ANNUAL EXHIBIT OF STOKES COUNTY. The following claims were audited by the Board of Commission ers of Stokes County, N. C.. during the year ending Dec. 4, 1916: M T Chilton, supplies for CS C Office, etc., $ 21 90 J F Smith. 1 day as juror assessing damage, 2 00 OotTell L> Hall, jail account for November, 1915, 28 70 Edwtu'd & Brooghton, one order bo>k 1 57 Ed Slate, for lumber used on Union Mill bridge 66 76 J A Lewis, coal for jail 16 88 Tbos. Martin, for top-soil 10 00 E L Martin, refund on property tax 6 38 R T Coe, conveying Amanda Edwards to county home, 1 50 Moore's Mineral Springs Co.. lumber for trunks on road, 54 26 S C Hill, refund on double tax, 5 77 N O Petree, postage account, supplies, etc., for Treasurer, 4 38 E O Shelton. conveying Dave Head to jail, 10 40 W P HolUdMrm demonstrator for December, 1915, 45 00 W PJjfKtmnn dem natrator for January, 1916, 45 00 marriage license blanks, .75 pplies for R. D. and C. S. C. 5 53 ' T ,QjKe for top-soil in Meadows township, 300 Home for February, 1916. 40 00 88 County Commissioner and mileage, 38 95 refund on Mountain View School District, 1 1 1 serving 6 election officers in School District, 3 60 Worrell D Hall, jail account for February, 1916, 85 65 W P Holt, farm demonstrator for February 1916, 45 00 Roy Shelton, refund on property tax, 32 01 Farmers Supply Store, merchandise for prisoners, 12 95 W C Slate, in case State vs Raleigh Bullin, 10 50 " Slate, serving jurors for Spring Term, 1916, 17 70 " Slate, summoning jury to lav out road in Snow Creek 255 " Slate, State vs Haydon and Belford, 400 " Slate, State vs G D Griffin, 100 15 D C Taylor,. State vs Lum Frazier, 25 00 J F Sisk, judge in school election and making reports, 4 00 * J J Priddy, serving two road orders, 120 Danbury Reporter, supplies for court house, 27 50 G D Hall, supplies for jail, 20 95 G D Hall, supplies for jail and account for March, 1916, 112 54 W L Nelson & Co., 1584 pounds coal for jail, 3 96 J M Venable, Registrar in School election, 13 05 C C Boy lea, Registrar in School election, 11 59 t J W.George, Judge in School election and making reports, 400 . 1-3 W Staples, State vs Wood Benton, 15 00 7 Edward & Broughton, supplies for CSC office. 980 S R Biggs, refund poll tax, 3 20 M C Boles, refund on property tax in Pinnacle School District, 1 34 Mrs. William Duggins, confederate pensioner, 20 00 Elliott Fisher Co., repair of book machine, 26 67 Joyce-Jones & Co., pump and supplies for well at jail, 42 91 Joel Sheppard, one day as juror laying out road. 1 00 W S Watkins. one day as juror laying out road, 1 00 R R King, removing mud from Walnut Cove bridge. 5 00 Frank Dunlap, conveying Hardin Mabe to jail, 2 00 R S Coleman, keeping County Home for March, 1916, 40 00 J W Lawrence, one day laying road, 1 00 Walter Ray, one day laying out road, 1 00 j H F Wright, one day laying out road, 1 00 9»A George, one day laying out road, 1 00 W A Christian, one day laying road; 1 00 WP Holt, farm demonstrator, for March, 1916, 45 00 J F Rierson, one day laying out road 1 00 W R Hylton, one day laying out road 1 00 P H Hall, one day laying out road 1 00 ifr*!: £ P McAnally. conveying Mary Blackwell to Hospital, 18 68 W R Hundley, refund poll tax 3 20 Town Fork Telephone Co.. certificate of stock, 7 75 Thomasville Furniture Co., supplies for County Home, 212 15 D G Hall, conveying