DANBURY REPORTER Volume 58. NEW STRONG CANDIDATES ENTERING VOTING CONTEST Great Subscription Campaign Taking On Mark ed Impetus—Number of Additional Contest ants to Compete For Prizes—Number of Can didates Win the Extra 300,000-Vote Bonus. The great subsin campaign swings into high gear. Marked interest is being showo • the contest in many quarters. .11. wet k a number of new en tenants inter the iicc. anxi'it*. Ui;m b-big Miss I.unary Pyrtle, of Wes f . field, and Mrs. Gvona Wall Fowlev. of Walnut ('ov Knut> 1 Both if these ladies manifest marked win iiil'w qualifications, anil while com injr into the rave a little late, it is b,v no means late enough to hurt, as the public is just now beginning to wake t-- the situation. In a few days the interest will rise to a fever heat, and excitement will sweep every nook and corner of the Reporter's territory wher«» the attractive candidates are known. KXTK.V VOTK BONI S. I.«st week we offered an extra bonus of ;!(((),(Mil) votes for every club of •>!! turiietl in for subscriptions. Th's would h ■ easy, as two -o-yea:' • abstriptions and one 10-year sub. s-ription would firm a $!!'! club. Als i any number of other size-i si'lisi; i| t : "iis would also win it b:r t d tin the table shown on the back of the receipt books and printed ei ewheiv in this paper, though tlu bii; srbscript ions count much faster. A r,umber of the candidates will win one ir nvnv of thwe extra ."iim.iMMi-vote bonuses. Alrcadv some of them have reached it and the offer holds good until Saturday night, April 2'>. The candidates are learning the increased value of the big sub scriptions of 5, 1, 7, S, or 10 years, etc., as compared with the one-year subscriptions. Standing of Candidates Standing of the candidates i* omitted this week, as the correct computation of the votes cast can not be made in time for this issue of the Reporter. But after this week, the votes cast and the stand ing of each candidate will be print ed in order that their respective friend.; may keep posted on the progress of the campaign. All Candida fces are expected and required to bring or send their votes to the Reporter office not Inter than Saturday .evening. This is very necessary for a number 'of i casons. The emtest manager must be kept apprised of the con dition of the c ill test onve a week, while in order that new subscrip tions and renewals may promptly and correctly be enrolled at the otlire, weekly reports from all ran didates and weekly remittances of all cash collected will be required of all the cintistants. Enthusiasm Wins As the rave now swings into serious acti >n it is well to lie kept in mind by each and every candidate that persistent, tireless effort will win. Enthusiasm is indespensablc. If you want your friends to help you to win, you must show them that you want to win, and you must sh iw faith yourself. If you are blue and despondent, they will also become so, and their interest will lag. Lay off hard times. Hard times is largely psychol.igical anyhow. Most of it is in the minds of the people and not in their pockets. Anybody who can't get up a d.ill ar or two to help a beautiful girl win a prize that will be a life joy to her, isshort on red blood corpus cles. A good sport will give her a boost with a .Vyeur subsvriptio.i, and if she ever forgets him fir the sweet kindness of it, she is not the kind of a dear precious tiling that would look good in a swell ChrysK"', or a dandy Ford coupe with "Vict ory" shining on the windshield. Brent Field The field for subset intions is al io .i.