itABIM DRUG USERS APPEAL TO PRESIDENT Mr. Wilson's .Wail Crowd ed With Appeals For Aid in (jetting "Dope" Washington. March 1". Ln f rcement of the antinarcotic I .'.v. which went intoer'eet Marc:" 1. took a turn today when President Wilson liscover - • that r iiui was ctw.ii.d -.rroniT * A'r said to t ■ t-erions suffering from various hseases we 1 as confessed M • a:-. :w. •r.f'i at!:i-*ted \viti; tubercluosis, can cor and other • c>m: la: *rat the ■ ieprivvd of pain a - .• -s • • •• {.part em rkin* . v •rti , n*- a :• ising the writers t* consult . nysiciar.s r apply for treatment t? clinics and hospitals. Surgeon 1 ier.eral Blue of the 'nited States j j'oiic health "•'•rvice. announced tonight that *.e would authorize the opening marine hospitals to drug vic *. TIS in all cities where local *« alth authorities indicate that ".e!t> is needed in treating those raxed by the failure to obtain «■ jpplies of "dope." New York and Chicago, it was ' b.. an ollicial. present the tiggest problems. As was anti nated drug fiends in the under • -rid of those cities have been -rtaxing the local hospital fa ties. Ir was from Chicago • at the appeal came from mar hospital aid in handling the k lation there. .'•!ar.y of the letters received p. iicate that the writers do • .nd"rstand that the law does •r il'-j.ri ij them of the use of . ■ •. particular drug, but requires ••.•at It i'O obtained only from a ian authorized by the .■ nernment to prescribe it for —dieal purposes. Other letters of inquiry from iruggists and physicians disclose that they are not informed as to the provisions of the law. The! internal revenue officials hone that the replies they are sending out to consumers and physicians will avert the carrying out of suicide threats and lead to the reformation of drug victims. The idea of the government • 'fficials charged with the en forcement of the law is that "dope liends" shall be encourag ed to apply to physicians for the . drug they have been using and that the doctors will saize the op portunity to effect a cure in! i every possible case. The usual method employed in curing the drug habit is to al low the victim gradually reduc ed quantities of the narcotic in ' s'ead of cutting it off complete ' ly. I 'nder the policy adopted by the internal revenue department, therefore, physicians would be warranted in prescribing the process of a cure. The gover nment erVicials expect that phvsicians also wiii ! their professional prerogative in ; iminstf ::.g drags to s;:'Vvrers '.•om severe ' ain victim s .f •curable ils*uses. Health Promotes Happiness. Without health, genuine joy - 1 W.tilOllt 'J I'll d!- gestion and regular bowel move ment you cannot ha e Health. Why nee-ct keening ~ >weis '■en and risk i-eing sick and iili.ig? Voa't have t«>. Take •ne small Pr. King's Ne>v Life i':ll at nigtit. in the morning you ill have a ful ! . tree bowel move ■ ent and fee much letter. Helps vi .ir appetite arid tiiges t >n. Try one t -night. Ex-Governor Bob Glenn Reminded. I'ormer .error enn is an • irnest man ;•. i*. ■ i a good speaker : .t appears to be somewhat -iko - .-I : v.-h -a i " i sa> - day . ter ••• •.v 1 :'"'"ge*s day >rt ■ rday." i'he gover ■. « • . .• i ■ ■ '.ii'iwn to d ■ my man any g od at any time, t the :•.»! -r. ' - friend's are intin.. " a at I >anbur.v c >urt, when after a hearty meal, • ma ie a s{ • e Then he was ; .ed was a c;.si' of colic. He was alni"St do .hied up with it and was f.rai'.y biojght around by the adminstration of some liquor. "IJoys that liquor saved my life." said the sick man. Has he forgotten? Greensboro Record. Keep Your Bowels Regular. As everyone knows, the bowels are the sewerage system of the body, and it is of the greatest importance that they move once each day. If your bowels be come constipated, take a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets just after suppei and they will correct the disorder. For sale by all dealers, j i Madison Route 3, Madison Route 3, March 8. There was an entertainment at Mt. Herman school house last Saturday night. (Juite a large crowd was present and all seem- j ed to en.ioy themselves very i much. Miss Lucy Young, of near Dillard, spent Saturday night l and Sunday with Misses Fairy j Wilkins and Kathleen Anderson. Miss Lillie Ward spent Satur- [ day night with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ward. Miss LJettie Johnson, of Dillard, visited at Mr. and Mrs. .1. R. .Johnson's on Madison Route :! Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kallam. of Sandy Ridge Route 1, visited | relatives in this section Satur day and Sunday. Guess the boys were glad to i see the snow falling so they could go rabbit hunting. Miss Claudie Duggins spent last Thursday night with Misses Fairy Wilkins and Kathleen) Anderson.' Born unto Mr. and Mrs. Sam 1 Clarke, a boy. 1 Several of the larger boys have i stopped school to work since fair' weather began. BLUE EYES. I; THE DANBURY REPORTER SAND-CLAY AND WEATHER I Construction, Material, Drainage and Sunshine Make the Road. From a published letter writ ten bv N. B. Mills, of States ville. to a citizen of Alexander county Little Alex, being now in the throes of a road bond elec tion campaign it is learned that Iredell has an annual road main tenance balance >f more than Tii is l'.To per cent, of the cost of the county's roads, slotmiim. Tiii- should dispei any notion current that Iredell's new roads, constituting a magnificent - stem, are being allowed t go i>. rum. This paper has insisted that the past winter must fin ish the ;inal test of the sand-clay roa«i. It has been our opinion that the right mixture, the right drainage and the right admission of sunlight constitute a combina tion that, with proper care, will stand the rigors of the most se vere winter, ami did in fact stand this past winter. An official. Mr. Spoon, we believe, has pointed out. as did the Daily News, that this season has furnished the lessons in sand-clay construction that must be studied. ">n ti:i point Mr. M l - vrites. "If there is my doubt in the minds "f at.'. >i your peo? e ul'ou: ket • .- our sand-, lay roads ::i g•• '. -hape. then 1 especially invite them down to maxe a 11 :;> "• »*r the whe.e system. i't ct/use. this has b.'.-n an extremely hard season on the roads, and it is true that some parts f >ur sand-clay system were in bad shape during' extreme bad weather. II nvever, wherever this was the case it was due not to any defect in the sand-clay road but always where the road was either improperly I located without proper sunshine, or where the foundation was rotten or where we could not obtain a good surface soil. Wej believe that this winter has taught us a lesson, for we know i what is needed to make the whole system of our roads as good as roads can be built, and for that matter right now with the little work we have done in rounding up the roads with scraper, ou- 1 roads are in as goxi shape if not better than when they were built." The sand-clay road is very probably still the thing for North Carolina rural roads, if the conditions as to materials, drain age, etc., can be met. ilreens boro News. How's This ? i We offer One Hundred Dollars i Reward for any case of 1 atarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's i Catarrh Cure. r. .i. CIII;.\I:V jt >.. T..i. 1... •. ( We, the undersigned, have known F.J. Cheney for the last lo j years, and believe him perfectly j honorable in all business transac tions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. i NATIONAL HANK >T « »MM KKI 1-:. Toledo. o. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directlv upon the blood and mucous surface of 1 the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for Constipation. CORN FOR SALE. A nice lot of corn on Old ; Town Farm, 3 miles east of Wal- Cove, for sale. Apply to W. D. Glenn, manager. Walnut Cove Route 5. 10mch2t. I Severe Head Pains Caused By Catarrh Cured By Per una Peruna Di>l It. \V. 11. «*h:»n«»v. II i* !* • : !I'ittFylVanl.'t «' •. Va . • • • . a«l. S • •• Ui\Auts t ir Ij t f j ■ i n. I f • 1 J;,-. ,| . •• : nt |«m>n it!t"K"t!ior. Th ■ i i:i« ::t ! ■ i I »..i\•• • i. 1 • V »>-•• i i..,s • rtil>« i« tny! t. Minion!u! t tlw . I : • : :• .1 "Hits' to . :- . ! «.» lot thorn know .if p»runtu J- • . : i r it cr-at. st • ■ : •' . i- »t ti-Htlnnmlnla \ • • ■ ■ :i" ■ f > ff-rim: 7.tore v.'io c ■-t ' .T.i : d medi c-.ti now prcc-irc Pi-runa Tab- NOTICE! A farm for rent or for sale. !• eated about •> miles northwest of Mayodan. This farm lies near the main Madison and Aversville . *31»1 ic road and rural route .trot s through the farm and contains 1 11'1-L'acres. It is a number 1 l:rain and tobacco farm. J good d'.v. .ling house, one room and one --room, good well at eai'h !i . ! tobacco barns. stables, i"ribs and other outbuildings, also orchard. well fenced pasture and pailed garden. A Idress C. 11. 11. MARTIN*. Madison, N ('.. Route li. ROSA 1.. MARTIN. Mayodan. N. Route 1. j jjgai I [ { *' am b etter P re " £ # you in anything needed in the machinery • line both new and second hand machinery 2 of various kinds. I am now stationed at 0 Pilot Mountain, N. C., and receive niachin- Z A ery by the car load. I can give you the best Z # freight rate, with terms to suit customers. # w Drop me a card and let me know your need. J 5 lam sure I can save you money on anything X you want. Your friend. 