DAN BURY REPORTER VOLUME XLIII. WALNUT COVE LETTER COURT ADJOURNS NEW COUNTY HOME INFANT IS SHOTIMORE ROOM WANTEOIGERMANTDN BHIBGE I ! Charged With Resisting Of- ! Civil Term Holds Only i Recommended B\ Grand; Two- Year-Old Child Of Mr. Addition To Walnut Cove j Count\ Commissioners fic.ers Joe Matthews Is Two Days But Disposes Jury At Last Week's and Mrs. Durse Enron High School Building Award Contract TV Required To Give of Considerable Term of Stokes Court. Hit By Pisio! Ball. Asked Tor. Austin Bros. For It ssoo Bond. Business. „ Construction. BOND- ro HE ISSUED RECO\ IRA DOUBTFUL BOARD MET MONDAY' AT WALNUT • COVE THE CASES TRIED - WILL COST* Postofficc Receipts l : or March I Greatest In History Chas. H. Marshall Resigns New Store Opened - Other New s. Walnut Cove, April 7. A trial which attracted much attention was held here Monday when Joe Matthews was arraigned in Mayor Rierson's court on the charge of having resisted anof-j ficer on Saturday night, March' L'T. It will be remembered that after Matthews had been subdued j and placed under arrest he made his escape from the calaboose.' however, he came in Mondavi iivming and surrendered hiin seif to the authorities and stood his trial. Many spectators were in attendance to hear the evidence an l it seemed very much like a co rt day. The defendant was bound over to the next term of suierior court under a bond of S"iwhich lie gave. lost master Linville reports that the postal receipts during the month of March were the greatest in the history of .the oti ce. Nothing would indicate nr re forcibly the steady growth of tl'.e town than the heavy increase of the postoffice receipts during the past few months. Mr. Chas. H. Marshall, the; popular and efficient rural carrier i on route three, has resigned his position as carrier and will re-J move this week to Winston-Sa lem where he will engage in the; ins urance business. Mr. Mar-j shall has been in the mail service j here for many years and during : his tenure of ollice he has made j scores of friends who regret to' see him leave. It is honed that, in his new iield of work that he will have much success. His successor has not yet been ap- j pointed and Mr. -las. Marshall, his substitute, is delivering the mail on route three for the l present. Mr. W. F. Davis is opening up| hi? new store today, next door to the store of Mr. .J. N. Young. Mr. Davis is well known through out this section ar.d will doubt less enjoy a liberal share of the] patronage in his line of nier- ; chandise. Mr. P. T. Ilanington, of the- Stokes ildw. & Furniture C 0.,, is moving his family here this! week. They will occupy the! residence on Summit street form- j eriv occupied by Mr. J. Will. East. Elders Alex Moran and S. H. i ReiJ. of the Primitive Baptists, j held services Sunday afternoon; at the Junior Hall. Messrs. C. H. and 11. H. 1 Davis, of Martinsville, Va., and; R. P. Sartin, of Burlington, all j of whom were connected with; the warehouses here the pastj season, were in town this week. | Messrs. Samuel H. Stewart, j Elwood Boyles and J. Carl Joyce spent Easter in Danville. Va., j making the trip in a Studebaker. j Messrs. A. W. Davis, S. C. j Rierson, J. H. Fulton, J. W. Lasley, R. L. Murphy, Prof. J. ; W. Scroggs, Watson Joyce, J. C. Bailey and others from here were j business visitors at Danbury this week. ,! Supt. J. T. Smith, of King, was here a short while Monday : en route to Danbury. Misses Bess Morofield, Janie Martin, Carrie Hill and Eunice 1 Vaughn attended the commence- 1 ment exercises at Pine Hail Wednesday night. A j. Messrs. 