PAGE FOUR Will Plant Pastures: Then Add C ows Raleijrh. Jan. 21 Three thousand acres u::! I ,■ planted T o improved pastu;•••■ :u Ala mance eo •«. ke> farme; • jr. earl. > •! ■ .t ' •nlinu *. • ..T ! .H*ti* / « 'i Ms' *a" V\ it • : !*»•>'•-AS - •' '1 - ' i A- " M -* ! ... tti r past ..!•• - -A..: !•••.•■ d xvi 1! be brouifht in. This »*d after which add:; .• cows ~**rt apparency '• as th« back ■ ".g •? the business men of tl •• -unty, the bankers, the 5 ro fessio::«i'. n»r. ttfli .1- *hv farr«-!> W K. \\ h Me. liane. i- "• » ■ tiu moving spirits in the en'>rpr:-e .uai he 00000000000000000 0 0 ■N A ___________ —— _____ % V • We Vppreciate Your Trade. Pa* ( a-h a 11c! I»i!> For Lt*-*. THK I')VLKS ( >.. Kinjr, N. ( . Man Ties the Furnace I At Latter's Own Game The Furnace Has Nothing ,i On the Human Organism , , As a Creator of Heat. P j der to determine - the amount of heat created by th«» combustion of heat. I; nerves as a fu i for the a given quantity of coal. In these I generation of heat in the body, tests the unit of measurement was just as coal serves as a fuel tor the calorie, or file amount of h \it 'h» generation of heat in a furnace, required to raise the temperature One ounce of sugar supplies 11'" of a pound of water four decrees ! calories, and there is waste. Fahrenheit. From the standpoint of useful heat The t' sts showed that wh n created through tin ir hm us t'uel.s. burned in a calorimeter, one kiio- smrar and i oal |*»ss-«.« an :iii«»«--t gram of pure coal—two and t\\ >- -xaitly equal degr.-e of . m eiicy tenths pounds-nave oil s.s'.il ;n their :espectivc lie!,l orios. of 5J'(- calories for ach' Alan's |diy.»ical weilb in . ounce. When the coal is burned climates depends upon Mtflii ent on a grato, however, imperfect bodily heat even more than upon combustion and other wastes re-j sufficient external heat. The fuel duce the yield of effective heat by ' value of is lart'elv p.]?»••. more than a half. ble for the fact that ei'-'ht til' it Sit; ar is one of the most highly act ompany t'otitm.ti.d' • |: -i ;,is concentrated sources cf bodily j present Antarctic exp' dition. is working* eltvsely with XV Kerr Scott, county ajrent. county is already ( well known a> the home of Jer se\ cows. The county has th» larc--t Jersty ea':' club n tilt > v. •!••..!. I">T farm b»ys an i jrirls * arh '".nine a pure bre» animal S - e !t> hanks in tin • . ti• •:• havt agreed t>> help it ■ 1: ri'ic '!:- •• •••••. T t«> es » ' • ;stur - and 1 trine ii 1- ■. 1 l' ' • ••• at if .. stabk " k 'Mar ,et - stahlished sii, i ir l -.'- • thi • ' \vi'. : tur ■'*s• . k 'amine- .mi will \ . \\\ ' I -:art« i » ■ ; ' aci Se. m. havi •h • too a.-ri's planted tan . and cult i »■« i jrrasse* Several farmers have already pun bas ed , ,j. A neu Knjriish ::'-m\ motor »yeie - fitted tractor wheels :• the nar which en . ; ■ - it to travel -luampy ground and als.' eli:..l> steep K*'"ad>'S. A new all-metal flying boat developed in Kurope has 24 - a' - • passer is driven ft' .!■ J.O"0 •• * Wer ell - 'n - ••! t• ia ■ 12«» nil« s Poultry men of ('aldwell coun . :• prt-t :• ;r : iri>a t t-ason . . ■ . lies . • ;nt\ •- * ■ • d a ' :.• ••!' of ii i' !1' IK. I 1 lw THE DA. BURY REPORTER STEDMAN LAKE COST $5,083.50 An Accounting Is Made By (apt. Stedman To the Con -1 trihutors—lake Will Soo.i 15e Full Of Water and Stock ed With Fish. ■d u ' Stedman I ake. located a n..'- vv est ii" I>:i r l>i:r.\ on S - ;.to a\ No. >!