PAGE 8 CHRISTMAS AT SANDY RIDGE ( hiiJren Delighted With \ isit Of Santa Claus—Social And Personal Happenings. Sandy Ridge. Doc. ."Hi.— All the youngsters were delighted Christmas morning with Santa Ciaus* visit. There was a Christmas tree the Sandy Ridge Methodist church on Tuesday night,, the 24th. The attendance was large and everyone enjoyed it. A Christmas dinner was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Amos on Christmas day, with a number of their neighbors and most of the chil dren and grand children in at tendance. Among those who visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 11. O. Joyce Thursday afternoon were Mrs. Nellie Blair, Elsie Brown, Lejvjna, Sue and Vivian Mays, and Lettie Ruth Blair. Mr. and Mrs. W. (.'. Joyce and children visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Handy on Saturday. Mrs. Jess Amos entertained the young people of Sandy Ridge at a party given at her horru.' on Friday night, a large number being present. Many games were played and every one Vu.ti a good time. After tile ganes the hostess served cake pickles, candy, apples and tiler g:wyj things to eat. Mr. ar.d Mrs. B. K. Joyc_* taok dinner at the home of Mr. BUSICK'S 2 FOR I SALE Starting At Madison On Wed. Jan. 1, 1930 $25 to S4O SUITS and OVERCOATS FOR ONE DOLLAR. Also, Ladies' Coats and Dresses Are Included In This Sale. Sale of Stvleplus and Hart. SchafTner & Mark Suits and Over coats. All guaranteed. Also in this 2 for 1 sale, a lot of Indies Coats and Dresses. Think of it! A Suit or Overcoat of stand j:rd make and worth §25 to S4O for SI.OO. Here is the plan: Example: Buy one suit or overcoat at the regular price and get another—same value—for $1.00; same on ladies coats and dresses or any of the two items. Bring your friend and buy together. We have hundreds of these suits and overcoats for everyone, sizes from '.VI to 48 in latest styles and colors. Models r 0 r men and young men. stout, slim and short. No trick or "pig in the hag" about this sale, and it is not nec cessary for you to be a judge of clothing when buying from us, 'or these Standard makes are absolutely guaranteed to you. No suit sold before 9 o'clock Wednesday morning, Jan. 1, 1930, at the opening of the doors. No Charges No Alterations No Approvals D. W. BUSICK'S SON MADISON, N. C, and Mrs. R. O. Joyce on Sun-J day. Jlr.s Lottie Mavs and child- i i ren visited thi' home of Mrs. j Sarah Mays Sunday night. Hucks - Taylor. ————— i Mr. and Mrs. L>. C. Taylor ! announce the marriage of their j daughter. Pauline Evelyn, t.»' Leon Hucks. The marriage took place in Danville, Va. The j bride is one of the most atrac-! tive and beautiful young girls' in this section. She is full of wit , and pep. She held a position with the Boston Store in High ' I*oint. | The bride wore a beautiful chiffon dress with a most be coming little blue felt hat. The groom is a most pleasing per sonality and prominent young man. holding a position as a foreman in the High Point silk mill. The happy couple left Dan-' ville on Dec. 2.'> rd for Washing ton, D. C., and Baltimore, as j well as other points north and they will be at home 524 Cen- i tennial Ave.. High Point, after Dec. 29. BY A FRIEND, j Jas. H. Stevens, of Peter's Creek, was a visitor here Tues-! dav. ' I FOR SALE Fordson trac-1 tor with plow, harrow and wood saw to go with it. Will sell at a bargain. See or write j R. L. MARTIN, j l.janl'w Lawsonville. Route 2. j inci UAi>nuni KKifUK'ilbiK [TRUCK DAMAGED IN FLORIDA lieans. Strawberries. Peppers. Tomatoes and Egg Plants Were Heaviest Sufferers l)u --j ring Recent Cold Spell. I ——— Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 26. ■ ; Severe frost and cold wind ' damage in some trucking re ions of the State were reveal ecled today as reports arrived 'at the headquarters here of the ' State Marketing Bureau. | | Beans, strawberries, peppers, tomatoes and eggs plants ap peared to have been the heavi | est sull'erers, but the damage was not general to the whole producing area. The bureau's report from Plant City said that approximately 15 per cent of the strawberry crop had al , ready been covered against the cold, but that of the rest, ap proximately 50 to 75 per cent, of the fruit and bloom were lost. About B> per cent of the | strawberry crop was killed at I Starke and vicinity. ! ! Beans in this section are i practically wiped out. read the I report from Fort Myers, which ' added that egg plants suffered a ten per cent loss, while pep- I pers, tomatoes and other veg.'