JUNE IST TO 3RD. ■Reunion ot Confederate \ eterans At Richmond Promises To Be Great Occasion. Richmond, Va.. April lil, lb! I. Fifty years after the destruc tion of the Confederate capital and the end of the bitter War between the States, the gray-clad eterans of the Southern armies fcre to gather in the old strong bold of the Confederate States ' r the IM"» Reunion of the nited Confederate Veterans, me lst-.'lrd. Ceremonies the most su'iemn }. d unique are to be staged in Richmond daring reunion week, and from every part of the South i mes word of the thousands of isitors who are to attend. Ar -angements for the care and omfort of lo,iibO veterans have ieen made by the general com mittee, headed by Captain .lohn The granting of a flat railway rate of one cent a mile to Richmond for the big at fair is ex pected to draw to the city 100,- •0 loyal Southern people. The outstanding feature of the week will be the formal opening : the Confederate Memorial nstitute, the imposing treasure "ouse for relics of the War be v.veen the States, which has been erected in Richmond after years ■ : effort. Another feature will •• the laying of the corner-stone : the statue of Stonewall Jack- R« autif . Monument Avenue is • converte 1 into a court of hon thG g nera * mitt 66 to the i> ■: uli t,v Stat* - in a led in the organization of the 'nited ''>•. federate Veterans, nd it is confidently expected : .at i:i view of the importance of • e occasion many will accept. In addition, the committee has ".cited to be present the fol'ow -g ladies, wives of distinguished nfederate chieftians: Mrs. .1. !!. Stuart, Mrs. \V. H. Fitz •gh I.ee. and Miss Mary Curtis _>'o. Richmond is preparing to ob --r e with fitting ceremonies the VS Lo::gh> D>V'I)S t •; > tnG rung of the throat and ! mgs, nd makes the e.-ughing sj -lis ess severe. A family with growing children shout i not lie vithout it. Keep it handy for all Coughs and Colds. '2"e. at our Truggist. Electric Hitters ;i Spring Tonic. Laffargue PIANO Excells in Purity of Tone and Durability of Construction. Cataogue Free- Write Department S. R. J. BOWEN & BRO.: Winston-Salem, N. C. We carry a complete line of Edison Phonographs and Re cords. Write for catalogue of new records. i CALOMEL DYNAMITES YOUR LIVER! MAKES YOU SICK AND SALIVATES "Dodscrfs Liver Tone" Starts Your Liver Better Than Calomel and You Don't Lose a Day's Work I l.ivon I.l' \onr li\r' Kro! | !•!»•• an*! ••liii-rl'til; make \"ii work .1 I I •^.11• U» \ !»«irt»n« an«l tall •»! tititi. Hut lake it«» i';i>t \. .i.t i.u ron-j I'siNniit 1 l»r» .iii-v it tii.iki -y n k ainl I % %•!! Ills: \ I -• .4 »lil\*«4 \>"lk (.ilotml iii.«• i't iii'\ «»r • |it it k-il\« r , ulii M call"* iit !■; flu* Imin j t 'alotiM'l • ra>ht - into *o»r I»»•« 11k• * • »!\ii.tii'it• i rr.ik i.j it iifi lh.it'* witch i > i u !«•••! t'u'i ,IV\ till ii.ri.4r;• i « i .Ufipinir. I .-TEN M tin*' ! F \«»II •C N t ' C|| Jl»\ tli tin -t. p-t.tlc-t I'M • ' i I'oui ! elt all-ill\oii «\ct C\|N i,. ri .«| iiiht. take a > V iA>Li\d vi lA irt-n's Li wr NEWS OF MT. AIRY. Pilot Mt. \ otes For Bonds For Roads—Much Produce. Being Shipped. Ml. Airy Le;i.|.'i\ As we go to press we learn that the vote in Pilot Mountain i township last Monday was ITD • for good roads and against more than :5 to tin favor of! good roads. Mrs. S. F. Neal. formerly of | Westfieid.now living in Winston, underwent a serious operation, at one of the Winston hospitals ! last Friday. Her friends arei hopefui that the operation mayi prove a success. Mrs. Neal is a; sister of Dr. .1. M. Flippin of. this city. One day last week the produce dealers here bought and shipped away in one day IJ7 coops of chickens and over l" 11 cases of of eggs. The coops had Rl hens '•acq. a: >! t!ic- price paid •em - i:i' e jgs averaged. little, a- d for all this the cash was nam. K:i\iii pay s out iv. »c«• money -.cry year for chickens ar.d eggs iium the entire amount of tobaee > s i on the market lie re brings and all that is shipped away from here. If you do out believe it. get the figures and see. Tuesday Mr. J. T. Smith of West lie Id went with his brother. Mr. J. R. Smith, also of West field, to Winston and will leave him at the Twin City Hospital. Mr. Smith's health has, for some time, been bad and he will take the x-ray treatment in order to 1 determine ;ust what the trouble is. A Big Concern. invar. :s towns in North i Carolina a car or two ago oil tanks n i appeal ing similar to • . the Standard >i! Com- , panyN i :• they bore the logend. "T« m.s >'! Company." At first it vec - cel.Then d possii iy a m.id form of coi.'