0. N. Petree. S. C. Rierson, Jno. Burton, Matsun 1 Joyce. Paul Fulton. Oakley (irubbs, M. N. Wheeler, T. P. 1 Bailey and others were spectators at the ball game yesterday i 1 between the twins and the, - Philadelphia Athletes. Mr. Jno. G. Fulton spent Mon-l' day at Walkertown on business, j I Messrs. R. J. Petree, of Ger-H manton, and H. G. Petree, ofji 1 Several Suits Are Compromised and Others Non Suited Judge and Visiting At torneys Leave Lor home. i The civil term of Stokes Super ior court adjourned late this (Wednesday) afternoon after be ing in session only two days, ' however, a considerable number of cases were disposed of and the docket was about cleared up. I There were no cases of special j importance and a number of suits were compromised while several others were non suited. hollowing are the cases tried and disposed of during the term: W. T. Spencer vs. /.ilia Gann et al, judgment for the defend ant for s•''."in.(•() and cost. Mittie J. Hylton vs. Thomas W. Hylton, divorce, judgment for plaintiff" signed. Laura Hairston vs. Hilary II lairs ton, judgment for plaintiff' of $25.00 and cost. J. O. Southern vs. Peter Riser, l damages, judgment for plaintiff 'of sloo.ooand half of the cost. Piedmont Hardware Co. vs. .1. R. Hill, debt, judgment for • plaintiff s.'so. off. ! T. W. Terry vs. \v. S. Crews, j ejectment, judgment for defend ant for land in controversy and the cost. H. li. Reid vs. R. H. Priddy and W. J. Priddy, debt, judg ment for plaintiff of $loo.o(» and ! 1 ! cost. Southern Chemical Co. vs. •John R. Smith, debt, judgment i for plaintiff for Sloo.oo and cost. I Laura Mounce vs. E.W.O'llan i lon, carnages, compromise judg ,ment in favor of plaintiff of i $250.00 and cost. N. R. Fulk vs. Delitha Bow -1 man, debt, compromise judgment J of $25,00. | Judgment of non suit wss ; taken in the following cases: I Bank of Stokes Co. vs, John ; Riggs et al. j Piedmont Tobacco Co. vs, J, F. ! Palmer. M. J. Crouse vs. Curtis Grouse. M. C. Voss vs. A. J. Fair. M. P. Watts vs. W. (5. Dodson. W. R. Stephens vs. John A. | Martin. Rural Hall, spent .Monday in 1 town. Mrs. H. N. Scott, of Winston-j Salem, is spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 1,. Vaughn. Messrs. J. H. Matthews, A. W. Davis, K. A. Johnson and C. 10. Davis went to Walkertown Sunday afternoon. Misses Mary Martin, Sailiej Fulton, Lillie Joyce. Eunice! Vaughn, Stella Rierson. Lola! Bennett, Mary Martin: Messrs. | Paul Fulton. R. W. Joyce and Otis Bodenheimer went on a delightful picnic excursion to Crystal Spring, near Danbury, Easter Monday. Miss Willie Stephens delight- 1 fully entertained a number of her friends at her home on Summit avenue Saturday even-j ing. DANBURY, N. C„ APRIL 7, I*ls County Commissioners Decide To lirect New Building On Pres ent Site Plans Will Likely Be Drawn Soon. In its report to the court at the ; close of last week's term of Stokes Superior court the grand i jury recommended that the coun ty commissioners proceed as i early as possible to erect a new • j home for the poor of the county. . j It will be recalled that at the recent session of the general I assembly a bill was passed allow ■ ing the county commissioners to i issue bonds in the sum of twenty thousand dollars for the purpose | of securing funds to build a new county home, and it is probable , tbat this will be done in the near . future. Some action will likely he taken in the matter at the ij next meeting of the commission ;! ers. j Some time since when the matter of a new building for the • Ipoor was discussed the county | commissioners thought it ad j visable to buy another farm and •j re-locate the county home, but | the present board after looking into the question have decided • fully to rebuild on the old site and not buy another farm. While the land on which the . j county home is located is not i very productive yet there are many other advantages, among these being its location in the . centra! part of the county, the I large amount of timber on ihij place, the good water near by. and other things. ONLY St V i.N Ql ARTS ■ Walnut Cose Station's Whiskey Receipts Largely Reduced Under the New Law. , l I A Walnut Cove man in Dan j bury this week told the Reporter that only seven quarts of whis- I ; key had been shipped to the j Walnut Cove station since the i new quart law went into effect. He added that ordinarily, under , the former law, during the same ' length of time the receipts | would have been at least 100 1 I gallons. There