"WEDNESDAY. FED. 2">. 192."» DK. J. A. TAYLOR Dental Surgeon is now located at the Lawrence Hospital, Winston-nlem, N. DR. H. E. HL.U'KIUKN, Dentist MomuniU' lUiil«linjr. next to postoMiee. Walnut Cove. - - - N. C. JOHN !>. liI'.MI'IIUEYS. Mtomov-At-l-aw L» \\;:I ITY. - - N. C. IVonini ■ :t nlion i" all 1• i- :i- -s Will pnuiin' in all State courts. .JAS. W. MAM'KL Ai'.>»•.!»■>• anil i'oi:n>ollor at Law Oj i . ■! in .luninr I:Villi WA; • T 11) VI-:. Y. >. tf Hit. 11. H.\KDl\(t Dentist * KIN;. X. t. » Otlii-e hours: !) to rj I 1 to 5 I J. W. H A L L Attorney-at-Law IIANISI'ItY, - - X. C. Prompt attention to all business. Will practice in all court--. DR. S. A. CONDI IT .Mt. Ajry, N. Specializing in disease-. of the EVE, EAR. NOSE & THROAT (»lasses Fitted. I.oi-aU'il in oflire of tin.' late I':\ 11. I!. How.-, Hinovfiino DR. I . N. I'OMLINSON Dent ist WINSTON-SAI.KM, \. i Olliees: (iiliner H-tili!'. Hours: sjijit a. in. to .":IHI p. m. I'llONKS: (Hiiro 10.'l' Residence 1 «i?-1..| L. W. BLACK W HILL PINE IIALL. N. C. Representing the Home of N*. V. \\ hieh is better to have awl not need it or nee?! it and not I have it ? !NSITR A N C E i IRE—AI'IOMOniLE THKFT— HON I>S E\ ERV'I HI.\(J E\( i:? , T LIFE Let Me Write Your Wants. Blank Deeds, Blank Deeds In Trust and Blank Chattel Mort gnges For Sale. Deeds oOe ]>er dozen, Deeds in Trust . r »oe per dozen. Chattel •Mortirajjes '2"w per dozen. Send us your order. Wo pay postage on all blanks. DANnURV REPORTER, j Danbury, N. C. r.y.jgjTggg!r».'Cjrgg.T,.'gßt 1 Change of 1 Life ! S "WTien change of life ho«ran 14 Son me," says Mrs. Lewis Lisher, of Lamar, Ma., "I Buffered so with womanly j [5 weakness. I suffered a great ■. " deal of pain in my back and £ asides. My limbs would cramp, j I didn't feel like doing my jj |rj work, and there are so many p M steps for a woman to take on J a farm. I was very anxious A ! S to get better. A friend rec- ; | ommended \ The Woman's Tonic 1 K to me and I began using it. 9 IfJ I certainly improved. 1 went n M through change of life with- n J out any trouble. I can highly j 1 ! J recommend Cardui." |l !S At the age of about 40 to J 50 every woman has to pass U I through a critical time, which , " is called the Change of Life. >j | At tliis time, great changes Fj | take place in her system, J causing various painful and fl ' disagreeable symptoms. [ If you are approaching this p j period, or are already suffer- (J , ing from any of its troubles « or symptoms, take Cardui. It A j should help as it has i I helped others. | ' Sold by all druggists. , I wrwwvwjvww nad Tho iva" :i why workers 1 ik-v-ite so ni.i'ii atti-niion chiMr.n j i* Ivv-ausv' youth will use tin- Knowl edge for many year- wli:!•• • ii> adult Ivan use i; only a few !••-•. I FIVE ;.\I.I.ON> I' MM' i'UKK 1 ' AI: rge onint o iu-i • . i-i further- , franco of :t:i ndwrti , t - a>v* intro ductory i-ani-ait: i , i itr-i^r••• •--. iIV 'ls -.'i itivi'. fr. • I r.".