WEDNESDAY. JAN. 1. 1930 I Professional CARPS JOHN D. HUMPHREYS, Attorney-At-Law, DANBURY. - w. C. Prompt attention to all business Will practice in all Stata courta. J, ff. HALL Attorney-at-Law DANBURY. - - N. C. Prompt attention to all business. Practice in State and Federal Courts. S. GILMER SPARGER Attorney-At-Law, (Over Burton Drug Store) Walnut Cove, N. C. Ail business given prompt attention. Will practice in all State and Federal Courts. J W. READE JOHNSON Attomey-at -Law, 409-410 O'ltanlon Building, WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Practice in State and Federal courts. DR. H. G. HARDING Dentist KING, - - - N. C. Office hours: • to 12 and 1 to 8 6 6 6 is a Prescription for folds. Grippe. Flu. Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria. It is the most speedy remedy known. •"r.wl7w NOTICE. Having qualified as Execu-j tor of the last will and testa j ment of 11. A. George, deceas ed. notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against the estate of said de ceased, to present them for payment, to the undersigned, duly authenticated, on or be * fort* the 15th day of December, 1930, or this notice will be pleaded 'n bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to the estate of the deceased will please make immediate pay ment to me. This 7th day of Dec., 1929. ELIJAH BEASLEY. j" Executor. P. 0. Francisco, N. C. X. O. Petree, Atty. for Exr. . . SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. I will sell privately about six'y 1 acres oil' the upper part of the Dr. A. J. Martin farm near Germantor., N. C., at a reasonable cash price. I*, is food land and well timbered. This Dec. 10, 192' J. MRS. DR. J. H. ELLINGTON, Sandy Ridge, N. C. Never wait to see if a headache will "wear oft'." Why suffer when there's Bayer Aspirin? The many millions of men and women who use it in increas ing quantities every year prove that it does relieve such pain. And as surely relieves that of neuralgia; neuritis; even rheumatism. Doctors declare gen uine Aspirin (with the Bayer Cross on every box and tablet) does not affect the heart. Any drugstore. Aspirin Aipirto h Iht trjtft mtrir of Buct Muiafjctv* of Appointments For Methodist Church REV. ELLSWORTH HARTSFIKLI), Pastor. Ist Sunday—Bethesda 11 a. m.; Pine Hall 3p. m.: Forest Chapel, 7 p. m. 2nd Sunday—Davis Chapel 111 a. m.: Vade Meeum 3 p. m.; I Danbury 7:30 p. ni. i 3rd Sunday—Pine Hall 11 a. m.; Forest Chapel 3 p. m.; Be thesda 7 p. m. 4th Sunday—Danbury 11 \. jm.; Vade Mecum 3 p. m.; Davis Chapel 7 p. m. i sth Sunday—Danbury 11 a. : m.; Bethesda 3 p. m. Sunday School at the church es 10 a. m. Epworth League, J Pine Hall ti p. m. Christian Endeavor, Danbury 7 p. m.. but jon 2nd Sunday 6:30 p. m. George Q. Venable, of Hart man. was among the visitors in town Monday. Are llou Readv^^ A V.yj: V When your Children Cry for It Baby has little upsets at times. All your care cannot prevent them. But you can be prepared. Then you can do what any cxiierieneed nurse "would do—what most physicians would tell you to do — give a few drops of plain Castoria. No sooner done tlian Baby is soothed; relief is just a matter of moments. Yet you have eased your eliild without use of'a single doubtful drug; Castoria is vegetable. So it's safe to use as often as an infant has any little pain you cannot pat away. And it's always ready for the crueler pangs of colic, or constipation, or diar rhea; effective, too, for older children. Twenty-fire million bottles were bought last year. State of North Carolina, Stokes County. In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk. S. F. Abbott, Will e Fow ler, Lou Isom and her hus band. Joe Isom, Homer Lewis, Petitioners, V.s. Itufus Abbott, Dixie Ab bott, Nora Warren-Belton and her husband, E. R. Belton, Odell Lewis, Dud ley Lewis, Lenna Lewis, Hettie Lewis, Ida