DAN BURY REPORTER Volume 57. BAD AUTO WRECK NEAR WALNUT COVE Five Persons Injured But All Are Improving Head On Collision Between Cars Driv en By Dr. Helsabeok and Mrs. Mary ion try. Fiw persons were injured and thive oi them carried to a hospital Sunday afternoon when cars driven by Dr. C. J. ilHelsabeck, of Walnut Cove, and Mary Gentry, daughter of ex-sheritt' J. F. Dunlap, had a head-on collision on the high way near Fulp station, 2 miles south if Walnut Cove. The injured are: Dr. C. J. Helsaleck, who sustained a cut on the leg; Mrs. Helsabeck. who was cut about the eyes: Miss Eunice Morefield, who was severely shocked; Miss Gladys Morefield. who sustained a badly bruised shoulder and back; and Mrs. Gentry, who i received a bad cut across the forehead. The Misses More field are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morefield. of Walnut Cove. ■ Dr. and Mrs. Helsabeck were traveling toward Winston- Salem when the accident oc curred. Mrs. Gentry, accom panied by her little son, Jack, and the two Misses Morefield, L were traveling toward Walnut ™Cove. Mrs. Gentry, witnesses stated started to pass another automobile and before she was able to get by the accident took place. None of the cars were traveling rapidly, it was stat ed. An ambulance was called im mediately after the accident and all of the injured except Mrs. Gentry were carried to a Winston-Salem hospital. It is understood that the little boy received but a very minor cut which required no medical at tention. The automobiles were bad ly damaged. witnesses stated. Reports today were to tho effect that all of the patients were recovering as rapidly as possible. Paul Taylor Will Operate Warehouse I Paul Taylor left Thursday for Kingstree, S. ('., where ht goes to prepare for the open ing of his warehouse there on July 30th. Indications are at present that the tobacco croj in South Carolina is not as good as last year, but it is believed that conditions will improve with better weather. New Warehouse For Madison Contract has just been lei for a new tobacco warehouse a Madison. The building is t be 84x170 foot. Sam 11. Price an experienced warehouseman has already the ware hOU:'>- •" - t»- M!iSOl ' v ' n 111 m;vku , . v: i. MEETING AT MOUNT ZION; I I Stokes County Sunday School Convention Most Interesting For Years—Officers Elected. Oil TlU'S' ia ■' '•>!■' 9t."., t.°.» Stokes f.-untv Sunday Scn-vj! Convention hoid one of the mo-c interesting conventions of tne l county's history at the Ml. Zion church near Pinnacle. i! The morning session opened . at 10:30 o'clock, the devotional j being led by Rev. J. W. Camp bell. Following, Rev. D. M. s Allen, Rector of Christ's Epis .copal church of Walnut Cove, 'spoke on the subject of "Prac tical Plans for Building up the Sunday School," in which, first of all, the convention was shown the necessity of a thor-! ough diagnosis of each Sunday c School before starting the ac- u tual olans for building up th-> 0l I school. ' tt At the 11:30 hour. Miss Flora'p Davis, Supt. of the North Car- w olina Sunday School Association 0 spoke on the subject of "Our: Sunday School Task." It is, y vitally necessary for the Sun- i day School to dispense know- j ledge and social service; and as a a result, the Sunday School r produces Christian character. At the 2:00 o'clock hour, I I Rev. J. W. Cathpbell spoke on the subject of "Effective Or ganization and Activities for «] the Adult Classes." He pointed • out the need of having proper- j ly qualified men and women to, 1 fill the offices. Miss Davis then i spoke on "Effective Teaching." i I At the afternoon business session, the committee was ap pointed to select a place of next 1 meeting. Quaker Gap was selected and approved by the ' convention. The committee's report for nomination of ottic- ; ers for the ensuing year was approved by the convention as