"WEDNESDAY, DEC. S. I^S .LOCAL NEWS ITEMS; Mm. Rev. Fred X. Day, >f Winston » Salem, will preach at the Preshy terian church here next Sunday at! ■ 15 o'clock, I'. M. Rev. O. K. \\ardj ■ will bo with him. p The money is being rapidly raised to build a l>:»ptist church here and J we are hoping: to commence work on it soon. We extend a welcome to all to come out and hear Mr. Day. I $ He is an able preacher and will ' bring: you a message that will do you good. Ex-Register of Deeds N. Karl , Wall was here from Winston-Salem' Monday ntlending: to business mat-1 te"? at tli* corrt hou=:\ Frank Tilley, of Smith, was In r* 1 Monday attending the meet in;; of the county commissioners. .Mr. Tilley believes that he has sum; thing that a- ; many men of his ago possess. I . :■■■ th" first d.ess thai he donned when he cant: 1 into the world. W. 11. Si" ;!! was a vi.-ilm- her ■ from Si. '.v i reek town-hip Moiei \. in renewing his -übicripi ie;i to th» | Reporter Ml. Stovall >•*:'!• ■! ti*:»lie ; had taken t!ii- pa • • «n'inuou. iy j IP for thirty-two year . T. (J. Ferguson a:. i ! t■. citizens «if Yadkin U.wn nip. were among: the hu-ino-s vi.-itm ,n Da:.- 1 bury Monday. Wiley (). Baker was here Mend"'; from Mizpah. It is learned that Mr. Baker is contemplating remov-. ing to High Point, but has not def- j Vinitely decided upon the matter. Rev. J. J. Kads, of Mt. Airy,! former pastor of the M. K church j here, will preach at 11 o'clock A. M, ! in the Methodist church here. Pas tor J. W. Hackney will preach at night of the same day. 00000000000000000- Jbr Economical 7ron»/>or/oi»o» i * ■" "■ ***•??2T". » • - - 'i. * > v v o Is the lowest price )> ! FISHER | x BODY | 'I car on the market, > o Sales this month exeeerl 0 0 all expectations. o Be sure and sec o £ these beautiful o closed models at our £ £ place. Ask for > ' o demonstration. o o ! WILSON MOTOR CO., I £ C. T. MeGEE. Salesman. $ £ KING, N. C. $ 0 o, oo C 0000000000000 ..'C OOCOOOOOO-- coc : c oo o^-0000000 A" 0 i 0 £! 1 fl ■| We Are Ready to Get I r| You Ready for Christmas | | STYLISH SUITS j|L t ,>| . "Toppy" Top Coats '%lj | * ! And Everything Else to ||dS o; o Dress You Up. . j wjg I | Good Quality—Right Prices | 11 Winston jjl^ilaSalem | I—— 6 An.old time lidt'ders' convention ■ will be held at the school budding here Friday night of this week wlu n prizes will be given the su.—essf'd | contestants. .lantes D. Kiinehum, of D:;nbury 'Route 1, was among the visitors 1 here today. i C. L. Xeal and Gid Mabo, of Meadows, were among the visitors in town today. | Paul Fulton, of the St'ikes Grocery Co,, at Walnut Cove, was here on business today. • | Personal Items Of Lawsonville Route 1 j jv.w.-f ::vi!!e Route I. IV.'. f!.--T-e?s Nelson, GotViey Siaith, llowari! Amos, Ribeit Ziglar, and V osier Rhode; visited Ali-s Lucile M mre Saturday night. Misses Mnmi« Rhodes and Nina S;iiith spe.it Saturday nigh'.. wi. > dith .I' linie Spolici r. Mi - Ernestine Hawkins spcit • Sat fit a . night with Miss A. i ! Hiuvkin.