Lewis, Eva Lewis, Defendants. Notice to Non-Resident Defendant. The defendant Dixie Abbott, will take notice that a special proceeding entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Stokes County to sell for partition, among the parties hereto about 14 acres of land in Meadows town ship, Stokes County, North Carolina, it being the dower of E. C. Abbott in the lands of her husband Clarendon Abbott, which dower is described by report of jury allotting same in Book No. 65. pages 254 and 255 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes County, N. C., and the said defendant Dixie Abbott will take further notice that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Stokes Coun ty, North Carolina, in the court house in Danbury, North Caro lina, on the 18th day of Janu ary, 1930, and answer or demur to the petition filed in this proceeding, or the petitioners will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the petition. This Nov. 27, 1929. A. J. FAGG, Clerk of the Superior Court of Stokes County, North Carolina. J. D. Humphreys, Atty. for the Petitioners. THE DANBURY REPORTER SALE OF YALt''ABLE LANDS By virtu? tf a decree of the Superior Court of Stokes Coun ty. rendered by A. J. Fagg, C. S. ('., in the Special Proceed ! ings entitled X M. Dodson. Dillard Dodson, et al. Ex Parte, j ::p;viinting the undersigned a I commissioner to make sale >f II he hereinafter described lands, I will on— i THLIWJAY. JAN. 23. 19.10. iat the hour of 1 :30 o'clock P. [ M. 0:1 the premises sell at pub lic auction to the highest bid der for cash, the following de scribed lands lying and being in Danbury township. Stokes county, North Carolina, and de scribed as follows: Tract No. 1. Beginning at a hickory and dogwood Mabe and | Woods' corner; runs thence S. 19 1-2 chains to a sourwood; West 25 chains to poin ters; thence North 19 1-2 chs. to a hickory and pointers Woods' corner; thence East with Woods' line, to the begin ning. containing 50 acres, more or less. See Book 44, page .'595, Register's office Stokes County, deed from Heck to John Dod son. Tract No. 2. Beginning at a stake in the line of the McCan less heirs Mounce's corner; thence West with his line 25 chains to a hickory J. A. Woods corner; thence South 19 1-2 chains on G. G. Mabe's and John Dodson's line formerly Young's to a sourwood cor. of Mabe's land; thence East 25 chains to McCanless line; thence North 19 1-2 chains to i the beginning, containing 50 acres, more or less. See deed from J. Spot Taylor and wife to John Dodson. recorded in said office in Book No. 46. page 187. This is one of the very best ! farms in the county, and will 1 be offered, each tract separatc ; ly. and both together, and best bid reported to court for con i lirmation, or otherwise as the court may deem best. This Dec. 23. 1929. J. D. HUMPHREYS, Commissioner. We will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash , the personal property of John Dodson on January 23, 1930, at 1:30 P. M. on the premises of I said John Dodson. This Dec. 23. 1929. 1 S. M. DODSON AND DILLARD DODSON, Administrators of ! John Dodson, deceased. ~~~l SALE OF LAND UNDER DEED OF TRUST. By virtue of power vested in the undersigned in a certain deed of trust executed Sept. 28, 1922, by Rufus King and wife Susie King, to secure a note in an amount therein re cited, said deed of trust being duly recorded in office Register Deeds Stokes County, Book 66, page 724, reference to which is hereunto made, default having been made in the payment of said note and the holder having appl ed to the undersigned to foreclose the said deed of trust for the satisfaction of the debt, I will expose to public sale to the highest bidder for cash 011 MONDAY. JANUARY 6, 1930. at the court house door in Dan bury. N. C., at one o'clock P. M.. the land embraced in the deed of trust, to-wit: Beginning at a cliff 011 South side Dan river A. H. Joyce's corner, runs thence South on Joyce's line 21 chains to point ers, JllO. M. Taylor's line; thence East along Taylor's line 15 chains to pointers; thence North 74 degrees East along Taylor's line, 37 chains to Dan river; thence up Dan river as it meanders to the beginning, containing 142 acres, more or less, save and except about 28 acres sold off to C. E. Vaden as appears of record in office Reg ister Deeds Stokes County, leaving a present boundary of 114 acres, more or less. This Dec. 4, 1929. C. E. DAVIS, Trustee. J. W. Hall, Atty. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE? MILAM IT DOES THE WORK MUa th> AMi MimUm. Übra fnn^m,. ■rn— t-mHik rnmur, 4 tuu. W | m» MfMi my lu«nY tikmm. , NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND FOR THE FAILIRE TO PAY TIIE 192* TOWN TAXES FOR THE TOWN OF WALNUT COVE. N. C. H ATE OF SALE: JAN I Alt V 6. 1 •».!(>. Boyles. Wult« r. 1 Jot . $ Bailey. J. ('., 2 lots. 4."».50 I Barnes, L. )., 27 acres, . 20.92 | Bennett. .1. R.. 1 lot, ... 17.r>0 I Boyle-, Mis.; Ora, 1 lot 0.50 j Boyles, Claude, .. . .33.50 Boyles, Mrs. C. E.. 6 acres, . 16.50 I Brim, John. 1 lot. .40.70 Brown, Louise Hairston. 24 acres, 42.00 I Brown, Louise Hairston. 24 acres. 42.00 Burton, John A., Jr.. 1 lot, ..">.50 Burton, Junius, 1 lot, 15.50 Carrjll, W. H., 1 lot. 3.50 Chilton, M. T.. 1 lot, 45.10 C ti" r, W. 0., 29 acres, 22.01 Conoway. W. F., 1 lot 9.30 Creakinan. Dallas, 1 lot. 6.50 Davis. I*. \V. Motor Co., 1 lot, it 1.50 Davis, I'. \|'., 1 lot, 55.H0 Davis. P. \V.. Chev. Co., 1 lot. 101.50 Dodson. .Mrs. \V. G„ Gdn., 1 lot, 35.50 Davis Bros., 1 lot 21.50 Dodson. Mrs. W. G„ 2 kits. t*.so Dodson, Eujf'-'ne & Willie, 1 •ot. 181.5'» Dodson, \V. G., estate. 3 lots.. 29.50 Duke Power Co., 1 lot, 14.10 East, Tom, 3 lots 41.50 Freeman. Rex, 1 lot, 71.50 Fair, A. J.. 4 lots, ... 112.64 Fair, Mrs. A. J., 1 lot 17.50 Femester, Fannie, 1 lot. 11.50 Fulk, P. 1)., 1 lot, 36.70 Gilmer Bros. & Co.. 217 acres, 175.50 Harrison, Sarah, 1 lot, 24.50 Isom, L. H., 1 lot. 50.h0 Jones. C. M., 2 lots. 72.66 Jones, Jim, 1 lot, 4.50 Joyce. J. ('., 1 lot. 81.40 Lunsford, H., 1 lot 3.50 Mahe. P. J., 1 lot. 27.50 Marshall, W. F„ 10 lots, ... 16.50 Marshall. A. F., 1 lot. .81.00 Marshall. H. M., 1 lot. 36.90 Martin. Strawd.v. 80 acres. 27.10 Martin, W. J., 2 lots. 33.50 Mitchell, J. L., 1 lot. 72 acres, Moore. J. L, 1 lot. 31..»0 Mure field. L. 8.. 1 lot. 21.50 Murphy. R. L. estate, 1 lot. 61.50 Mcßue, Lawrence, 39 acres, 101.50 Neal, H. K., 4 lots. X.50 Neal. Geo., 1 lot 36.06 Neal, Tom. 1 10t,.. 15.50 Neal, R. N.. Estate. 1 lot. 5.60 Neal, L. 8., I lots, 74.10 Neal, C. A., 1 lot, 50.50 Neal. Dr. J. W., 1 lot, 185.4S Neal, E. F., 1 lot, 33.60 Nunn, R. S., 2 lots, 27.58 Preston, Tom, 1 lot, 4.50 Rierson, S. W„ 1 lot, 29..VJ Richardson, F. P., 1 lot. 41.50 Rothrock, A. T.. 4 lots. 301.74 Saunders, Mrs. Willie. 47 acres, 207.60 Smith, Nannie L., 3 lots, 19.50 Smith, R. N., 1 lot, 5.50 Tilley, Cray. 1 lot, . 17.00 Tilley, Jim, 1 lot, 9.50 Twin City Oil Co., 1 lot, 58.50 Yaughan, J. 8., 1 lot. 15.50 Webster, R. L., 1 lot. 34.50 \\ oodruft', J. H., 1 lot. 109.54 Walnut Cave Veneer Co., 1 lot. 221.50 Walnut Cove Motor Co.. 1 lot, 101.50 COLORED PEOPLE. Allen, Preston, 1 lot. 15.90 Anthony, John. 1 lot. 9.50 Bailey, W. M., 1 lot, . 15.50 Bailey, Herbert, 1 lot, . 7.50 Bailey, N. C., 1 lot, 3.50 Bailey, Armstead, 1 lot. 5.50 Covington. Stokes, I lot, 11.50 Fulp, John, 1 lot. 5.50 Fulton, Enoch, Estate, 1 lot. 7.50 Gray, Walter. 1 lot,. . 5.60 Golden, Fred, 1 lot, 5.50 Gray, Fred, 1 lot, 10.91 Gray, Fred, Jr., 1 lot, .. .6.50 Hairston, J. T., 1 lot, 9.50 Hairston, Harrison, 1 lot, 11.50 Hairston, Lum, 1 lot, 11.50 Hairston, Eliza, 1 lot, 9.50 Hairston, Thena, M., 1 lot, 7.50 1 Hairston, Joe Nat, 1 lot, 22.60 i Hairston, Joe D., 1 lot, 16.50 1 Hairston, Eliza G. Estate, 1 lot 15.50, Hairston, Garfield, 6 lots, 145.16; Hairston. Geo. Welch, 1 lot, 15.50 Hairston. Rubin, I lot, 15.50 Hairston. J. L., 2 lots, 29.50 Hairston, Dudl.v, 21 ai res, 14.10 > Hill, Harvey, 1 lot, 6.50 Joyce, Sam, 1 lot, 8.50 Joyce, Geo. 1,.. 