Jesse Brown to jail, 2 00 S J Tuttle, for top soil in Danbury township, 10 00 J W Young, for top-soil in Meadows township, 36 00 Z R Moran, for top-soil in Meadows township, 30 00 W A Southern, for top soil and bar pit, 16 00 Dr. H M Alexander, diphtheria anitoxin, 31 95 J E Wall, conveying Clinard to iail 5 00 J E Wall, conveying Houston Pegram to jail, 3 00 Dick Hart, one day laying out road, 1 00 Walker, Evans & Cogswell Co., abstracts, binders, etc., 14 67 *1 O Petree, amount paid Mrs. J C Cheek, court reporter, 54 60 • Sill Hawkins, cleaning toilet for two courts, 400 Meal & Spencer, 11 gallons paint for jail, 11 00 m Iti V Gordon, one day as judge in School election, 200 Edward & Broughton. 2 record ribbons, 2 00 , -0 II Moser, 160 feet bridge lumber and nails. 2 50 \V P Holt, farm demonstrator for April, 1916, 45 00 H F Wright, serving 2 road orders, 1 20 L E Sprinkle, 84 feet lumber for bridge and nails, .90 fieo. Smith, 4 loads of wood Spring Term, 1916. 500 O Shelton, 8 days as court officer Spring Term, . 16 00 J J C France, one day laying out road, 100 JR F Shelton. one day laying out road, 1 00 1J \V Burwell, one day lading out road, 100 fC A Mlfckty. one day laying out road, 1 00 i J E Wall D. S., 5J days and one night as court officer, 12 50 SF E Petree, one-half acre top-soil in Meadows township, 4 00 JU J Priddy, 4 days as court officer, Spring Term, 1916, 6 00 ..J/fXVjA Jessup, 5 days as court officer, 10 00 j|V J If rank Dunlap, 5 days and 1 night as court officer, 12 00 KAVjR Petree, 2i acres of top-soil Tn Meadows township, 20 00 K Slate, summoning jury to lay out road in P C township, 255 ■) Thomas, DS, 3 days as court officer Spring Term, 1916, 600 Martin, painting and repairing roof of jail. 12 43 HColeman. keeping County Home for April. 1916, 40 00 ■Coleman, carbide for County Home, freight, etc., 4 27 ■ MeCanl«*ss, County Physician, from May 1, 1916, to ■May 1.1916, 150 00 THE DANBURY REPORTER R S Coleman, packing lumber at Coanty Home, 5 921 R S Coleman, one trip to King for Lillie Lane, 2 50 j (J D Hall, jail account for April, 1916, 60 90 Silas A Westmoreland, refund poll tax in Yadkin township, 'l6, 3 201 Wesley Mabe, refund on property tax in P C township, 4 73 J Wesley Morefield, conveying Harrison Nailor to County Home, 2 50 J W Fleming, registrar in trustees election at Pinnacle, 14 131 V G Watson, judge in trustees election at Pinnacle. 2 00 Robert Westmoreland, judos in trustees election at Pinnacle 200 Walker, Evans & Cogswell Co., birth and death certificates, 879 G D Hall, jail account for May, 1916, washing, etc. 19 25 Robert H Priddy, listing tax in Snow Creek township, 1916, 31 75 H H Reid, listing tax in Peter's Creek township, 1916, 17 60 H G Tuitle, judge in June election. 2 00 J N Martin, judge in June election, 2 00 S G Brown, registrar in June election, 15 04 Junius Burton, judge in June election, 2 00 J L Murray, judge in June election, 2 00 S R Fulp, registrar in June election, 17 63 L J Kiser, judge in June election, 2 00 L K Pulliam, judge in June election, 2 00 J B Greene, jud e in June election, 2 00 F S Ross, registrar in Juneelection, 16 82 Geo. Lewis, judge in June election, 2 00 J T Joyce, judge in June election, 2 00 , J H Brown, judge in June election, 2 00 G A Hutcherson, registrar in June election, 19 64 W L McCanless, boarding jury in