.pefition and n«» a'- tentto:. was paid to it. but thesr Texas tar.k> continued to mulii ply. and it became evident that the Texas was a factor in the oil' trade. That company has lateiv added s7,Mm,(inn to its capital stock, this having been done in order to increase its facilities for business. The company has now accumulated a capital of §•'17.000,(11)11. The report says 1 that in spite of the war, the Tex-!' as has not only been able to maintain it volume of business, ' but to increase it to'such an ex- i tent as to make the expenditure • for enlarged facilities an absolute j necessity. The gratifying fea- , ture is that the Texas has not in- i, jured its competitor, but both , have developed and increased! business to the benefit of the I country. Charlotte Observer, j; THE DANBURY REPORTER I inn" tnniiiht. Your ilrupjiisi or dealer M'll.i >iiii a .".it it lit I tot tlo of lliul-oti's i.i\or luttf itmli i' tii\ |it i-t.ii iI in iifv- I lllk oillll .llllif tllllt I .It'll s|lOtl|| fu 1 will ■ It an toiir >IIIOOI«Ii liM>r In ■it i' tlmn a -o oi tumn f.iloiiifl ami tlial it won't lll.lkr Volt Silk. I>Ol|-OII"S Elver Totio is rt'til liver it'ftli. nit. You'll Know it ni'M inotniiio Uiniisi' ion will wako tip fiiliiii; lino. I oil'.' In"i will In' working; lioailiii'ln* ntlil i|i-/iiirs» u'olio; stoniiiili will lie -wnt ami I low 11- tt-oiilur. |t. ,|»,m's I i\i r Tono is oiitireh tip - i.H i", tl n'oil' i.uriili'ss an.| .-.in not -a lit nlo. i. i■ it to yi»llr i 'liklioil. Vn:..ii. n| piiiplo ato tisim.' It", Una's I iti r I"i 111■ • ii -!■ a I of ilunooroa- .'.ilonn l i"W \ our .iiiL'L'i»l will toll ton ll.at I -.1" oi talomvi alniist sl 'ppul intitilt litll. DOCTORS MUST REPORT | Main Prosecution Under the \ ital Statistic Law . j "The Vital Statistics law must be respected," is the position , taken by the Deputy State Reg ; istrar who has just returned from a trip over the eastern part of i the State prosecuting doctors, Imidwives and undertakers who I have been delinquent in report ing births and deaths to their ; local registrar. It appears that in many cases i the doctors, midwives and under takers have gotten the impres sion that the local registrars are ,to look them up and get their 1 reports. Similarly, some of the registrars have objected to and even resigned their office because . t'nev thought they had to follow up the doctors, midwives and undertakers and get reports of births and deaths from them. Now this is all wrong. It is it :. e livn! registrar's duty in any ea-e t> follow up the da-tors, midwives and undertakers or i. .-ii t i a-' : ; the: >r rep. >rts. i.a'" is very uia.n on t.. - P ir.t and the local .•••gistrars of the State have been advised as to their duty, as have also the physicians, mi l\v ; v»s and under takers. The Vital Statistics Depart ment recently employed a special assistant to aid in making prose cutions where gross or wilful neglect has been found in the matter of reporting births and : deaths. The law, to be of any value to any one, must be fully enforced, otherwise the records! will not only deficient, but the statistics will be wrong and ac tually misleading and one will know how misleading or how far wrong they really are. In other words, the thiry or forty thousand dollars no v spent on this matter will he •.. ; sled or oven worse than was*- ! if the law is not fullv enf Tv !. Tu'd That There Was V . Cure lor Him. "After suffering fir over twenty years with in kgestion and having some of the best doc tors here tell mo there was no cure for me. I think it only right to tell you for the sake of other sulferers as well as your own satisfaction that a 2."> cent bottle of Chamberlain's Tablets not, only relieved me but cured me' within two months although I am a man of (jo years." writes Jul. Grobien, Houston, Texas, i For sale by all dealers. For Sale. One milch cow, one mule, one 1! one-horse wagon, one two-horse j wagon, one buggy, one wheat j drill. For particulars see MRS. MARY V. CREWS. Germanton, N. C., Route 2. i 31mch4t ' Splendid for Rheumatism. "I think Chamberlain's Lini i ment is just splendid for rheuma jtism." writes Mr. Dunburgh. i Eld ridge, N. Y. "It has been | used by myself and other mem bers of my family time and time again during the past six years and has always given the best of satisfaction." The quick relief ; from pain which Chamberlain's ! Liniment affords is alone worth many times the cost. For sale ; by all dealers. i cMsnznnzmm ■ try aufSkrrw "■.■-wC, IW «/[ t.-i.e f. • ••-■» Ill* ii'»l ®f ii .