PAGE 4 Hie Danbury Reporter N. E. and E. I*. i'EI'PEK. Pub*. WEDNESDAY, MAY 14. 1930. Politics In Stokes. This good year of Grace,' Nineteen Huudred Thirty.! promises to be plentifully sea soned with political spice and ginger in the State of Stokes. The local political caldron is already at the seething stage in some quarters. Candidates who have heretofore been thought to be passive and en !ireiy in the hands ot their friends, now appear to be ac tive and even aggressive, and in some cases almost warlike, securing the country in the search of promises of support from friends. Much gas is be ing burned, many babies are being kissed, while the old-time art of handshaking is revived, with a vim. The weather and the time are becoming propi tious. The religious gather ings are the greatest places for the assembling of the office hunters. Here in the open air. where good fellowship, good: cheer, uood food and good friends gather on Saturdays or Sundays, you are indeed out of luck if you do not iind quite a galaxy of amititious fellows looking for votes. The primary is no v. getting ■»ear at han'J. Soer. the con it*- 1 . will be on. \Yi h so man* .•andMates in the for the vav'ous offices. the chances an hc;e wiM be a I"* 1 ! : ve.e out (in the Tih ot June. Oiitid» of 'bt ioca! and c.iunty offices. the co/.-ests lor the Senate between Baiiey and Simmons, for Solici tor between Wright an! Younce, for Congress between •::m«» and Hancock. these wili he more than apt to get out a •a:.. "Jut v> hen it come* down to Sheriff and Clerk of the Coi:rt. and Register of Ikeds. ar •' f( r the Legislating —the in! ucnce of some of these will almost he sure '.> bring out t-i\body. even the "wimmen. God Mess "em." Ihe Stokes county Demo cratic executive committee met :t the court hej;e here Satur day for the put'p e largely ol irg candidate*. Thi 1 ciy has no power nt - purpo-. ■t select candidate:- ftr the varlc. (('.ices. I)t:t it »- t;- torn to s.tunu out sent it .et a; thes,.- meetings and try t - certain the strongest cand:- fiaies for recommendation to the county convention, or to induce certain available timber to enter the primary. At Sat urday's meeting it was the of the Democrats present that Sheriff John Taylor had no opposition nor should have any in the county convention or primary, as he is 100 per cent, the choice of the party. It was the further opinion of the committee that Elder J. Watt Tuttle of Meadows was quali fied to be Clerk of the Court of Stakes County, a-.d Ihi.t he i head and shoulder-; ; hove any body else in strength. There lore it was deemtd that Mr. Tuttle owes it to his party, to his friends and to himself to enter (he primary for this im portant office... It was found that two candidates were be- fore the people for the office of member of the Lower House of Representatives, to-wit, H. H. Leake and Gilmer Sparger, ! both very capable and honorable men. either of whom would fill this position with credit and j honor. I'innix Bailey was present, and his name being mentioned for Register of Deeds, the committee endorsed him. Candidates for county commissioners were offered and endorsed as follows: Ellis Stone of Pinnacle. Elder F. I*. Stone of Asbury and Rev. J. A. Joyce of Sandy Ridge. For Highway Commissioners the following gentlemen were rec-! ommended: E. \Y. Carroll and I J. C. Craig. For Coroner. Dr. Stone of King, and for Survey-| or. I. G. Ross, of Walnut Cove.! The Republicans of Stoke.* j county are likewise quite ac tive in discussing and marsh alling candidates. For Sheriff. Dixie Nunn. Monroe Fagg, Jesse I'riddy. E. R. Nelson, seem to be the timber f'rVtm which a candidate will be ! selected. Each and all of gentlemen have their support i and supporters. It is expected that in the primary, the strug gle between the friends of these men will be spirited. There is always a possibility of dark horses entering the race at the last hour. While we knew of nothing definite, it has fer >enu* time been whisperc.! that at the las? moment some uepuhlican thought to be stronger than cither of the abmo cam!'dates will be enter ed and will win the nomination. For the Legislature. C. C. McGee sometime since an nounced that he was not .! i-.ndidate. however, it is known that Mr. McGee's friends are bringing pressure to bear on him to again make the race for the office at which he was suc ci'sslu! two years ago. It is also learned that M. (>. Jone> ;s strongly considering legis lative honors at the earnest persuasion of many friends, •tnc! while he has not yet spoken definitely, many people believe h>> will enter at the last mom | enf. and if so McGee may not enter, or vice versa, Jones may r.ot enter if McGee does. These are two of the