PAGE TWO NO!]:"' • 1 ' ' •• ' i PEE;) i \ : I• . • 1; i' 1 . • ' «hi v i h :■ i ' t !n 1 > '• in > cV ! .i ■ ! in I! >X- t . pas; 717. \\ !iii ■. .t - i -• Men !" laii , ' i( . 1 • lii * t" a ii' -to t herein rec :• I in sum >l° >•">.' ■ i' t ■ rr ■ I'nion Park vv i'rii- lanit having ?un made i'. pavnvi l «>f said notes at matu : ity. and the holder thereof !liivir:ir applied to nit 1 to t'ore v losi' t h»> trust, 1 will expose to! public salt', to the highest bill-; tier, tor cash. ■ ji the premises j in the town of King, N. ('.. on- . SATI RDAY. M \IiCII 21. 1925 at tlie hour ot' I'J o'clock. .M„ the equity ot" redemption ot' the, saiil W E. Hart man ami wife, :n t!u following real estate eon \ eyed in the first named deed • in tru.-' above: "A n rtain lot ot' land a! King. Ny . loltnded as follow-: "II g .it an iron -take. Mrs. !•' K. Si: -iv's corner, run ning Nor!:. 7 degrees ami 15 minutes K. 21i' feet to an iron stake on ban* > liailn a ! cut. thence Westerly with -aid rail-' road cut. 1-") t'eet to an! iron stake. i. M Ailen's cor ner. thence South degrees West, 220 7-10 feet to an iron stake in edge of Hollow road, (i. M. Allen's corner, tla-nce with said road 107 1-'. to the lieginning." And on— MONDAY. MARCH 2.:. at the court house door in, Danburv, N. at the hour of! one o'clock. I'. M.. 1 will -ell at 1 public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the f >l!«>\vi !iv described real estate, conveyed ! in hoth of said deeds in trust.; above named: The one-eighth undivided in-1 terest of W. K. Hartman. in the" lands of his deceased father. li. I L. Hartman, subject to the I dower interest of Mrs, li. L. 1 Hartman in the same: "The lands of the said li. L. Hartman, father of W. K. Hart man. in which the said W. E. Hartman owns a one-eighth undivided interest, are - rib ed in the following conveyances recorded in the Register'.- dice of Stokes county, N. « to which reference is }• r. ;nto made for boundaries at des cription: ■l7 acres, in deed fr>r>; W. W.- King to ii. L. Hartma!:. i! k No. 41. page 71. 75 acres, in Ifr liich-j mond Pearson t«. ic. I {art-1 man, Book No. 11. page (>l 1-2 acres, n deed -n M. j A. Heck. Extr.. ' li. 1. Hail-, man. Book No. 11. pagt hi. i-S acre, in ( j, • , from (I. W., Prim to li. i.. Hartman. B'.ok; No. 41. page 25 acres. , i deed fr»m M. A. j Heck. Ext r.. et al, ? i ii. L.j Hartman. i: »)k No. in, page 25:;. 128 0-10 acres, in deed from j M. A. Heck. Extr., et al. to R. 1,. Hartman. Book No. :'>7, page! -126. 50 acres, in deed from Rich-! mond Pearson to ii. L. Hart man. Book No. .'l4. page 300. 22 9-10 acres, in deed from J.: R. Hartman to R. L. Hartman, i Book No. 20. page 56. 1.50 acres, ill deed from Rich- j mond Pearson to R. P. Joyce, recorded in Register's office of I Stokes county, in Book No. 40, page 41S, and which was owned by said li. L. Hartman at the time of his death. Also fifty shares of the capi tal stock of King Mfg. Co., for 8100.00 each, conveyed in the second deed in trust above named, issued to W. E, Hart man. This 16th dav of Feb.. 1025. I N. (J. PETREE, Trustee. 1 18feblw | Hall's Catarrh Medicine Those wlio are in a "run down" condi tion will notice that t'atarrh bothers them much more than when they are in good health. This fact proves that while Catarrh is a local disease, it is greatly influenced by constitutional conditions. HAL.L.S CATARRH MEDICINE -on sists of an ointment which yulckly Relieves by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which assists In improving the Ueneral Health. Sold by druggists for over 40 Ycara. F. J. Cheney ft Co., Toledo, Ohio. ' P.Vii • ,i ■ \ in ■ .. .|iml. ( ■ ■!' V i ! 