-iiA.e, 'ive uallon.- 'if it -I" . .. ;.;un', any •!.. pioii. i ,\ i -| , .'• ' o:ll , .il-j,: >•, I! •I ■ ill ''i...- . -it'... i' . . :• • itll ;..ii:i! . in • l I'irtility ' *•' l.i. I - |M of is' r I. |i'■ i. r aNo *.ints ' a lo:-al i-ia:i hi c.U'll roanl.i. I : r'. '• :' 'oil .ii •' l'e|'U-s- • I to -.vriii- 11... K ii ;'; : • 1 111 • . !.' i: ,i •: •. ( \l-. - . i 1 ti bi.-mßaßßßsaomMm 'The BULL'SEYE I' V' ! 1 //'' iVdMßmilx iff; I Sj An Mhrp 'ntiil' Durliait ' 5 t... rS. Wtli Ho /i •. t '»! J I | 1 I »l!ii .4 .mil • arm 'it.tr i»r.il Icihl »it 1 Ainrriciin humorist. N inrc cctti* I I jf' in«. Watcli«urihcun Ijß I i.'* _ t^tutactKUc/'^ TOOKINC? -.r ti.ii null's j ic •*—' ture hvrc r: :ni:u!s me ; of the Carrie »u.. -, ' v ; : ;di ; 1 ■ ::i t;iii ii-, ,:i a • ..i ' .v. S'iH'l; :>:i 'lie I• in 1 Wall s-'-.'.-t v.;;; r-- ves- hicher, .'■•ruiic on a Iv.ii - .. i \ 1 ...: 'uver iuw It cat.' -1.-,-. !,! 1 S: -I r a:nl v v.ouid ' r ! hn v.i ail ;!i • ! t' ' ' «»n .i. . i,, 1,,. i 1 i :v. * • ! .) i!! u, •1C \» t »Ulv.i • :,M ju'i ii. > '•« t\ i T IJ. rl • i >; k a*- a ILiiel brini; ■ ni-ire than a ! Steer. }! A ijuart of i.s'.V. brings more than tiie I.VAV. A Teas I on.: Horn brings , ami one pair ot Horn- i rimmei! glasses A ( a'f sells f. :■ . !) and its | ( brains sJ! tor C-". T!v hide i.f .u brings £1 . 1 am! i> v.- )\.ir i't -s I S. | Two sacks of '!iii i I * Durham 1 . is wort'i more thai: the Hull. > Tlie on!v way to be in the , i Cattle business L \ i:h a picture j of one. I: I t*. S. I'm ii'n; 11»'• in- more picrrs , j that will ;.| pc ir ill tai '. . is.t-rp look- l ( | iiij fut tlif.a. MORE 3F EVERYTHING fv *r a !■ it K-sc money. ' That' - the ne t of this ' l iu;;' Durhamprop osiiicti. AI nr.- flav or, ' more enjoyment and j a lot more money ' 1 left in the bankroll at |' the end of a week's I 1 smoking. j 1 TWO RAGS for 15 cents j "i GU for 15 cents ;' # y x" BULL DURHAM I Guaranteed by THE DAMiIKV REPORTER S. S. Convention A]>i i 2;\ 29 and .'»() Ki''o Silt.S. 1.00 l :„• i of .-ontll . : • le ,1 . • 1, ,Vl '•cell s '' '' t"« I i„ 1 (i; :: M |'.! I' 11 I Stale Si" I-:;. S. !• . ! t , :u « titNm ' .v.hi it ' • ' • ••• i. I! i! fir : i. rin mi i April l'n ;i I ac .rditijj in informal i>ti !'• ft : a 11. , Si us. ;.•!! i :;i, i:i I, !• at „f I j North ' ':i»• 11:1 .Suttda; School As So- j '•iolioli. I «'!• ■ V.'. ireXX i. II • • t:, 11. «i-n. •. !••!• ... ~f Sail- : '• 1 " lor ii • !'• ji11•• I :1, th' i> ' ' ' i .ii • -a: I t-, h, i :i i' I 'i\ iri "mi«i. \ Sho ! ail ' mi-i ' iati- w, 1 del . , wral I -.•i..i'i ... : : : c.i!'\ int inn. an I con- j ' 1 ; ' al '• .11■ ■ r.*ti *s I'm , S;111• •:i-. .... | Sti i rift i..|ciits and ' • ' ':••• •••.•• i ix ■ 'l*! i r>. Utvw ! "ii 1 -- " • a:. !i >r •!' . ■..■r: I I ook on I Sicii.i;." 1 1- ill iMti ij r.■ i ".in. xxhi.-IC ill • considered itlil .illl ■ >-I thill I i.i\o liciii written. The .