youngest and • brithfest Ivepohlicar,; of the Mint. v. and each has man; friends. One of the sharpest contests ; s mor.g the Republicans is thai between Fagg and Chilton for Clerk of the Court. Hoth of these gentlemen are well versed ' # in the exigencies and the intricacies of politics, especially pertaining to the office of Clerk, and each is not i without experience in that im | portant branch of our county | civil government. Both are 1 able men. and each has a strong | following, and the tilt between j them is sure to be full of pep and shock. The Bailey-Simmons bout will be very interesting. While ! he contest in Stokes is only jt! e backwash from the great j wave which will engulf the j State on November 7fh, even | locally it will have its fireworks and its impacts and all that : sort of thing. The Bailey J manager in Stokes is E. O. THE DANBURY REPORTER Creakman of Walnut Cove, I the Simmons manager is D. M. 1 Pyrtle of Danbury. ————• Cannon Ball Starts Rolling. The disclosures being twisted I I out of Bishop Cannon by the; congressional lobby committee in regard to the anti-Smith money which he handled in Virginia two years ago. ap proving quite interesting, but are not so interesting here as some North Carolina dope; would be along the same lines. The figures showing how much boodle was used by McNinch. Simmons' lieutenant, to carry North Carolina for Hoover in the last election, would be read with greater zest by North Carolinians. It appears that the Wash ington committee has the uood Bishop well by his whiskers now. The milk has already been squeezed out of him that I one man alone sent him 000, and that this contributor was a New York man. (Angels j ! and ministers of grace defend | us—from Tammany?) Now. if only one man sent the Bishop I $65,000, wouldn't it be edifying ; to learn what additional sums (he Bishop received, and from whom, and after he had spent enouuh of this money to carry Virginia for Hoover, how much he used to recruit his own private f.r!uncs on ;he Tam many stock market, where ?! has been proved by his own admission that he lost a large amount of somebody's cash in his gambling operations. Of course we North Carolinians are not half so much interest ed. however, in this Virginia mess as we would he in a few disclosures from .McNinch. Simmons' lieutenant, as to how much lucre he had left after carry in;; North Carolina Repub lican under the advices from his chief, the Senator. Sim mons himself, who is Mc- Ninch's l.oss, could doubtless tell us all about it. but as the Senator's will is bigger than the Democratic party, by the same token we assume he is superior to the law. ;'.nd thus the corrupt practices act be comes null and void when it conflicts with the wishes of "this our Caesar." The Washing!;)]! lobby com mittee is not the only organiza tion after Bishop Cannon. His church, through its general conference at Dallas, is also calling on him to appear an:i answer to the charges of politi cal activity unbecoming a bish op of the .Methodist Church South. Before it is all over, this pious gambler, this eccles iastical crap-shooter, this sanc timonious Virginia political boodle-guzzler, will doubtless be severely unfrocked, but we hope not until through him as the nucleus we shall ex pose some of the corrupt and unlawful political methods which were used in Virginia and North Carolina in the last election to defeat and humiliate the Democrats and elect Hoov i er. ; Senator Simmons was the head and front of 'the gre.vt Organization of Conscience and Disaffection against the party which made him, and whose bread he had eaten for more than 40 years. It appears that this Organization had unlimit ed supplies of money from SOMEWHERE but echo answers WHERE ? Cannon says that $65,300 of it was sent from Tammany, or at least from a man who lives in Tam many. Not more than SIO,OOO was ever sent by the national Democratic committee to carry North Carolina for the Demo cratic ticket. Such an insigni- j licant sum when it was pitted against the unmeasured slush fund commanded by the Can nons and McNinches. who worked under orders from their chief Simmons, didn't weigh very heavily. When the lobby committee gets through with Cannon, let it send for McNinch and make him disgorge the information which the people have a right to know. Let the Corrupt Practices act be resurrected. FAVORITE RECIPES OF A FAMOUS CHEF I i I As Told to Anne Baker By ROGER CRETAUX, Chef. The Roosevelt, New York City j Escalloped Beef Creole —Fry in three tablespoons drippings, until brown, two tablespoons finely chopped green peppers and one half eup finely | ehonppil onion, tablespoon X s n;;ar. one | third teaspoon I®, JL vJHp w hole elov S £§£ •.