Volume 57. THE GREAT DRIVE i IS NOW STARTED Tremendous Offer of .*{(>0,000 Extra Votes .Made to Stimii- j late Early Work—Take a Spurt and (Jet On the Win ning List—i'lent> of Excite ment and Thrills Ahead. ltd ores't is "i.-ing hij> in the Danbury Reporter's (Irent Cir (•illation Campaign, now laun ched. The premiums offered to the candidates in this con % *st are such as to enlist tli" 'test efforts of any person who desires to own a handsome and costly testimonial of the esteem and admiration of loyal friends., The great contest begins with every candidate on the, same footing, the vote register ( of each contestant showing zero. But this will not be the ' case for long as about 20 of the most attractive and popu lar young women of the coun ty this week a-'e getting busy, and each will do her level best to win ihe first minor prize—a 1. 111-oil of 3U0.000 votes which that v.ill be given for each and every '.roup or dub of .ni> -criptions turned in to the ('ampuign Manager on or be fore Saturday evening at 1 '•VI el; April 2;. These are exira votes and in addition t- the regular votes ail' wed ac cording to the schedule as .-'lown e:i the back of the re ceipt hooks. Hear in mind. you can gi.-t a tremendous bo ist to your first efforts by winning these prizes—or at least one (.; them. I»y going out and securing a ciub of one 10-year subscription and two 5 year -tibscriptii ns, you will win .",00 000 extra votes. And you ««• not limited to the number ew groups or clubs that you may secure. Here is a beauti ful pportur.ity for some fhie Easter work by the candidates. Of course you can get a large number of smaller subscrip tions, counting the resulting votes as shown on the outside cover of your receipt book, and as pi'ii'ted elsewhere in the Reporter. This opportunity for the ex tra votes puts you in line for winning, as early starts are hard to overcome later. Re member that this offer expires Saturday evening, April 26. (Jet Busy. This race is going to be to the swift and the strong. Hard work and earnest effort will carry you through. Don't forget that. Don't listen to reports of what other candidates are do- ing. Remember that in your self are the qualities for win ning. and that you will develop them as the contest proceeds. Social Features. There will be pleasing social features developed as the cam paign proceeds, as the Reporter management is planning to give all the contestants a nice in every way possible. In. abffut two weeks—to be an nounced later—a banquet or luncheon will be tendered bv the Campaign Managers to the contestants, to be given at Danbury, at which musical features, speeches, and stunts "will be incidents, followed by a reception. All the candidates »rill be invited with their es corts, a group photograph will be taken, to be published. 11 is hoped to make this event cue of the pleasantest social features of the campaign. Other candidates are enter ing this week, and still others expected for next week. Else where in the Reporter is pub lished a list of all the candi dates who are now in the race. The readers and friends of the Reporter are invited to look over this list and to give this line crowd of young ladies; and gentlemen their support and They sire 1 among the county's best citi- 1 zenship, and representative of: our county's finest people. Watch the figures in the vot- j ing after this week—see them rise as the workers get in j on page 8.) I Established 1872. SHOOTING AFFAIR j OCCURS AT KING! i i Circumstances Surrounding the Affair Are Mystery Sur- i prise Birthday Dinner—Oth- 1 er News of King. ! King. Ann! 10.—Roy Con- 1 try. if Winston-Salem, was j shot by Dewey Ncwsum at! Newsum's home Sunday morn , ing about six o'clock. Luther Newsum. a cousin of Dewev, 1 was the only eye witness. It ! seems to be very hard to get j any details as to just how the I trouble started. Roth parties \ are single men and Newsum re sides alone on his farm two , miles south-west of here. Gen try was shot with a .'»8-calib.'r | Colts special revolver. The ball I entered the breast just above the heart ranged around sever ing the spinal cord and lodged in the backbone. His condition is regarded as very critical. II" was rushed to the Lawrenc Hospital where the doctors stated that if the wound did not prove fatal that he would never be able to walk, as lie is already partially paralyzed. ■ Newsum was carried and placed in Da. bury jail to await a pre liminary heari'.e. The close fi ic.ids and te!a tiv-.'