follows: H. K. McPherson, President. ; A. S. Francis, V-President. J F. I). Young, Secretary. Mrs. M. O. Jones, Supt. Chil -1 dren's Division. • T. C. Jones, Supt. Young ' People's Division. M. O. Jones, Supt. Adult Di- 1 ' vision. I C. W. Allen, Supt. Adminis- trative Division. | At the night session, after a speech by Miss Flora Davis' on the subject of "Method of ( Teaching by Story Telling," the I attendance pennant was award- 1 . ed to Mr. Harvey Johnson., I , i Superintendent of the Quaker Gap Sunday School. ~~~ I Mrs. Nancy Stewart \ Funeral of Mrs. Nancy Jane I I Stewart, 79, was conducted t from the home, 301 South t I>road Street, Winston-Salem, ) Thursday morning, followed bv , service proper at Clear Spring , Baptist church, near Danbury, . ;•/ o. J. D•. RY. wv*t . Turtle, an I J. A. Fagg. Inter t ,v:in i y.iiju: y cein.- Danbury. N. C., July 10, 1929. CRIMINAL COURT ENDED MONDAY Judge Moore Clears a I^arge Number of Cases From Dock- j at—Mostlv Minor Offenses. 1 " Criminal court c'.nsed Satin* - lay. Solicitor Spruiil Vaving •or h'.s home iate Saturday evening. Judge Moore spent the week-end at Piedmont Springs. During the week Judge Moore imposed fines aggregating more than a thousand dollars, while the cost paid by defendants probably was three times the amount of the fines. Sev eral road sentences were also imposed. About fourteen citi zens were tried for driving lutomobiles while intoxicated During the past year, Stoke :ourts have cost the county w ipward of $12,000.00, as most n offenders were given road sen tences and the county had to G pay the bills, however, last n week's term probably paid its )wn expenses. C( Cases disposed of last week which were not reported in our C last issue were as follows: f Ed Barnes and Will Alex ander. house breaking, larceny receiving, six months each on n Durham county roads. 't Claud Bullin, resisting officer, ( six months suspended sentence, show good behavior two years' and pay cost. i n R. T. Ray, possession ot liqu-, or, judgment suspended on pay-] ment of cost amounting to SIOO. Roy Doss, sale of liquor and assault with deadly weapon. x four months on roads. R. M. Norman and A. D. Ad ' kins, sale of liquor. Norman ' fined $5.00 and half cost. Ad- 1 kins SIOO.OO and half cost. J George Moore, assault on fe male. pay cost and show good I behavior two years. John William and Bud Tillev, A. D. W., judgment suspended !on payment of cost. Hardy Duncan, C. C. W., .lined $50.00 and cost. Roy Smith and Moil* Nelsor.. manufacturing li(|tior. judg ment suspended on payment of i cost. , Luther Wilkins, manufactur !ing liquor, four months on roads. ' t Jim Throckmorton, conduct ting disorderly house, judg ment suspended on payment *>f cost amounting to $308.00. i L. M. McKcnzie, operating ; car while intoxicated, three cases, to pay cost amounting to j ! $488.00 and not to drive car for j nine months. • Hardin Smith, resisting ottic-1 er, to show good behavior for threj years and pay cost. • I -I Walker Hughes, operating • car while intoxicated, four months on rou*!. V. S. liylton, yOKfces:Mo;i rf . .(, *. "ot guilty. V 1 I ■ jjO>• it'.Wt it. .i.un.. o;. page ■".) CIVIL COURT . IN SESSION Several Cases Disposed of | While Others Are Continued 1 —Court Mav Adjourn Today ! Or Tomorrow. The ii.il t 'im of Stok..-,- Su perior . >urt opened Iv.-if Mon day m liiiK wit 11 Judge Ciay ton Moort* presiding and wit'. l , quite a number of attorneys in ■ attendance. Among the eases coming up >at the session are the follow i i ing: Lillie Fry vs. James Fry, - divorce granted. )' Piedmont Hardware Co. vs. - S. W. Cox, judgment of non i r SUit. In re the will of the late s Samuel Simmons, wherein the vill is being contested, jury has'" ! p lot agreed at this writing. j„ Mrs. Elizabeth King vs Mrs. j!