PAGE FOUR Hoiv'- a lit lor from tin- bank—said llu- husband I" tin- wilt*. Borrowing Money Without Strings Attached Here's a letter from the bank, they say they !1 be triad to loan us the money. That's a load off. of my mind. T don t like to bonow tiom oui friends or relatives. It always causes hard feel ings. Then too, this way no one knows our busi .4 ness, it's confidential. COURTEOUS. WILLING AND HELPFUL SERVICE WHEN YOU NEED IT. The BANK of Stokes County DANBI KV W MM T ( OYK HUMAN lOX klN; Overhead Fov famull. Ihe i itx-! 'uy ' ' • N ■ 11 ■' " i 1 =•' , f ; . r ,jrU ' J 1 ' . ;\. :: H' :r ' - Ma* •' " wa :h " . p,'.Vr. pr.f.-M..n thi. v. - u-.' Son-,' A-.-,.- at'M it w;.- i•. wf ,„,, w thutf . Or ' ■ 1 • . ■ lpi. x,-f- ric !*•••• ' ' Ivail- . .. _ r . t» :At ~H IV. :v.:m a; ' ' f"\' " u " hurk ami Chilean !•.*•. Philadelphia v .1- ' !••!. rt"l. ;i:.(I !•■■■■'. . an f ;al report t'r tn tiu- Suj • i itti nd f 'l. • Ka way t:: a T .ilr :. U' '!'• v "... f xv .»u'.l i' r * ' i f fn ni farm r la i ! ■ I '"1 r ■ ' hail IKm a da;.. . if. f i. :i ni«' , ...r • •»»: Willie- has f*i • • ran• | • rti ■; !r» • u!• -. >t ,j... a • M ' n I• •' *•••!'• til . arii.t: !•■ *.v :>.•»•-. , ..••? . «i*. ,j. »:-i. > • !h«-iv ait- uthrr* pr« >|»«r • •' "• •> ' ■ • '"• ,i u ! • -i• i• - !!•■«! ila* in*, th«' Murii'i w • • •"•'l' 1 : ire jiiv.-n r ,.. lit(>r ,|„ H r;tX .ilutM ,■«*.; ••lant.-r •• " !! i : • a'i'i! liiv - ~u,j (It,, itritish r.iM« r l>ar> i. St. •. • ! :• '.-nall;. 1 .1.1 I.v |'„-t-!'i-pa!. I: • ••.ar: , ai>!'- orirai i;ra . .ns. Hut • til. i...ran a: roads .' Mie -with i>* i* if the niarriiifft' I! »i— • o(V'- itn- n of th- tax-|>ay'r •. ri a|- ..f Ri.mi -a;.- matrimony is a J " kct. profession m it-i .{. If it's aliou: j| 1( . ~n | y prof.--Mil m which tho Th>* hardest tin to prunt- i« tho amateurs havi the hist chance of jihun t rt'i . I!"s*iin Herald. { sva-i Arkansas (iazett"'. 00000000000000000000000000000000000- J I SPRING MILLINERY | j 1926 j Now on Display ?> The New Dress Goods with the S o Borders, Rayons=Silverglow, Crepe o S de chine with the borders. Its easy S o to find just the patterns for a new o o dress at the Big Store and then the 8 o price is less. i | SHORE MERCANTILE CO., Inc. f x The Big Store, - King, N. C. x >OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THE DANBURf REPORTER Study Nation's Hating Hal>its 1.;',. ' . •: w.'ldei what has : . .1 ai, I- t.g lasting i . is; . IT..- iv..l iv.'im'H may be that . | ■ | !.■ til' Ann i".. a arc • ! eating i- nuii h nirat pi r capita a- tin y : 11. 'l'll- ti-i.i!im y toward* a nieat !■-v /||i : is -T. tiiri i ivi ry day. M i • fruits, ri i-i al.-. vcp tables, % > the American diet ti ill e\.T In fi I-. year tin- o .ntry in ami w. t iif the Kurky Mountain sinj ; i ii i arluails of !■ ttuee ti• the K.i.-'i rn market-. that I ! i I idercd nil i-Hy as ii I'-I.i - i table ornaments, art' t.>- day major foods. Thi r. is ,-t.ll si great ni. ikft fm* in-at-, and always will be; I ,t today tin- s'.ii■. i -sl'ul farnii v is pretty eer tain tn msik' l his profit from diversi fied product inn. A closer study into this national fool hal'it might help many an old tiUK- stockman who still believes that a sinister Somebody in thi (iovern nicnt, nr in organized Society, is rob ing him. National talle and table hahits, and not a robber influenee is affecting the great live stork busi ness. The report that ! i\va wonders what to do with a corn surplus hsis created eonsiderr.We astonish ment in the mountain '...