.s of Mrs. .'."hiTV Mot let ■- tvi i'er quite ; suvjn i. • wlv \ iliev gathered ..i iwr h'-rne n rulliam stmt Tee.-r'ay in hon or of her nineteenth oirthdav. The central d-( oration f 1 ■;■ • la"ge table {"'id with good eats was the oirthday cake with nineteen candies. Those enjoying the occasion were: Mo-alam s and C. R. New sum. Anne Crabs, and L T. Love. Mr and Mrs. Dewev Love, Mr. an 1 Mrs. Roy McGoe and small son Jack, Mrs. C. 1". McCee and rhildren T'eLy I.x i and Thomas Williams, Misses Gertie Crabs. Thelma and Dor othy Newsum. Messrs. John ny Crabs, IJ. L. Love, ('laddie Newel Newsum and Porter Mc- Cee. The guests departed wish ing Mrs. McCee many more happy birthdays. The honoree was the recipient of many love ly and useful gifts. An Easter service will be heid at the Moravian cemetery next Sunday afternoon at two o'clock. The Rethania Brass band will make music for the occasion and immediately after the service at the cemetery ?i program will be given at the church on Main street. Lester O. Pulliam, f Greens boro, spent Sunday here visit- , ing relatives and friends. Ernest Roberts, of Winston jton-Salem, was given a hearing here Thursday before Justices of the Peace J. R. Caudle and j L. J. Riser on a warrant sworn out by Thomas James charg ing him with the larceny of a j number of chickens which were ; found at the home of Roberts. ! He was acquitted. The King Tigers lost to Pin-' naele in a game of ball played •on the Pinnacle diamond Fri day. The final score stood nine and eight. Press Sally has purchased from J. E. Newsum his farm containing 125 acres which lies just west of town. The price paid wasj $5,100.00 and other considerations. James C. Burge has returned to his home here after spend ing several months in Pennsyl vania. Miss Kate Stone, of Char lotte, spent Sunday here the guest of her mother, Mrs. I>. J. Stone. Two youngsters, a boy and girl, arrived to make their pormneut home with Mr. and Mrs. Buford Wall Friday night. A. S. Boles has returned to his home in Washington, IJ. C., after spending a few days with relatives here. Miss Dorothy Creveling spent the week-end with rela tives and friends in Mount Airy. Mack Caudle, of Miami, Fla., jis spending a few days with j i his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. | : R. Caudle, in Walnut Hills. Miss Jennie Reed, who is I (Continued on page 8.) Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, Apvil 1(>, NAME REGISTRARS AND JUDGES 19TH I ! All County Election Baards i \\ ill Meet—County Candi ' dates Have I'ntil May 2.'5 Tw| I File—First Primary June! 7th; Second Primary July .">. j I At Danbury Saturday, April' 2 Oth. as well as at alii county .scats in the State, the' . county board of elections will i | meet to appoint registrars and! | judges for the voting precincts i j i of the county am: to attend to! any other business that may J come before the board. The board of elections for i Stokes county, named by thej State board of elections on March 20. is composed of S. P. Christian. C. E. Davis an ! Paul Fulton. April 2~» is the last day for candidates for selection as the nominees of any political party for state, district and congress ional offices, except for the of fice of state senator, to file notice of candidacy with the -tat" board of elections. May :'» is the dot ■ l r the opening of the registration books for the registration of new voters. May 2o is the last day for candidates for se lection as the nominees of any political party for the ofiice of, state senator, member of thej house of representatives, and J county and township ofliees to' file notice of candidacy with | the county board of elections.' May 28 is the last day for j statements of expenditures to be filed by candidates. May .'sl is the day for the j registrars to attend the polling' places with the registration books, from 9 a. m., until 8 p.! m., when and where the regis- i tration books shall be opened to the public for inspection for. the purpose of challenges. | June 