■ ■andace Smith, continued until i text term. 11 R. H. King vs. A. C. Miller, :ontinued until next term. Fowler-Jones Lumber Co. vs. j' C. Jones, continued for re- i 1 | i t'eree's report. Commercial Credit Co. vs. ( John G. Fulton, judgment of non suit. ; I C. C. Walters vs. N. F. Chris tian, admr., trial pending. It' was thought probable 1 I Wednesday morning that the court would adjourn either to night or tomorrow. Revival Services Close ! The revival services which have been in progress at the| M. E. church here for 10 days j closed today. The sermons by i Mrs. Stiedley have been greatly I enjoyed by the congregations which have been composed of people from a distance, as well as Danbury people. As a re sult of the meetings I'astoi Hartsfield received into the M. K. church eight new members and several others who pro fessed will join other churches here. Minstrel Show Going To King and Mayodan The managers of the minstrel show, which was given here and at other places recently, have received pressing invita tions to carry the show to May odan and Kinjr, and dates for the performances have been lixed for Mayodan. Friday night, July 19; King. Saturday ! night, July 20. j Stokes Prisoners To Durham County Roads Roy Doss, will Alexander, ' Walker Hughes. Ed Barnes and Will Hampton, sentenced to | terms on the road at last week's 'term of Stokes court, were car ried to Durham county Tues day by Jailor l!> rkley Smith. Ail wer. : -'it He. !>ct*s. I.cn Vv ji'.v iis, who was ' it 'ic • i, w?u allowed ». » »:ri»)!■■♦«» h s '*o|> ' • •■ t"■ iT, !i ;II:. U.I '.IK road. ONE MAN STABS !l ANOTHER AT KING! (i. F. Petree Makes Record | Growing Potatoes —Various News and Personal Items. Kin.r. s • a-'air, •' • i. o.t, .1!' !. t. i.r. spent Su'.uv ,.ty ....I hi'ft- till- a"ae.st Mi. and .Ml'.-. l>a*': I I'allow uy, "f ( Mount Airy, were among th .• visit ,,iv here Sunday. i'eyton Hutehins han returned to ' Wilmington. Deleware, after .j>t*nd- , ins? his vacation with his mother , he iv. The following births were regis i teivd here last week: To Mr. arid Mrs. Roger Galloway, a daughter; to Mr. and Mrs. Luther Lawson, H I daughter, and to Mr. and Mrs. Rog er C. Kiser, a daughter, i Ta;V.or White has returned to! I'oaiuke, Va., after spending a few | days with his mother. Mrs. C. F. jWhiU. on Main Street Dr. (iilltert K. Petre.e, of this place, has made a record in potato growing th.it is hard to beat. Hi' planted 'int.- ani one-fourth bushels lit' Irish potatoes and duir twentv bushels. If there is* any one who can •»at Ih fwe » • •'. I'Km to he:ll* from thclil tK'OUgl: the i l-.i i ti.- t' ti:-• Reporter. I.loyd Doss and ■' ones Fowler, both of whom resul • ne»u hire. tf"t into a racket on the street here last Tuesday night when Doss stabbed Fowler just over the heart and also inflicted an ugly wound on Aoss' arm. Dr. G. E. Stone, who attend ed Fowler, states that he had a very clone call and had the knife not struck a rib the stab would have been fatal. Doss, who was tried in Stokes Superior court at Danbury Last week, was jgiven Jour months on. the county roads. Miss Oreta THlot»n, of Moorv county, is spending a few days here the truest of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Smith. The King: Tigers last to Mount J Airy in a game played on the Mount i Airy diamond Saturday. The final ' score stood ten to seven. I K. M. Hauscr has purchased from j Walter George, of Charlotte, his I brick building on Depot Street. Mr. Hauser has not as yet made known I his future plans and it is not known | just what he intends to do with the I building. I Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rains, ot Thomas*ville, and formerly of Kins; are spending; a few days with his broth*r, O. 1.. Rains, who reside here. One of the best baseball games oi the season was witnessed here or the fourth of July. The King Tiyr * e'*> and The Sandy Ridge nine wvrt the contestants. The game whirr was hard fought from tne start wai I "Veiling and very iaterev ting an resulted in a score of eight to seve* in favor of the home team. It wa 1 necessary t> play thirteen in | aing.