-..1 ::«l a p:eee o! Frv i;n - il i':.irly Hr .» «! ry , stirring |f& c o is is t a n »ly. I'our in two Roger Cretaux I cups of water to which Van been added one table- i spoon Worcestershire sauce. Dust i j with i>nc-half teaspoon salt, and one- ; half teaspoon pepper. Cook slowly j I for ten minutes. Then add two'.abb - ' i spoons Hour which has been mixed wiill .1 iittle Colli water. Cook live ; r inu'e.-. Hi move from lire and rub j i through a strainer. Add two table- 1 spoens chopped parsley and pour j ' ovi :• thin slices of left-over lu ef I v. iiieh have been placed in a glass ' baking ilish. 15ake in a hot oven f •: about tin minutes. ' Andalusian Dressing For J Remains. Endive or Plain Lettuce Mix together in a bowl one-half teaspoon mustard, one-half tea spoon salt, one teaspoon sugar, one e.ahtli teaspoon paprika, one table spoon lemon juice, one teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, one table j spoon tomato ketchup, one table spoon cold water, and live table spoons salad oil. Is"at thoroughly with a fork and serve on the I greens. John Malia of Dublin walked 1:20 milv's on his 106 th birthday j to play chess with his son. A Miss Haomios is Broad- I way's |i irhe-t paid show girl, i Her manager himself admits it. ! ooooooooxxx>xxxx> 0 0 Twenty! st 1 Years.... I 0 0 o THE 0 > SAME o 0 FIRM 0 A SELLING 0 $ STANDARD $ £ MERCHANDISE $ 0 FOR 0 0 LESS S> 0 $ 0 MONEY. $ s $ $ ■ s o SHORE o Mercantile Co., Inc., > o Kins, N. C. o 0 Fred E. Shore, President. $ 0 X 0 0 >OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF i REAL ESTATE FOR AS- ] SETS TO PAY DEBTS. i By virtue of a decree of the ( Superior Court of Stokes Coun- ty, rendered in the special pro- 1 eeedinfr entitled "Dolly F. Dod- ( son and Eugene Dodson, Ad- ; ministrators of W. G. Dodson, ; vs. Willie L. Dodson, and \ others," we will expose to pub- - lie re-sale, in front of the Bank , building of the Bank of Stokes , County in Walnut Cove, N. C., , on— SATURDAY, MAY 31. 19:50 j at the hour of 2:30 P- M-. i a one-half undivided interest, | lots Noa. 4, 8, 10. 19. 20 and 21. ion a plat of the lands of Miss 1 Ruth W. Hairston, recorded in | the office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes County. N. C. in Book No- 65, at page 480. See also in said office book No" 69, pages 114-115. and book No -77. pages 224. etc. LOT NO. 4: j "Beginning at a stake, corner of lot No. 2. thence North, 4 ' degs East on line of lot No- 2. 2254 feet; thence North. 86 de grees West, with public road, 1000 feet to corner of lot No- 6: thence S- 4 degs. West, with line of lot No. 6. 2329 feet to the corner of lot No- 6. a stake; thence east, 1005 feet to the place of beginning, containing 52 acres, more or less-" LOT NO- 8: | "Beginning at pointers cor j ner ol' lot No- 6. thence North, ; 4 degrees East, on line of lot !No 6. 2000 feet to pointers on ! public road; thence North 86 ; degrees. West with public road, i 1000 feet t'> pointers, corner of i lot No- 7: thence S. 4 degs. W. i 264 feet to pointers, corner of j | lot No- 10; thence South. 4 deg-1 i West. 2008 feet to stake on j ! public road; thence South. 43 j | degs. and 30 minutes East, j l with road. 151 feet to a stake;l (thence East 883 feet to the be- J l ginning, containing 55.2 acres.! : moiv or less." i OT NO. 10: "Beginning at a stake on thv, pub" c roaci. corner of lot No. 8:1 i thence North. -1 (legs- East.j Willi iilit* oi lot No- 3- 209S feel j to pointers, corner of No- 8; j thence North 55 (legs- West.! i with line of lot No 9. 500 feet i Ito pointers, corner of No. 9;{ 'thence North 86 degrees West.; I 564 feet to pointers, corner of' No. 5); thence South 1 degrees! W. with line oi' No. 13, 1552 ft.! | to a stake on the public road:! i thence with the public road, a-? ' follows: South- 46 (legs- and 5 | minutes East. 358 feet: South 53 degs- and 20 minutes East ; ! 4vil feet; South 41 degs. and 140 minutes East. 294 feet: j thence South 43 degrees and 30 minutes' East. 176 feet to the ! beginning, containing 41-9 ac ! res, more or less-" LOT NO. 19. i "Beginning at an oak post I and pointers, corner of No. 20. !in line of Mrs. Agnes McGill. 'thence North 8 degs. and 30 j minutes East, with her line, | 779 feet to an oak post and poi | nters. corner of No- 18: thence I II East- with No- 18, 3280 feet to ■|a stake on the public road, cor-1 ner of No. 18; thence with sap!' road as follows: South. 43 degs. j •; and 25 minutes East. 99 feet; | . thence South, 59 dugs, and 04 .! minutes East- 99 feet: South j '46 degrees and 50 minutes E.! > 66 feet: thence South 34 de-! > irrees 05 minutes East 662 > feet; thence South »>» > de- i > grees and 27 minutes East, 65 i > 33 degs- and 27 minutes E. 65! |! feet to a stake, corner of No- j 120; and thence West with line | ; of No- 20. 