DANBURY REPORTER Volume 55. SEVERE STORM IN WESTFIELD SECTION Buildings Unroofed, Trees Blown Down. Windows Brok- j en By Hailstones ard Other Damage Wrought. j A severe wind and hail storm visited the Westfield and Fran cisco sections on Thursday af ternoon last, doing consider able damage to property- At Westfield Reid Christian was probably the heaviest loser when a part of the roof of his home was blown off and ten trees in his orchard were blown down- A large chicken house on the farm of Sebe Shelton, at Westfield, was turned bottom upward and a number of chic kens killed. An outbuilding on Walter Jackson's place had the 'roof blown off just after Mr. Jackson had gone out of the building A hundred or more window panes were broken in the Fran cisco school building by the large hailstones, which were said to have been a.s large as hen eggs and the leaves were beaten from the treds. Early garden vegetables were beat en into the ground by the hail- At Asbury, just north of Westfield, a large tree was blown on the porch of the resi dence of Mrs- Dr. J J Leake and broke the porch down. Scores of other trees through out the section were blown down and other damage done- Older citizens state that it was the hardest wind that section has had since the storm of 1896. A citizen stated that he stood at one point and couned 19 large # trees blown down. STOKES TO HAVE MODERN WOODMEN District Deputy W. T- Newsum. M ill Organize Orders At Dan bury. Walnut Cove, Sandy lli-Jge and Lawsonville. District Deputy W. T- New sum, of the modern Woodmen of the World,- was in Danbury recently looking over the situ ation with a view to organizing orders of Woodmen here and at Walnut Cove, Sandy liidge and Lawsonville. Mr- Newsum stated that he would not begin the work be fore latter part of the summer as farmers are now very busy gettir-f ready to put out their crops, but us soon as the busy season is over he expects to put on a strong campaign for a large membership. Automobile dealers and nton ufacturers in Germany have established a "board of esti mate" whose task it is to estab lish the value of used automo biles offered for sale. This helps tourists in Germany who buy cars abroad and wish to get rid of them at the end of their trip. They can be satisfied that no one has * taken advan tage of their position- REV. FRED N DAY S 206 th REVIVAL' I Wa s Closed Here At New Bap- I i tist Church Sunday When Four Were Ballsed —Rev, j Phil White Called To Dan ! bury Church- Rev- Fred N- Day, evangelist of Winston-Salem and founder of the new Baptist church in 1 Danbury, closed his 206 th re- 1 vival in the church here Sun- 1 day morning at 11 o'clock af ter preaching each night during 1 the past two weeks. I At the Sunday morning ser vices four persons were Bap tised by immersion in the pool which is located just back of the pulpit in the church- Six additions to the church register were added during the meeting hdre and much good was ac complished. Mr- Day put forth a strong and earnest effort throughout the meeting here and his sermons were greatly enjoyed by the people of Dan bury and community; as well as by scores from a distance who attended the services. Mr. Day went from here to Earlanger. near Winston-Sa lem. where he is now engaged in his 207 th revival- The new church here has cal led for its pastor Rev- Phil White, a recent missionary to China, who has been serving the Walkertown Baptist churcn since his return. Mr. White has accepted the call and his ap pointments at this church for the present will be on the first Sunday night and third Sun day morning of each month. 1 TWO MEN HELD FOR FEDERAL COURJ iGeorgie Sisk and John Sisk Give Bonds On Charge Of i Violating Prohibition Law. '! Deputy Marshall J- W- Coolie arrested Georgie and John Sisk !of Peters Creek township, Sat urday and brought them before U- S. Commissioner N- A- Mar j tin on a charge of violating the r 'prohibition laws- The former's bond was fixed at SI,OOO and P the latter's at SSOO, both being , furnished and the men released , until the next term of Federal I Court- It was stated by witnesses that two barrells of beer were found not far from the home of the men arrested, however, they deny that it belonged to " them or that they had alny r thing to do with it. A path led I from the home of the men to x the ]>oint where the beer was I found, but this path also led to :some plant beds, it was stated i Planting: Tobacco Started Last Week - Quite few farmers started - planting tobacco last week and I j reports indicate that the plants > are looking very well consider > ing the cool weather- Within f the next few days planting will 1 get in full swing and practical ly all the crop will be put out this month- Danbury, N C., May 8,1929 STOKES MAY HAVE i FARM AGENT ! I County Commissioners Discuss Advisability Of Proposition 1 —State Would Pay Half Of j Salary—Demonstrator Bad ly Needed The probability is that Stok- j es county will have a farm demonstrator in near future- At least the matter was dis cussed at length