1 lot, 27.90 Joyce, John 11., 2 lots, 20.50 Lash, Luther. Estate, 1 lot, 9.50 , I.ash, Jordan. 1 lot. 16.50 Massie, Peter, 1 lot, 13.50 Morris, Geo.. 1 lot. .9.50 Morris, Jule. 1 lot, 8\">0 Roberson, Henry. 2 lots, 21.50 Scales, Emory, 2 lots, 23.61 Scales, Geo., 2 lots. 16.70' Vaughan, Lettie, 1 lot. 4.50 j Welch, Mose & Reed, 1 lot, 8.50 Williams. Dixie. 1 lot, .11.50 STREET ASSESSMENT. Barker Bros., l lot, S 8.11 J. C. Bailey. 1 lot. 35.85 ! J. G. Fulton Estate. 1 lot. 15.67 ! J. E. & Willie Dodson. 1 lot. 48.53 Max Kobre. 2 lots. 472 iS Garfield Hairston, I lot. 50.73 1 SJ-r*. Carrie E. Bojl'V. 1 lot. A. T. Rofhi'm k, 1 lot. „.. .. 18.1*4 t! V. W. Ham, 1 lot. 12.9j J Mary Hairston, 1 lot. 13.21 2 P. \V. Davis Motor Co., 1 lot. 35. 7 • R. S. Nunn, 2 lots. . 23.39 . J. F. Hawkins, 2 lots, . 24.39 W. F. Bowles, 1 lot, .. . 59.35 L. B. Neal. 1 lat, 26.37 ,G. W. Neal. 1 lot, 24.39 This Dec. 9. 1929. E. M. WHEELER. Town Tax Collector. NOTICE OF SALE OF LANI) UNDER DEED OF TRUST. By virtue of the power of sale in a deed of trust execut ed to me on the 4th day of Dee. 1921. by J. M. Sheiton and wife, which is recorded in Book 72, pa ire 489. in the of fice of Register of Deeds of Stokes County, N. ('.. to which reference is hereunto made to secure the payment of a note therein recited, held and own ed by The Bank of Stokes County, default having oten made in the payment of said note at matinity and the hold !er having applied to me to t foreclose the deed of trust for ( the satisfaction of the same. I will expose to public sole, to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House Door in the town of Danbury, N. >;n— MONDAY, JAN. 20. l:l.;(l, at the hour of one o'clock | jP. M., a certain tract of land lying and being 111 Quaker (Jap : Township, Stokes County, N. ( C., and bounded as follows: i Beginning at a poplar, forrn ierly a white oak in Pvrtle's ; line, running West 22 chains and 78 links to a stake in an I old road said Nunn's corner; 1 thence North with the road as ;it meanders 12 1-2 chains to a j rock, formerly a white oak in [the old line: thence North on I said Nunn's line 7 1-2 chains .to a dogwood, formerly a stake, I thence East on Nunn's line 2G I chains to a rock formerly a sourwood in John Palmer's line; thence North 1 degree E. on his line 9 1-4 chains to a ! stake, formerly a large chest nut ; thence South 12 degrees West on his line 11 1-4 chains to the beginning, containing 50 acres, be the same more or less. This Dec. 18, 1929. J. W. HALL. Trustee. NOTICE. Having duly qualified as Executor of the last will and testament of James D. Martin, deceased, all persons owing his estate are requested to niakt immmediate payment, and all persons holding claims against his estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly authenticated, to the under signed for payment on or be fore the 7th day of Dec., 1930. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Lawsonville, N. (\, Dec. 7th. 1929. MRS. ADA MARTIN. Executrix of James 1). Martin, deceased. J. I). Humphreys. Atty. for E>:. j NOTICE. j Having qualified its execu tor of the last will and testa ment of Tempy Fulk and Nancy Fulk, dee'd, late of Stokes Co.. 1.. , n | j i\. (.., all persons owing the es-| tate of either of them are re-! quested to make immediate settlement, and all persons whoj 1 hold claims against the estate of either of them are hereby ! 1 nqtified to present the same, j duly authenticated, to the uii-j dorsigned l'or payment, on or I before the 20th day o l ' Dei'.! ! 