-i, ; ?di=» lil'lh ~; 1« '. er Sjlo; ,*••' ind.i,.' ' nigh' v it l i •- Ninn Sinn h. Mis: Al.vit! - I'inchurl was the ;'i'e-i ei' ,|es-i«' Fraih Sum' 1 afternoon. ; Miss 1 Moore wa no gtte.-t .of her S:«t:T, Mrs. Post y Mimiv, Sunday afternoon. Oti.-. Steele, Lawrence Wood an 1 Ralph Rhodes and Mi' is .le.-ie j Wood and Inez Steele Were the | guests of Miss I.ucile Moore Sun i day. Tam Bowie Holds Court Under Emergency Rules Greensboro. Dec. 7. Tam Howie, of Ashe county, appointed as a■> emergency judge by Governor Mc i Lean, came h- re y. tordiv and i,. . , . i openoU n tWo\\'ek- term hi (ill.!- I ford Minerior court. ' - Wilson Leaf Sales Nearly >_' :\1 ill ions Wii-e,. If,-. 'es on ii • local wi e I ma lie • ,•• i ,-t. • 1 aje. i t ; . s Week a - the se:, •' t..•:. 1 sal. made a thru-', toward thi- '!:!.Oiiu,tii i pound mark money i • ii..,- f r the season nearing the ;?! T.oiiii tioo goal. Sale-; mi Monday i f 7a:!,:;>s poun'ds at an average price of per hundred, an increase of .•?:! p; ,• humb'ed pounds over any average paid during the past week, i Tiif'-re-t in poultry gtowing has led to the organization of several county poultry associations in North Carolina this year. Swap the old roi , ter to a neighbor for a pure bred and get started ' ight in the poultry bnsi i ad vise t i'iM work. !*•'. S'ubseribe for Tiie Reporter an 1 I-ret The Southern Planter 1 year. '' WALNUT COVE MER' HANTS HIT i C ompiain TPut ln| l ' Traflie Div- kts Trade—Map-: i tisl Trainii 'r Sehmil. f - -- - i Walnut Cove, IK ,-. The liter-• chants here are being hard hit on account of the roads being untie.* construction. Over half of the trallic is going tiro.mil Walnut Cove. One merchant said hi trade had fallen off thousands of d-dlat's sin." the closing of the vend. Walnut I j Cove relies a good deal on the north lernI ern pa»*t of the county for her trade, i The lo"fs1 Ford dr>aler« here five I • | having a line business this full. | r! During tie m inth «'■ November t'aey sdd 1111 "ar and link:. The training m'lv •! tin ha be i iI in pro'-resr al 11: I'apii ; 111*t;* Ti , the i a-t week will clo.-- Tiict!... . The large n her lr vieg . • i tent!"d tlii'- sclio d vi'l take all ■ | ainiaaiion for thi'r dii-loi.i;. Sue d.-'.y L. .!on* . i. ! ! «• '. 1'". .■ ' t!io .*■; -i i • 'i n ,•ad "i i . • Sin-, i v i . hool and ii a r v weeks it will i'"*e ii the tandai i .-i i. -y ;••• !!. ' ■ . i ;si- i-11* ion, j Rev. I ri-ii N. Day v.* I . ...a- . : i• : rvic • at the Baptist church next , Sunday at 7 o'c'i i k. Mrs. John I.eweSlyn "."a laktn to i the Baptist Hospital Saturday ii > have he:* tonsils removed. She is, . reported us improving rapidly and . will return home this week. LI wood Young, the ten-year-old son of Frank Young, who resides near Rosebud Christian church, had the misfortune of getting his leg broken last week. He was walking along the road carrying a plank when a Ford, driven by a Mr. South erlantl, struck the blank and i'i some way it struck the boyV 1-g, break ing ii. La-=t report was, teat lie was . resting well. Mrs. J. I*'. Pepper, who has been coui'n.ed to het bed ainio-t a year, jw "I i nter iP - P .lit !:•• ..'I tii ; - , .v. for t•• *.;t: lent. 1 I .A. A. Fowler .spent the wi k end. • hi ,*e i? Si if- fa ill*. I »!i Tit haa Itor *.. '. 