PAGE 4 THE DANBURY REPORTER V E. AND E. I*. I'KPPEK, Editors and Ow»er». WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 1. 1930. THE GERM ANTON HORROR. 1 On Thursday morning. 1 >ecember 'Jtith, Stokes county awoke to find itself o»i the front page of every daily newspaper in the I'nited States, and possibly thousands abroad. Lite radio slip-, fomented or preceded tin* newspapers, and broadcasted the lavst f-t t!v Lawsoi traged» into every nook ;■ n.I corner 01 the n;ui 11., Tht Meadows township iiu idt :it of (.'hristnms day, l'.'J'.*. inusi ( irtand as not only the most revolting thing that has ever »iis tnrhed the tpiielude o-' Stokes eoiinty. but wiil go >» record i'.jr lhe minor catastrophes ol th«• natim. LareK is nuuiKi?. i •ailed upon to coini in; !au such a dei'.l oi terror ai.i! !' HKti i.. It was the c ol planned act of a madman who wa- able to carry 'U' every heart-rendi Mg detail untliftuib"d and \>it.i t» !( . in-'. (•; .:u ch.-. ;ui i m animate skill. Ti ■. v ma y ■■■:». c!t •oi ir-anity. physiuars teli us. That, roost. dan.C'roas form is where the \ letim ol i! is able .0 conceal from hi- i t la. >. e.j or a.. iaie> any symptoms which woulii be- T.ray !.: ■ c ndi". ■•>!!. but appears to b in possession at ail t;m. - o' a normal a..d h'.cid mind. Yet 15:i perst n may be harboring a delusional insai.i . , capable of great \i«-lonce and dat:git* to lhe.- about him. In «uch cases \\> art •!! the maniac usual!.' vt-it- iiis violence or. those \\l.e his moments arc near f M-i and i ! ares; to him. Such a jit cu!i tr ,i • r Law.-. i: o.i.ubt •> -s wj'.s alHictrd with— a delusion, an ob.-ession—the pt vs' 4 ste..t and unescapable mihi of an idea that he must de-troy hi." loved ones. This he did. a«n: mi-h-tc'y. While an absc/.t soil escape i. Lawson sup-, (died t!:« deficit by killing hints* If. There is a jwcuiiarly morbid interest i:i contemplating this; terrible atl'air. whi!« its particulars are revolting and pitiful beyond all human coiicepti. n. L.iwson had prepared i;,m.-eli arid completed the details leading i;;> to the tragedy with th-- coolness and acumen of the mind of Edgar Allen I'oe in writing a st' ry of the Hue Morgue. It is passing strange that he could Kay (xecuted his plot without disturbarce or interruption :tl H ■ time. th nigh the affair happened shortly after noon near a much-traveled highway in a tliickiy sittled community and at a time when people travel a :,'»«! deal—t'hristmas day. Yet th« re was no . v witne-s or the slightest help :'or the unfortun ite \ictims. Though »e\ rai (>'■' thcni were doubtless murdered ir tlv oppp yard ar.d in th* field near the tobacco barn, and later tin : r i die* dragged it:to shelter, no human being saw or heard, arc; tee terrible irciimstances connected with their ad deaths nie-t ' er remain nnt« Id. A ! . tii. compl-tio:i of his work, the blood-slaked madma i, : a .iet:iy ivali .ing the horror of h : s deed, rushed with grea l«. , • if to g-t away t'n.m the scene of his acts, and de tr* red him.--.-If i,. ; tiocr'-t me or si>: hundred yards distant. Wh.. itid : • t l.av..- »ii >'..»>• h'-mseii' beside hi dead, whose l;odie-* r > rr. g-d a ii they w. r. in sleep 193(1-!J)OK I P, NOT DOWN. d ..:i .i haiiu ' i !«: , up. n it down, in the I y.a. .i l.oid. N l l. .. : Htir.ori ' Thi l y. There i a i' *eiin.v of b» - tcr e.flea i ..1 i- 1 . i'. le al't. l.' i (\. r> b'idy -1 p i roaUil"' ;• ■ • i . 11; ■ ' i* t i.• . !' s :,:im :p i: o;is, • \ ni s. -r ,i. tfie s«:'-.i. V. • . an army > m ira!" 1 d, sir.• ii, a n.:'.. as w ii ... ~ i ti:*- la le ii. - it treat. The c!iem; '•vi o.iiin yon. oj ;•-• n can > any m re than he think-' r-*«• ■ • a) ;d r.o army can «• y better than it thinks it can. ii yi' • gi i:,T battle expe ting del'iat, 1 u will t just what y m 4-xpeei. 15ft nhen there is determination to win. numbers again -t yi.