusement— (games, sports, story - telling, singing, etc., something for everybody, young and old, rich and poor. Then on Saturday, December i 5. "County Progress Day," the ! aim is to have in every county | seat a great county meeting to consider the facts of county life, just as the school district con ! siders conditions in the district, with practical discussion of "The Needs and Possibilities of Our County." In both school district and county meetings the aim will be to have a frank and candid comparison with other sections, find out in what lines progress is needed, and start definite movements for achieving that progress. A beautiful and inspiring illu strated 86-page pamphlet, "Com munity Service Week in North Carolina," has just been issued at state expense explaining the full program, and may be had by j anyone who will show interest i enough to send a two-cent stamp Ito W, C. Crosbv. Educational Secretary State Farmers' Union, Raleigh, N. C. We earnestly urge every Union member in North Carolina to get busy and lend this great move ! ment his help. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. W. King, of I Greensboro, spent Sundav night; here at the McCanless Hotel. Best Coufh Medicine for Children. "Three years ago when I was living in Pittsburgh one of my children had a hard cold and coughed dreadfully. Upon the advice of a druggist I purchased a bottle Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and it benefited him at once. I find it the best cough medicine for children because it is pleasant to take. They do not object to taking it," writes Mrs. Lafayette Tuck, Homer City, Pa. This remedy contains no opium or other narcotic, and may be given to a child as confidently as to an adult. Sold by all dealers. WANTED 100 good tobacco farmers to locate in Moore coun ty, N. C., to make crop next year. Land will produce any crop grown in North Carolina and is especially adapted to tobacco, corn, oats, cotton, peaches, dew berries and other fruits as well as truck of all kinds. Any size farm from 50 to lOOOacres. Prices right and easy terms. Address J. M. WINDHAM, Southern Pines, N. C. novlltf h wxitiiv:iihv:m:iJ7r3tr A stick makes a quart ot It. .11 finest Whdhl&c blue. It's all 1f,., . n V\o*j7 t.ltm —saves LHa coit sf V\-/f uselsss bottls. JV^j > J at all rrocfn. Vw7 fIT Diamond. McDonnell ft Co., If# sYi'l *O9 X. 4th 81., rhiltt. fft-/ For Sale or Exchange For Stokes County Property. I I have for sale a house and lot in Winston-Salem, corner lot 150x175 feet, house large, 2-story, II rooms including 2 basement rooms and bath room, with modern conveniences, water and lights, and promise of sewerage at early date. Room on lot to build-jfi tenement houses. Good feed barn and other out houses, and garden. Located in Fair view, splendid residential section. One block from car line, two churches and school within three blocks. Will sell or will exchange for small farm near railway sta tion in Stokes county. Address Box 451. Winston-Salem, N. C. 2sept tf Sale of Valuable Personal Property. On the premises at the home 1 place of the late Thomas M. Baker on Germanton Route 1, on ; Thursday, November 19, we will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the personal property belonging to the estate of the said Thomas M. Baker, consisting of household and kitchen furniture, including the library one organ, furniture, i etc.; two good mules, wagons and harness, one buggy, one drill, corn shucker, mowing machine, ! rake; a quantity of nay, wheat, corn, fodder, shucks, tobacco flues, farming tools of all description, and various other articles of personal property. Sale will begin at 10 A. M. Be sure and attend this sale, 1 as you will be sure to get some great bargains. T. F. BAKER. . ROBERT BAKER, ; Executors of T. M. Baker, deceased. —————————- Notice of Sae. By virtue of authority confer-1 red upon me by Deed of Trust j executed by R. L. Simpson and j wife Dora Simpson, on the first I day of September 1013, said deed J of trust being recorded in book 55 page 583 of the record of deeds of trusts of the Countv of Stokes, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at Madison N. C. in front of the Bank of Madison at two o'clock P. M. on Tuesday the 17th day of November 1914 the following described real estate, to wit: being a certain boundary of land containing forty nine and 59-100 acres in Stokes county. For full descrip tion see deed from Z. L. & Celia Wall to said Simpson of date of September the Ist, 1913, on re cord in Stokes County. J. O. RAGSDALE, Trustee. This Oct. 1-1, 1914. Mules for Sale. 1 have for sale at Winston- Salem, N. C. t ten fine young mules, two and a half years old, which will be sold at reasonable prices. If vou are in the market, write me. LINDSAY PATTERSON, tf Winston-Salem, N. (*. Guard Your Children Against Bowel Trouble Many children at an rarly age become constipated, and frequently neriotts consequences result. Not being able to realize his own con dition, a chill's bowels should he constantly watched, and a gentle laxative given when necessary. Dr. Miles' l.axalive Tablets are especially well adapted to women and children. The Sisters of Christian Charity, 5.? i Charles St., Luzerne, Pa. who attend many cases of sickness say of them: "Pnnie time ago we began using Dr. Miles' Laxative Tablets and find tliat we like them very much. Thetr action is excellent and we are grateful for having been made acquainted with thein. We have tiad good results in every ca*e sitid the Sister* am very much pleased." The form and flavor of any medi cine is very important. 