case Culler vs Fulp, 6 50 " " " State vs Sterling Bel ford, 26 CO i " " ••••«• g tale v 3 Chas. Headon, 19 50 W C Slate, expense in case vs Sid Love, 10 9o " summoning jury to lay out road 2 55 i " " serving notice on 48 election officers, 14 40 , " " time and expense in conveving Will Moore to jail, 400 ! " " serving notice in Walnut Cove school election, .90 Elliott-Fisher Co., 2 record ribbons and machine oil, 1 75 M T Chilton, expense, supplies, etc., in office, 33 14 E L> Smith, judge in June election and making reports, 4 00 W M Martin, judge in June election, 2 00 J F George, registrar in June election, 13 48 H H Reid, judge in June election, 2 00 T G Reynolds, judge in June election and making reports 4 00 L W Blackwell, judge in June election. 2 00 E L al-'tchell, registrar in June election. 16 52 John W. Young, judge in June election, 2 0(1 'J W Adkins, judge in June election, 2 00 W P Holt, farm demonstrator for May 1916, 45 0U W R Lawson, refund on property tax in Meadows township, 796 | R S Coleman, keeping County Home for May, 1916, 47 00 ! R S Coleman, merchandise for County Home, etc.. 4 65 J J S Whitten, registrar in June election, 19 20 J W Young, listing tax in Beaver Island township, 32 15 [J T Johnson, registrar in June election, 16 93 i D.F Tillotson, judge in June election, 2 00\ | Millard Covington, judge in June election, 2 00 L M McKenzie, Registrar in June election, 17 17 ; j C R Christian, judge in June election, etc., 4 00 : W D George, registrar in June election, 15 151 J F Nunn, judge in June election and making reports, 4 00 J M Smith, registrar in June election, 16 64 Joe Francis, judge in June election, 2 00' Jesse Beaslev, judge in June election, 2 00 G W Newsom, judge in June election, 2 00 RT Beck, judge in June election, 2 00 R W Hill, registrai in June election, 14 89 Presley Palmer, judge in June election, 2 00 D A Simmons, judge in Juneelection, 2 00 J H Carter, registrar in June election, 18 90 J R Stone, registrar in June election, 17 31 i W A Sullivan, judge in June election, 2 00 T G Watson, judge in June election, 2 00 , W C Slate, refund State tax on Mt. Airy Furniture Co., 2 19 J E Jessup. dynamite and caps, etc., used on road, 4 50 Watt Priddy, refund on property tax in Danbury township. 3 43' Roxyanna Tuttle, for 1600 feet lumber at $4.00 per thousand, 640 j J M Alley, registrar in June election, 16 841 0 F Young, judge in June election 2 00 J D Smith, judge in June election, 2 00 Jesse A Lawson, serving on board of election 4 days, 8 00 J F Smith, serving on board of election and phone message, 816 Town Fork Telephone Co., three batteries for phone at C. H., 1 00 Danbury Reporter, printing notices for election, tax round, etc., 16 50 W C Slate, expense conveying Mandy Yates to jail, 4 00 T D Young, refund poll tax for 1914, in Meadows township, 2 45 E O Shelton, conveying Mandy Yates to Morganton, 22 45 S II Stewart, registrar in Walnut Cove School election, 12 00 D S Watkins, judge in Walnut Cove School election, 2 00 T J Covington, judge in Walnut Cove School election, 2 00 W C Slate, examination of Mandy Yates and mileage, 2 20 L J Young, 3'. days delivering tickets in June primary, 1.7 75 1 W P Holt, farm demonstrator for June, 1916, 45 00 M T Chilton, cost in case Z R Moran, et al vs Bd. Co. Corns., 650 J R P East, listing tax in Quaker Gap township, 33 45 Penn Hardware Co., one coffin for Geo. Samuel, 20 00 Robt. Cook, for the burial rebe of S G Arrington, (con. Pen.) 20 00 T J Covington, examination of Mandy Yates. 