\ 1111 * I•i ■. . ; i i Su; ;-itlt(>tii|i-tit I lot ti "hn-t inn I > - -ii.i. ■ liurch. *1 r. ( iiarlos Marsic, St. I.ouis, Mo. j uas Ivvl! se.'Ul'oii to i!o .special Work 1 ill the convention ahuiir the line of : lie Oruaniv.e.l \lult liihlc ( lass. Mr. Darsie is widely known as a special isl in the work with adults in the Sunday Si itool. lie will condu.t two i conference: for Adult llihle Class! workers. In cltariri- of the special confer-1 ences for workers with youn>r people from \1 to 2d years of a (re, will Ik l . Mr. I'en-y It. Ilnyward, Chicago. 111.,' VoUIIK I'eo; le's Mivisiotl S ipefill- j I ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo | WE ARE PROUD OF I OUR ORGANIZATION: I. 0 0 $ , o o o 0 !; 'o GEO. 11. FULTON. General Manager. o ! ;> RALPH T. CHILTON, Sales M«r.' > L. O. WILLIAMS, Service, Parts, Supt. o' IRA I). FULP. Tractor Service. ,o MISS ANNIE RIFRSON, Stenographer. ; S GORRELL HALL. Salesman. DHNSON JOHNSON, " S SAM ROBERTS, : LI'KE RUTLEDGE, Mechanic. a J. A. WILLIAMS, > JIMMY SOUTHFX, " •? > IIILLORY TA\ LOR, " g ROBERT JOYCE, Gas and Oil Man. o WESLEY (PECK) LINYILLE. Mandv Man. o o • '0 > ; Home Folk. Home Company. Doing > their best to give real service on all | £ Ford products. W hen you buy a new £ £ car or have yciir old one repaired £ ogthis organization is behind it. (iive £ $ them a trial. g o o 0 0 0 c f WALNUT COVE MOTOR CO., Inc. j 0 o 1 Sales Lincoln=Ford=Fordson Service X o Walnut Cove, N. C. ? >OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I Lamb Losses Due To Poor Feeding 1 Raleigh, l'eh. 2.'i. I.anilt losses in i this state are largely due to errors |in feeding. and mostly by the lack ! of appropriate feeiis for the ewe lie-1 fori lambing anil for both the ewe j and lamb after lambing. "Kwes th-.t eome thioiijrh the win ter in poor flesh can't raise a i stron'r thrifty lamb. This is too j evident to need data to verify it" j says fl. I'. Williams, Sheep exten sion specialist for the State College i of Agriculture. "This condition is j proven beyond doubt by the fact ] that lambs arriving after glass starts grow oil' promptly. Ewe« that eke out the winter on hays of the meanest kinds and on cottonseed I hulls or that graze the stark weath erbeaten landscape can score 110 suc cess at lambing time. "Much of the laml) losses at tributed to cold weather is in fact due to n badly nourished and thin ewe and to a weak lamb that can't help being weak and flimsy under such circumstances. The foundation of success with ewes at lambing time rests on prop er feeding through the winter cou , t -'id' i for ihe Intcmitionai «• • iti ci! ■.»' l; lijjiou- Kdu.-ation. M\ May-; xvard I- nies i i tthe State hijrhly v- ■- !••'Hi I for tii- work Iv i to do. liavi!!;- had ye-irs of trainintr and .•>; |'« ri- in tlt-■ work with an • for i yoiiiiti' people in the Sunday S 1.001. j •1 i - M'llle I'l-ockwa; , i'Miladel pliia, I'-.. Iliri ctor of '• . i 11'.