by the board of county Commissioners at : , their meeting here Monday,! after they had received letters and requests from citizens ask-| ing that a man be secured as early as possible. The question of employing a demonstrator is looked upon favorably by the board, it is learned, especially since the State offers to pay half the salary of a man- It was stated here Monday that the half sala ry of a njin would cost each farmer only about 10 cents a year and would be paid out of the general fund without a spe cial levy of taxes. There is no doubt in the minds of many of our progres i sive citizens that a demonstra tor is badly needed in the coun ty to stimulate interest in the county's principal industry, and a live, competent agent would | be worth several times his sala i rv in the improvement of far ming conditions- WESTFIELD TO GET DUKE POWER LINES Citizens Have Signed lip To J Use Current and Lines Will j lie Brought In From Pilot Mt. As Soon As Possible. ► *\ * i Westfield is s oon to have the t lines of the Duke Power Coni- C panv, citizens there having signed up to use sufficient cur rent to justify the company in 3 extending its lines from Pilot c Mountain 'So Westfield- The ■ current will come through the - Winston-Salem division of the big power company. a A campaign was ,recently j put on at Westfield to sign up citizens who would agree to * use the current for electric j ranges, as well as for licrhts and power, and this week the 5 required amount of business j was secured and the citizens were assured that the power , would be brought there as 9 j early as possible. Rights of way for the lines i have already been secured, so } that no hitch in the installation s is expected. J . Westfield has for sometime been using current generated at the roller mill of Senator R T Joyce, over on Dan r|ver, five miles away, bu(t plant j has been out of use for some time. It has not been learned just what disposiion Mr- Joyce will make of his plant. ' Miss Luna Taylor, teacher in the Madison high school, spent * the week end here with home ' folks. i LICENSE NEEDED ! TO FISH WITH POLE Henceforth If You Fish At All , v ou Must Buy Licerse At | SI. 10— t.ame Warden Ap- I pears Before County Com | missioners. j County Game Warden R. R- King appeared before the cyun ,ty commissioners at their regu lar meeting Monday of this >'eek and asked that they levy I a license tax of sl.lO on all j persons over 16 years of age iwho fish with rod and line in any of the waters of Stokes county. It was pointed out by Mr. King that while the state law does not levy any tax for fishing with rod, the law; give s tty* Commissioners the power to require a tax not exceeding sl-10 per person, and at the request of the game warden the order was made, requiring that all persons secure license be fore fishing in any mannr. The nrfaney received from the sale of lecenses shall b e for warded to the Slate Depart ment of Conservation and De velopment. after the game war den has deducted his ten per cent fee for issuing the license, according to the act in regard I to fishing. The receipts from the sale of fishing and hunting license will bring in considerable reve nue from Stokes. - , WALNUT COVE HOLDS ELECTION * J. F. Dunlap Is Elected Mayor ' —Four Town Commissioners 1 Named—Quiet Affair. j In Walnut Cove's municipal electon of this week ex-Sheriff J• Frank Dunlap was chosen Mayor \fithout opposition, ', while the following named citi zens were elected town com -1 missioners: j II H Davis, Roy L Vaughn, j E S Zimmerman and J L Mit ?! chell. The election passed off quietly and the voters were generally well pleased with the ) result > • .King Girl Honored At Guilford College J Miss Nell Thonfas, of King, .! who is a senior at Guilford .'College, has just received a J silver cup from the women's athletic association of that . college. This cup is the highest award given in girl's athletics j This award is obtained for ; 4,000 points which a girl may , got in hockey, volley ball, base I ball, basket ball,, track, tennis , archery, hiking, health rules, and by being a member of the cabinet- Miss Thomas is a very j popular girl and a good athlete, I having obtained more than the number of points required for f a cup during the past year, . Miss Thomas was president of j the women's athletic associa t tion, and she was one of the j three girls to receive a cup. .during the entire var. WILL TUTTLE KILLED BY CAR Was Owner of Kins Parker Slicp—Three .Men Held For Court On Liquor Charge— Other King News- King, May ti.