is no question but that the new law will tremendously curtail the consumption of liquor. i j - ITO Call Another Meeting of Stockholders of Big Cieek Telephone Co. ; Messrs. .Joseph Frans and I lenry Wright, of Westffeld Route 1. were in Danbury yesterday on business connected with the Big Creek Telephone These i gentlemen reported that no busi ; ness of importance was transact ed at the meeting of the stock holders of the Big Creek Tele phone Co. at Westffeld Saturday, j It was learned that another meet-1 ingwill be called soon, when it is expected that several important changes will be made concerning, j the operation and up-keep of the j company's telephone system. Two Hundred arid Thirty People Attend liirthdav Dinner At Home of Air. I). F. Tillot son Other News of King Route 2. King Route 2. April •">. A sad I accident occurred in this section j Saturday afternoon when the II two-year-old child of Mr. and j ! Mrs. Durse Raton was accident-1 ! ally shot through the head by a | ! i revolver in the hands of a six 'i year-old boy who was making his home with Mr. and Mrs. » Raton. The particulars of the 'i accident are that Mr. and Mrs. 1 Eaton had gone away from home | ' for a few hours and left their! ! i two young children with the 'jhired boy. Soon after they left he found .Mr. Eaton's pistol and ' was playing with it when it went • oil', the ball entering the cheek bone of the child and coming out j *J at the back of its head, passing j '.just under the brain. I)rs. ! Tillotson and llelsabeck, who ■■attended the child, say that its I ' i 1 recover; ; s doubtful. A big surprise birthdav dinner, given Mr, D. F. Tillotson vester -1 day in honor of his ol'th an niversary was attended by two hundred and thirty of his friends. Each family brought along a well filled basket of good things. ; to eat and a table seventy-five j j feet long was erected in the yard where the dinner was eaten. Among the many and various o* her good things to eat there; .w. re no less Ohm lifty cakes on ' the table and everything else ir prop"; tion, ?.nd when one looked 1 on that table after it hail been i spread it certainly made one feel > like ur country didn't like for something to eat. % Aftsr dinner, the guests were entertained by excellent music by the Mount Olive string band and the occa sion was U most enjoyable one if for all present. Mr. C. H. Boyles and family, of Mt. Airy, spent Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wade H. Bo.vles, of King Route 2. Mr. Boyles is a prominent citizen of Mt. Airy. He has held a position with the Mt. Airy Furniture Co. for five years ami has a host of friends in this section. Mr. T. W. Oentry went to Winston-Salem last week. A lot of the young people went on the mountain Raster Monday, i : They report a tired time. SCRIBBLER. I , Oaath of Aged Woman, Mrs. -lane Til Ivy. wife of the ! late William Ti 1 ley. passed away at her home on Walnut Cove i Route d yesterday at the ad- j! , vaneed age of >•"> years. The . \ remains will be iaid to rest to- i day at the Brown grave; ard. Messrs. S. C. Rierson and A. | :W. Davis, of Walnut Cove, at-! I tended court here this week. Capt. R. L. Murphy and Others Present Petition To School Officials No Action Was Taken In the Matter. ! The County Board of Educa tion was in session several hours j at the court house in Danbury' 'yesterday, members S. P. Chris-u itian. N. A. Martin and J. Wilson'. | Mitchell being present. | The most important matter [before the Board was the con- j isideration of the building of an' (annex to the Walnut Cove High : School building. Messrs. it. L. Murphy and J. ('. Lasley, of Walnut Cove, and Prof. .J. W. Scroggs, principal of the school, presented a petition to the board containing a great many signers, ;in which it was asked that the [addition to the building be erect .j ed as early as possible. The • petition asks for a two story ad ' i dition, containing two rooms, the j upper room to be used as an i ; auditorium and the lower one as a recitation room for the