- Wi-t I. fill- till- \ I'll. I'll ti -t ! I hurt 1. will hi !h. sue !::!.st 11 chnru'e i-.f sev r.'l i onf, ;, -..s for , A • • •" • 1 1 'i 1: .I'.e^ii. •tier-. Primary ami Jutiiot Dcpurt • I'Jell. ■ . t • S'l •••. . ilooi, M ■ I'l ' V.l> ' v• !. i.. -1,1 i fax • •.• i 1 i;. i" lOV. "li:i-::i_ S ll'ini work. ■ •■!' ■ all d »>• ur'v 1 .. • lin'oii;.- ;o-.tt «• '' '• 1 t | ' To "v* ';> I emplta ' . 'i' • ■vorl. ■i* iih M i;iy \ a"at i"M !•:* | 'M-ho. :, Mr. •; ... s. lau:..-. N, v, , ■ N. V.. s., • -t.H v of >!: • I•: j 1 1:1:.'.■ mil Ma.|\ \ aca' lon I' ' : : s Iv I \ iai i 'ii, has In ■ u u .i. | Mr. Kvans has leavt'lcil e - Iy jin i'.' 'l' I 'ally Va- atiou i!> S. hoi ! .irk. Iml is . (in , l-'i'i d I'd" ill- I' 1 inl'einie i men in ,\i. ii , Oil 1111 ~ -llhjeil. 1 1 lte>; ii s the out of Slate -p. ale the I'roirraiu 'miuiiitte,. f. ;| t ,. 'oiivetition has anuotui >'d :iiat a, laruc nui)ih-r of the host itif irined j and most experienced Sunday S> hool | xxvirkei - in the State will also take' | part on the program. The Commit- ! I tee hopes to announce a full r t.-r' J of in S'aie speakers at an early date. The local Commit lee on Arra''jr". ni('fit S !fl (1 t'ci'Mslloro Jllc ;ih'c:;»!\ . husy with plans for etilertiiinimr th* f |convitition. Melerates will ln> enter- | pled with outside exercise on ranee 1 Mlllicient to keep the bodily pro cesses strong and vigorous." ! A survey of nearly four thous and farms in four states shows that | three-fourths of tin farmers have, I adopted improved agricultural prac tices as a result of agricultural ex tension work, according to figures j i recently released by the United | States Department of Agriculture. I FOR OVER i ZOO YEARS i haarlem oil has been a world wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid condit ions. i C.QVD MEZ&4, HAARLEM OIL cnaagm correct internal troubles, stimulate vital organs. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist 30 the original genuine- GOLD MBDAL. , ' '.ed • 1 the :li rvi.rd I'l: a. 'I m I' • tr. 'on .. f. r Sanda;. SI. ..I •Vorki 1» of a : d"' on *0 ttii.' a:ui it is cMj.e-ud that • will |. • 'hi' laix. !y led s n lay > hool a:;i ;.:!|f evt r held in "lie Stat '. Good Secured From Roadside .Market l.'aleifh. I 11. S .- or • 111 •! ! . • I try \ .1.1 y .. •■! . .. ' . • I y u-i a - , .! 1 1 .«;. .. T.* ; xv! ■. t . U ■ • ' ■ •mid" fr -.1 -i... f., '". \i, i-ij.pj, a '' : 11 1 . • Ii; ;. • . ;;h ! >■ ' "i ■ • • ■ ... ':■! I ox ' 1 I 1 '! i ■ ■•i"•1 ■I My x\ il h all 1 ' hi. 1 •; .• -;. i. Ti." • '.and 1 : ;:a •f. . 11. .. .- . ••.; t the lower 1 olio misrht he used foi piotectinjrj leafy \'L''al'le - fro in r!• ■ sunliirht. , Tile pr. 1 e was ;|. d tip in ri •, iitit'dic- a':d we!! at ratiK' 1 in small ; l>a>k. t- with tile price of each .article on oneh coiitiiiiK'r, A t»hiull | ! "0\ v.. placed f i tne cljaut" and it *.va> ft to the hollo- f tii*■ ic;yer to his own i'.ane'e. Mr. ' !anp liar.!',, ever vislteil 'ii. littk stand oxci'iit to replenish what I iiad lieell Seld. pre i; • \x-a placeil early in :aoniitur th" money taken • ..!