'U. - fartil ... • h ililitiir ' iaii :il- . .1-1 tit .I' >ni.l lit l ; .is..-, I t ixh : to the i:t!,lfr.-:pr!U'ii at In- li: • • . ulison, .North Carolina. mi m- February l»th, I'.ISO, or this xv ;!1 In- j ii-:iiii ii in bar of their n iy. \.! j-. rsons indebted to ■:• >ai.l «.-tittwill please make im in iiate payment. This Feb. PJth. \\. T. Tl'i KKK, Administrator >!' Amiic Tucker i'liekett, deceased, i I. i' Urown, Attorney. NOTICE'—Tit I'ST EE'S SALE OF LAND. Pursuant to the provisions of Iced of trust duly recorded in! he Regisler of Deeds otlice of Stokes County. in Uok 71. page 274. e\ecuti (i on June ■">. 102.'i, iy n. I>. '.h, to the under signetl Trustee, default having 1 iicen made it: •iie conditions of ■said deed of trust, we will scl! at pii'olic auctivin at the court i i'.oiisi- dour i:i l'anbury. N. C.. • for cash on— SATI RDAY. M \R( II 11. 102".. at twelve o'clock noon, the fol lowing described property: Beginning at a stake in Alex Southern's line, James H. Page's corner, runs east on i Page's. Pepper's and Baker's (lines 120 chains to a stake in Moody's old line, north 12 chs. to points, his corner, east on j his line 75 chains to a stake in i l.awson's line, north 5 chains to a stake west 12S chains passing | a black gum corner on Camping Island Creek to a stake. Shob j er's corner, north on his line tin I chains to a stake, west on his j line .°>7 chains to a stake, north lon his line crossing the moun tain near the llrassy (lap 50 i j chains to a stake, east 12'• chs. i to N. A. Martin's corner, north 1 cn Martin's iine 5 chains to a stake, now Joyce's corn r. west "ii Flinchum's old line (now Joyce's OS chains t a cticiim ber. north 12 chains to a stake west on M. Pepper's former! : line F!2 chains to a -take in j Banner's line south chains l to a pine, east 75 chains to a hickory, south crossing the mountain east of the hanging rock 80 chain- to a black gum west 6S chains to a stake in the} ; eastern line of the S.">2 acre IVp-| per survey, thenee north • n the i upper survey :!> chains to a i white oak and maple on a I branch near a large p>]»htr. j | west II chains to a Spanish oak 'near a hollow, south on Ban l ner's old marked line crossing the mountain 75 chains to a' ! white oak his corner, west 1:j chains to pointers, -otith i chains to a stake in Rullin's' | line, east in his line 11 1-1 chs. | ! to his corner pointers near a! I branch, south 25 chains to aj | black oak, east 2S chains to! iSizemore's corner, north 13 ichains to pointers near a large rock, east 21 chains to Cook's j corner pointers, north on Alex Southern's line 7"i chains to a, Ismail chestnut oak near the top; j of the mountain east on his line ; 45 chains to his corner, thence; j south on his line .'lO chains to , the beginning. Contains 1769.55 | I acres, more or less. This tract; I lies adjoining the lands of Alex I i Southern, J. \V. Baker, N. A. j Martin and others. The above described property being the j first tract as fully set forth and ' described in conveyance from ijohn L). Humphreys, Commis sioner, to J. C. Tise duly record ed in book 5.">, page 420, Regis ter of Deeds otlice, Stokes coun ty. N. C. i l This the 3rd dav of Februarv. i i 1925. WACHOVIA BANK & I TRUST CO. Trustee, j Tf YOU HAVE JL § n» appetite, Imlice-tinn, \t\ni W on Stomach. Sick li.-. :.n ruo Uown," y>u will nn.t Tutt's PiUs II what you oerd. They torn- the weal: | II stooiMli, aaa bulla up tf.e system, | MiK DAMH'UV REPORTER in I iwia-iiia«»wr»wr->*f»;ar.-3 r.ww vaHmavran . f i rI .. n v\uu thi • . . \ ■ * . i \ . i •. i' . ; i >!■ SAL] *l I. >ND , i)!;' \) >•.* 'rut sr. • i" - . v i • !'i hd: ; \ •v . •• \\. 11 , !