19:30, or this notice will be pie-; aded in bar of their recovery, i Germanton. N.C., Route No.l. ! December 26, 1929. WALLACE H. WEBSTER, j Executor 0 f Tempy Fulk and' Nancy Fulk. ctecea.sed. 1 J. D. Humphivyss, Attorney. LAND SALE. i By virtue of the power of ' .-ale contained in a certain deed 1 of trust. baring ciate of June 1 1, 1929. recorded in the office • of the Register of Deeds uf , Stokes County, North Carolina, in Book No. 78, page 374, exe cuted by Y. S. Smith and his wife M. A. Smith, to the under signed, J. D. Humphreys, trus tee, to secure the paymnt of a debt of $958.28, due to Wilson 1 Brothers Lumber Company, which debt is now due and un paid, and request being made by the said Wilson Brother* Lumber Company, to me to foreclose said deed of trust. I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the town of Danburv, North Carolina, on— MONDAY, THE 6TH DAY OP JANUARY, 1930, at the hour of one o'clock P. M. the lands conveyed in said deed of trust, in order to satisfy the terms of same, which lands are described as follows, to-wit: A certain tract of land lying and being in Stokes County aforesaid and more particularly described and defined as fol lows : i All of the lands described in a deed of trust from Y. S. Smith and wife M. A. Smith, ,to The Raleigh Savings Bank . and Trust Company, trustee ' for Atlantic Joint Stock Land IBank of Ralegh, for $3200.00, I which deed of trust is referred to for the purpose of descrip tion, and the description there in contained is made a part of this deed of trust and is incor porated in same as a part of same. This land is bounded on the North by the lands of Bud Hjeath formerly Cicero White, on the East by the lands of Mrs. Laura White. J. S. Chap man, Sam Moran, on the Soutn by the lands of Samuel John son and P. L. Smith, and on the West by the lands of P. L. Sm th, Alice Bolen, Mrs. L. Hicks. This Dec. 4th, 1929. J. D. HUMPHREYS. Trustee. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as adminis trator of the estate of John C. Bailey. Sr., deceased, all per sons owing his estate are re quested to make immediate settlement, and all persons holding claims against his es tate are hereby notified to pre sent the same duly authenticat ed, to the undersigned for pay ment on or before the sth day of December, 1930, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Walnut Cove, N. C., Dec. 5. 1929. B. P. BAILEY. Administrator of John C. Bail ey, deceased. J. D. Humphreys. Atty. for Admr. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND By a consent agreement among the heirs of J. A. Ed wards. deceased, we will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, on th? premises, on— SATURDAY. JAN. 11, 19.10. at one o'clock P. M., the follow ing described lands, to-wit: A tract of land in Yadkin town ship, Stokes County, North Carolina, bounded as follows: Beginning at a rock on the side of the Volunteer road Wm. Ed wards' corner, running South jH> degrees West on Edwards' i line 8 chains to a persimmon jlree: thence South on his lin- 4 j S8 1-2 chains to post oak stump |on the South side of a road; | t hence East on Sullivan's line j 2.°) chains and 40 links to a rock Watt's corner: thence North I John Ham's line 8 chains and I 20 links to a rock on the South I bank of the Volunteer road: I thence with the meander* j of said road Northwestward 31 ! chains to the beginning, con j taining 39 1-2 acres, more or 1 less. The right is reserved to r> ; ject any and all bids. We will likewise sell at said ! time the personal property be- I longing to said estate which I includes household and kitchen (furniture and other articles. This Dei'. 5, 1929. I). R. STEWART, i King. N. C. R. S. EDWARDS. Shoals, N. C. Admrs. of J. A. Edwards, dee'd. • J. D. Humphreys, Atty t for Admrs. 1 j T. W. Tilley, o* Lawsonville,, • was here Monday on business. PAGE 7