* • V UM-.eAs tott .e I \ ) 5c I ' lit nil grorrrA. vw/ ITT Dlawoiul. M. Huin.t || .V r». # \| / ! y\j 4«>i# V 41 It HI., I'liil.. j *f J [N E W HARDWARE ' i STORE I i To Our Friends and the Public Generally: The season of the year is coming now i when farmers will need many articles carried in a hardware store and we desire to say that our line is complete and you will find anything here usually carried in a hardware store at prices as low as the lowest. Come to see us and let us show you our goods and prices Yours to serve, IGermanton hardware Co., 'Successors to J. W. Kurfees Hardware Co.) I "Germanton. I\. ; ®©c®®©e®*©e®®®®®©®®«»®®®®« 1 jasshJ; Mmli ** y \ 1 * ft ; * lam better pre- J ' pared to serve A 8 you in anything needed in the machinery # line both new and second hand machinery J of various kinds. I am now stationed at S iZ Pilot Mountain, N. C., and receive machin- Z 2 cry by the car load. I can give you the best Z W freight rate, with terms to suit customers. # g Drop me a card and let me know your need. • |5 I am sure I can save you money on anything J j £ you want. Your friend. I T.J.Thore 11 • T>'\ 4- Mt- { ! $ Pilot Mt. S g N r 2 ■ | N - c - v..: ' " © — i BANK OF KING WWWBIiIiAAABAAAA■MtMWMHtroagWMBgBAWM m " ~ pJ Is Open for Business! | Offering You Safe, Honest. Courteous Banking Service. Start a Savings Account. ( We Pay 4 Per Cent. Interest. •S 1 l 7 a-■'jj,. i on time deposits compounded quarter- >*v>r ! ly. Give us your checking account. ( i %Cfii if it is only a small one. We will ap- predate it. I DIRKCTORS: 1 MTI DR. J. WALTER NEAI. X. E. PEPPER I C. 0. ROY EES ' M. T. CHILTON 1 ! S. W. FULLIAM V. T. GRABS I w - R - LITTER- /p* | i V. T. GRABS, PRES. T. S. PETREE, CASHIER ' ! VrrAvk/XN'o *"V,-^- t 7VyACVg-v"VOfSj] ] Kotice! Having qualified as executor i of the last will and testament of ■ Charles W. Wall, deceased, all j persons having claims against " j the estate of the said deceased 'are hereby notified to present ' the same on or before the Ist ' day of April. lf)Hi, or this notice j will be pleaded in bar of their recovery, and all persons owing said estate will please make settlement with the undersigned at once. This March 2!>th, 11)11. N. S. JONES. Executor. 'N. ). Petree. Atty. | DR. H. V. HORTON, Dentist, Is now back in his old location, i corner 3rd and Main Streets, M Wachovia Bank & Trust Co. I' building. ' | WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. j Rooms: 301, 302, 303. DR. JNO. K. PEPPER. ■ Disease of the Stomach and ■ j Intestines. . ' .MoNonic Temple. .j Winston-Salem, N. C. 11 DONALD. D. HAWKINS Attorney-at-Law 4th Floor Wachovia Bank Building, Collections a Specialty. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. $ j J. W. HALL, Attorney-at-Law, DANBURY, N. C. Prompt attention to all business entrusted. ; Will practice in all courts,. both State and Federal. Office over Martin's store. JOHN D. HUMPHREYS, Attorney-at-Law, DANBURY, N. C. Prompt attention to all buaineaa entrusted. Will praotioe in ail State oourta. Levi >V. Ferguson. Arthur R. Ferituson ' Ferguson & Ferguson Attorneys At Law, Over Thompson's Drug Store, Winston-Salem, N.C. Phone 1126. Collection a Specialty. Notary Public in Office. DR. W. H. CRITZ DENTIST. Office over Drug Store. Ilnvc I *l«*|»9t«iiif* WALNUT COVE. - N C I ; Dr. A. S. Mitchell j OPTOMETRIST. i M.V \vl|. .It' tilllc .111(1 ;|l leiitlnii is given to the tit ting of glitsses, mill charges for sniiu' \cr t v retisonahle. I'or reference usU any Inisi lless house in t he city. h'fiee Klinont Than tie l'hlg.. wi.Ns'n >.\-s.\ i,i:m, x. •. p=j Bruise*, Sores, Wounds end Piles quickly healed with Arnica Seivr. It prevents infection, is antiseptic, soothing, healing. Try it once. Money Back If It Fails. The Original and Genuine. Bucklen's Arnica Salve Flcnls the Hurt All Druggists and Dealers, 25c- Dig Bargain In Tartu. oSMi acres 1 1 -i? miles frt.ru I Kidgeway, Va., on X. LV V.. I Kail way. (>."> acres fine bottirn ? land on Marrowbone creek, I about 100 acres strong red up land, probably 200 acres on the place level enough to run any kind of machinery, the balance ; rolling with some of nearly all kinds of timber. This is one of the best farms in southern Virginia, fertile and very pro ductive, very tine grain farm, and well adapted to all crops grown in Virginia and North Carolina. Four room house and out buildings, also two tenant houses and three tobacco barns, (iood many old fruit trees, excel lent varities. Price s7,">H).o'>, one-third cash and balance one, two, three, four and five years. J Write the owner, J. \V. Jones, j Martinsville, \ a., for further I information. Slmchst ?