PAGE FOUR TH E DANI> Uli Y UEl*>K 1E 11 I'EITKR RROS., Editors and Publ s iwers. Subscript ion : 2 niu. 25c.; t> mo. 75c. ; one WEDNESDAY. MARCH !. li>2s. THE COMMON PEOPLE. The disclosure in the Charlotte Observer of the infidel propa ganda being broadcasted from Chapel Hill and Greensboro under the sponsorship of two of our urea test State-supported institu tions of learning, is the most disquieting episode that has hap pened in the State for years. It shows that North Carolina col leges are inflicted with the materialism that nearly all of those in the North are rotten with, and that the parent of today is up against the problem of where to send his son or daughter for i Christian education. Voltaire. Huxley and Rob Ingersoll are out faced. The flippant blasphemies of Elbert Hubbard haven't got anything on the (Jreenshoro professor, nor the editor of The Journal of Social Forces. Now the common people of North Carolina are just hard-head ed enough to believe that either evolution or the Rible is a lie. Doctor Chase and his coterie of modernists, materialists or ag nostics—whichever term you choose—may be able by clever dis quisition to establish compatibility. Mr. Taher—a student at the I'niversity—who comes to the detense of Doctor Chase in the Charlotte Observer of February 27. throws away the lirst five books of the Rible. Rut his argument will not suit the common people, by whom we mean that great bod> o! citizen* who do not affect highbrow ism. but who furnish a big percentage •! the com mon sense and taxes that it takes to run a great State. They have got it in their heads that the Rible will do to tie to. an I that it's >o. If the Riblical story of man's creation is an 1-raelhNh nnth. then the other hooks between the lids arc fake?—T i >be only the fatuous dreams of some mediaeval monk, and let inn all fall with Gene-is—then hail to the ape. Rut the common people are not read\ to gi\t tip the faith of their mothers. Sooner would the> dispense with Chapel Hill nd Greensboro. The I :i" crsity is our State's pride and glory, we had rather see it in a.-hes than anything happen to the littie church under the pin -. The one is the expression of our intel lectual aspirations; the other stand- for ail iho-e things which it false, nothing else i- of any value. We haxe lixed without the one. but God help us wiih.;nt the other. | Will buy good wheat delivered at 1 ii mill. Price at present $2.10 per bushel. 1 I Custom grinding i s solicited. I i When you visit the county seat | I bring along a load or a bushel of grain I I and give us a trial. We will see that I you are satisfied and pleased. I The mill is clean and sanitary and I is turning out first-class wholesome flour, meal and feed stuff. DANBURY ROLLER MILLS DANBURY, - N. C. I PEPPER BROS. Prop's. - - | urAi^*" • " STOKES COUNTY FAKES F.ADLY Pays Mimv State Road Tax Than Any County In Seventh District Except Forsyth and Surry and Yet All Counties Except Stokes Have Some I lard-Surface Road. Acc irtlinp to the statistics on road work in this district, just given out by District Engineer C. S. Currier, of Elksn. Stokes is the only county in this district which has not been given some hard-surface road by the State Highway Commission, although Stokes has more automobiles and pays more State road tax than any of the nine counties in the district with the exception of Forsyth and Surry. Engineer Currier's report shows that, including work now under con struction. the counties of the seven th district have hard-surface as fol lows: Forsyth, .'IS mi! s. Yadkin. 