first i grades. The Board of Education ; did not take any action in the i matter Monday but promised to! | give it further consideration at a , later meeting. j ! Aside from the above mention ed matter, the only other busi-l , ness before the b( ard was the •paying of a few claims against; i the school fund. I j CRIMINAL. COURT. ! •' ! Adjourned Thursday At ; Noon-= Cases Not Re-j ported In Last Issue--1 ! Judge Lyon Makes An, Order. The criminal term of Stokes Superior court adjourned Thurs day last at noon after being in ;se«-iot; for three and a half days, 'and Judge Lyon !i it immediately i for his home at Eii/.a rethtown , to spei.d Easier. The only cases tried dur-' ing the term which were not reported in the last issue of the • ( Reporter were as follows: State vs. Ban Oakley, larceny, lined $25.U0 and cost. State vs. hum Mabe, d. m. p/, judgment suspended upon pay ment of cost. State vs. S. A. Gibson, false pretense, prayer for judgment continued upon payment of cost. At the close of the term Judge Lyon made the following order which explains itself: "North Carolina. Stokes County, In Superior Court. i, Spring Term, 1015. ! In the matter of the Guardian- i ship and Administrations upon estates. Order. ! i The Grand Jury having re-!: 1 ported to the Court, That a great f number of Guardians, Adminis- ( trators and Executors have for j I a number of years failed to re view their bonds and iiie the an- ' nual returns as required by law 11 is ordered and adjudged by t the Court, That the Clerk of this \ Court proceed at once to notify '1 ail Guaidians, Executors, Ad- n ' ministrators and Trustees, that 1 a strict compliance of the law \ iis required and demanded. Upon e ; failure to comply with the law in t | making returns, the parties will i ; be attached as for contempt. C. C. LYON, Judge Presiding. \ No. 2,244 Tax Listers For Various Town ships of the County Are Ap pointed Several Uridines Received This Week. At the meeting of the cour.iy commissioners here this week the contract for the erection of the big steel bridge across Buf falo creek at (Jermanton was awarded to Austin Bros., of Atlanta, (la., at the price of iin, this firm's bid bein# lowest. The representatives of five other bridge-building com panies were here and placed bio* |on the work. The highest b:; was Si,(>:>:!.oo. The contract calls for the completion of th ' bridge in ninety days. Several bridges which have recently been completed in dif ferent sections of the count; were formally received by the 1 Board at its sessions here this week. The work before the commissioners required a three days session. The tax-listers for the various townships of the county were appointed by the commissioners and are as follows: Danbury township -L. J. Young. Meadows J. Walter Fowler. Yadkin—S. T. Oliver. Quaker (lap .1. R. I'. Hast. Big Creek —L. 1,. I owe. Peters Creek 11. 11. Reid. Snow Creek 11. T. Corn Beaver Island .). \Y. Y. •g. S.c'rnt.iwn Tut tie. Tvi;. Kdv ...rd W. Curr !, of Mizpih, has been appointed pcn.-i.i; tu.\ 'i -i' P;' tr.i county at large. The pa;, ing of several claim? against the county constituted the only other business before -the county commissioners. STOKES PRISONERS Taken To Slate Prison and Rockingham County Roads Friday. Sheriff W. C. Slate and Deputy E. O. Shelton carried the four prisoners sentenced at last week s term of Stokes court to the State penitentiary at Raleigh Friday. The names and terms of the four men were as follows: Flem and William Tuttle, burglary, five years for the former and three years for the latter: Pleas Hall, murder, fifteen years: Kid kimbal 1 , robbery, four years. Three negroes sentenced ti the roals of Rockingham county were also taken away Friday. These prisoners were Robt. Alex ander. Tom Slaughter and Will Bryan for robbing the hard ware store of Mr. W. IP Steph ens at Walnut Cove. Each of the three got a two-year senten ce. Mr. (I. 1,. Jarvis spent Sunday with his brother at Mount Airy.

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