- due to the sco/o being tied. Mr. F. A. Maker, a prominen j idrsnter of Gcrmanton Riute 1. wis I her.- Friday and informed your cor .respondent that he has a Rhode Is ■ land R>d hen that laid ail egg las we.k which measured 1-H incln •iround the long way end 7 1-2 r the short way. The egg weighed si ounces. Mr. Baker states that whe he broke the egg he found that i had a white and yellow and on th 'iiside of thi.- was another perectl formed egg which contained tvv yellows. Miss Clara Pulliam, of Green? boro, is spending a few days wit her nuither, Mrs. J. S. D. I'ullian who reside* iu West King. A very interesting game of ba 1 was played Saturday afternoon h the Creeson School and the Re Goose team of King. The game wi played on the Creeson diamond an resulted in a score of five to four • » favor of Creeson. Wheat threshing in this sect ic is ttn and the crop is not turning oi " as well as hud b-er. oxjveted. N. C. Hooker, of Charlotte, s*;'e: Suiv'jv \v.t| it - neither, Mis. 1' ' H •. •i - r. ■■ ;v ;i • vvi 1 it- I ' i I. » . r' No. 2.932 BOYS UNDER 36 MUST NOT DRIVE Parent Is Liable For Damage Done and Shall Not Have Legal Counsel 32' Suit Is Brought By Person- Injured. The State law against y->uth;j sixte en yruy > c;i driving jars is a m ist string ent one, but in spite >: this fact it ha.-> been broken unite often throughout the State. The law provides that where persons or property are injured by cars or trucks driven by persons under sixteen years of age the parent shall be liable i for the full amount of damage t and that when suit is brought to recover damage the defend ant shall be without the benefit of legal counsel. Special attention has been directed to this law since one of the State patrolmen was killed last week when his mo torcycle was hit by a car driv en by a 14 year old boy and the patrolman was killed. The ac cident occurred at Wadesboro ! and Geo. I. Thompson, who had . just entered on his duties as 1 patrolman, was killed. The , boy and his father are both be i ing held on a murder charge. ' ■ Henceforth boys and girls under 16 will do well to stay ? away from the steering wheel of cars. The State's body of * i I patrolmen will give this law t special attention, and all caaes j: will be prosecuted. "BAPTISTMEET s ! AT PINKY GROVE r.. " Thousands Attended Annual >.' Foot wash ing I>ast Sunday— Only One Slight Accident ! Reported. is I '• s The annual footwashing of . the Primitive Baptists at Piney ,ii Grove last Sunday was attend r " ed by thousands of people, , h many of them coming from is adjoining counties of this State '' and from Virginia. ~s A large number of ministers ;| - wore present and took part in iU the services. us Only one accident was re r" ported. John Bondurant being . t right badly bruised when hit >- by a car driven by YV. M. Ful- M ' ton. The driver was reported IX 1 i >tl to have been drinking and was required to give bond pending a hearing in the case soon. i Taken To Morganton is- . th ' Dick Martin, a young man of the Sandy Ridge community, who recently became mentally ! unbalanced, wsa taken to t'a~ hv : State hospital at Morgan ton ,ed' yesterday by Deputy Sherirt Berkley Smith. ■ n parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jamrc H | CaudU', in Walnut Hills, i, vi | Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Svhau.b anr iut' Miss Olodk* Stone. of Hitfh Point i and Miss KaU> Stone, of f'harlotti' - writ Sunday hero the irj'sts o! relative?. A hU'i:\'i\s F> >.y nsifjratn wa ivt'icrt'd at tie King: ( lirLstia: . • ' J- y .. ::i v -1- it.* II 1 " ii' V, l *'l j* r■ ■

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