\ .u \ A :e v . ce «.l R :. *• ■l* »>'•.. .is.! .. , 72, ; agt 227, I" which rc ,i • I*l ' i . I'. i ■ ill O I;t i' t' >S' curt ihe payment "i a note 1 iii ;'i iv. iiril in tie Mini ot lini.-Ht, default iia\ :ng Ik** r. nuult in ihe pay men; of the said i!■* l at maturity and the holder having applied ni '- foreclose tin* said deed of trust ! for tin- satisfaction ot' tho note. I will expose to puhlie sale to the highest hidder for rash, at the court house door in Dan jbury. N. C., on— \ SATURDAY. MARCH 7. 1925. at the hour of 1 oYlock p. in.. the land conveyed in the deed of trust, to-wit: i First tract—Beginning at a black oak on the north side of tlie south branch of l.ittle Snow creek, running thence west one hundred poles to a pine: theiu. j south one hundred and sixty poles to a black oak: thence east one hundred poles to a pine, thence north to the beginning, containing one hundred acres, i more or less. Save and except I from the above boundry about two and one-half acres sold to .1, Spot Taylor. About live .ures conveyed to Raleigh tllartman and almut ten acres ' {conveyed to T. S. Simmons. 1 Second tract—Beginning on ;: .Jefferson Tilley's line where it crosses the road near Shady itirove meeting house, running south Mo degrees west along said road to a white oak in the Kingsburg and Kiger line, con j tinuing west on old line in all ! KM poles to white oak in north 60 poles crossing two I branches to pointers; thence I continuing north to Pepper's I Ore Bank tract: thence east on (said line to Pepper's and Hart-1 I man's corner 40 poles continu ing east on Hart man's line one i hundred poles to pointers in Tillev's line. 50 poles to his! i corner white oak. east on his | line tin poles to the beginning.! Thirl tract Beginning at a] i stake. Manring's corner in! I(folding's line: thence north 80! j poles to a stake in PepperV J line, wot on Pepper's line his i j corner continuing west to aj stake in (folding's line. 45 poles; I thence south 80 poles to a stake {in (Wilding's line, east 46 poles ito the beginning. Save and ex- Icept .".o acres from the above! boundry that John H. Alley contracted and agreed to con ve ;o John Arch Dodson. | '"he above described land '!y;nir and being in Danbury I'ar.iiiirv township. Stokes coun- V. N. C. This the 2nd day of Febru-j arv. 1925. J. W. HAUL. Trustee. I I NOTRE. I j Havinp duly qua'i'icd us adminis ] traitor upon the estate .>f 1.. T. Isom. deceased. late of Walnut ( eve, Mikes County, N*. • all persons indented to said estate are requested t.> r..:iKe i immediate settlement, and all per- | sons holding claims against uud I estate are hereby notified to present i the same duly authenticated, for j payment, on or before the first day | of February, li'2o, or this notice will j be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Walnut 'ove, X. C., Jan. 2S, i;i2s. • K. DAVIS, Administrator of 1.. T. Isom, dee'd. ■I. P. Humphreys, Atty. for Admr. PO'-- ,'jhb IQQ =■=-"="=—=3B Weak, Aiiing WOMEN should take CARDIII || The Woman's Tonic 1 Sold Everywhere ID DO Qn BSBS2Q2QZS GS3 CSSSSESSSI CmSI D D 'Miner 01-' Ml i: OF I F!.SON V!. n:»m'FlM' if-. tup: s\ii i V: i: > \ »F \ Mlii \N 0 *> i l'N. !i-'c. iv,* iv' c ■ •= a i i • id- i* r . • i. . ~n.l ' iv •: ii * . In . - ■ ;■ ■ -U ■•I tt* d. . .. I ;; i iv.' •f \ 11.1 C iviaia, I w'! -.e!l at , .. . . i. . ; • ■. i .a Dtinbuiy • , V. . , . , J • r > x ' . \:a it VIM: i ui: i • :\v !..k p. 1".'., nr. i . .