Volume 57. Great Circulation Drive P Commences Today Danbmy Reporter Inaugurates Its Most Impressive Subscription Cam-; paig'n, and offers To the Candidates Some ol the Handsomest and Most Costly I resents Ever Given Away By Any Weekly Newsnape- ; Absolutely Fairness To Control—Every Candidate Has Equal ' nance Rules o! the Contest Appear in Advertisement. i 1 Beginning today, the Dan m:vy Reporter inaugurates its tfreatest Circulation Drive ant I ."op alar Voting Contest, in which prizes worth thousands of dollars will be absolutely given away tree to the young ladies or gentlemen who show the mosl artivity and interest in tho great contest. A'ready this newspaper en joys a large circulation. But in •"..or >o gieatly increase this list >l readers,the management i- olferhig inducements t> the workers which cannot l'ail to v-iir up the ambition of anyone •\ i wishes to own a beautiful and costly prize without the piiy:iv»rt •>' a single dollar and at !l i' s.'.tn ■ time be acclaimed a 'e.'idcr in popularity. the IT r the contest an ; i iiiliy elsewhere in this is ;ie o," The Reporter. and even •. ..ldidaie in thi> grand popu i >' lie is iavited to read .. ii 1 and then .uro in v : t! ; oeiermination to win. .\r» "r those who have al *. signmcd their intention >i" entering the contest are rep reseiitati\ es of some of the besi families in Stokes county, or ufW ihose who by their own rrferit and worth the peer of any lady in North Carolina, while CIVIL TERM SUPERIOR COURT Occupying Practically All the Week l)odd vs. Flippin Is Being Tried—Pyrtle vs- To bacco Co. Non-Suited. But Plaintiff Will Sue Again. The case of Roy Oodd, admr., vs. Dr. R. I). Flippin. in whichj the plaintiff charges the defen dant. with malpractice and de mands damages of $15,000. has occupied several days of this it ... 1 week s term ot civil court, and at this writing the attorneys are addressing the jury. I'y.ntle vs. Wiight - Hughe- j Tobacco Co. and John E. M»*- cuni, tried Monthly, was 11011- The plaintilT, it is i Ic/rued. will bring another suit- Divorces wore obtained in 11n following actions: Vera .Mabe vs. Lcm Mabc.O. li. I lar ger vs. ( u-rie ilarger, Partle - M'ia Martin vs. Will Martin- In the case of Harriett Law son vs. ,Ji-se !'. Law son and •?. J. 1 aws.in, a compromise j ment was rendered wherein 11 1 wi.!ow, Harriett l.awson, is !•. be pais! and the defend ants taxed with the cost- Marshall Johnson vs. Mrs. W. H. Sanders was non-suited. W H. Davis vs. Harry I'rice and Draper .Motor Co.. judg ment for defendant for $290. Fulton & Davis vs. Pearson Mabe and Wm. Fulp. compro-' mised. If is hard to understand .i girl before she is marriel. And harder afterwards. ▼ | Established 1872. others a»v expected to enter as soon as this week's formal an nouncement appears- Tliore is nothing impossible to the person who has me \ K \ , to win- Obstacles as big ,i. mountains can be overcome by those who have never yet recog nized the word "fail." Work. dett rniination. perse \ ranee, tact, tlies* are the jiu;: iiies 1 h;tt are superior to difficul ties. Start today, and leave no stone unturned. The contest will con tinue until sundown May SI. an.l then the gorgeous prizes will l»i' awarded to the victors. Th.- contest will be conducted on the highest plane and no partiality or favoritism will be shown t.> anyone. All stand s'luarely upon the same footing- No votes will be en dited to ally andidate 1 for subscriptions obtained bc fore tlu- opening of the contest. Voles will ijc allowed in an ascending scale, as follows: 120 months, 125.000 votes. >.) months. -15.000. is mom lis :5'»,ooo. montiis. 22,500. til months. 12.500. i 2 months. 5,000. Candidates may secure subs- • riptions anywhere and may have their friends work for them also- Thus it will he seen that the longer term subscription which the contestant may obtain, gives Sandy Ridge School Closed April 3- i Sandy Ridge. April?.