-tm - of the South. Detroit News. The Federal treasury ha railed in all SIO.OOO hills. If you j." • one In your next week's pay enu I ip, send it on to Washington stl in ■•. Vlin neapolis Northwest Insuran ■. The year 11'2> ought to l,e much more successful and prosper .us and lucky than l'.t'J.'i. There are no Fri days the 18th in l!i2»i, and th re were three in l'.t'J.V Troy Record. Among those who seem unable to solve thi' prohlent of distribution is the weather man.— I'uhlisheis Syndi cate. Old Dobbin had his faults, hut you didn't have to pour hot water on him to get hi started.—La Porte (Ind) Argus. | It usually takes three generation s !to get from the country back to a , country club.—Peru (Ind.) Tribune. NORTH CAROLINA IS NOW THE FIFTH LARGEST TAXPAYER IN THE UNION Citizens of North Caivlin'u paid 00 less in in ome taxes, but S'J'J, more in miscellaneous taxes in lit'J.V than they linl in P.»:>l. Figures just made public by the bureau of internal revenue show that in, Mine tax collections in North Car-I ■ . tia totaled s'>l.l 'Us in j against #lt!,l*:{.7lW in P.'IM, whib-, . ileetions of miscellaneous taxis t taled $1ti.'?,M27.070 against .Sll!,- - !(i,O7L'. The tremendous increase in tile -tate's miscellaneous taxes is due' largely to the tobacco industry. Duo to thi' heavy miscellaneous ' tax payments, the total government teVentK's from North Carolina; amounted to 0150.271!.."K5» last yea \ an increase of s;M.yr>o,noo over j U'l'l, and making North Carolina the' fifth largest tax-payer among the' state, her total being vxcceded only by those of New York, Pennsylvania, l Michigan and Illinois. Prot ec t Th e Oni on Gro\v e r s While the government is easting! about for some means of helping j agriculture in its larger aspect, | there appears one particular case iij t which the remedy is as apparent as' it is necessary. This is the case if the onion grower.-, who annuallv j raise thousands of acres of small onions for the pickle trade. The, (center of the onion business is in the Middle West. These union growers are about t.> i be put out of business by a recent i decision of the board of general ap- j praisefs. which lowered the tariff >n pickled onions between #7.HO and J 'SII.HO a case. In effect, the apprais- 1 i'rs said that pickled onions might come into this country as onions, at a tax of 1 cent a pound, instead of as I pickles, as formerly, at a :i."> per cent ad valorem tax. It is estimated that from 7"> to 'HI ■ per cent of the cost of raising pick!.' j unions is paid out for the labor \x h;• ii i grows, peels and packs them. The 1 American grower, paying American wages for labor which works Amer ican hours, cannot compete with the Kuropean grower, paying Kuropean I wages for labor which works Kuro ; peati hours, without the protection "f a high tariff. As a matter of fa say the growers, a !!."> per cent tax was I"X\ enough; a ~>o per cent tax would have been fairer. rndcrwritinjr lie suits On Fire and Casualty Linos ilndu-trs.l News Hunan.l Fire insurance in has had :ri increase of between •"> and 10 p i i etit in premium volume, but the 10.-. ratio has h•• n heavy and expense have lie ii si.-e, largely because ef taxe- siiid • ther charges ovi-r which the busine.-s has no control. Casualty insurance .also shows an incre.ase in premium, but competitio I ha- been severe and losses have bee l heavy in many lines. Compensation, which furnishes the largest premium volume in this class, has been un profitable, even with increases in rates in many states. The rating authorities -eem to be unable to keep 1 rati s up with the increasing 10-is i ratios, due to extensions of com pen-1 -atie'i laws, more liberal payments, I and better appreciation on the part iof the employes of their rights to compensation. j Few of the fire and casualty cum ! panies will be able to show much j underwriting profit. They will, however, be able to record substan tial! returns from the investment oT i the enormous reserves, which they are required by law to maintain in ; order to guarantee protection t > policy holders. . 