PAGE EIGHT HERE'S AN OPPORTUNITY j Any anc interested in pur ihasinu cheap and owning one • f the best tobacco and grain farms in Fors> th county. V C.. would do well- to confer with ■ it- un.lersfgned. 01' I'. \V. Ful 'ii. rare R. .1. Reynold* Tobac co Company. \\ !> ston-Salem. N. i .. or \ . 1.. Hc-ter R 1. Ik-lews reek. VC. This main farm i intair* !!!'» ace-, more or Ic»s. - !i i'; 1 buimht with part cash ..'.•nee on '- :mh! -I monihs :ie. Mr. Hester will Sake 'easure in >howln.; anv one ■iter; etl »'.er it ;:t au\ lime. I. P. I I I.l'itN. t are lay ior Urns.. .■■■,i>-v \\ ipst»>r.-*>alein. N. t I OK S\! i:: .iiul 1 -i-n e* "> id i-i Town Fork ( reek. -!• •.ere- of uhi eh is sjood bottom nd. t.ood buildings on the •■'•ice il interested in bu> inu ri(i!\ -ee Vr. ( _ li. Da\i>. \\al- Cove. V ('.* DjanUw mmumsik \ iors notice H:t\ ing ii iiy qualified as nd inistrator of the estate of Mrs. \ . . deceased, late oL - >k ci i.:-ty. N » all persons . Iter --'a' a!" requested : ke pr> " i't payment, and ; holding elaims a . linst said 'state, are hereby ' ■ resent tile same . • hr::t a ated t" !lv undi - -_■■■, : • . |a\ mer.t • 'ii or be ■ • : • ilay of January. N. I .1 A . A 1 i :v. Alr \ i \ \ \ I.• -I-lIT— '* * JHM ■*>*•■ WTTMJMCMMAMMMM c- • >>«-■ :>oo' »ovoo'o C 0 s A FEW SALES MADE AT | TAYLOR'S WAREHOUSE ! 0 Winston-Salem, N. C. The Past Week. | o w v i _'j i ' II v \\'j i - , i;>■» . l«». 1 (» ■ !.*•. i ,! '> "i. I>! - J .".J (ii :)»>. 0 !•> .1. .M. I IJS ■' 10, .",S! 0 1 A. .vi;.' . 7_ "»• i. i'.i 1 (if cf l'iii a i iii .'HI. a m ' .;i. 'l'i'ifv vV Taylor, Ou (;i 1". -1- 0 .!. i. a ' ,2 i (ff I". ■ *. I. I »"i a ilt i! • t ii. J 1 ut Zu. 11 I'. Flyi :i (« I>. q hr !!». :;n hi ::s, llfj wi :>2. !'. Karrinn'toii, 12> (i .".7 0 i W. U. lioyli - 112 " "m, Tti dt ">ii at 1, 71 t '.'>2. j i'.i. 11l i m 11. 1 :*>(« ■' lli, :I2t> 1 I. i\ \Vi'>t:iiorlanil, l~»t> ( it 1". 0 ? 100 .» :jii. :i2l «i 2i. $ i'ayiir & .1' i.n-M. 1• 11 (k 11. \\ .K. White, :it) i" .">O, 220 •» |.",n in :: 1. 0 K. A. Rot hi''it-; . ."1 ii IT, 2!» 1 (itoi'K r f Arrinjrton. ">(t l'» 12, 0 ii:: i. 12' l!T. ''.To ui 20. •'!'"> •' -1(«, Hut ( n 240 in 28. q Whitt vV II; f;_ r ,82 50, -"I \V. W. Moiino .1M» a :!7. IS! 0 ii .'((I. ' (i 2!t, 1 -'52 (a 2'i. $ K. A. .Martin, 80 ui 50, Kil (ii U. ('. l ow . 2n (" til m 0 .",0. • 17, 'ill' (If _'S. 0 1.. A. >liai | (' 18. :;:;i t'. t). Willard 220 «i l:»u i 27. ■ 20. 0 Wan ■r. \ Ci'uiHT 200 (" 17. J. K. Allen, .".00, (n .".ti 111 ut 0 a I't. -*• 0 V. K. Lankl'ori!, 1 10 (u 14.200 A. J. fVall. It o « lit". (»/ 0 .Jini I)ollv hiilt*. 11iti ( it' 1(». 2 lit If. (i. luttlt 1 , til (it 41, 12 (a Q v ai 20. :M, l lo (« :'.2, 20(1 (a :itt. 0 White & Kiser. 2:50 (it 11. Will Collins. 8t) (ft 4:5, S»0 (: q 0 I;roily Wajfom r 8n (u 48. :*»2 i :i7. 82 (a iIG. 2:12 (ii :M. 0 $ (/i 42. 488 ('j 28. I- Knuckles, 1 ."»(> (a :!1). v A. (). I'erryman loti (y 40, 410 ' J. P>. Mays, 180 Oi :»4. (n q 0 id :il. j| $ J ('. lU'dnian. IG2 (y. 11. :»"»'• Irvin Shultim, (50 (ft 42, 74 (p $ (u .",() -IT, 126 (a :j:j. 0 0 L. F. Weir, 210 (a 42, 410 (f! ! J. L. Sisk. 40 (0. 4."i. 1)4 @ 44, 0 2G ' ! 22 @ 40. $ C 0 I o I o i X € 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000 ! SALESMAN for Lubricating Oil and Paint; two lines com bined. iSalarv or Commission. THE ROYCE REFINING CO. or THE ROYCE PAINT CO.. Cleveland. Ohio. 1 w FARM FOR SALE acre farm, t> room house, new feed barn, basement. 2 tcbucco barns. pasture. 7."> young apple tries just bareing, wiil soil for eighteen hundred, me thousand down. years for t l, e balance. W rite or come and see, H. IL TI'GGI.E. I w son* il'e. N. C. NOTICE I. Kobah N. Powder. llegi - II :■ c; lifni- i>' Stoke- count;., North Carol;!!'. do hereby certi fy : i a* Uo> Wil'.iard obtained a marriage lice:'..- ■ front this • ■ No\ eml'i r ... !!_'! to marr. Tnida Alpha .lane Sisk, of Pin nacle, N. daughter of Julius Si.