-i don't conn'. Y--it will s;v«-ep onward to certain vic tory. So let everybody no'* put his disappointments behind him, and remember 1 It. mno m - e. I>et everyb xly expect good times, talk good times and act good times, and good times will come back. Life is too short to remember the things that would pre vent one doing his best. The past is irrevocable. Let it bury its dead. Let us face the future with our hearts turned to the rwing sun. Let us do our best in 1930, in every way, looking to the future with strong hearts and willing hands, and the year will be one of gracious gladness and prosperity. An Appeal To Those With Red Cross Seals In order to continue effec tively our all-year anti-tuber culosis battle, I am today ap pealing to you, as your county chairman, to mail us the funds for the Christmas seals if you have not already done so. I would like to urge that ev ery public spirited citizen who has the welfare of the commun ity at heart to make it his first act to mail us a check for the Heals sent during the course of the campaign. You will be per-j forming a humanitarian act by so doing. (MRS.) R. H. MOREFIELD, County Chairman. Entertains At Watch Party Miss Edith Fagg entertained the young people here at a watch party at the Colonial i Food Shoppe on Tuesday even ing Dec. 31. Just as the old year was passing out delicious re freshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Miss Ola Campbell. & THE DAN BURY REPORTER THREE MEN j ARRESTED TODAY j ' Stokes Deputies Find Hood' ! I Venable, I*. M. Joyce and : I C. F. Joyce With Material j • For Making Copper Still. llnoil Venable. P. M. Joyce ami Coy F. Joyce, citizens yf! the Flat Shoals section, just j south of Danbury, were cap- j tiuvd today by Deputies ' Mabc aiul Corbett I'riddy. as, I I thty were coming through a{ section of woods with a large roll of copper i«"d plank, which was interpreted by the officers tn mean that they were ]>•'.- paring t.i nianufacture a still. , ! The men had not i- en given; a hearing at the time the pap« r i went to press. The cast.- was set tor trie.! tonight before Just'-e N. A. Martin. 1 Delightful Party. Mr. and Mrs. T. 1). Martin, | entertained at a delightful pa • ty at their home on Saturday night. Dec. 'JS. Throughout th , '.evening the guests enjoyed' j dancing and bridge, after which j delicious refreshments were • served. Those enjoying the oc-i casion were. Misses Miriam Hall, Lucile and Elizabeth Mar tin. Ola Campbell. Mrs. Let tie j Snuggs of Winston-Salem: Mrs i W. K. Joyce. Mr. and Mrs. Ed win Taylor. Messrs Easley ! Joyce, Clifford King, France* i Martin, and Mesrs Wallace Joyce and Walter Crews, of j Winston-Salem. [ xx>oooxx>ooo«oox>oo 0000000 OOOOOOOOCX i 0 • $ ; | Si 0 o l 0 0| j LOVILL'S |! | WAREHOUSE I o o i 0 X c MOV XT AIRY. N C. o; 0 v, ' '*> 0 , s) 0| I)cs!rc> c: press its hesi $ to y,;u *'c; a happy and prospc-: o'.'k V 6 New \ ecir. 0 0 0' o q ' o We also want to thank our friends o $ and patrons for their patronage and £ o their influence which has enabled us o o 0' 0 to sell more Tobacco this year up to >; % the closing for Christmas than we $ 1 o sold the entire season last year. 0 ■6 6 S Our market will open January 7th, $ $ and we will be on the job fighting to $ j> get you every penny possible for the o o tobacco placed on our floor. $ q Your friends. a LOVILL, ! ! JOYCE, •! ; FOWLER. | ~ | MOUNT AIRY, N C. $ IOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !ARREST MOTORISTS' I WITHOUT LICENSE , ionly Half the State Plates ! Have Been Sold I'p To Jan. ' I—No Extension of Time ! Will Be Granted. j Raleigh. Jan. 1. Nineteen j twenty-nine State automobile i license plates passed out of le ! gal use with the old year, biu ' j r i more than 150.000 motor vehi- I cle operators have not secured Jthe 11W plates. Sprague Silver, head of the Motor Vehicle Bu reau, estimated today. No extension of the time to secure the plates can be grant ed and the State Highway I'a ;t! I has been instructed to ar iv t persons driving without the new license, tags, unless they have a record showing they ha\e ordered