1 Fire insurance premium income . last year was $1,100,000,000. The casualty insurance premiums of the country are estimated at i j si>oo,ooo,ooo, and this volume of bus i iness was done last year at an undcr -1 writing loss, estimated at 1 per cent. • This was due chiefly to the unfavor able experience on compensation and liability insurance. Insurance underwriting is sin in ' tricate business. It requires most efficient management in order tha: L> its financial stability and integrity may be maintained. o j, Senator Capper proposes a nation [. jal law forbidding the marriage of ! feeble-minded persons. Does the Sen lator want to put Cupid entirely out u| of business? Florence (Ala.) n Herald. > Having rulel that there is no cruel ty in the Florida bull fights the Hu is mane Society may now pass on 'o a | the real estate business in the sun . I lit state.—Toledo Blade. Having rulel that there is no cruel ty in the Florida bull fights the Hu- Carefulness Will Eliminate Danger (Industral News Bureau.) Kvery winter numerous deaths are | caused by carbon monoxide. The In i formation Bureau f Kansas Public | Service Companies has prepared the following set of "danger s'trtvils:" "When unaccountable headaches come on, especially with two or more persons involved, you have a reason jto suspect carbon monoxide poison ing if then- are any gas stoves, ga grates, or doubtful-acting stoves or furnacijp about. "If matches will not burn perfect ly in the general air of the rooms, or if there is a sense of drowsiness 'in rather confined quarters, you have ' reason to suspect carbon monoxide. "Suspect monoxide gas if, on aris ing from a chair or attempting ac ;tive work, weakness of the kness ! occures and it requires special effort : to get one's self to the job. "Suspect the cook stove, whether it is of gas or other type, when these 'symptoms are aggravated during ; preparation of a meal. J "Flueless water heaters, wheth jer in bathroom, kitchen or basement, I should be constant objects of sus picion. regardless of their type. All | of them should have outside flues." Why Not? (Industral News Bureau.) Martin 1.. l>avey. member of Con I gross from 11th district, Ohio, has introduced a bill in Crogross to give I the President blanket power for two I years to reorganize the business i structure of the (iovcrnmenf statement giving the reasons for it. "For seven years." Mj'. Davcy says, "I have observed the Depart ments and Bureaus of the (loveni meiit at Washington at close range, having had official business with nearly all of them. I am simply ap palled at the loafing. indifference ami inefficiency. There are thous ands upon thousands of unnecessary employes and endless duplication alleged tffort. There is an inexcus able waste of much more than a half billion dollars a year. "The tendency is to increase, ratb than diminish, the personnel and ex penses of government. "The thing proposed in my Bill ought to be done. In all prohahili'y it is tile only way that it ever will be done. It is doubtful if real gov ernment reorganization will be a•- coinpl;-hid by i'ongresMi.nal action. Tin qui -tioii i-, will t'n'igress pa - - M.cii a