4021 feet to the be-1 > i ginning, containing 64 acres, > more or less-" > LOT NO. 20: \ "Beginning in the line of Mrs. > Agnes McGill. corner of lot No ) 21. at an oak post, with hjek > ory, red oak and white oak > pointers, and thence with Mrs- I McGill's line North. 8 degrees £ and 30 minutes East. 909 feet I to oak post and pointers, corner sj of No- 19; thence East, with > line of No- 19, 4021 feet to a > stake on a public road; thence ) with the public road. South 33 ) degs- and 27 minutes East. 80S ? feet; S. 42 (leg.- and 26 minutes \ east. 284 feet to a stake, corner ( of No- 21; thence West, with > )ino of No- 21. 4812 feet to th > > beginning, containing 89-9 ac ) res, more or less-" > LOT NO. 21: ? "Beginning at an oak post \ with 2 pines and 1 oak pointer. \ corner of No- 22, on line of Mrs. ) Agnes McGill. thence with her * line. North 8 degs- and 30 min- WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 19.^ utes East, 934 feet to an oak J post, hickory, red oak and j white oak pointers, corner of , No- 20; thence East, with line | of No- 20, 4812 feet to a stake j on the public road; thence with the road as follows: South 42 degs- and 26 minutes 333 feet; South, 34 degs- and 30 minutes East, 66 feet; S- 11 degs- and 20 minutes East. 540 feet; South, 17 degs- and 28 minutes East, 100 feet to a stake, corner of lot No- 22; thence West with No- 22, 5363 feet to the beginning, contain ing 107-9 acres, more or less-" , Terms of sale cash- This 12th day of May. 1930. MRS- DOLLY F- DODSON AND J- EUGENE DODSON, Administrators- ] N- O- Petree, Attorney- NOTICE OF TRUSTEES RK SALE OF LAND. Pursuant to the provisions of a deed of trust which has been duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of * Stokes County, North Carolina Mfc in Book Number 77, page 274. executed July 13, 1927, by L \ El wood Boyles, to the under- \ signed trustee, to securt certain notes, default having been made in the conditions ot said deed of trust, and at the request of the holder of said notes, secured thereby, I will re-sell at public auction at the court house door, in the town of Danbury, N. C.. for cash, on MONDAY, MAY 26, 1930. at 12 o'clock, noon, the property described as fol lows : Beginning at Ed Davis' cor ner in the center of the Ger inanton road; thence north •> degrees east 1478.4 feet to the middle of Town Fork creek: thence down the creek as it meanders North 69 degrees, 16 minutes east 100 feet north 68 degrees 20 minutes east 170 feet, South 89 deg. 10 minutes east 350 feet a point in midsii 1 .of Town Fork Creek, Char' > Tuttle's corner, mouth of the branch: thence up the brand as it meanders South 30 degs West 120 feet. South 17 dee- West 109 feet. South 12.30 feet West 175 feet. South 35 degs. 30 feet, East 58 feet. West 235 feet, South 28 dee j South 80 degrees 212 foJ \ South lt> degrees East 588 fe. : to center of Germanton road, new road; thence with said road North 88 degrees West j 765 feet to the beginning, coti ! tabling 21.5 acres, more or i less. | See deed. J. W. Slate and f. : M. Jones to Eiwood Boyles, of | lice Register of Deeds oi Stokes county, N. C., Book No. 70, page 321. This Mav 10. 1930. 1). C. McRAE, Trustee . ('has. E. Norfleet, Att'y., Winston-Salem, N. C. NOTICE. J. 11. Fulton & Co. against L- E. Moorefield. Notice of Summons and War rant of Attachment. The defendant above named ! will take notice that a sum j mons in the above entitled ac | tion was issued against the ('■■- 1 fendant on the sth day of April. : 1930, by A. J. Fagg, Clerk of I the Superior Court of Stokes I County, State of North Caro lina, for the sum of $225.00 due I the said plaintiff for goods j wares and merchandise sold t d | the defendant and for which' ihe promised to pay, which j summons is returnable before ! said Clerk at his office in Dan i bury, N. C., on the sth day of June, 1930. The /iefe llant will take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued by the said Clerk of the Superior Court of Stokes County on the sth day of April, 1930, against the property of said defendant, which warrant lis r&turnabife before the said Clerk, at the time and place above named for the return of the summon ;, when and where the defendant is required to appear and answ er or demur to the complaint i or the relief demanded will be j granted. This 6th day of May, 1930 A. J. FAGG. Clerk Superior Cou::. 1 years, Joseph Pope of New j York, has regained his sight a!, i the age of 85. j | Mrs. Margaret Hodgson of ; Chicago left on a bits her purse I containing $1,585. It was iv -1 turned the next day.

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