•■ in tin ... in-. Sottv f\*i n tiir- \|r. ( !app f. md a ■iiuch a.- Tv • • dollars in 1 - in. •: | ami there n ... : t ,. • ~f over a le : . • •- .-a 1 . 1 il::, duty in ...: ir i.ar.t -. "The :i. a.cd ? . ■ >• iaf ' my '.ii:- tluini," "••yg Mr. Clnpp., •Many ■ th. - ilrivin* hy stopp ~| i 'vould .Ii ,!i t 1 f. • far a and hy :i !..■ 1 • aia. ..t.t than I had on display. I :i;ip!es. v KK :h-r. 1« U I -I p."i ii « Ml '. r '••r !• a »ul' pi 1 1. ' I, \T c n k\ L L i) mimitos with SITICIDE SITU IDII ( *»., l tnuntcrcc. !»a. 2 vV i 1 BIG LINE | |of Staple and Fancy i | Groceries. All kinds. I 1 Small notions and a I 1 complete line of men's | 1 separate coatsand over- | I coats, all at lowest 1 prices. Call in. I R. S. NUNN, I Walnut Cove, N. C. Child ren Cry for' taria is a pim"ant, harmless ! Substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- j£ 1 loric. Teething Drops and f /] fl \ Koodung Syrups, prepared foe u sy { f J / \\ ! 1 Infants and Children all ages. ,/ '/ j X ' V ' * radiations,always look Tor tKe signature of °" ***** y*ctagfc Phykciani treiywtecrc j PAGE SEVEN ! 'ii (inl (flfly i;i 1.. v ' t in' sliinjii ■! 1 Wfiit;, l>ii('. t . •I. 1 • ntuV.'iii, ..f T:nii|i.\ I- ■ i i•!. • > '"" u>"ii f• ir (•xhiliiii'.is pur. ! I"■ liifri !| |. ■ - MilU'll ill I'" ' i ' I. 'I !• cluli IIH i 111H 1 ! - i •ii ■ 't' "I 11 i-tfur Hal liinjr • !"■ • ;i*n! • ■.! v wt 1.i.,". i . ti • A«r» I. \V. il • 'my . :iu!c II• y li, iri• i • «i i' i In !•! i . i i N: >'i N!. Mj' !. .>: ! AM). I'. v 1 i'l :i ■•a di ' •!' ' S ;mi ■ • ! I i | S! i .. • .A. .. iv 'i n , 'day Hi" u : . -j pr-:i v'ff |J«UI» -, A'lilii.' ii i;t r ■!' (■■ Joyce, against .Mi-. i' t ». Jo\ec !u. I «iiin-ill/ \ j 709 of 1 »{•••• :.■«i i'i i - ! ickel i I ,-;i. ici i>lljt y, t w iVl'i ivi;.v i ■ hei't 11ii11> iiiic land I'u-'i.'i r .i the C .mt made in -a.'.l cause, to wh, •■etereiice is also hereunto n. it*. I will expose to public iv->a!e to the highest Iti!{• r fur cash in i'rout i'l tiie hank hnil. > ■•I Farmers I'nion '!ank . (Trust Company in Walniii t 'Ve. N. ( (in SAT.. JS(h. •ii the hour of two o'clock p m.. a tract lan.l in Stoke-' * i linty. X. idescribed it: ; d' • I from .M. A. Walker t it. I'. •' y. • . 11'ciirded in thi :-• li-;" -;f tile llejrister of I>. - ot -aid C'l'mty in hook No. «;•*. i nave ::o. t•• which refcrenn l)ei' ■ into made, hounded a folluvs: vianinjr at a point o,i A''lland Yadkin rai!r : a- on said plat, (plat r • ■' 'i' l ' ■l in book No. (55, .M".i and mils N rth :n ~, _ ■ s East. I 100 lie! ;u |'a .i - ' !'■ "k, the;;. .• with the IV.i - no* i's of sai 1 cr *ek c i.l -aid i riiliv a I ;• • t, rniantm :, ; n!'way an I lu "re with sai'' hiirhway I■ •"» : : to tin- hi • I'.' 1 '.' Minii:/." > '"taiiiinj.' - 7- ' act- -. 'vor- • • !• -- ! i dav , f I'. ' '; ! . M ; V>. \d:nr. ' . j .1.. !. ■'.i'\ • d n. o. ■ A'l .r. - i