-k and Uilla Sisk. of Pin nacle, N. tand said marriage was celebrated with N, A. Mar tin. a Justiir of the Peace of Stokes county. N. C. otliiciating. November ">th. 1924 at the Court House. Danbury. NC. witnesses present: Je-se Tutt'.e. Germanton, N. ('., P. L. Gordon, Pilot Mountain, V ('.. Gary Gor don, Pilot Mountain, N. C. This the 2nd., day of Jan. 11)29. K. N. I?R( »U PER. Register of Deeds of Stokes i ;i• t\. North t.i ■■ lina, 1 >an • !"\. N. '. noi i: o! s \ i . i : 01 pi. \i, I \ i K. :• ' • I'M »« »• »• !* * 1! II I ' , { | . , "• THE DANBURY REPORTER year, 1926. interest and costs, in the case of "J. Wilson Mitch ell against Stokes County Fair Association. i ml others," pend ing in Stokes county, the under signed will sell at public auc tion. to the highest bidder for cash, upon the premises in Yad kin township. Stokes county, N. (\. near the town of King, on the llt h day of Feb. l!>2fl. at the hour of 11 o'clock a. in., the real estate of Stoke- County Fair Association, to wit: First Tract "l'icgiuning on t:. North W i's' side of i n- Pan river road. I' Oliver's corner, in 1!"!> Sprin kle's line, south 7 chains an i •"if» 1 -"J feet to a f"ck ; theiici east chains ami feet lo a rock: thence north 7 chain-, (new linei. ami ">•"> 1-2 feet to a rock in Sprinkle'* line: west > chains and 22 feet with Sprin kle's line to the beginning, con taining five acres." See deed book ">tl, page 111. Register's oilier Stokes county. Second Tract: "Hi-ginning at the south west corner of Fair lirounds, running south, old line, with Polplui- Slate's line. •">!'l fee' to a stake, Polphus Slate's corner in Hus ton earner's line; thence east with I lost on liana line. 718 feet to a rm k in l!" -ton ear ner's line, new cor: r: thence > rtnew line. I1 ! 2 1-2 fe 1 t a r 'ad in I!"' >S; .nkle's line : *••'•• «v:. with sprinkle's lim eel JO a r-H -v. 1 h east ■ r • f Fair i ■ >ii: : thence s »uth with Fair Gr ads line "! » ! fei t1 • a i ■ . > i'|i !•, ■ \\ . \ : i ( i l'i >!• '' S ,'ei ' ■ ' ; •gil.r : i "■ ' ' 1 ' ■■ •"i 1. : - Stoke? • ■ .'..1!.. !•••_ I N i v i"i tli' l'i. t nii.-sioi. 1 .~v . W), x>oo- ;« .-OO oooooc-0000000000000000000000000000000000 | Closing Out Sale ! ] o'' ' • 0 0 . 0 0 0 Come Here For Quick Action \ 1 On Brand New Merchandise ! s s S 0 I have decided to close out my mercantile business. I have a o mil store of mostly new .u'oods that 1 mean to sell at and below 0 cost beginning' o | January 15th, 1929. I $ o And I expect to continue this sale until I close out. £ Come early if you want the best groods for less money than you o $ ever bought them before. £ Come to this sale and let me prove to you what I say. 0 0 I have always sold groocls at a low price and I mean to close out o regardless of price. Don't wait but come and share with the rest $ I never have given you an opportunity like this before. ' 0 Below I quote a few prices: $ X o Heavy Domestic Sheeting at. yard !• l-2c,»Nice Illeaching at 0 l-2c 9 Heavy 220 Weight Overalls at, pair "JBc Itloomers at 20c a (\ White Bed Spreads at, each 7*>c (Ladies bloomers at lo to 45c q \ Kxtra Nice I led Spreads at, JtSc (iood wool rugs i) xl 2at §10.0(1 Q Heavy I'lue Shirts at. !">■ Manabus rugs (5 \ flat $4.00 0 • hildreti's Dresses at, .'!!K Wool rugs .'I xt> at sl.flS 0 Nice Press (ioods at. yard !> l-2c Sail telt rugs at S 1 -tiv A 1 do/, hose for men. pair t V Ilrooms for .">•"> to 7" t - C Hosier,.' for ladies 8c Set cups and saucers, very large size 7">c q Silk hose for ladies IS.- (iood table oil doth "."je cloth 2-k' ) hihi:. m's fancv l ose !!•.• (iood liic silk dress 1.1»-s 0 Y Ladies f;dl fashion hose' llan> besi grade t nioti suits PS;- -iioe- les than half price l,adi« s hats at 1» per cent, discount ■ '>d c!" !• -a; Sic Hoy's woolen saits SS."o ; W tell ~ keep '.rood tin.e .it '• l-2c t iih,L llalllS. Van! 7 11. g ■ ■■;' ii.: a' l-2c IJ.-von >;: k, jroed. yard |."» o '• ..t !