'a; • »•»• | i t fed floin tii' ita > i.-t host ' ■ • lv.is '• fie lii.derv at ;. opera: 1011. | S! e i> re|'.'-rted t-i In raeioi;.* r ... Mi,- Brodle, who ha visit i iet; relative* in I'.i.nivkc an! Mat*. ■> tinscllle, \'a., lias d iionn. Cally Tuttle Hurt "j By Automobile ! Germanton, Dec. S. Cally Tuttl", of Germanton, is in a Win loa-Sa 1 L-m hospital in an uncor. ai u dl*'on :t.-' tlv.' re- ull of an a ,t -1! I' l r; i-i.*:.! nr-.tr G,M*'.v,n'i!on lr.si niglu. It was stated that the car in whiih he was riding turned over , and that he is inti rally injured. The extent "f his injuries is not known but it is not thought his injuries will prove fatal. 1 eub-crihe for Tin 1 Reporter and get The Souili' a Plainer I year. THE DANIU ItY RErORTKR j Preach ins.; Dates For Pros! \ tcrlun Churches I'astor Hudspeth, of the I're.-l.y -;!> riiin clru'ch announce ati ! i pointmeit- for ;• rent-hi riyr until fur- I ther notice. as follows: j l>anlury Ist and !»rd .Sundays at' ! 1 O'l lock. A. 11. I'ine lh !!, 2nd Sundays at !! o'clock, A. M. Sandy llidjjo, !th Sundays, nt V. o'clock. Visitor* and are corni- 1 allV Wl'l • 1;'0. I I T.flST —Small I'eacle female die/, lilac. black and while s|iec!.i.d. | l»'c;i*onali!c reward will lie paid Fur return of !u;r r any tnl'orniaiii.-is leading lo i(n rl'covcry. V I!.!.IF. MOOTfI, 1w Meadows, N. C. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAI est arxi?r.a in: i:n in ' Tur. v . !'. vil" 1)1' iil'.' jif.V.'i of S.;'r contain. ■ i deed i'l in;;:', c'..' iii '.'i; 1 nil i 1 I lie I'/! I! (i;t. ol" July, 1018, by !!. M. Joyce •i!'il wife, in se are tile pay ment of ;i nou- for .S-J75.00, do in 1. M. Gordon, which deed in mist is recorded 0:1 page 2(>'i, Book N.i. (>.">, Register's oilico 'of Stokes county, N. C'„ to which reference is hereunto made, default having been! made, in Ihe payment of said! debt at maturity, and the hold er thereof having applied to) me to foreclose the trust for 1 the satisfaction of the debt se-1 cured thereby, 1 will expose to' public sale, to the highest bid der for cash, at the court house' door in the town of Danhurv,' X. Mil MONDAY. JAN. !»TH. ! 1 at the hour of il o'clock, a. m„ the lit! i 'Ve:! ill ihe iriisi 1 deed, in u il: ■ "IVgi '■ :ig :i! th ■ ■ erne • ■' I ihe •••■ '• !••• pi.l iie load. hi j the tow; !>ai b u y, N. ('.. .-1 I 1 iK* X » l: l ' «• i 1i i • /»Jt V - , ! . ! i rot'i ■ 1' 1 iie - tor. ■ house of J. : y>Mit '! -iv lo.*. ;id running t hen i ■ {ji »•:. -t• rl\ dieclioii along toe south side oi the sireet t j , •la large tree standing in j tiie norilnvest coiner of th. | lawn of Ihe former resident-•• of A. If. Joyce, deceased, and , I hence in a southerly direction.' {(parallel with the public road: or street leading from the I ';•( sbylt rian church in Han-! bury.) to the lands of the heirs, at-law of V\ ,\V. king. decea : e.'. ' and J w( ,u t'.v; '■'!*•• alon .