• .sfy • ti he'i iia, on' ft r !' Feb . IP*.' (i. I'KIIU'V. K\Ki'l lOK'S Mini K. H.i\ ::i>r . .! a* i xerlltor of the -late "I W iliam .lames, deceased, late i t Stoke- i(mm%*. North Caro iiiia. this is to notify all persons in- ; debted t«> the said estate to pleas,' j conie forward and make immediate j -ct'.li nieiit. All persons boldinjr j ilainis against the estate of said de- j ceased will exhibit them to the un dersigned at Madison, N. t'., on or before February 12tb. li'2ti, or this i ! notice will be pleaded in bar of their' | recovery. This Feb. 12th. l'.'2">. HANK OF MAI'ISON, Executor of estate of Win. James, dee'd. ■I. Hrown. Attorney. ' NOTICE. Ilavii'u' duly qualified as adminis trator of tile V State of .1. \\ . I'llKize. deceased, la; of Stokes county, N. l all persons indebted to said es tate are requested to make imuiedi j ate settlement, ami all persons hold ing claims against saiil estate are hereby notitied to present the same duly authenticated to the undersign ed for payment on or before the 2oth • day of Feb., l'.'2(>, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Tobaeeoville, N. Route 2. Feb. 11. ll»2i>. CHARLIK BOOZK, Admr. of J. W. Booze, dee'd. .1. D. Humphreys, Atty for Admr. NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF LAND. By virtue of a decree of the Superior court of Stokes Coun ty. N. (\. rendered on the ."iOth I day of July. 1920, in the sjurial I proceeding entitled "C. M. Jones. Administrator of R. P. j Joyce, against Mrs. Bessie (Joyce and others," being No. 1709 of the Special l'roceedings Pocket of said county, to which reference is hereunto made, land further orders of the Court | made in said cause, to which I reference is also hereunto made. ' I will expose to public re-sale to the highest bidder for cash |in front of the bank building , ■of Farmers Union Bank and | Trust Company in Walnut j Cove, N. ('., on SAT.. MARCH 2Sth. 1925, at the hour of two o'clock p. m., a tract of land in Stokes j County, N. ('., described in aj, deed from M. A. Walker to j R. P. Joyce, recorded in the of-, lice of the Register of Deeds I of said county in book No.. 08,!, page .'lo. to which reference is) [hereunto made, bounded as follows: j "Beginning at a point on the; Atlantic and Yadkin railroad,! |as shown on said plat. (platxe-j corded in book No. 65. page 510,) and runs North "»0 de- ! grees East, MOO feet to Panth er Creek, thence with the me anders of said creek crossing , railroad to Germanton highway, and thence with said I highway 1650 feet to the be- , I ginning," containing 78.40 I acres, more or less, j This the 23rd dav of Feb., 11925. C. M. JONES, Admr. of R. P. Joyce. Cf. L. Jams and N. 0. Pet roe, | Attorneys. 1 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. i Having duly qualified as adminis-! trator upon the estate of Nat Hairs ton. (c 01.,) deceased, late of Stokes j County. N. C., all persons owinpr \ ! said estate are requested to make j i immediate settlement, and all per-j sons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to present! the same duly authenticated, to the i undersigned, for payment on or be fore the 2Sth day of January, 1 ;•!!".. j or this notice will be pleaded in bar i of their recovery. Walnut Cove, N. C., Jan. 2fi, 1P25.; JOK HAIRSTOX, Administrator. Jas. W. Manuel, Atty. It pays to be square. Look at the cross-word puzzle. Birmingham News. N.. j; 1 1 i.i r.-! ina • hold.l I ■ if l • h *i'. \ j.l ■!.: i i!tr -' ;ti\ -■ I i i 'lolly nf ! . \\ ii ;••• i.i i .I'u llt 1 |'.. . i.i .!' It u. ;. . *li ; .r. i'> ' it' ..*•• i i'.tf :•! tl. • S . ' • N« i'U \ OF SALE !>!■' LAN P. i i and by virltt* oi th« ! -.i.i* . de contained in tw«. •.*-•!■ t ni• i i!eo«ls o'. trust executed by i!. Wall to the undersiyn i'rii.-'ee, on March 21st. I v.. ".A ! on 1 U'cemli r Ju.i. ■ i ;iiy recorded :n ttie ' ! I. v Register of >. >eed of St,-|i( county, North Caro iiiia. i:; li ' i;- No. (!