2 00 R S Coleman, keeping Coanty Home for June 1916, 52 00 Laura S McKinney, refund on property tax for 1915, 4 75 L L Lowe, listing tax in Big Creek township, 28 85 J W Fowler, listing tax in Meadows township, 36 00 J H Fulton, 4 days member of Bd. of election, delivering tickets, etc., 10 00 R G Tuttle, examination of Mandy Yates in 1914, 2 00 j Edwin Kiser, listing tax in Yadkin township, 58 25 G D Hall, jail account for June and washing, etc., 27 60 j J W Gann, 9 days as County Commissioner and mileage, 37 501 Joseph Martin, 9 days as County Commissioner and mileage. 32 60 j 1 D Barr, 15 days as County Csmmissioner and other work, 59 801 Danbury Reporter, publishing notices in election in S. C. Tp., 10 75 H G Tuttle, listing tax in Sauratown for 1916, 60 35 Ada B Snow, court reporter in road cases vs Bd. Co. Com. 109 20 j L J Young, listing tax in Danbury township for 1916, 20 50' J G Morefield, balancing tax books and abstracts, 20 00 j J J Priddy, serving registrar and judges in Snow Creek township election, .90 W D Thomas, serving 3 notices in Finnacle trustees election, 180 N O Petree, supplies for treasurer's office, 4 60. J J Martin, 2days on pension board, 4 00 j Walker-Evans & Cogswell Co.. supplies for R. D.'s office, 4 33 W P Holt, farm demonstrator for July 1916. 45 00 Edward & Broughton, one county order book, 1 31 Luther W Blackwell, refund on property tax in Pine Hall School District, 2 71 A F Rominger, damage to crop in Sauratown township 20 00 W C Slate, conveying Tom Long to jail. 3 50} Edward & Broughton, judgment docket for CSC, 16 50! R S Coleman, keeping County Home for July, 1916, 45 80 j R S Coleman, keeping County Home for July, 1916, 17 70! R S Coleman, carbide, lime, straw, etc., 10 00 John A Neal, conveying Lillie Thornsbury to Hospital, 20 40 Wachovia Bank & Trust Co.. interest on S4OOO note dated August 3rd, 102 00 J W Slate, treas. County's part of R R tax for 1914-15, 306 50 J Walter Neal, treas.. County'p part of R R tax for 1915, 44 67 N E Pepper, treas., County's part of R R tax for 1915, 24 05 G D Hall, jail account July, 1916, 27 25 J P Smith, damage for top-soil in Sauratown township, 8 00 M V Mabe, 2 days on pension board, 2 00 (Continued on page 4.) To Stop Stlf-Poisoninf. For furred and coated tongue, billiousness, sour stomach, in dijestion, constipation and other .results of a fermenting and poisoning masß of undigested JNNHNHSNHIIf * f THE GIFT j 1 The Place of Everlastft^-" 1 and Useful Gifts. BEING UP-TO-DATE IN ' EVERY RESPECT. * ' 2 Especially prepared to do all .2|ii 2 kinds of Watch, Clock and 2 "tj • Jewelry repairing, also design- 2 * 2 ing and making of Gold hand 2 S made Jewelry. All work being Si. 2 guaranteed to give entire satis- 2s f 2 faction. w | We cordially invite and solicit fit' | your patronage. •£ 1 THE GIFT SHOP I J Lineback & Walker, Jewelers and Optometrists. g 428 N. Liberty St., Winston, N. C. * .. Ir nl December Bargains! Boys' Suits $2.48, $2.98, $3.50, $4.95, $6.50. Men'S Suits $7.50, $lO., $12.50, $15.00, SIB.OO. Everything in Shoes for Men . and Boys. . „ lir C ' «" ■' *•: '& ti notMn^^^^^^222 nor sicken; aejt prsmifißßmfl everywhere. . i/JKHB