-i unlimited. It is not Stokes county, but the world. Stokes peo ple are living everywhere. They are in Winston-Salem, Greemdioro, llieh Point. Stuart, Va., Mt. Airy, and everywhere else where the iv irld is moving as they are doing their let to help the world roll alone, lit it . "ier,i down and get them on Established 1872. the list for the old home town paper. But Stokes people are not all who take the Danbury Reporter. The personalities of the candidates is far-reaching. Kach has friends and everywhere, and the subtle influence of a frail thing reaching out for a beautiful prize— can it be successfully resisted? Wo don't think so. (ireat Salesmanship I The salesmanship of some girls is 1 amazing. We have seen some of them storm a politician suddenly, taking him either flank, rear or face-to-face, and he was glad to capitulate with a 85 bill after the first 5 seconds. This is to be the Danbury Re porter's greatest of great subscrip tion drives, and before it is iver everybody who does not already read the Danbury Re| irter will be •n our b inks. And when the :ilst of next mint!) ctni> - those who have worked the hardest and with the greatest en thusiasm and skill will claim tli prizes, while those wh i win no prizi s at all will be paid well f>r their time and talents. And tip memory of the IIJ.'IO campaign wiifi it pleasant, funny and interesting i xpericiiee, its new friend. found, its new valuable acquaintances formed, its ups and downy, will b incidents never to be forgotten. The Candidates It will be of interest to our rea l ers to be introduced to the various candidates: Anna Hudspeth is a daughter of Rev. and Mrs. 11. W. !luds| eth. of Danbury. i Mrs. I). M. Pyrtle was formerly Miss Mary Holbrook, of Winston ' Salem. She is the wife of I). M. ' Pyrtle, the Chevrolet dealer at Danbury. Annie Hill Tuttle is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hilary Tuttle, of Walnut Cove. Lola Rhodes is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Rhodes, of Madison. Mrs. (ivona Wall Fowler is the wife of Mr.- Fowler, of Walnut Cove Route I. She is a daughter of ex-Sheriff and Mrs. J. C. Wall. Rev. D. W. Allen is I 'o tor of the Episcopal church ol' Walnut Cove. Irene Carti r is a daughter of M'\ and Mrs. I). R. Carter, of Pine Hall. Mrs. Manly Dunlap is a daughter of I'rattie R. id, if Madison. Mr . Theodore Lasle.v formerly lived near Meadows. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin, of Madison. Sarah Williamson is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Williamson, of Pine Hall. Mr. Williamson was formerly county nmi miss ioner. Mavis Rhodes is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rhodes, of San dy Ridge. Mozellc New-tint is a daughter I of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. New.-um, of i Walnut Cove. Myrtle Ferguson is a daughter of 1 Mr. and Mrs. ,1. p. Ferguson, of Ucrmantan. Connie Burwell is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Burwell, of (lap. Connie is a student at Rey nolds. Mrs. T. C. Jones is well known to our readers, having been a candi date in the contest of two years ago. Gwendoyln Dearmin, of West field, is a daughter of Mr. Sam P. Dear, mill, formerly a Democrritie can didate for Sher'ff of Stokes comity. Gwendolyn's mother is a sister of Dr. R. 11. More field, of Danbury. Pearl Hill is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hill, of Francisco. Luniiry Pyrtle is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. I'yrtle, of W'.'st. field. I is Smith is the daughter tf Mr. and Mrs. W. \\. Smith, ef I.awsonville. Mi - Laura Ellington is the d:\ughter ef the late Dr. J. H. Ell ington, of Sandy Ridge. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday- April 23, 1930. KING HAI) MANY EASTER VISITORS ! .Miss Gwendolyn Dearmin I s Strong Candidate In Repor ter's Voting Contest—Other King News. ! King. Ajnil 22.—5. I'. Dear* I min, of West field, and his at I tractive young daughter. Miss; , | Gwendolyn, were here Monday.! Miss Dearmin is in the Repor-j ; ter's big contest and they were here working in her behalf. It will he remembered that Mr. | Dearmin was a candidate for ' sheriff on the Demon'a tie tick et four years ago. He has many warm friends in this sec -1 tion all of whom were proud to ' i see him. It is predicted here r | that Miss Dearmin will run i | high in the contest. Miss Flossie B. Caudle, of j ' Winston-Salem, spent the Eas ter here the guest of rela- j tives and friends. This section was visited by a splendid rain Friday nighi : ' which was much needed and which has revived crops won derfully. The Ladies Aid of King Mora vian church met Thursday at the church with fourteen mem hers and eight visitors present.. The meeting opened with the ; song, "Holy. Holy. Holy." The Scripture lesson was given l>v Mrs. Robert Meadows, followed 1 by prayer by Mrs. 11. li. I.eake. Talks on missions by Mesdames Bohn« n, Carl l.inebaek. Grif-i fin, Southern and Mine were! ' greatly enjoyed. A delightful social hour was spent and th.