•' Ala:..', oi in r t ides too numerous to tn • ! ' a! '2 l-'.V ,;.m« |. . r ric»s. C a Walnut Cove Bargain House f .1. W'e-'.i \ M -reiield. Prop., Walnut Cove N. (' 9 1 ■ £ O'OOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO n>OC - • • «V OOvC' STOCKING THE BUNGALOW pelfs' f . -r> V> , • " I & \f / I'Jkti/L' JS/', CI ¥ l?v» 7®n y *>/ M/' I trill get me airay to the waters that (/lass I he clouds as th.'y pass. I will yet tr.e auay to the woods/' "j'fOW often have wc .ill felt the 'l'l 11 wtalvfia of which I lovey sp*ike in tliis verse anl \\» It rapture it is to gratify it. II: .lights ill the litll-- huii>e in the woods with the "Mi.iilmV' trim with daisies pied, Shallow brooks and rivers wide," will hurry us off to our vacation as soon as possible. Hut no matter what else is pur v rhased, there is always one need that receives earnest attention: the food. No longer does the person £ who Roes to the woods for his va f ' cation expect to live on hacon and ilour and sugar and coffee. To be /1 »ure, lie takes those essentials / alotifj, and in onerous quantities, > i but to them lie adds canned foods which relieve him of any necessity J of trips to town for supplies. Jj Of all the canned foods which J i are used in summer camps, milk, \ i either dried, evaporated or con i densed, has worked the greatest * revolution. With its aid delicious )C biscuits, flapjacks, soups, gravies X even cake if you are skilled • can z I be concocted in the woods. Cotn ? I plete directions for usin the milk j» %ft t^ive:i on the labels or CAJI be obtained from the manufacturers !>ef.ire going to camp. it the amount of baggage you can take is limited, you will doubt less clioo&e tor yi'iir vegetables, peas, corn, totnatoes, and beans. With (hose on hand you can pro vide .1 variety of dishes. Fur instance, the beans and corn mixed together will provide succotash. urn with tomato sauce i-, another \ anaticiti. And Fancy Touches, Too! Hut if you have more space, there arc many little refinements that will add a lot to camp lite; fur instance, .i-parugus, beets, sauerkraut, sweet potatoes. l'eaches, pears, apricots, and pineapple head the list of fruits, fur they are popular and, like the lead ing vegetables, can appear in many guises. Sometime when you have caught a tine mess of lisli, try dip ping circles of pineapple in flour and then frvinp them in the fish fat and serving them with the fish. Tl.e combination is both new and delicious. Or with roast wild game, you might serve pears, l.ay them on the fowl about fifteen minutes before it is done, in order that they mav heat through and impart some of their flavor to the fowl. Apples (including apple sattce), cherrie*. and plums are delicious additions. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 9, 1929. It may sound rather like carrying coals to Newcastle to suggest that it is desirable to take along at least a lew cans ut meat and fish to the camp, but after ail there irc days when the lisli won't bite and the name stays hidden. It is then that the cans m salmon or tuna, cod lisli, or clams will wear the air of life-savers. Did you ever realize what a wide variety in canned meats can be obtained? Ot course you know sliced bacon comes in cans, and you probably know of chicken, tongue, and stewed kidneys. Many "Meali" in Cant But did you realize that Irish stew, I hash, sausage, liver with bacon or onions, veal loaf, and beef prepared in five different ways are all obtain able? Then there are the entrees such as goulash Hungarian style, chicken curry, chicken a la King, chop suev, and others. Wouldn't it be amusing to sit down to a dinner of exotic chop suey in the midst of the woods? It is just as well to take a few prepared desserts along, too. Fruit cake, plum pudding, fig pudding* are all put up in cans. Ant}- of course fruit butters, jams are easv to transport and are eco nomical Pickles of various kind* thouM be remembered, too.

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