21 mill.. Surry. Is s. Watauga. 1 tvi'cs. Alleghany, 1■» miles. Ashe. 7 miles. Caldwell, ii miles. Wilkes, 13 miles. Davie. 11 miles. Stokes. 0 miles. All ta\i s for (laying the bo'tds issue i for road building and for mnin'i t-..:- f the roads . >isies fr t uutonio'>:l . and below is the oil: ial report on th number of cars in the . mntl" lis!. 1 above: I '• \ 'h. >7 . ar-. "k« -. ,ars. Wilk. , cars, k 1.7' '' CM'-. • . ! 7 ai '■'.". 7' ' ears. ig:i, •i>7 cats. . .: :iy, ;.'o >a: •. • i . mba go on poult r> N■ :;h C 'iina .ag into ,\ -v. .r; ni' W. A. G. ../.am. Mr. S'« ' Ye!k •> ■ ritu;.!■>. t !hat tl comet plate i is.- THE DANBURY REPORTER 'Jurors For March Term Of Stokes Court Jurors drawn to serve at tho i-omintr tortus ol' Stokes Superi or court arc as follows : First Week.' Danbury Township. J. 1!. Priddy. Meadows Township. I'. G. Hall, j Hud Heath. T. S. Terry. \V. t . Heath. Yadkin Twnship. , .1. D. Culler. ('. K. Newsunt. Ed. White, i Jasper A. Slate. C. E. Moore. ! C. A. White. ' J. 11. Mauser. Saoratown Township. T. J. Greeny. (). F. Young. J. L. Coleman. (Quaker Gap Township. A. Jack Hrown. Harden Hall. W. W. George. I). J. Mabe. (J. P. Durham. J. W. Durham. ; R. S. Hunter. I>ig Creek Township. Reid K. Smith, j William F. Collins. 1 Sam Lavv-dH. J. (Join. C. J. Sh(#un. E. K. Shelton. Snow Creek Township. J. W. A. Dodson. J. V. Hill, tl. T. Dodson. 1 D. 11. Joyce. Heaver Island Township. G. T. IVgh .'tun. it. Gann. Peter's Creek Township. G'lnier N'.lson. Rob T*. I'iin hunt. Second Week. DinS)ur> Township. F. K. 1.an1,'..r1. Meadow - Township. I .1. !•:. Mi; lull. W. M. Smith. !'. i". Fo'vli r. !t. \|. \ Whir.'. 1 o. M. Flynt. > :iclKit* Township. 1 n. :i,rr. I rj: ; T. I . i . Hi.way. J. P. K.i on. I !•:. \v. iv.its. ■ Satiratow n loivnshtp. /■, ' !-. h'o; I. Y.-.uvhn. i ({uuiicr Cap township. J. !.. Tiiore. ' J. T. George. | S - y !,n. j J. A. N' .nn. I Creek Township. J. R. ll.nt. Snow Creek Township. H. 1.. Dillon. / « Mali. .' '•■• aver Island Towp»hip. J. M. r'airir. Forest Fires Are Fo Blame! j c.iv, i.l. rinar the mvat progress I North Carolina is makintr in schools,! Mai!: ai I pulJie welfare, we lo not; know whether t«.».■. are too high or j not. I In r we do know that the tax 1 rat •:n many counties is very liin'h j a '! • ■ inewhat oppressive. In a i gieat many of these counties tlit* | growth if magnificent stands of j timber i m so increase the property! value as to lower the tax rate eon- j side rahly. The ehief enemy of timber grow injr in North Carolina is the Forest ' Fire. Keep tire out of the woods in ' North Carolina; Nature will reforest j our lands and prow timber faster than in nearly every other seetion of the United State. The State ! Geological and Economic Survey has a forest lire protection system in 2ti' counties, and hopes to spread this i system to build up and savi the pro-j perty values in tim Her. The average tax rate in ten south-! eastern counties should he Ts cents! per SI titl instead of $1.20 to produce the same revenue as at present, if forest tires bad been kept out.— Forest.v Division, State Geological ' and Economic Survey, Gloria Swanson To Get $17,500 A Week Los Angeles, Fell. 2(s.