*j tempting refreshments served j 1 were much enjoyed. IMans; • were arranged to entertain the I • seniors and faculty of King! High School with a picnic sup per on the lawn at the home oi Mrs. S. W. Pulliam. Gray Moore left Monday for Nashville, Tenn., where he will spend about ten days with his Uncle, Eck Vest, who has been residing in Nashville for a 1 number of years. 1 Mrs. P. (J. Perry, of North Wilkesboro, is spending a few ' days here the guest of her - parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Grabs. The King Tigers took one away from the Hanes Hosiery '' Mill team on the King diamond '' Saturday. The final score stood eight and one. 1 Daniel (Happy Dan) White, 1 of Roanoke, Va., spent the Eas ter holidays with his mother, ' Mrs. C. F. White, who reside • here. 1 A very appropriate service • was held at the Moravian church on Main street Sunday afternoon at 2:.'50. The Be thania Brass Band made music • for the occasion. A service • was also held at the Moravian 1 cemetery here. Edgar Fulk, who underwent an operation in the Lawrenei 1 Hospital at Winston-Salem sev eral days ago has sufficiently recovered to be removed to his r home near here. • R. A. Hauser, who holds a J position as traveling salesman for a shoe manufacturing con -1 cern and who has been working - Virginia towns, spent Easter i with his family here. 'j Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. 1 Baker, of near High Poinr.i spent Sunday here the guests 1 »f relatives. 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Tuttle and son, T. (!. and Mrs. Wil -1 burn Shouse, of Rural Hall. 1 spent Easter here the guests of relatives. Rush Doss of Rock ford, is 1 spending a few days with rela tives and friends here. Fred Hauser, who is attend • iiimedical school at, Rich • nionl, Va., spent Easter with ■ relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. J. I). White, of 1 Roanoke, Va.. spent Sunday here the guests of relatives. E. A. Helsabeck, of Rural Hall, was among the visj'.'i.rs here Sunday. Farmers in this section are very busy preparing land for 1 another crop. About an aver -1 age crop of tobacco will be planted this year. Present indications are that there will be a good crop of peaches in this section. _ CANDIDATES MUST SIGN PLEDGE Fees For Filing With County Boards of Election .May. 2">rd Is Last Day To Enter, Race. Aspirants for the state sen ) ate. the house of representa tive-' and ;ill county (diets are required to file their notices and pledges with tiie county board of electii lis at least two weeks prior to the primary, May 2-'! being the last day for filing this year. Under ihe law the following form of ivtice of and:da>-y an.l j pledge is re(|iiired: "I hereby file my notice as a ! J candidate for the n >i-r!nat ion | as in the primary {election to be held on June 7,! lfj>;so. I affiliate with the party, and I hereby pledge my self to abide by toe results of i said primary, and t si.pport in the next geierd election II cj'.ndidrttes iioiniivilod by the— ; partv." Film;' fees toe notices of ten didricv to l e fried with 11 • county board of election-; are as follows. State senator, Nvmber of' ihe house of represent.;tives,; $5; any county « flit- • 'except, as hereinafter .