♦, has - v t'- : siiuf ,11 con.i !i 'oil. ami la ; week ('apt. R. T Stedman fir ni-hfii aii the co'.tt*il• •;'ors the f uiu for '".liMinr *''«• la'-. . a complete statement «»1" ;!. an; units paid in an I t cost thi '.ike. Cap' Sr. I man art- . . - trustee •f ' 'I- H. - 1. ad ..•/ th. ! . . Walt » ■ : !. ajr.a for tins .! rict. Anmntr th larc. r coiitribi; 'ii• ■ i t lions to i::>* la-.- : i • ! were the ' foliowinp ' W. N. Reynolds s',oo. A. ". Mio r S. ("lav Williams s2fw». Bowman tJra.v $250. I*. H. Hants £2OO, A S. llan.s SIOO. ,1. 1\ Stedmai * 1 'o. James C,. Hanes $1»0. 1 >r. F. M. Hants : SIOO, R. K. LasattSloO. James A. (iray SIOO. Burton Crai/ ' ('•«'», R. M. Ham s. Sl>o, C. W. Harris ('. (I. Hill SIOO. W. T. Eaton sloo. Thurmoml Chatham sloo. A t (ilenn 5?10». ' and various others for SSO, s7r>, 1 1 etc. ' The totai t. r.fcnbution* amounted to $5.05:'...".0. The mom y vv*.as -pent as fnl-, 1 lows: 'I 1 'aid for construction of dan;. >1,200.00 » 1-".n>ri!.. t rmjr and stir jijr I i !• arinv lake Uasir, 100.00 Clerical work. 2">.00 M' :r.'-«-ri».;>. Nor. m '« v >:it riiuitors •. lS'i.oo Balance ill bank. 250.."»0 '!' '.l "»•» 1': site for t■ ■ lake wa ii :..t* • itn tiii .• .. ue I»y Bail T Taylor, of I »ai iry. and en t -i-t> 'if lift > acres. • T!ii ru- f "f the lake a.v W N K. vnolds. S. ("lav Will iams. A. Miller. A. t*.>rd , "ii. and K T. Stedman. New Postmaster At Moore's Springs I. .' •*r Si i-lt >n, lirotht o: v former Sheriff F (>. Sh op. has heen appointed postm -ter at .Moure'-, spring- to i; eed the late J. i. Bradshaw. - nee •!.. death Of Mr. iiradsha his wife has i.een aet-n>r in his >tead pending appointment f a • pern.;.!i« 'it potmaster. Arrests For Stealing Chick* ns ' Nat I.uw ii and Uussi ' \.l- J ' i l lv s of the east "HI Sir' oil >•' Stok. s. were tri ••.! here •.- ) terdav liefure .Inlit\ N. A. Martin on the charge of >: il- • . lie ehi«'i:e!i from ('ha ie l'a!t' i:. I iii- hoys were held >r (, . ourt under bonds. Nelsm: as n«t yet furnished bond. j o TIE SOUTHERN PLANTER f • r " SEMI MONTHLY 0 RICHMOND, VIRGINIA j The Oldest Agricultural Journal o In America. 9 0 *0 (EMS FOR ONE YEAR /> 0 SI.OO FOR THREE YEARS 0 0 51.50 FOR FIVE YEARS 0 0 0 o r.viee-A-Month 2QQ 000 v% ' c A - ?»T th q 0 >• Obituary. God in Hi> infinite lov«- and wis-ion: • m an atitiel ;o .artli Mui: . I" 1 . i;»2!'. wh" Silted aw. . \\::b ;tie -ou! of Uieiia :.i it- l:on:. ab «ve. Ida i »te'ia Fergus.-:: was ] , ]\i . J • >«i t tViii a[i _f !;• tay en tarlii y«-ar . sr\ti: month- .. i tw. ' n da; >. She 1...> t■> fat ; ' moth -, W. W. and Nart l.t-n - F. -• jjnsoii: i.'iir broth. ;s. ('. K. an! U. >. Ferjru.-'on. •: W:ns;..'; Salt *.i. \V. ti. Ferguson, or' K ; ru ikOiitt 1. and W. U. !•'» r nu-'i.. J'ars"Kansas; four si-tt r.-. Mrs., Hitsi-. and Mattie Fetyuson. am! Mr . F.'.-i.o Watts, of Moute 1. and a ht»st of other relatives ai.d triemls to mourn her death.' Si:. 1 jrave her heart to God and became a member of Mt. Ol've P.iptist church about 22 years a^ r '\ later movinp her member ship to Mt. View. As a chris tian she remained true to the, cause of her Master, always I r. ady to do her bit in any way ,-h. could to forward His kind- j n.