->, page 077 and in. i,i No. 72. page 12. for the pit: pi.-i of sfoiiring certain utiles llierei.i mentioned and tin. provisions and stipulations jof suit! deeds > t Irust not hav | ing been complied with and be ing requested so to do, 1 will on THURSDAY. 19th DAY OF MARCH. 1925, ■at 1:30 o'clock P. M.« on the! about 6 miles West of j I Madison. N. C„ in Stokes coun-1 j ty, offer for sale to the highest 1 bidder for cash the following described lands: Ist Tract: Beginning in aj public road in Cartie Reynold's] j line: thence South 3 degrees j West on said line 11 chains to! jOalloway's line: thence West 6 degrees North on old line 15 1-2 j chains to pointers near a cedar: thence North 3 degrees Fast on I a new line 11 1-4 chains to thei public road: thence with said road as it meanders East to the' beginning and containing 17 acres, more or less. 2nd Tract: Beginning in the public road in Lottie Reynolds' i line and Z. I. Wall's line: thence South on said line 18 chains to said Wall's old South-west cor ner: thence -East 6 degrees South on old line 10 chains to pointers near a cedar; thence North 3 degrees East on a new line 11 3-4 chains to the public road: thence with the road as! it meanders Northwesterly to! the beginning, containing fit'-i teen and one-half acres, more j or less. This 10th day of Feb., 1925. J. L. ROBERTS, I Trustee. I NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue of judg ment of Clerk Superior court of' Stokes county in the Special Proceeding entitled "S. L. Pe-' tree et al vs Mary L. White et I als," the undersigned commis sioner will sell at public auction! for cash on confirmation at the' court house door in Danbury on' SATURDAY, MARCH 11. 1925. at twelve o'clock noon the fol-l lowing described real estate: . Ist Tract—Beginning r.t wa-j ter edge on South bank of Dan' j River in center of old road tin-! ; der bridge that crosses Dan 1 i River right near to Pine Hall, j N. ('., and runs with the old | Lad ford road as follows: S. 20 1 ! degrees E. 230 feet S. 18 de-! I grees, W. 510 feet, S. 46 degrees' W. 214 feet. S. 35 degrees. E.' 75 feet, S. 79 degrees E. 21t [feet, S. 4 degrees E. 34K feet, S. 52 degrees E. 225 feet, S. 1 II degrees E. 292 feet, S. degrees— 101 feet S. 32 deg. E. 296 feet, S. 6 deg. E. 156 feet S. 7 degrees W. 250 feet S. 20 degrees E. 143 ft. to a stone in an old road: thence S. 79 deg., 15 min. W. n a new line and being division line 521 feet to! a stone new corner; S. 47 deg. W. on new line and being a di-, vision line 682 feet S. 56 deg- 1 30 mins. W. on a new lim and being division line 917 feet to a stone in old line being J. R. Sattertield's line; thence N. 881 I deg. W. on his line 516 feet to I a stone formerly a poplar i stump his and Gibson's corner i same being at the branch; thence down the various mean-j jders of the'branch in a north ' west course to Dan River: I thence with the Lank of said j river following the courses to |the lieginning, containing 177 i acres, more or less. 2nd Tract Contain« 58 | acres, more or less, and is bounded oil the W. side thereof by the knuls of Raleigh Sattcr-, I field, on the S. side by lands of i Alfred Webster and Robert | Withers, on Ihe E. side in lands of Isiah Warren and those' of the Ashburn's and on the N. side by the first above named lands of the first tract above set forth. This 9th day of Feb., 1925, N. E. PEPPER, Commissioner. WEDNESD\Y. MARCH 1925 wu'rtT' vumr* • '■••nrw«j_*r ar/rraa* A]>iX:hilmc-nts IV,:* Danbin'v ( n\*• nt" ( Th" following is llif of an: f 1> .nluuy >n - i ft *' t ' i . r ! '.ill ' >•1:1, ti lil., ;■ n ■ I la! I •'! . fiiiU Forest Chnpel T. • 1 p. ii'.. :'• ! SumiiA I'.i.iuny 7: t0 i>. in. \ ■11• . .. in. ii' 1 I '".'