— The school here closed Thursday l night. April 3. The comnien-' cement exercises were verv ia-1 : teresting and entertain'eg and j well attended. They began on, • Wednesday with an egg hun«. participated in by all tin rhil ; dren up through the Oth grade i This was much /enjoyed. Wed- I ; nexday night the primary gra- I I des presented a play. "Peter Rabbit Helps the Children." land the grammar grades pre-1 j sented an operetta, "Let's (Jo Traveling." Roth of these were I well rendered and thoroughly 'enjoyed by the large audiences i that saw them. On Thursday j , j morning a vocal solo, "A Per-. feet Day," was rendered by; Mrs. Orell I.ineberger ■ ' Madi-i son. and a:i audie.-s wa.-> de!i\- ; •.red bv I'rof- J. C. Carson, who 1 - ; . ivoi.a tile advantages of: en eight months school and showed in a forceful way what i iw.is being !«rsi by not. having a --.amiard : i lie.ol. After the at'- I dress some lime was spent in i ' ! I awarding certificates, there be-, ing about I:JS awarded. About : 65 of these were given for fiev-i ; feet attendance, 27 seventh i j grade certificates or diplomas! j and the others for spelling andj | reading. \ Thursday night the high j school play "Safety First," was : given. A large crowd was in ! attendance and the play was > very much enjoyed I Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, April 9, 1930. i ! ( them a greater increase in vote; ratio. THE PRIZES. The list of prizes offered for , tile largest number of votes ob-11 taincri is enough to eniisi. the in terest of (veryhody, to-wit; 'i lie t hrysler Sedan od'ered , as the lir.-t prize. vils for i ;''M~>.oo, and is ;i thiug uC gor « !W> beauty, as swift ;•.> an ar- i row, and strong ami s rviee- ( able as any tar in the world for t the price. i Tiie Ford Coupe, one of thi* , new models, is too well known . 10 need eulogy. It will he given ' us second prize, and any person may he proud to own this dundy > r\icalile car. Other prizes consist ol cash, radio. wi isi watch, etc. 1 Lastly those who fail to re- | teive any pri/. at all wiil nm i e lose; s. as they will win t"ii per cent wf all suhscrintin:, ; money turned in. This will !■ , attrat tive and well pays for tli 1 time and work given to tiie cur- i ; test Ihe Reporter asks the good will. co-operation and en- ■ oouragement >!' all its friends t everywhere to the contc>- ' tants. who will see everybody ' before it is over, and our ; 11 ieiuls and lvaders will meet j with as line a bunch oi' young lad'es as the State of 1 A'orth Carolina atfords. 'CRIMINAL COURT ' : ENDKU SATURDAY, Hazelwood Acquitted Size mores Appeal To Supreme j i i Court In Hunting Case—Si i > Other Cases Disposed Of. t i S Criminal court ended Satur j day, after consuming praeti-! | rally a whole week. The case against Hazelwood, j which consumed several days, j the jury being undecided, re-; suited in Hazelwood being ac- ; iplitted. He was charged with : attempted assault. State vs. C. It. Long, who wa;' i tried for seduction, the de- I l'endant to pay #275.00 into the. Clerk's ollice and pay the cost., Harvey Stewart, convicted! jof violating the prohibition, | laws, was sentenced to road J , service but this was changed 1 j t.) ti-year suspended senteiu I jr'.'ui he is to pay tost. ! Slate vs. I,'obt. liumlev. its i i s Mdt. Judgment *lO and cost, i »'s;tle vs. Clyde Mftchcll. ;• .!;• of '.|Hf !•. I'r.'.v r for jnd-j "r.i.• :>t ceiiiiniiti! in,til Julv ' i ' • 1 rm. J State \s. ih-vant and CI. Size ' e. violai nig Cie liuntin;: 'LAVS. Ten dollars and half. I Lhe cost each. Defendants ap- 1 j pealed to supreme court, j State vs. 11. T. lla.v. possess-1 j ion of liquor, sentenced to four j l months on road unless he pays I ! cost in ten days. | State vs. Jim Thrckmorton, j |ker>ing disorderly house. To! pay #IOO of cost and take in-! solvent debtor's oath. ! TWO CANDIDATES 1 OUT OF RACE John Folger. (if Mt. Airy, and S. M- (iattis. of Hillshoro. Do Not Choose Congressman's Place Sims ijnd Hancock 1 Have the Field. l>ofmiie j.vi.i.uii:') mont comes; ® .'.•Dm John li. olger. « .1" Mount Airv, that l.t >vill not in- ;i ean eidate lor ( •)>;. ress on the Dem ( (.VL.t".(• ticket in I!ii; district. ' The same ■! : louiH i-nifih I:; .- ;• cf.MH- from S. \i. 41;111i-. of i.i.i.— boro, who was expected to make 1 ihi* nice in tii. i)eniocratie pri mary. i ius apparent!y leaves iiie con iv't i between litin- A. F J of W'in.-t'.-n-!