1 p"ot Mt. i | n. c. z HMOiHHHMNMMMHH ■ ' " w " . sgg i 1 BANK OF KING 1 I *v«v v rx'v.-yi I .V- - * \ |fe Is Open for Business! M Offering You Safe, Honest, Courteous Banking Serv ice. Start a Savings Kgg Account. FpS* |gjj We Pay 4 Per Cent. Interest. |gj £">3 on time deposits compounded quarter ly. Give us your checking account, x&xi if it is only a small one. We will ap preciate it. DIRECTORS: MB Dr. J. WALTER NEAL X. E. PEPPER C. 0. BOYLES M. T. CHILTON £S\\ S. W. FULLIAM V. T. (iRABS W. R. KIGER. |||j V. T. GRABS, PRES. T. S. PETREE, CASHIER -||| Watch the Label ' On Your Paper. Subscribers of the Reporter will please notice the date on the label on their copy of the paper and send in their renewal if they wish the paper sent to them any longer. The date on the label shows when your subscription expires. Report of the Condition of The Bank of King, at Kinfr, in the State of North j Carolina, at the close of business March 4, 1915. RKSOI'JK'KS Loans and discounts. sl-VL'l.oO Ranking House. Fur niture vV Fixtures l,sv.».!»!t Demand loans .'5_M. 11 Pue from Ranks ami I Jankers \>77.-'W» ;Cash Items I«» (Silver coin, including;all minor coin currency f j National bank notes and j other I*. S. notes 'J. IJ'.'.i't Stationery, etc.. Total *:!o.*>l!».7J» I.IABII.ITIKS Capital stock paid in « i».i mi P posits subject to chk. 7,-">!♦»;.iJM Demand Certificates of Deposit 1 U Certilied Checks . l."» Total -(».."> lit. 7«.) State ni' North Carolina. ' County of Stokes. » !. T. S. I'etree. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above sta'emont is true to the best of my knowledge and l>eli»-i'. T. S. PKTRKK. Cashier. Sul>~Tiliod and sworn to before me. this l::th dav of Mch.. l!M"> !•:. IM:PPI:K. Notary I'ublic. Mv commission expires »ot. 1 pi:.. ''orrect Attest: V. T. CRABS. S. W. pi '1,1.1 A.M. N. K. PKPPKR. I »i rectors. DR. H. V. HORTON, Dentist, Is now back in his old location, corner 3rd and Main Street?' | Wachovia Bank & Trust Co. building. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Rooms: 301, 302, 303. I DR. JNO. K. PEPPER. Disease of the Stomach and Intestines. Mithiinir Tntiplr, Winston-Salem. N. C. DR. THOMAS W. DAVIS Ey, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office Masonic Temple, Winston - Salem. N. C. Hours : Hto 12:30, 2to 4 nr.. by appointment. DONALD. D. HAWKINS Attorney-at-Law * 4th Floor Wachovia Bank Building, Collections a Specialty. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. J. W. HALL, Attorney-at-Law, DANBURY, N. C. Prompt attention to all business entrusted. Will practice in all courts, both State and Federal. Office over Martin's store. JOHN I). HUMPHREYS, Attorney-at-Law, DANBURY, N. C. Prompt attention totdl business entrusted. Wiii practice in ! State courts. Le\i \\ . I rruiiM»n. Arthur I". I-Vr^uv. Ferguson & Ferguson Attorneys At Law. Over Thompson's Drug Store Winston-Salem, N.C. Phone 1120. Collection a Specialty. Nota:;. Public in (ifVice. DR. W. H. CRITZ DENTIST. Office over Drug Store. lln\r Trlr|>lnmr ('iiiiiM-rtion. WALNUT COVE. - N C Dr. A. S. Mitchell OPTOMETRIST. My whole time am] at tention IK jiiven to the tit - tinn of K'litHseH, anil charges for Mime very reaxonatile. I'or reference ask any laisi lless house In t he eit.v. Uffiep Klniont Theatre llhljr., \VIXSTON-S.\M:.M. X. C. | "Hereis the Answen"in I I e 1 New International l THE MEmiAM WEBSTER I Erery day in your talk and rendinr. at § s home, on the street car. in the ofliee, shop = E and school you likely question tin- Dirag. § = iiifc of some nru word. A friend asks: fg s 'What makes mortar harden?" Vo« seek f? 5 tite locatiooof LochKatrineiir the pronun- 5 = ciation of jujuttiu Wlmt is uhitc coal? F= = Tliia New Creation answers all kinds of = = questions in I.ui|riiii*e.History.Bio;.raphy, 2 g Fiction, Foreign Words, Trades, Aita and = s Sciences, uith final authority. i 400,000 Words. StAv 6000 Illustrations. Coat $400,000. y the new = j; ai terized as "Abtroke of E India Paper Edition: ~ \v' ° w 11 " l( * ilrrriam = One half tlie thickness li weight of KckuUt bditiun, /MJViV. yYml(j r i On strong lunik Wt luuu;iii;:iiiiiiiiniiii:iiiuiiimiiiiiuuSEilHMHßßS 0 EZLtXiilllipv , ff\L a utifk rii-ikti. •* Qti.nt t II 1) •%#•»•»•••! MU« 11 \\V// * 1 * •"»*♦« iun «r a:■»• .*m UM ivts bOtll« |V^> V ) 5c Krftf »t «H frorrrp. I^7 IT/ Dlamnod. * On.. Vtf rJt 4U " N «"■ rrf