. in I 1 > i M. :... '• ! y 'll. Ii .» 1 ' !«., I . : ' , lie! ia 7:50 n. II!. Ith .-•••:!.(, 1»A i-s Cliaj \ 1 v. in., V i ;?>! in. nivl I 1 ■ • I>U) v 11 a. ill. A. .1. IMtWI.INi;, This t>aj» i - .airii's in- timely J i\;mi new.- ami int'• rmat : n mnt out; I'.v thf v'\!' ii.-.' II division «»1 St itc ' 'olK'j.'.'o. NOTICE or SALE OF LAM) CNDER DEED IN TRUST. | By virtue of the power of I sale contained in a certain deed :in trust executed by W. E,, Hartman and wife, Claudia L. r i Hartman, to J. D. Humphreys, trustee, to secure a debt of $1,000.00 and interest due to jthe Hank of Stokes County at I Danbury, N. C., said deed in j trust being dated May 12. 1921, land recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes county. N. C.. in Book No. 66, page .'S6M, and default having been made in the payment of (said debt, and request being j made by the holder and owner |of said debt and deed in trust, I for sale to lie made of the lands I conveyed in said deed in trust, 1 will, in order to satisfy the terms of said deed in trust, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in the town of Dan bury, N. (\, on— MONDAY, MARCH 2.1. 1925. at the hour of one o'clock, p. m.. the lands conveyed in said deed in trust, which are descr ibed as follows: I A certain tract of land lying ami being in Stokes county, N. iC., and more particularly des cribed and defined as follows : I Adjoining the lands of (I. M. Allen and Mrs. Fred E. Shore. I Beginning at an iron stake, I Mrs. F. E. Shore's corner, run ning North .12 degrees East 219 feet to an iron stake on bank of , railroad cut. thence South 55 j degrees West 125 feet to an ■iron stake in bank of railroad cut. thence South."> 9 degrees i West 220 feet to an .iron stake. I (I. M. Aliens corner, in the edge of Hollow road, thence with the said road South ">:{ degrees oast | 102 1-.1 feet to beginning. I This Feb. 19. 1925. ,J. 1). HUMPHREYS. Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE OF PROP i ERTY CNDER DEED IN ! TRUST. By virtue of the power fif side contained in a certain deed in tm.-t executed to me on the ,20th day of February, 1916. , duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes j county, N. C., in Book No. 60, page .'558. to which roferense is hereunto which Stokes Supply Company, Inc., convey ed to me certain real estate ami personal property, to secure a note in the sum of $5,000.00. to I Farmer's Union Bank & Trust J Company, default having been A i made in the payment of 1 said note at maturity, and the j holder thereof having applied itome to foreclose the trust. I will expose to public sale to the , highest bidder, for cash, at the \ store building of the said I Stokes Supply Company, Inc., at King, N. C., on— SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1925 at the hour of one o'clock, p.m., | the property conveyed in the | trust deed to-wit : "A tract of land in the town of King, N. C., 55 feet by 61 feet, bounded as follows: "Beginning at an iron stake in edge of Southern Railway Co's right of way, running S. .'!7 degrees West, with street leading to depot, 55 feet, to E. I'. Newsom's corner, (a rock.i thence North, 5!» degrees West with Newsom's line, 61 feet to .a rock, in W. R. Keiger's line, thence with Kiger's line, 55 l't. to Southern Railway Co's light of way, thence South 51 ie grees East, with said right of way to the beginning. Also ail goods, wares and merchandise , of said Stokes Supply Company carried in stock." This 16th day of Feb., 1925 N. O. PETREE, Trustee! 18feb4w

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