• an. a:.l • i.... Frank Haiir jr.. of «>\ior. so I at - as tii' 1 I' hku rai it ;«,«• '• , concerned. s:i; . no !H \V t .i!mi i- , date is expec i.! to filter the camjiaigli at idi- late date. Congressman ("has. M Steti in;iii. of (Ireersboro, has already announced that In will not i>• • ;i candidate t«> s:.>.cceed himself. M. F.. I*'«}ig. of Kornersvilk. representing the Fast Coa-t," Fertiliz* r Company, was anion.*.' Daiibiirv v isitors today. Friends of '.!:*. Ti us. Pratt. of • Madison, v . ill •••.•! i .> kno-- i that he is iil i; ; l.eaksviiie hos pital. , -Mokes olhc« i s have l»e«*.i «;•; the lookout foe .hthii Hair-ton. ! col., this wee';, lie was sent to .... i the Mate prison irom Stoi.es on a manslaughtt charge when iie killed I .onis I'vrtle a year ago. liairston eseaped some weeks since, and has been seen at hisj home in Sail rat own township! several times recently, oral times. Census enumerators are busy in Stokes this week. It is prob able that the population of the county has increased very little if any since the last census. i Nice Affair At Club House Near Danburyj The Soph more Class of the' Madison High School enter-j tained the Senior Class of t.'iai j school at Paul Tavlor's Club' I House, just west of Danb.ny, :on Friday night last- Miss i (Iretcheii Labberton was one of| i the delight! ill hostesses. The I t I chaperoties were Mrs. Robert Labberton. Miss Helen W* bs ■ tor and Miss Louise Canipbt I!. 1*0(1' Stone To Serve Sentence 1 I'ete S'oiie. who was tried ;i (L't.- i t( rm of court for killing , his own child, and sei:teiu-*d to !•) years i'i ilie penitentiarv. j must scr\ his sentence. IJis ;" Inn; I'i a ap; al-.'i! ! M'.pronv court bill Iho appe:i'i | had not been taken up. Th. j , vi)-':'i' ntence wiil now bo! execaled. I - -* - Men en iritis Warning . Is Sounded — Haleigh, April S.—Spread rf I cerebro spinal nieningitis owrj and the development. |of o7 cases against 11 in the! . same period last year, caused the State Hoard of Health [through its Secretary Dr. Clias 10.I O. Laugh inghouse, today to' I address letters to all the county S i boards to direct their effort's toward cheeking the* disease. TALKING ABOUT STOKES RESORTS Winston-Salem Newspaper Has Learned That Wealthy New * | Yorker Is Figuring On Pur- j chasing Fit her Moore's Or | \ ade Mecum Springs Ilesnrts. 1 From Winston Sentinoi- i It is learned here that a weal thy N' -w Yorker is figuri*;:' on i i!'.- 1 purchase o! ilher Mmi Springs •»* Vad« Met mil Spring property in Stokes county. \ i.i? t'i■ * * iow of s;;i 1 jii- hii:«_• a.n all vea- res'iri. A 'truing to iv po;*:, iiio pai'y in tjiiostion. ii' th.- i; il •foo through. woulo or . ( a large hole], open golf links and ot:ier .-port !V::tU!v>. '!' i. writ"i*'s iiiforrnanl sin ted that thi; Now Yorker plans to make his home at t hi resort an.l has stated that he would wane a thoi;. and acres >i- more. Some doubt i expressed abort the o\v:ie>s rebuilding t'le hote ; at I'ii'dmoiit Sjirinjrs. it h:is Leer ;-vested that it IlliK'-'. pi'ov more l.riiii'al.ie io ere.! , dozen or more cottages, of ;hrcc and four rooms, and a la;y dini:i!f hall for die accurn'.' i.ui'i!. ot those who rent cottages pre ferring to take their meals out - side. However, at this time n> action will likely be taken in re gard to Piedmont Springs until Mrs. Spot Taylor returns from a trip to Europe. During a discussion of resorts and their development, a citi zen remarked that the most at tractive site for a hotel was on a hijrh knoll, located about one mile west of Piedmont Springs, on the road to Moore's Springs, the site being on the Piedmont Springs property. He declared that the scenery to be jrained from this hij;h altitude was in every way inviting and beauti ful. "There is no telling how much Stokes county and this entire j section lost several years ago by I the death of John 11. Sparks. . , principal owner ot the circus bearing hi name." remarked a citizen 11 is week. It will be iv cailed that Mi Sparks died in : Winston-Salem hospital from 'i'ood-poisoning. caused by oji, of i ;s young lions bitil : him oi. ■i'i" It ill. "i |, :OW tll 'lt Mr Sparkwho purcha ed n l.*u*g« . ; ■ i in Vade ,M. :m S; i'i:i • !'i "I't'i;>!.