-pet lieill, SV county --urveys, • •• > nt*' coroner. $1 • ennily r-iinmis sioiier, :?!. Nm fee i reiprivd |of candidates tor tnwu- lilp i f- 1 I fices, including constables. Former Stokes Pastor Dies In Greensboro i i i . Rev. \\. |,. Dawson, who! served as pastor of the M. E. j ■ churches on Danhury circuit j for two terms a number | years since, died at his home in; Greensboro Saturday at the ag" of 66 years. Mr. Dawson is survived by his wife, who was formerly Miss Frances Wagoner, of I Pilot Mountain; by one son,! Rev. W. L. Dawson, Jr., Stone wall; and five daughters, Mrs. | A. K. Moore, of Greensboro;! Mrs. G. Tull Richardson, of! New Bern; Mrs. W. H. Jack-j foil, of Grifton; Mrs. John R.' l erry, of Thomasville, and j Miss Ma'oel Daws- n, of "Greens.' boro. Mr, Dawson was :i naii l . e of the Mount T: bor i hurch com i munitv. Fix Dates For Opening Tobacco Sales Reeky Mount, April 17.—The l.'Jlh annual convention of the Tobacco Association of 11 >. • I'nited State-, will be held a! the Cavalier hotel. Virginia Beach, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. June 2(1 to 2S. a*-, cording to announcement re ceived here from A. IS. Car rington. president of the or ganization. While a number of important business matters will come be fore the convention, the out standing' item will be the de ' t 'rmination of dates for tlx* I i pening of the auction sale j markets in Georgia. South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia. i Walnut Cove's Population !OXi According to anneuncemeiu b\ the Supervisor of the Cen sus B. PoindextiT the lation of Walnut Cove, Stokes county's largest town, was IPS] on April Ist, 1 !):!». as compared with 651 on January Ist, IP2O. I'liomas Goode, aged IP year.-, and resident of the Eirypl see tion of Stokes, was placed in the county jail here recently sull'ering with a serious mental affection. Effort is being made to get him in the Morganton hospital. ?d i\ " is the lasf day upo l .vlu\ !i taxpayers can list their t i.\es without being classified as delinquents. REGISTRARS AND JUDGES NAMED i County Board of Elections Held Session Here Saturday—C. E. Davis Made Chairman of Board. At a session of the county , Board of Elections held here Saturday ('. E. Davis was made chairman of the board with S. P. Christin as secretary. Paul Fulton is the third member of the board. The principal business trans acted Saturday was the ap pointment of registrars and ! judges for the 21 precincts of the county. Changes were 'made in the personnel of some' of the precinct election officials. 1 \ The registration books open | Mav .">rd and will close Mav ; 24th. The list of registrars and judges follows: Danhury—D. M. Pyrtle, reg istrar: James Lasley and John Neal. judges. Hart man - Gilbert Alley, registrar: C. S. Pitzer and Gilmer Ma.be, judges. Mitchell—l.. A. Duncan, reg istrar; W, J. Flynn and J. I). Flinchiim, judges. Pine Hall—J. li. Williams, registrar; J. H. Carter and T. F. Reynolds, judges. East Sandy Ridge Miss Laura Ellington, registrar: Harry Brown and A. I). Carter. judges. West Sandy Ridge—Lowell ; Pome, registrar; J. V. Martin, > and Houston Steele, judges. I Lawsonville—Z. R. Sheppard. j registrar; Frank Robertson land W. J. Brown, judges. ' Tilley's—E. (i. Ray. regis trar Harry Martin and W. D. I Priddy, judges. | Moil*—\\. E. Collins, regis trar; R. E. L. Francis and j Floyd Chilton, judges. Finns—Sam Lawson. regis , j trill*; C. R. Christian and L. L.I Lowe, judges. Brown Mt.—T. M. Smith.' | registrar: J. F. George and W. M. Martin, judges. | Flinty Knoll—S. F. Lawson,' registrar; P. (). Fry and G. W., ! Simmons, judges. ; Pinnacle—Ellis Stone, regis- 1 trar; J. W. Snider and J. W. I George, judges. King—l. W. Mitchell, regis trar; Joe Alley and ('. 