drastic measure? Congress will li» it, if public opinion dcmsimD it iti :i way that i- vocal and persist ent." A private corporation which had grown tophcavy with overhead sind dead timber, would pursue the course advocated by Mr. Davey— it would be up to the president of the com pany to correct his organization. Then why is it not good business to have tin president of the United States, the greatest corporation in the world, follow the same course? At any rate the silver dollar stim ulates business; we try to get rid of it sis soon as |M>ssible.--Columbus Dispatch. Alien bootleggers Face Deportn 'jtion.- Headline. America f oArnier- I ican Bootleggers, what?— Arkansas 1 j (iazette. General Pershing did not discover 1 that his teeth were so bad until • showed them to Chile. Chicago. ■ Daily News. The two groups that seldom know i just what the people want are con i gressnu n and the people. ■ ISirmi:i,- hani News. Minister denies that churches have I started wars. Winder how many t people he has married. Seattle Argus. i; GUARD CAREFULLY » A mother's strength J t should be guarded with p jealous care. Often when | ■' vitality is depleted j Scott's Em ulsior nourishing and strength t reviving, is just the help ) that is needed. Scott's Emulsion has been SLA j_ helping strength-ex hausted mothers for Tf f O more than fifty years. - > I- Prica 40 and $l-20 ' & Bewnc. Bloomfield. N.J. U !!■ WEDNESDAY, FEB. 3. \9Z6 S WANT AOS S FOIt SALE—Randolph counlv farms, well adapted for grow ing tobacco- Prices more rea sonable than they have been in . years, Good terms. For par ticulars write .1. T. WIN'SLOW, Asheboro. N. C. tf • STRAIGHT SALARY: $35.0»l per week and expenses. Ma i or woman with rig to introduce , I'OILARY MIXTIRE. Eureka - Mfg. Co.. East St. Louis. II!. It 1 NEW NISSEN WAGONS FOR SALE.—I have at Danbury a number of new Nissen wag • ons. both two-horse and one " horse, and high and low wheel ' styles. Prices are right. If you need a wagon come and see - them. N. E- PEI'PER. FOl'ND—License No. R-1 :i 4 | near Virginia line. Owner can get same by calling at Reporter Oflice. Danbury. N. C.. and pay 'r ing for this ad. It NOTICE. I have hereby sold and trans . ferred all my interest in the I Walnut Cove Plumbing & Heat ling Co. to W. 11. McSwain. i Jan. :50th, 1926. u H. It. M'PHERSON. i.'lfeblw i NOTICE. I have hereby transferred and sold all my interest in the Walnut Cove Hardware Com pany to W. F. Howies. ! Januarv 30th. H»26. H. R. .M'PHERSON. .'{fch Iw FARM FOR SALE Wonderful Opportunity For a Tobacco Man. Seventy acres fronting •>n both sides of highway 75 only ' six miles west of Asheboro, X. Has fi-room house practical ly new, good barn and out houses, together with a pasture fenced in with new cedar v-sts ! and best grade oi w ire! Pas- tnre and farm well water.- 1 . I,This is good tobacco land and -,sonic of it is suitable lor • ing com. wheat and cotton. r i. Thi* place can be bought Three Thousand Dollars on a-v s terms, and possession given at' - Once. Write or wire when i - can collie to see it. E. G. MORRIS, Asheboro, N. C. 'JitVb-lw • ,1; See Us For Your Needs Big lot Clover Seed. THE BOYLES CO. ' King, N. C. ' 1 NOTICE To Whom it May Concern: On Pwonibor 20th, 11125, one Ford Touring Car, Motor No. 1)850471, containing five gallons of whiskey, was seized from parties unknown by Federal Prohibiion Officers in Stokes county. This is to notify the owner, who ever he may be, to come forward and make claim or the car will be sold by order of court. J. S. OSTEEN, Deputy Federal Prohibition AdtrrJ Charlottee, N. C. 27jan2w M