*;: n- tl to «: ■ - i ! d '"nto a !'■. >on ; iiat oiil.l ha\'o boon the pride of tin ot :iiv Piodnumt i-.it 'in " >ia .. i : l 'i- t hi/e'i. Mr Sparks \ . i ' 'lintei i st ■ *tl In the,:': and other atti*:u*ti*«:i of ' - seel ion and he talked about rais iir.r and trainine wild animals for his show, lie tuld -one of his friends that lie could raist Jat least two million dollars for I any development that he might decide on making—"and I am confident he would have done it I had lie lived." said this citizen j who was an adniir : ng friend oi 1 the noted shownsari I LITTLE KING GIRL IS KIDNAPED Negro Takes (»-Vear-()ld Tot From Home Hut Child Is Not ! Seriously Injured— Kidnaper j In Jail At Dan bury—Other ' .News of King. 1 King. April p.—A county • meeting «>l' rural letter carriers was held hen Saturday with the following in attendance: I- S. , lievhny. state organiz r.of Ju lian: 'I C. Ilamm- •;■. chairman ■ executive board, of Clio \ik\ J. M. Hill, n!' Cerman ion. A s:' - - Sallie Jv'ser, of Tobac ci.'jllt. s. M- Scott. 11. I*'. Yv c-»*- ; r.ior. land and ii. A '.V;-.!. of Pinnacle and A. S. FramK an ! . .. \\ • U;imlcy. of i-. isi_r. .'•ir. ; .•I Mr • Wn.-y Shore,who : i ' - i*•'* miles sou i ot town are . tile jriad parents of a new baby ' hoy. Ja.-. R. Caudle. a justice of tile i v (■! i. is place, was carried 'to Daiibury ;• :ul placed in jail Fridav in default of a ;rl." n 0.00 !'x ad on a charge growing out of '.lie settlement of ,;■»(> estate of Mrs. M y K. ("audio, of whkh he is administrator. late.- bor.'f was .1. nge-i and h • was r> lea sed. C; '!: • Campbell. a;re*I 2 ;iuti Miss i.e'i-i 15'. imett. aged 16, i|Ui"tly married S:; day at the home of th" bride's p: i Tits, Mr. and Mrs. Philip P>en:e''. at Dalton. !lev. Paul Merman New sum. of King, officiated. Stanly Newsum of High Point, formerly of King, was among I the visitors here Sunday. • Rr Rupert S. Melsabcck lias i let the contract to Fowler-Miich | oil Co.. for the erection of a ne-.v j IX-room dwelling on the site of !the old Stokes county fair : grounds. The site, which is a beautiful one. contains 18 acres, j The structure will he modern of 'tile and brick veneer. Work will !be commenced at once and will 'be completed Sept.l Capt. .1 C. Northscott, of Le i noil', was a visitor here Sunday. I Quite a little excitement was : caused in the Timmons' Cross j roads section Friday night when j the fi-year-old daughter of Mr. land Mrs. Robert Merritt was II kidnaped just before night from their home by a negro- The ' child was carried into the woods i and kept until about 9 o'clock, j Soon a great crowd had gather ed and with several deputy • sheriffs started a search. The child was met coming in the di -1 reciiou of its home. At first the 'I child was so frightened it could not talk. After gaining compoe*- I ure it said a black mail had car • riod it away. She was not liarm . led except some finger prints about her throat. The negro wu» 1 , captured about midnight near - Rural Ha'.l and tarried to IVin bury and placed in jail to await in limin-iry hearing i • M aal Mrs. I >V 1 lulcliins . •••!' \Viv.s!«»u-SaK-;M pent Sunday •le l• V * ' ! ''l I,i'i .. ' -. !li. i' I larbov • • ; i.-'ptt ! a j i. ; i:• ■ with 'is"!*-" l-Ji"ber dvp M !n .- r A an i h: - al : e:i, e: ed I ! !ie*v on' es. I !'M ,o . • - ' r a w:. a v '; 'i .■ay. '! : , 'I Ca- I j pel la in a • nme of base! all | lay ; ii, Kit - * ' v '!« *'» ur dr.y. Ti-'' score was ' and 2. ;,j ( a"o.• a\ o '»» e:-; .1 f . | fersoii spent the wool: end here ' v> ii'h » lat i' 1 - ■' ■ ! i iends. Mrs. S- W. I'ullUim was far- Hod o a Charlotte hospital mi Me iday. where she w'l| taulcgo lan • ration on hr eye. ~j ■ Mo: elle K»!wards. •! P.u ,'jral I bill, spent file week end ! here the guest of Misses Coiiova 'and Myrtle Jones on F. Main St- The relatives and friends of • Jas. Adkins, who resides 2 milex " East of town. gav» him a sur ra prise birthday dinner Sunday, t About o0 people attended and ' it was a very pleasant occasion >• | for all v. ho were there. ,f ! V- -i. Caudle and family ' Sunday her,' v'tV. and trif-rids. 3,021

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