WKHNKSDAY. FEB. 23. HSIV, > I FARM LOANS I £ _ 0 g The Mortgage that Never Comes Due" > s—- - | o Applications Solicited for Loans on Farm o > Land in Stokes, Forsyth and $ $ Surry Counties. oi o By The $j > Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank S Capital $550,000.00 o Organized and Operating Under Supervision $ $ U. S. Governmet. 0 v 0 > Loans made on the 33-YEAR Goverment Amortization 0 v Plan. Interest Rate 6 per cent. (Semi-annual Payments,) 0 V No Bonus or Commission charged. Liberal optional re- 0 » payment privileges. No stock subscription. No red tape. Q Loans made direct to borrower. Loans closed and monev $1 paid through our representative in your own county. t Prompt Appraisals No Delay Quick Action 0 Y ' . Oj For application blanks and further particulars write S Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank ( Or Apply Direct to 0 A C. E. DAVIS, Cashier 0 BANK OF STOKES COUNTY, X 0 ISftf Walnut Cove, N. C. Oj Walnut Cove Items | Walnut Cow Rout:' 1. Felt. 1 ;t. —' The fanners are busy fixing plant j I'eils in this section. Mr. and Mrs. Coy Carroll and chil dren, of Mt. Airy, returned home! today after spending a week with M I's. .1. .1, Mosey. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Coleman aiv spending the week end in Winston- Salem. Mr. and Mrs. \V. 1.. Rierson an! ihi Id ren, of Madison, spent most of las' week with Mrs. .1. .1 Moser. Mr. 1!. '. Allen i- \ir-i t i l it»' Ills. In-other. Mr. M. t). Allen, i: ar High l'oint. Mrs. I. .1. "! >m r who lia- 1 ■«-t 11 r. al -iik for the last four i*-. im proving a little. Mr. and M>>. R. I'. Moser and M:- Meatil"! -Moser and Mr I ha.-. Vol 1 !!'/ spent la-t Stualav with fiietni.- in lliih l'oint. Mr. T. 11. Young lla- Imtirht I: n; a in w l ord. Mr. M. T. .Meadows i- \.r,\ sick at this writing. Mr. J. !•'. Allen spent Sunday wi'.h 1-is sister, Mrs. ,1. .1. Mo-er. Misses I.illian and l,ula Rioi-smi Over a period THE Ford car has remained the undisputed leader for value in the motoring world. There are certain fundamental reasons why this is true. It is a car, properly designed and staunchly constructed, having a motor which has proved itself reliable, long-lived and economical. It Ls adequately serviced by an organization reaching to every community and neighborhood. These com bine to give the Ford car the highest resale value in rudor Sedan proportion to list price. $ C? And as production volume of the Ford has grown the purchase price has been steadily reduced. Runabout - - $260 Touring Car •• 290 fi i/ FoXrScd u « - 660 A3 DETROIT On open car* demountable rims and starter are SBS extra See the Nearest Aumorized Ford Dealer au tmc« /. o. b. D«troi« VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AT ALL FORD PLANTS I and t lady and Perry Rierson and ! Joe Snider, of Madison, visited Miss i Meathel Moser last Sunday. | Wlun the Hoard of Aj-»i. \:!tuv ofj i' ni* • !*t oanty held its rtr.-t n- •t- j ing i:i January, the iih iitlvr.s amv.d I ' that the organization of the I . ,r-i ! and the monthly meetings would ,i | I much foi farming in '.hat count;., t. - ' , ;>i• i:Count j Agent I'. W. l-'i.-dcr. j i ADMINISTRATRIX NOTK E. ! ! Ilav.no- ijualilied ■ a Iministrat rix j t'potj tin- estate of li. ilail-'oti. j J' i ast't!, late ~{ »->;t:uy, N.C.I ■ •il t r oils iinlchtci t . >jiid e- at an none 'ed to nuke immediate - :• .licit, and all -t. -tis holding ::i»l>.ugaias' said estate are hefeiiv , i ' itied to p .-iit the .-"in. duly iiu th' ti . . tid, t' ■ r payment, to the tin-1 notsigt',. d adniitiist rat rix at Walnut ■ >'e. N. .. on or in re tile Jttth day i i f l-'eii., lie-;, tiij- ii ;it will In [ nleadi i! in liar of their recovery. J This null day of I't'l.., l MARY M. li AIRS TON. j Administratrix. Jas. W. Manuel, Any. '!«' dan in K\ ', Gwei Hi'!' ) it Ls. ' )(l I: tl : .'Mli(ill * ! f.-vni- -in ;uM educa-! > it i- hi- f'.tiila l inn \ > .-lor.'. of out- i-ivil:;::;iiiiji. Tl.•. l ;1 >r-i k > .itti •r::!!iv i f a jrivsit .\orth ' arolin > iitii, "A (ii nioi-tai y e.ii,hot lie 1-uilt >, "ii the hack.- i f imiorani nun," * I .-•"iiiiiii'l an everlasting; truth. *1 Tin* fundamental factor in our of education is the public j school system, liecause every pro , 1 cess ot educational development > I must bfjrin at the bottom. There * i fore we need to stress more ami >jnioiv the work of our elementary ' and hijrh s-hools! ( I found to be the outstanding needs , North Carolina, as 1 visualized , them during my travels covering . some forty thousand miles in ninety -1 eight counties in the past twelve months, I would unhesitatingly re ply: Agricultural improvement and rural betterment. If 1 should then be askeed to suggest what I consid ered the prime remedy for supply : ing this needed, I would say: More Kducation, both academic and voca tional.