licenses, said ' iCharkv ]>. Farmer, captain of thj patrol. I [>r. E W. Owens Reported I!!; A letter received by relatives j !ia Stokes of Dr. E. W. Owen, t ! of Los Angeles, Cal.. indicate" j j that he has recently been iii i i with som« stomach trouble bull I i ; i- improving at this time. Dr. Owen, who formerly j practiced medicine here, lias i ;a host of friends in the county; who will wish for him a speedy: recovery. ; I T. J. Byerlv. cashier of Far-' nvr« National Bank &. Trust i i ; Co.. of Winston-Salem, was in j ■ Danbury on business Tuesday. I | I 1 BENNETT Mercantile Co. (INCORPORATED) Successors to the Bovles Co.. King. N. C. I : i YOl WILL FIND SOME REAL BARGAINS HERE BEFORE WE TAKE INVENTORY. o i (>r?e lot of Woniens' and Misses Shoes, $1.98 i I One lot Oi Men's and Womens' Shoes $2.98 9x12 Linoleum rugs, first grade S;").?.") i i i o i i i We can save you money on your flour, best patent, guaranteed, $8.35 per hundred pounds. i 1 _____________ mmmmmmrnmmam j MM wmm | I CENNETT MERCANTILE CO., INC. T. G. NEW, Mgr. King, N. C. t) i . i Ui'.by 1 hiiks. guaranteed to j satisfy. Rocks. lteds, $13.00 !i i hundred. Chicks 'roni pedi-' & i-.reed Single Comb llho:ie Is- ; x (and Red- $25.00 hundred. 2') 1 i i:or vent discount to 1-K Clubs, j: i Custom ha« clung rates reason- ( : ;;b!e. Capacity (S.OOO eggs. j ( Wiil bay tfrom blood tes>- t tcu flocks. TKEVATiIAN j, P()t l.TitY YAI'DS, WALNI'T ;, ■ COVE. N. C. t f i ■ i; Address Your 1 Mail Correctly 1 ] ! A wise suggest ion made to ! the Postmaster General, re garding the huge amount of improperly addressed or nis directeil mail sent annually through the Post Otfice, i:> that J a fee of one cent be charged , > for every piece of mail requir- i > ing directory service, that is, | correction of or supnlyiitg > street addresses. This se»- > vice, as has been repeatedly * pointed out, costs the P'»st »f>- > fice Department nearly one * million dollars per year. This > small fee, payable by the sond > er, is believed to be a good | plan to decrease the carelessly > addressed mail, and also to cor > redt tlhe custom—supposed to > indicate the conspicuous char £ acter of firms—of placing no C street addresses on letter > heads, etc. This latter habit, \ may be added, also costs their r corresponfjents considerable > loss in the time of clerks who \ have to look up addresses when >. writing such firms. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 1, 193(* The example of the city •£ Buenos Aires, which has au admirable postal system, might well be followed. No mail whatsoever is delivered unless, it bear:* the post oiiice box number or proper street ad- I'i'c.-s. .Mail otherwise address id is simply listed under thv nam" of addressee i?> typewritten alphabetical lists, which are posted in cases around the lobby of the citv post otlice, and addressees have to prove identity to obtain such letters and packages. «, James Martin, of Madiaev. representing Armour Fertile®*- Works, was here today. ;• Princess Ileaiut, daughter of Queen Marie of Rumania, i« * said to be engaged to yotaff King Boris of Bulgaria. Alfred Kurhaup, noted #*r man architect, will be:on;e fessor of architecture at Hie University of iNuis. Barbro Larsson traveled alone in crossing the Atlantic at the age of two years, and i* visiting her grandparents in Sweden. We are not in favor of those schools or salesmen. They sell us too much stuff now. The French are said to dis like distinctively American fried potatoes. Women Suffering Bladder Irritation If functional Bladder Irritation disturbs your sleep, or causes Buriv- Ing or Itching Sensation, Backache, Leg Pains, or muscular aches, mak ing you feel tired, depressed, and discouraged, why not try the Cyatex ■ 48 Hour Test? Dont give up. Get Cyst** today at any drug store. Put J It to the teat. See for yourself how J quickly It works. Money back if tt A doesn't bring quick improvement, and satisfy you completely. Try Af Cyatcx today. Only 60c. »