—S V- Burge of Mizpah has purchased the King Roller Mill and has al ready taken charge and i s ope rating the mill Bryan and C- L- Pulliam, of Winsten-Salem, were among 1 the visitors here Sunday. Theodore Newsum has re turned from Raleigh where he spent several days as a dele pate at state convntion of the Modern Woodmen of America- Air Newsum is District Depu ty for the order. The B Y P U of the First Baptist Church gave a wiener roast at the Little Yad kin river bridge near Dalton Tuesday night. A large crowd were in attendance and all en joyed themselves immensely- Thomas F- Baker and familv of Trinity spent the week end here the guests of Mrs- Baker's parents, Mr. and Mrs- B- F- Pulliam- The following births were registered here last week: To Mr- and Mrs. Charlie Menden hall, a daughter, and to Mr- and Mrs. Curtis Nance, a son. A number of 'farmers in this section have begun to plant to bacco- There will not be a full crop planted here due to the shortage of plants- The King Tigers took one away from the Winston-Salem barbers on the King diamond Wednesday. The final score stood 12 to 5- Fred Hauser of High Point spent the week end here the guest of relatives and friends. A Mothers Day service will be held at the first Baptist church next Sunday at eleven o'clock a- m. Other churches and the community are requested to take part in this service- Frank Pulliam is confined to his home on Main Street with illness this week. Charlie Pratt, of Pilot Mt and Joe Hollingsworth, of Mt- Airy, were among the visitors here Sunday. Arthur Manring and John Wesley Sams, of the Rock House section, and Chester Manring who resides hire were given a preliminary herring Sunday morning at Pinnacle before magistrates James R. Caudle and William Sullivan on a charge of transporting. Probable cause was found and all the defendants were bound over to the next term of Stoke s court Bonds were arranged and the defendants wer«? relen.---.vl- Harvey Pulliam of . High Point spent Saturday and Sun day here. W. E- Butner and family of Winston-Salem, and formerly of King, were visitors here Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. S'IOJV and Fred Jr., Mr. and Mi's- C 1) Shite, Homer. Spencer. Rob ert Lee and Miss Sua Slalte and Theodore, Herman and Mixs Annie Newsum all of this place spent Sunday at Ft rt Bragg near Fayette\i!le as the guests ! of Captain Zimmerman who is ;chaplin cf tlie post and also in charge of the Modern Wood nym camp f the fort- Captain l Zimmerman is planning on Fort Bragg having the largest Modern Woodman camp in \. C. At'ter lunch Captain Zim merman drove the party over camp and the entire party a gre?id thait it was >ne of the most enjoyable trips of their lives. The kindness shown the party by Captain an J Mrs- Zim merman and their small sen i will long be remembered by the entire party. I Will Tuttle owner of the city barber shop here, while s driving his car fror.i Winston- Salem Sunday night about I*3o tu""ied turtle on tho highway near Shropshire's store- Mr- Tuttle was caught under the No. 2,968 WALNUT COVE FIRM SPREADING OUT Ford Motor Company Buys Ford Business In Madison— Other News News Items and Personals- Walnut Cove, May 7—Geo. H Fulton and Ralph T Chilton, proprietors of the Ford Mutor Co-, of this place, have pur chased the holdings of the Ford dealer at Madison. Mr Chilton will now be located in Madison in charge of the busi ness there while Mr- Fulton will remain at Walnut Cove. Mrs. Jacob Fulton, Jr., enter tained last Wednesday morning at a delifghtful party honoring Mrs. Donnell Van Noppen, of Mebane- Baskets of lovely roses dec-orated the rooms and bridge was played at two tables. High score prize, a box of dusting powder, was won by Mrs- Van Noppen while the consolation table numbers, went to Mrs. George Fulton. A delicious fro zen fruit salad, with iced tea, sandwiches, potato chips, devi led eggs and pickles wa s serv ed, and upon each plate there was a lovely yellow rose bed. Those enjoying the party were: Mesdames Van Xoppn, G H Fulton, J W Jones, I* W Davis, Leake Lovin, E P Pepper, Mis 4 Mattie Sue Taylor of Danbury- Mrs. Frank Petree returned yesterday from, a Winsion- Salem hospital and is recupe rating nicely from an opera tion- NEW COMPANY GETS LIBERTY W. H Two Danville Men To Be Asso ciated with \Y.- A-. Shore In Operation of Winston Tobac co Warehouse. It is announced that C- B- Strickland and J C. Robert.*, of Danvilte, Va-, will he associa ted with Walter A- Shore in the operation of the Liberty tobacco warehouse at Wi.iston- Salcm the coming season. Mr- Shore will act as secre tary-treasurer and have charge of the office force, while Mes srs. Strickland and Roberts will have charge of the sales- The Danbury baseball park was completed last week and the first game played Saturday between Danbury and Sandy Riiige resulted in a score of 7 ®*o 14 in favor of Danbury. car and remained there fast for about fifteen minutes until a Mr. Mil of Pilot ivlt- arrived on the scene, but Hill vas help less as he could not by himself remove the aiuomobile from Mr- Tuttle's body. Finally Fred Hauser of came along and by his assistance the car was turned so Mr. Tuttle could be removed- He was immediately removed to the Lawrence Hos pital where an examination re vealed that both shoulders were broken and one lung punctured, | Mr- Tuttle remained conscious all the time until his death | about o'clock Mondky 'night. The decea>ed was a son jot' P- M Tuttle of King. 1

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