-s. As an invalid for the last 12 years she has suffered | untold agonies but with j«tti-' tnee, alw ays looking forward ; to the day that she could meet I her Lord face to face. While in jrood health she was' kind and obedient to her pa- • rents, a lovinjr sister and a VTeat help in the community in her girlhood days. Her | cheerful spirit has been missed to r hose nearest her, but w. by all who knew her. It r.fiy aJI seem unfortunate feel that it is best as (oxl niakt - no mistakes. Tlie family wishes to thank all the neiphbors ami friends for their kindm>s and help ■'.'Wi: during the sickness and " ,ath. o A FUIFNI». o 0 0 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOtO 0 0 0 ? SPECIAL PRICES ! 0 oo S 30\3 1-2 ( H rr: —: H •0 $3.9S 0 0 o .'{(K3 1-2 (iray Tubes I o : 9 t S C oio t 29\4\40 Cord Tires o 3 $5.65 0 29x1x40 (irav Tubes 0 0 ci iu o|o 0 SI.IS 010o 1 0 0 o lo Everything: Re- o(0 £ duced—Dry (ioods, !> o Notions, Furniture, 0 0 0 Hardware, Shoes, o 0 $ Hosiery and (iloves. 0 0 o \ irsit our store, you 0 0 § will save monev. a o 0 o ■> Shore Mercantile a i 0, o ; 0 Co., Inc. 0 0 0 0 0 1 r. E. SHORE. M>jr. KING, X. C. I o o 0 0 >OOOOOOOOOOO 000000. 0 0 0 H or to improve your TOBACCO KN is what tobacco needs tc ir. ke >| the maximum growth and quality. The quicker i: acts K-tter ... and Chilean Nitrate 9jS is the nitrogen fertiliser that sets to work ce. Chilean Nitrate will show you a good profit i 6. over ai'.d above the cost of the fertiliser, fcven Ew 1.1; when pnees are low, crops grown with r m x "-an sg Nitrate are profitable. |jE|j! , Chilean Nitrate increases .he yield, improves Bsf t|jJ.' the quality and makes an earlier crop. |j| Experiment stations recommend Chilean ||| Nitrate on tobacco. They know the good it does ® —makes a better root system, keeps leaves green |j| until maturity begins but does not interfere with |B| normal ripening, cures full bodied leaf of better 1, color and quality. Helps you get top price when you market your crop. Di Andrew H. Soul*. President of Georgia State College of Agriculture aay&, "In the Tifton, Georgia, experiments, Nitrate of Soda gave the Jf largest yield and tobacco of "beat quality a* com pared with other forms of commercial nitrogen'. :JjJ' IfirTrarf from am mddrrts at a tarmar* mratm£. Dr °ftf Scale * »tafatn*nt particularly copcarrmd foaacool ||jjj Free Tobacco Book • ft New fsrtiliier book "How to Fertilize Tobacco". Givaa ap' full inlormation on bright, dark and bur ley. Se ntfreeon n£>. requett Write for Book No. 4or simply tear out this ad and send with your name and address on the margin. „ Chilean II Nitrate of Soda I •ITS SO OA MOT TUCK * FL|||| EDUCATIONAL BUREAU Fri.fessiotD'dg . N. C. hi writing. n ft r /» .!«/ No. If- TJ yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo* c c 0 T () B A C C () I SEED | c c c Stokes tobacco crop was badly di s - £ eased this year. Tested, treated, c government inspected seed will in- c J sure a better crop. £ The Chamber of Commerce of £ Stokes county has secured a quanti- c ; ty of treated, inspected seed of the $ following popular varieties: £ IMPROVED GOLD LEAF. Grow ers top ail markets. a IMPROVED BIG WARNE. A heavy producer of good leaf. £ ADCOCK. Good for all soils. X HICKORY PRYOR. For sandy a soil. X IMPROVED LITTLE ORINOCO. I Best for heavy rich soils. £ CASH. Developed by N. C. Ex- & periment Station for sandy and av- £ erage soils. Seed can be secured at cost at — | •DANBURY REPORTER OFFICE, > Danbury, N. C. $ 0 One Ounce Will Sow 100 Yards. $ 0 BETTER SEED WILL MAKE I BETTER TOBACCO. f ? 0 0 >ooooooooooooooooooooooooooc>oooooox WEDNESDAY. JAN. 23, 192®