—(Jov. McLean in his inaugur al addreess. The Farmers Club of Craven ! ounty will help to support a strong truckers association and to establish a central milk plant in New Hern this year, reports county agent C. 1!. Fa ris. February :Mtli. Watch out. Shore , Mercantile Co., King. I i ——————————— 1 I Spring Dress Goods, j Slippers colors. | Ladies,' Misses' and j | Children's liats. ; THE BOYLES CO., King, N. C, ! ! | ! 1 ' " | Present Hoard !s i\(. - ■ \])!)'>l PI. ! j I'ne I .egi. 'it are 1., -1 we. j • i member- f..r the I'mati!- 'f I'.l '.I '.'l 11.,.- >' tl.l ( ill,til'S of 11 ..• State. l'lie i-f'seiit I Son t*d in Sinke.- re appointed. as follow.-: J. I;, l-orrest, .John 1.. Christian and \V. S. Steele. Ready To Help Hub—"l met Hawkins on the street today and the poor chap was very gloomy—told me he was per fectly willing to die." Wife—"Oh, Tom. why didn't you ask him here to dinner?"—Huston Transcript. Obscure Works Ethel—"l)o you like Beethoven's works, Mr. I'onks?" Mr. I'onks—"Never visited 'em— wot does V manufacture?"— The Humorist (London.) Fat: "Why are you wearing so many coats on such a hot day?" Mike (carrying a paint cam: "I am goin' to paint my fence, and it | says to obtain best results put on ' three coats." | Tom Tarheel says it docs look like folks are going to tempt the boll | weevil too far this year by planting I too much cotton, and not enough food and feed crops. Backache " Don't put up with it It's Hip stimulating eject ti ir {Mean's has en t!i" circulat: i that makes ii so womierl.J'y effective in relieving pari. 1' it 011 gently—without rubbin/. It will not stain, lief ore \\>u know it, your backache is gone. All druggists—3s cents. Sloan's Liniment—A ilk pain! ~~ Ain't It? Whiz "Lots of foreigners are ! . omitijr into our country." j Hanir --"Yes. immigration is tin sincerest form of flattery."—Anuri ! t .111 Leg., n Weekly. OtJC I =r3rat==nsaoa nnLUUi.MHB.?" 1 "nr^r-—«'ini.'.'^"ywnw Weak, Aiiing WOME N in should take nn uu liU In] The woman's Tonic jjjj [j j Sold Everywhere {j|j' 33 [iO a n n era L m cn-.:r=i □ a j ■3BBaLL-U'i:-Ji-rir-----"-r-Ti--iri'.'--■ 11 'inn °»~aruui«r. MM or* w-\i«iiwh>-ji-ch.iih ß '.h wnmr rwwu: ww—un—i——m | iC^ > >OOO 0 >C>C>^ if 1 g NO FUSS—NO MUSS I o Zip==and It's Done! o 0 Chanpintr the oil in the eneine case, and transmission of 0 V your car is no task at all —when your car rests high and $ v dry on our special oiling platform. v 0 Why muss around home with an oiling job when we 0 0 make no extra charge for changing oil? Then too. you get 0 0 the best motor oil on the market today when you let us 0 v put in Polarine oil. 0 Standard Ka9oline. Well worth a drive to our filling 0 '0 station. MEADOWS MOTOR CO. o |o lsfbtf MEADOWS. N. C. $ ' Milk is hl ' !llth insurance. Good I Five hundred machines to crush looks, vigor and sunny disposition',,;.,..,, r , . , , , • . nitrate of soda were made by farm ! are gamed with good health. Ihat lis one reason why the home demon- tM> " ' ' ,u '' an( ' 'ounty last year strut ion workers of State College •'f ll ' l ' :i model built by County Agent | are planning four miik campaigns li. K. Lawrence had been displayed for this spring. i over the county. | j £ ncusftreff y I j j j I ' f FERTILIZERS J " K L I "The WorM's Best \ by w' % A IfWJft.» ~ 'it V v CT *! 8 ~ y j r i • , s|l - ' 1 | SOUND INSURANCE | Wi.cn von insur.' ni!..iiior vour 1:1 c, !g! I I « Si ■ j you n.iuir.illv >cL\t ,i >..• l o\ l>i unqucstiontJ j 5; responsibility ;mJ ivpu: SOUND CHOI' INSURANCE IS EQUALLY IMPORTANT: You can best insure the lamest yields arul the best quality ot crops by selecting the most reliable ! fertilisers —tnaoe by a company ot undoubted responsibility and ot highest reputation, gained through long practical experience, scientific re | search and honorable dealings. All ot these tactors are secured by using ■ "AA QUALITY" FERTILIZERS Pi.-r KNOWN ro VOL UNP THL lOLiO\ViN\i !'K \S"> V \MI - ZIiLL'S SEA FOW L j 1. VZAKETTO PATAI'SCO ManufnciurcJ by The American Agricultural Chemical Company C«recn>horo Nilcs IVjwinuni, Ji iu rsi»n Stand.ir*J iSuilJinjz i ;KI I \SHOUv>. IV Ron 70S Our S*tfr\ • • hute > in 'r* c \ .t taimii'i* pr >blem« SenJ t.T their Crop Hullet- \ i.-i. « >tate Street, Huston, Ma»«. ■■inwwiiiim" :i«itriMMiimf uMntmvfmrr*J*msu*. s rJUMR PAGE THREE