7 is the date for the • first primary and July 5 the date for the second primary. I \ Lions To Entertain Agricultural Board __ I The Stokes County Lions 'Club will entertain the Stokes County Board of Agriculture at a fish fry at Dan River Park on Monday, April 28th, at 7:00| o'clock. STANDING OF T1 . VOTES '! Miss Irene Carter, of Walnut Cove j Mrs. Inez McCee, of King, Miss Beulah Cox, of Westlield, Miss Gwendolyn Dearmin, of West field, Miss Juanita Ziglar, of Sandj- Ridge, Miss Mavis Rhodes, of Sandy Ridge, Mrs. 1). M. Pyrtle, of Danbury. Miss Anna Hudspeth, of Danbury. Miss Annie Hill Tuttle, of Walnut Cove, Miss Sarah Williamson, of Pino llall, Miss Lola Rhodes, of Madison, Miss Mozelle Newsum, of Walnut Cove, Miss Laura Ellington, of Sandy Ridge, Miss Ennis Priddy, of Danbury, Mrs. C. T. Jones, of Pinnacle, Mr. D. VV. Allen, of Walnut Cove, Miss Myrtle Ferguson, of Germanton, Miss Connie Burwell, of Gap, Miss Lois Smith, of Lawsonville, JOHN F. REYNOLDS IS NOMINATED i Republican Candidate For Con gress In Fifth District—M. O .Jon»»s Was Close Second ! I'or Place. I j Greensboro. April !'?.—Sen ator John F. Reynolds, retired j business man of Wentworth. who developed as an unherald ed and surprise candidate and ■ wh-.se vote on the first ballot was slightly less than that of M. Odell Jones, of Danbury.! ■ showed greatly increased j ; strength on the second ballot. j securing the fifth district con-! | gressional nomination at thej ! biennial assemblage of Repuo ! licans of the district at the ; Guilford county courthouse! j yesterday. The vote on thej j second and filial ballot was as follows: Reynolds, 152.0. Jones. 124.1. Oil the first ballot Mr. .Tone, received 132.4 votes; Mr. Rey nolds got while Junius 11. Harden, of Graham. Repub- Pcan couirre-sional nominee !'i 102 S. was given 15.7 votes ii; spite of his emphatic state ment. prior Ii yesterday's bal loting. that he would not malt" the race this rear. It has been generally expect »•! that Mr. .Tones would I nominated without serious position in ihe on \v,it ic. . However. IT the pi I\ -rbial 11th hour lVi'-no •• f Senat Reynolds were oifmit-ly a'i vised that Mr. Hard*, u woui-i not be a candidate. Thej had shown lie disposition to enter the Wentworth man so long as Mr. Hardeo was a possible can-! didate. The senator was found ,to have a strong following j when h,is supporters, assured finally that the Republican .candidate in 192S would not be !an aspirant this year, groomed, jhim for the nomination. DODD VS. FLIPPIN IS MISTRIAL j Jury In Most Important Case Tried Here Last Week I'n able To Agree On Verdict. i In the last case tried in civil court here last week—Roy Dood. admr., vs. Dr. R. I). Flip pin—the jury was unable to agree on a verdict and Jtidg" 1 McElroy declared it a mistrial] on Saturday afternoon when' ! the jury was discharged. Dodd was asking for $15,000 damage from Dr. Flippin i'orj alleged malpractice. The case! consumed the last three days j of the court last week. Deputy Sheriff and Police, , Officer Luther Williams was ihere from Walnut Cove today. HE C ANDIDATES !STOKES 4-H CLUBS" | ARE ORGANIZED Meeting Held Here Friday In School Building and Officers Elected—Plans and Purposes Outlined. Aii 4-ii c! oo o!!ic; is end leaders of th • twvlvt organized) 111 chilis i:i Stoke- county| were invited to take part in | Hie (•••gaiiizat ion of the county, 1-11 (Tub Council. Friday after- 1 neon. April 11. Seven of these' | dubs were represented at the I meeting which was held in the .Danbury High School, and the • organization w a s perfected I jwith the fallowing officers: President. Kenneth llauser,' Germanton. I Vice-president. Lindsay Haw-' I kins. Sandy Ridge. Secretary. Mavis Rhodes. Sandy Ridge. Reporter. Sam Lewi . Mead ows. Car r Leader. Virginia Wall. M -ad ows. Soog Leader. Lucy Spencer, sai'dv Raige. Club i -ider. .Mi,-. Mary Ni •>', Meadow.-. The fi.-|ii wing -1 ; ctives were >et up for I'a '.o: I. Ma :, ita.in organize;' l-'I cl.-i.-s at the following sih mis: : Francisco. Kimr. !'«■>■• 'is, 1 aw..' nviil-•• 1 i:: v Pi lit!. ' -or nv.mton. Meadows, Danbury, \Voi,u:t C -. •. Pii.: Hall. Sui y 'lid/o Pinnacle. ivich ciub to have 1 1 1 l h i*i e :•. p - sen tat iv.