- . the line of the hoi'r?-at-L"AV r ~:' ! W. W. Kiivr. dece;; •• !. I• 1 h street. o»* pjidic !"• and t.. - ■ ' - ce with said strict, or -ao l'lT'ld lo th.' '■ ."illl 1.1 «• t•; *' ing 'hi law oiiii:il«'i A. ii. ,'oycc. decease.!." This Dei-. J--1 -i. i'.• ii•.i. j , N. O. PETliliM, Trustee j ruß'.'U£ir«j"»:. uiuwiii mi—awmatanßn imi ua inrn-""* 1 v~na Every D./ tn". Lawyer, I :it:- t. ■•!• [ ■ .f. " :ud man, head house, i' buildii'tr, ni'.-ftins lioure, roon'. a.d •. p'.". ; aiiy the l."me whcix arc chil'in 11 ;:iic .-f d in Ameriti 1 ir.l!t ri'ir- .0 • d .'insi shoid't 11 copy each of— "The Declaration of Independence" and "The Constitution of the United States" If you will mail ire one dollar, i will lie 1 leaded to mail you a copy i f "The Declaration of Indi pendt net "or a copy 'f "Th 'n':: ututi n of t!:e •• i States," or liolli for only $1.."0. Sec or ivrifo ('. 1.. Vol Nt;. Danliury, N. '. ' King Foniitiife Store Q. O o'i A ! sA I 1 il 1 4 il i A As —_ «. *4 C. M .W -4 I I • ;l | 'U'tie Sui: -, Mi:!.' ski 1 •■■•••■' it'll. I UaveiK-tt and 2 chairs, on sale $47.50 ' s'] oj Kvcrythin" !! iU.-i-d ;n the KVI' IVTIIINC itKlir' Kl >. Furnit . ■■ i)i partiiH'! - .'.. Ki'li ltK('K. , liSKIi. SO^OOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SHORE AIHRCAM2LE CO., Inc. j Sells for LESS. The Big Si- re. ' KING, North Carolina. 'h A I. V i%»;al sX\ k a ■ !% .4 fi il i $ S ! I Mil iPIIY ¥ our I EX6S! »v 1 will 'Meet the tax-payers at tae i'i ; :ovii;.g {.-'.it-.- and '.Ha .•> ! for the mirnose of collecting the i'.-Ji"' taxes: 1 I >I!i.K. J. 11. W UKIHT'S Store, 1 t» :! p. ni.. Wed. . " S. " I.L'IxI HALL'S Store, i» a. i". to rn.. Tiuirsday. . " ;i, KKYNOLDS S( iIOOL, Ito p. ni. Thnrs. . " •• ! IMN'NACLK. (hunk.) ;» a. in. to :) p. ni. Friday. ... " 10, ' KINCJ. (h«nk). !) a. m to p. ni.. Saturday, .•* it, •• : t'AiT'.Li.A. IM' adi ws' Store. Si a. in. to 12 ni., M" ;. •* " i iHZI'AH, Meadows' Store, 1 to - p. ir. *' 10, " j JitJY liFDi 'IXCS' Store, {» a. in. to 12 m. Tuos " 14, " i-'. S. KOSS. Storr, 1 to ."» p. ni. Tuesday. " 11. - GEIIMANTON. (bank), oa. ni. to ;i p. m. Wed " 15, " .MAli\"iX FI.V.NT'S Store, !» .a .to 12 ni. Tiv.irs " 16. ' IdI.I.AKO. Ito p. ni., Thursday, 16, " riNF IIALL, 0 a. ni.. to 12 111. Friday. .. 17. ' FKEKMAN. Turner's Store. Ito p. ni. Friday ... " 17, " WALNUT COVE, thank), oa. ni. to p. m. Sat., .... " IS. " \V. J MABK'S Store, 9 a m. to 12 m., -don. " 20, ; LAWSONVILLE, 1 to ?, p. ni. " 20, " |G. W. HART & SON'S Store, 9 to 12 111., Tues., .... " 21. 4i IR. M. SMITH'S Store, 1 to 3 p. m.. Tues., " 21, " IK. A. SMITH'S Store. 9 to 12 m., Wed " 22. " A. M. SHELTON'S Store, 1 to 3p. m. Wed, " 22, 4 NANCE'S STORE, 9 to 12 ni, Wed " 29, '• CALEB HALL'S Old Store, 1 to :> p. ni. Wed "29. "" ROY E. LEAKE'S Store, 9 to 12 m., Thurs., " 30. " j BUFFALO, 1 to 3 p. m.. Thursday, " 301. " IT. J. GANN'S Store, 9 a. m. to 12 ni„ Saturday, .... " 31, " ■J. E. WARD'S Store, 1 to 3p. m„ Saturday, " 31, " This the 30th day of November, 1926. J. FRANK DUNLAP. Sheriff of Stokes County. PAGE FIVE