—The Exam iner today says competition among motion picture producers for the | services of Gloria Swanson, screen star, wh* is ill in Paris, has resulted in the signing of a new contract with Famous Players Laskey, by which she will receive $17,500 a week. SPECIAL NOTICES! If you have a threshing machine, a steam engine, a milch cow, a mule or anything imaginable to sell let a little ad in the columns helow lind you a buyer. On the other hand, if >ou want to buy anything or if you have lost anything let an ad lind it for you. I he Reporter wants this little department used freely and it will be of great benefit to our patrons. >ooooooooooooooooo FOIi SALE—Surry. Harness and Log Wagon in good con dition. See or write ELMEIt GRIFFIN. Germanton R. 1, N. C. 4m.'iw FOR SALE—Good Ford truck with new tires. Saw mill, 40' H. I\ Nogle boiler. 25 H. I\ Nogle engine. .'{5,000 feet oak boards, finished weather board ing and ceiling. Half million feet excellent timber. Address: H. A. CARROLL, Mt. Airv, N. C. llfeblt WANTED—The Danburv Roll er Mills can use several hun-1 dred bushels of wheat at $2.10 J per bushel, and would like to; have some corn at $1.50 per bushel. FOR SALE—One J. H. Colt acetyline gas light plant at real bargain. Plant has fix tures and other necessary equipment. See or write E. I*. I'epper at Danbury. tf Mrs. X:imm* Fulton, of \V;ilnut | Cove, is visiting her daughter. .Mrs. j K. I'. Pepper. W. (i. l'etree uiid •!. J. li.M.ih arc leach erecting temporary buildings Imi the site of the burned buildings cast of the court house. y »i.. A.aa \i\ m juuiim » -"TTSVA I ' f K i\ B / «C r MCft \ r. ; E I I i f I FFEBTILIZ3SS |L . I "The World's Beat J 'wl J '■ U.,jn b) Every T«l" J jp.p-.if 0 $ •• -'Ci, *W""T7 | * -*• -• ■£»'«s li- "As good as A-A-C" r.'i I his is the favorite claim made by competi- Ijsi tors in drumming the fertilizer trade, and nothing could more clearly demonstrate the supremacy of | "A.A.C." Fertilizers than this gracious acknowledge g inent hy our competitors that i"AA QUALITY" FERTILIZERS arc generally recognized as the STANDARDS OF COMPARISON They enjoy this distinction in consequence of I their unbroken record of universal satisfaction and unparalleled success for more than half a century. To insure the largest yields and best quality of all crops, use only "AA QUALITY" FERTILIZERS BEST KNOWN TO YOU UNDER THE FOLLOWING BRAND NAMES ZULU'S SKA FOWL LAZARETTO PATAPSCO Manufactured by gjj [The American Agricultural | Chemical Company Greensboro Sales Department, Jefferson Standard Huildinu (JRHLNSHOKO. N. C. P. O. n.,x 70S, Our Agricultural Service Bureau will help solve your farming problems. Send (or their Crop Bulletin*. Address: 92 State Street, Boston, Man WEDNESDAY. MARC H 1. 1925 FOR RENT—About 15 acres of fine tobacco land, located on North Main street in Walnut. Cove, all in cultivation, a part of it is sown in rve. See MRS. CARRIE E. BOYLES. Walnut Cove, N. C. ISfeb.'Jw FARM FOR SALE—SI acres with (i-room dwelling, tine barn., good, out-buildings. .'lO acres cleared. 150.000 feet oak and pine timber. 100. walnut * trees on place, well watered. 20 acres of low grounds, tine orch ard. Will turn over to buyer SI.OO day income for first 8 months. See or write GEO. W. HOOVER. Meherrin, Va. 18feb3w FORD COUPE FOR SALE. I have a 192.'} model Ford ' coupe, in good condition. Willi sell at a bargain for cash or good note. N. E. PEPPER. Danbury, N. C. LAND POSTERS—Printed on good card board. 25c. dozen at Danbury Reporter otlice. The price of wheat remains ai out the same, varying only a few cents each day. The mill here is paying sl,lll per bushel at present. • 'ash paid for poultry. Hring mo a load or write for guaran!• d prices o. 1.. HA INS. KINfJ. N. • Jw