-s at lue Stale Short Course in August. '!. Facli . Inb to raise tnon- y to h.'ip pay ilie exueiis. f their delegates to the Stat. Short Course. 4. Hold a County (Tub En campment durinir July. Each (Tub to strive for as near 100 per cent representation at the Encampment as possible 5. Maintain a Count j- l-H Club Council to be composed of all local 4-11 clubs. 0. Each club to hold a min imum of nine club meetings during the year. 7. Each member to make an exhibit of some 4-H Club product at th County Fair. S. Each organized club t > prepare a Club Booth for the display of the products of its members at the County Fair. 0. Each organized club to trv for the largest per cent of its members making exhibits at the County Fair. 10. Ask County Fair officials ,to provide suitable prizes for | best Club Booths, as well as 1 individual club prizes. 11. Each club io have at i least one member compete in j j county widt judging contest, j the county agent to deterniiii" the kind of live stock and crops i j to be judged. I 12. Send a judging team to j represent Stokes county in a | , State-wide judging contest ai ! the State Fair. ]:>. Each club to strive for 100 per cent project comple tions with record books turnedj : in to County Agent by Novenv , i her 15th for every member. 1 14. Hold a county wide 4-H • Club Achievement Day pro-1 gram during Nov. with ev j ery club making a report of I the accomplishments of its i I members. One member of each | club to be called on to make | this report for the whole club. ] j 15. Each club to secure membership for 10:?1 and re organize during December. 10. Each Club to raise 10/. per member enrolled to help : paj" the expenses of the county j judging team at Raleigh. J. E. TREVATHAN. County Agent. Rev. D. W. Allen, rector of j the Episcopal church at Wal ! nut Cove, was a visitor t:> Dan I bury today. Attorney W. L. Joyce, of j | Stuart, Va., was a visitor to I I Danbury Tuesday afternoon, j No. 3,022 !STOKES MEN ARE ENDORSED M. O. Jones and J. \V. Hal! Get I nanimous Approval For Ccnmes>man and Solicitor. Respectively. \1 Hands Of Sloke* Republicans In Con vention Here Saturday Delegate* Named To Conven i ti!ns. ! In the convention of Stoke? county Republicans held here Saturday and attended by a largo number of the members iof that party M. O. Jones, i world war veteran, received the unanim us endorsement of the convention as ;i candidate for Congress in this district, j while J. W. Hal! was accorded an dually st f >;s.ir endor.-iment as : candidate for Solicitor of the di-trii!. The convention was harmon ious thr ugh' lit and was ad dr •' (! by candidate Jones, wivi i-. chairman of the county commr.u••. and by H. MeC«- ; :! :.(! Carroll, j.rom !:•• :'t nii-inbers of the party in the county. Thi former executive mm mittee of the party was lv elected in i's entirety, the per sonnel being. M. ). Jones, chairman: Jacob Fulton, secre tary; 11. McC.ee. Paul Fulton. IJ. B. Oakley, C. M. Tuttle. J. W. Talley, H. F. Wright, M. J. Fagg. J. J. I'riddy. Cabel E. Joyce. Delegates were elected to represent the county in the Republican State. Congression al. Judicial and Senatorial con ventions as follows: Danburv, M. (). Jones; alter nate. J. W. Hall. Meadows. H. McGee; alter nate. J. Will Morelield. Sauratown, Paul Fulton; al ternate. Jacob Fulton. Heaver Island. C. E. Joyce; alternate, John Flinehum. Snow Creek. Ernest Steele; alternate, Carl Mabe. Peter's Creek. M. J. Fagg; ! alternate, A. L. Campbell, j Big Creek, S. F. Shelton; alternate, Royal Hunter. I Quaker Gap. I>. C. Taylor; alternate, J. E. Pyrtle. Yadkin. T. G. New: alternate, O. J. Boles. Delegates and alternates at Marge: Delegates: C. M. Jones. S. A. Flinehum. C. C. McGee, i J. W. Tally, J. H. I.awson. J. R. Nun 11. E. R. Nelson, Jesse I'riddy. R. O. Woud. ; Alternates: J. (). Pyrtle. Jas. : Joyce. L J. Fowler. James Jones. Robah Hrowder, J. H. Fowler. Richard Pell. P. M. Morelield. John Brown. Kidnaper Held For Superior Court She p Webster. colored, charged with kidnaping the little six-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Merritt, of ! the King section, was given * I hearing here Monday afternoon i and held for Superior court. | He is in the Stokes jail.

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