- ! tables were only slightly hurt. I Tender growing crops were i severely injured by the cold ; through a wide area, but the complete reports were lacking, j There were no reports of any j damage to citrus and the bu j reau believed that this clas Birthday Dinner At Sandy Ridge Sandy Ridge. Dec. 27. A birthday party was given as i surprise to Miss Odell Vernon | Saturdav night. Dec. 21. Shi i was just lb and was one of our Sandy Ridge high school girls. She visited her friend Miss Nel lie Wall Saturday afternoon I and when she returned home at j night she found a large numbe»* of boys and girls and the dining room, where a beautiful table decorated with all kind of good things to eat had been prepar | ed. Everyone enjoyed the sup : per immensely and had a nice ; time in general. She received ; many nice presents and was greatly surprised in several | ways. Miss Vernon extends many thanks and good wishes to he>- friends, and we wish her many more happy birthdays. Miss Odell is the attractive daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ver non of Prestonville, near Sandy Ridge. Written by— A FRIEND. of crops had escaped with no injury. There was no injury to the celery in the Sanford area, but reports said that the egg plant and peppers as well as other tender vegetables had suffered greatly. NEWSY LETTER FROM KING (Continued from page 1.) Washington, D. C., is spending a few days with relatives near King. S. H. Brown has leased from the Standard Oil Co. the King Service Station at the corner of Main and Depot streets, and has taken charge already. Austin Garner, student of Guilford College, is spending a few days with his parents Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Garner. Those enjoying the hospital ity of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGee at a turkey dinner Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Love and children, Messrs Daird Brow der and Clarence Holland, of Winston-Salem, Mrs. Geo. Rog ers of Francisco, Roscoe Mc- Gee of Pinnacle, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Love, B. L. Love, Mrs J. T. Love, Johnny Grabs, Ed win Clark, and Misses Nell and Vivian Newsom. Miss Olive Newsum of Wal nut Cove spent Christmas with Misses Myrtle and Hope Jones on Main street. Rev. Walter Strupe will hold a service next Sunday at 11.00 o'clock at the Moravian church. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Boyles, of Advance, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Grabs. Mrs. T. G. Perry, of Wilkes boro, is spending a few days with relatives here. Miss Nina Watts, of Winston Salem spent the holidays here as the guest of Miss Lillian Sprinkle. Only about one more Car negie Foundation report is needed to make an enlarge ment of football stadiums im perative. Timidity may not be a great virture, but it keeps a good many from getting in bad. NEW YEAR GREETINGS O Harry Turner and Charlie Marion wish each and everyone a Happy and Prosperous New Year, and the best way to be happy is to sell the remainder of your tobacco with Turner & Marion at Martinsville. Ya. We work hard for each and everyone. If you have not been selling with us, ask your neigh bor. He will tell you that this is the place to sell your tobacco. Now, in regard to prices, we expect smoking tobacco, wrappers (dark and bright) and all Ex port and Imperial types to sell good after the ho'idays, and with our local manufacturer buy ing all his chewing here on our market, it is sup posed to sell higher than elsewhere. So meet us at FARMERS' WAREHOUSE with your next load and be convinced that Tur ner & Marion sell it higher. Market opens Tuesday. Jan. 7th. Thanking you for past patronage, we are. Yours for service, TI : RNER & MARION. MARTINSVILLE. YA. WALNUT COVE HAS QUIET CHRISTMAS (Continued from page 1.) ed to St. Mary's school, Raleigh after spending the holidays at her home here with her mother Mrs. J. B. Woodruff. W. I'. Wheeler, of Rocky Mt., spent the week end here with his family Miss Nellie Chilton, who tea ches in the Greensboro schools, returned to her duties yester day. Walter Neal, Duke University student, spent the holidays at home with his father, Dr. J. W. Neal. Mrs. Archie McNeil has re turned from an extended visit with relatives in Decatur, Ga. Mrs. Nannie Fulton went to Winston-Salem today to see Mrs. Grace Matthews. Friends will regret to know that Mrs. Matthews daughter, Mrs. Chas. Joyce, is taking treatment at Saranac Lake. N. Y. They are former residents of Walnut Cove. LOST—On Jan. 2, 19,)0, my car license number plate No. 519,7.'Ji. Anyone finding same please leave at Bank at Dan bury and they will pay you for trouble. Only one of the tags was lost. J. D. FULK. DAN BURY, N. C. R. 1. lw Some hotels are now install ing a radio in every ' room. Which might not be a bad idea if every room were sourd proof. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 1, 1930 Mr. and Mrs. Browder Entertain Friends Mr. and Mrs. Robah N. Brow der delightully entertained a number o f young people in their home at a novel party on Fri day night, Dec. 27th. The party wad enlivened by a number of contests and jokes and those winning prizes were Mrs. Edwin Taylor and Paul Martin. Very unusual anil sur prising refreshments were then served to the following named guests: Misses Jessie Smith, Vivian Banner, Sallie Marshall, Lillie Savage, May Bowman, Ida Browder, of Gev manton; Miss Johnsie Smith, Of Statesville, Misses Miriam Hall, Frances Humphreys, Chattie Pepper, Ola Campbell, Elizabeth and Lucile Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Pyrtle, Mes srs. Robert Sisk, Paul Martin, Easley Joyce, Francis Martin, Clifford King, James Jones, and Tom Browder and Joe West moreland, of Germanton. Robert Covington, of Walnut Cove, was here Wednesday. Old Noah Webster would never stick to one subject very long, but he certainly had a wonderful vocabulary. Forward looking men know that March is a fivfe-pay-day month. Psychiatrists are clever. They have discovered that when a fellow does something wrong there is something wrong with him.