110 matter who is to take it. The taste and appearance are especially important when children are concerned. All parents know how hard it is to give the average child "medicine," even though the taste is partially dis guised. In using Dr. Miles' l.ax ative Tablets, however, this diffi culty is overcome. The shape of the tablets, their appearance and candy-like tatte at once appeal to any child, with the result that they are taken without objection. The rich chocolate flavor and absence of other taste, make I >r. Miles' Laxative Tablets the ideal remedy for children. s If the first box fails to benefit, the price is returned. Ask your druggist. A box of -5 doses costs only _'s cents. Never sold in bulk. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. Coughs Kill If You Let Them. Instead kill your Cough with DR. KINO'S NEW DISCOVERY. It heals Irritated Throat and Lungs. Thousands In last 40 years benefited by Dr. King's New Discovery Money Back If It Fails All Druftfiets SOc. and SI.OO State >if N'ortli lln the Sii|ierior Carolina, stokes | Court. County. I Notice to null- In the matter of | resident parties, it caveat to a | paper - writing | purporting to lit- j the last will and tcsta in e n t of Mrs. Malissa IS. Flippin. I In the above entitled matter, it appearing to the Court, upon affidavit filed that Nancy .1. Karris (a devisee and legatee named in a paper - writing dated May Ist, i'.tli', purporting to lie the last will and testament, of .Mrs. .Malissa 15. Flippin i and her hnsliand, George \V. Karris, are non-resiilents of the State of North Carolina, and cannot j lie personally served with notice, and can not after due diligence lie found therein, and are necessary parties to tills pioceeding: the same being a caveat entered and tiled by .lames C. Flippin. in the Superior Court of Stokes county, N. c.. on t lie -4tli day of (Irtober, 11»14. to the I initiate of the saitl paper-writing ■ dated May Ist, '!di'. purporting to l»' tlii' last will and test anient of Mrs. Malissa 15. Flippin, deceased. It is therefore ordered by the court i that publication of notice of the tiling' of said caveat lie made for i four successive weeks in i he Danhiiry : Reporter, a newspaper publishei! in I Danbury, Stokes county, X. C., notifying the said Nancy.l. Farrix 'and her husband, (ieorge \V. Farris, , to appear at the Spring Term 1'.i1.1, J of the Superior 'ourt of Stokes coun ty, to be held at the court house in I (anbury. N. c., on the lift li Monday after the first Monday in March, I'.ll.'i, ami make themselves parties to said proceeding, if they so choose to do, and file answer to the petition of the petitioner. James C. Flippin. and let the saitl Nancy .1. Farris anil I husband. George \V. Farris, take notice, if they fail to ap|iear at said term anil make themselves parties, and tile no answer to said jietition, the same will be heard ex parte as to them. This the -Mth day of Oct. 1!»14. M. T. CHILTON, Clerk Superior Court. N. «i. I 'et fee. Attorney for petitioner. Sale of V aluable Timber. UyJ virtue of a decree of the Superior court of Stokes county rendered by M. T. Chilton C. S. C. in the Special Proceedings entitled. "Nannie A. Tlllotson, Kxeeutrix of .). C. Tillotson, deceased, vs. L. I",. lioyles et al." I will sell at public auction to the highest bitder in front uf Shore Mer. Co."s Store at King. Stokes county, N. C. on Satur day. the 14th day of November, !!•!4. at the hour of one o'clock I*. M. all of the marketable timber of all kinds upon the following described lands to-wit : A tract of land situate, lying ami luting in Yadkin township. Stokes comity, N. C. mi the waters of the Little Yadkin, being tin' home place where .1. C. Tillotson resided adjoining the lands •ii l>. F. Tillotson, C. 11. Lunsford. R. L. lii'iinett, \V. {..Smith, l{. (i. 1 ieiitry and !. A. Jones, and it being a part uf the tract of land assigned to .1. C. Tillotson ill the division of the lands of his father. John Tillot snii. except the walnut trees which will not be sold, said timber to be sold being of the size of fourteen inches across the stump, one foot above the ground, and above said size, the same to be sold by the thousand feet board measurement, and paid for before removed from tile premises, which removal shall be made within one year from sale, and the measurement t«» lie made by one person selected by the executrix and another selected by the purchaser and if they are unable to agree they to call in a third person to assist them, the decision of any two of them to be tinal as to measurement Sale will 1M- made subject to the continuation of the court. Full particulars as to details are intended to lie set out above, and will be fully explained on day of sale. This Sept. -fit 11, 1!»14. N ANN IK TIM.OTSON. Kxeculrix of.). Ttllotson, ilec-Wl. N. >. IVtrw, | ... I». 11lllliplllV.VS, | At Js f( " Lx - Notice of Sale of Valuable Real Estate. By virtue of the power of sale vested in me as trustee, in a deed of trust executed by E. H. Biggs and wife on the 18th day of No vember, 1912, to secure the pay ment of the sum of $l5O. (X) and interest due T. W. Tilley, default having been made in the pay ment of the same, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash on the premises near Sandy Ridge, N. C., on Saturday, No vember 14. 1914, at 12 o'clock M., the following real estate: One store house and lot con taining two acres, more or less, it being the late place of business of E. H. Biggs, situated on the Madison and Mount Airy roads. Fcr fuller description see said deed of trust on record in the Register's office of Stokes county, Book 55, page 407. This October 17. 1914. H. L. HILL, Trustee. Auction Sale. On Tuesday, November 17th. 1914, at 10 o'clock, on my farm one mile south of Lunsford'smill, 1 will sell at public auction to the highest bidder two brood mares, three colts, (two of them broke to work) wagon, buggy, wheatland Jcorn drills, mowing machine,;s shredding machine, some wheat, corn, oats and rough food. W. L. Smith, 4nov2t King, N. C.

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