1 >. Slate, judges. Mt. Olive—.Roy Redding, registrar: P. P. Johnson and Rosella Laws, judges. Mix pah—l. T. Bowles, regis trar; J. 11. Cromer and E. C. Slate, judges. Gernianton—L. M. McKeiizie. registrar: Guerney Hauser and Robt. Petrei*. judges. Wilson's Store—Frank Ro--. registrar; Claxton Lewis and J. 11. Bennett, judges. West Walnut Cove—T. 11. | Gerry, registrar: John Brim and J. C. Joyce, judges. East Walnut Cove—ll. R. Mcpherson, registrar: E. o Creakman and Hilary Tuttle, judges. Freeman—ll. L. Gibson, reg istrar; W. B. Brown and J. C. Neal. judges Easter Egf# Hunts Mrs. N. A. Martin gave her Sunday school class an Easter egg hunt at her home here Monday morning. Ihe Sunday school class of Mrs. E. P. Pepper enjoyed an egg huiit Faster Monday morn ing at Paul Taylor's club house. Fdna llud-peth received prize for finding th gold egg. while Marjorie Pepper found the si! ver egg and received a prize. Mrs. John Taylor gave her class an egg hunt Easter Mon day at four o't lock at her home. Robe! t King was awarded a prize for finding ihe most eggs. Other prizes given wen l 'o K'lcn Kate Pepper and M jorie I 'of roe, Angela and Nellie I oui.-e I'aylor and Stedman King. Mrs. J. J. Taylor and eliil*'- reti and Mrs. S. P. Christian went to Winston Salem yester day to see Shirk's circus. e o. 3, 023 jWALNiJT COVE NEWS ITEMS Dr. A. G. Jones Out After Ill ness—Mrs. R. L. .Murphv Improving Ladies Attend Conference In High I'oint— Other News. Walnut Cove. April 2'-).— Mesdames Frank Marshall, H If. Davis and Miss Margaret Marshall attended the eigh teenth annual se-sion of the Woman's Missionary Societies of the Western North Carolina M. K. Conference in High Point today. Others from here will probably attend tomorrow. Messrs. IJill Campbell, Thom |as Hardy Roth rock, Hill Fulton and Robert Sisk, of Danbury. visited Asheville and other points' in Western North Caro lina over the week end. Dr. A. G. Jones, who has been confined to his home sometime with flu, is able to be up now, his many friends will be glad to know. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fulton announce the birth of a daugh ter. Aurelia Hope, Saturday. April 20th, at the Baptist Hos pital. Mrs. 11. J. White and Mrs. Joe Zimmerman returned Mon day from a visit with relatives in Tennessee. The children of the Fpisco pal Sunday school enjoyed an egg hunt Faster Monday after noon at the home of .Mrs. J. I. Blackburn. Mrs. John Bray and small daughter, of Greensboro, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dunlap. Mrs. Fdwin Carter and daughter. Anne Hollingsw'orth spent the Faster vacation at Mt. Airy. Misses Mary Frances Davis and Frances Fulton, X. C. C. W. students, spent the week ) end here with relatives, j Mrs. Mollie Doggett, of Summerfield, was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Paul Davis, here the first of the week. Mrs. L. H. Smith, Jr., has returned to her home at Liber ty alter a visit to her parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. (I. Jones. Misses Minnie and Willie Mae Cates, of Greensboro, spent the week end here with their moth er. Mrs. O. J. Cates. Mr. R. 1,. Murphy is recup erating from an attack of influenza Mrs. J. \\. Jones has recov ered fr m a recent illness. The Kastern Star Chapter held its regular meeting last night. Paul Davis. Jr.. and Mark Allen spent the Faster holidays at Roanoke Rapids. Miss Dixie Reaves spent the week fin I at her home in Rae ford. Miss I.urline Ratley, Domes tic Science teacher, spent Fas ter at her home in Bed Springs. Mr. and Mrs, George Fulton, Miss Helen Fulti n and Gilmer Sparger attended a (lance last night at the High Point conn try club. Misses Saxon Yoss and Fran ces Petree were the week end guests of Mrs. Fverett Matth ews in Winston-Salem, i 11. 11. Davis made a business trip to Fayetteville yesterday. Mrs. (' E. Davis Hostess To Friends Walnut Cove, April l!;'..—Mrs. ('. F. Davis entertained with four tables of bridge at her home here Friday evening complimenting Miss Flizabeih Sparger, of Baltimore. Md., who is a guest ot Miss Nell Butchers! n. High score prize, :i iiniili! ilt i-' o! cards went to MN> Sparger, while Mrs. pad Da\i«. received the consolation, a bo\ 'l' Faster eggs. The hos tess was. assisted in entertain ing b\ Miss Thelma Neal and a tempting course of refresh ments was served. Mr. and Mr-. 11. B. Sheltou and Mrs. Bex Stuart, of Wirss ton-Salem, are visitors 1 .re today.

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