DANBURY REPORTER Volume 58. CANDIDATES FILE FOR JUNE PRIMARY i Time Expires Friday Of This Week—Quite A Few Candi dates Have Entered the Racs I'p To this Time. The time tor filing of names of candidates who expect tn v enter the June primary expire." M un Friday, May 2.'J, so that it C I ->ly that nearly all candi- W l£ J have already entered iV/ i\r names. The records of the Stoke.s county Board of Elections to day shows that the following named candidates of the two parties have entered their names and paid the required fees : SHERIFF: Democrat—J. John Taylor. Republicans —J. R. Nunn. E. K. Nelson. J. li. Priddy. M. •I. F; gg. CLERK OF THE COI'RT: R( publicans—A. J. Fagg. M. T. Chilton. Dene-rat—J. Watt Tut tie. STATE SENATE: Republican—R. T. Joyce. THE HOCSE: Democrats —H. H. Leake. J. W. Manuel. Republican—C. C. McGee. i REGISTER OF DEEDS: Democrat—B. I'. Bailey. Republican—R. N. Browder. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: Republicans Jacob Fulton. Dr. R. S. Helsabeck. Rufus Wood, Otis Dillon, Carl Mabe. Democrats—F. I'. Stone, J. A. Joyce, J. R. Stone. BOARD OF EDUCATION: Democrats—J. R. Forest, R. B. Hutcherson. Republican—John W. Priddy. HIGHWAY COMMISSIONERS: Democrats—E. \V. Carroll, J. C. Craig. CORONER: Republican—Dr. C. J. Helsa beck. Democrat—Dr. G. F. Stone. SURVEYOR : Democrat—l. G. Ross. TOWNSHIP OFFICERS: ft Constable for Peters' Creek tf'Wiiship—Alex Flinchum and Rufus Mabe. Justices of the Peace for Peters' Creek township—J. R. R. Bennett and S. M. Shelton. Constable in Beaver Island township—Jesse Duncan. James Oxford of Belfast, got a warrant for his wife and Charles Cook, who had eloped j charging them with stealing all j ) the furniture in his home. ■V — « I STANDING OF THE CANDIDATES 4 i Gwenclolin Dearmin, 3,050,000 | Itev. D. W. Allen, 2,980,000 i D. M. Pyrtle - 2,655,000 | Connie Burwell, 1,400,000 1 VjilWiss Mozelle Newsom, 1,100,000 ' Ernestine Hawkins, 1,065,000 J r 3Miss Myrtle Ferguson, 650,000 ( UHBS Anna Hudspeth - 475,000 1 Established 1872. NEW ENTERPRISE FOR WALNUT COVE Lawrence Mcßav Expects To s Construct Curing and Storing 1 House For Sweet Potatoes— ~ | Will Buy Potatoes As Well j As Rent Storage Space. s ; According to the following lei - o ' tor from County Agent J. E. s Trevathan a new enterprise for t i Wanut Cove is practically as i. 1 sured: ,| Walnut Cove, May 20. 'Editor Danbury Reporter: S j According to a letter just re o'ceived from Mr. Lawrence Mc ,r, Ray, of Greensboro, who owns 0 considerable real estate hero, he is still planning to construct a [j curing and storing house for ! sweet potatoes and vegetables I at Walnut Cove in time to take Jtare of the crop f• »r the current , 'season. Mr. McKay will expect to buy st of the potatoes for storage, ' bp; will also have storage space to rent to farmers. Those who wish to sell potatoes or haw , them cured i:i thi curing house, are advised to secure plant* from treated seed potatoes, as those not properly protected from disease will net stand the , storage as well as those grown from treated plants. J. E. TREVATHAN, County Agent. News Items Of Of Madison Route 3 | Miss Annie Simpson, of | Leaksville, spent last week end | with Mrs. C. R. Wall, of Knowl hurst Farm, and attended Miss! Minnie Gibson's graduating, exercises at Madison. Mrs. C. R. Wall, Misses An-] jiie Simpson and Minnie Gib- J son visited Mrs. S. W. Black- 1 ' burn at Guilford College, on : Thursday. • Mi s. C. It. Wall. Mr. and Mrs. ! i Tom. Reynolds, Misses Annie' Simpson and Minnie Gibson en-! . joyed a fishing trip Satudayi | afternoon. | Hail Injures Wheat In Pinnacle Section W. B. Lane, of Pinnacle, who! was a visitor here Monday,! I. stated that a severe hail storm j j visited the section just south , 'of Pinnacle Sunday night, in-1 jjuring wheat considerably and j also doing some damage to to-' bacco plants in the beds. A heavy rain fell throughout the, night. j i ■ i A savage dog owned by J. C. i Martin, of Sterling, III.* tore I off 4-year-old Jane Graham's j 1 oar and inflected other wounds 1 1 requiring: twenty stitches. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, May 21, 1930. ! PRE-PRIMARY I i DEMOCRATIC MEET ! i Convention Saturday To Dis cuss Candidates and Other Details Hon. Ai F. Sams I Present and Addressed Con i vent ion. ■j An informal gathering of 'Democrats at the court house ' j Saturday 'discussed candidates j and considered other j •re-pri mary details. K. W. Carroll presided at the meeting, and short talks were made by quite a number of prominent Demo crats. Hon. A. F. Sams, candidate for Congress, was present, and being invited to address the • meeting, responded in a happy j vein, and stressed the point l that Winston-Salem is friendlv ! I " : tu Stokes county, its interests! . i being closely entwined with! our.-. The convention very earnest-' ly issued an appeal to tin ' 1 Stokes Democrats to come out on June 7th and vote for I! in. j J. D. Humphreys for Judge. Ir was declared that Mr. Humph-i revs fate depended upon a fnil j vote of Stokes Democrats. i Birthday Dinner And Other King News i King. May 21.—The relatives and friends of Mrs. 11. C. White ; gave her a surprise birthday' j dinner Sunday, about 200 peo -1 pie being in attendance. It was a very enjoyable occasion for all present. This was the 44th mile stone for Mrs. White. The King tigers defeated Mt. Airy in a game played at Pin nacle Wednesday, final score : being 9 and 3. i Justice of the Peace J. R. Caudle is confined to his home | with illness this week. Rev. L. K. Pulliam, of this' ; place, filled his regular appoin tment at High Point Sunday. Dr. Ernest M. Griffin recent |ly installed a $l4O late model I radio in his home. Dr. R. H. Morelield. of Dan ebury, was a business visit r here Saturday, shaking hands ! with old friends. The following births were j registered here last week: To | Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webster, a daughter; to Mr. and Mrs. Sid Cain, a son: to Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Thomas, a son. C'ladie S. Newsom has leased I the Grabs service station on i Main street and has already op | ened up for business. The 1 place was repainted which ! gives it a very snappy appear-' : ance. I The King Tigers lost to May- 1 odan in a game played on the | Mayodan diamond Saturday., I Miss Crysel Caudle, of Wins-' ton-Salem, spent the week end 1 : here with her parents. Misses Alma Hendrix and Ethel Kirbv spent the wek end I here with relatives, j This section was visited by I 'severe rain and hail storm Sunday night. P. J. Caudle and family were heil; from Winston-Salem on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. (). Schaub. i jof High Point, were week end! guosts of relatives and friends.' T. J. Furches, of Tobaccovillej was a visitor here Sunday. _ * ♦ Registration Rooks Will Close Saturday Saturday of this week is the last day on which persons may register to vote in the primary 1 on June 7th. On Saturday, * May 31, challenges will be in 1 order. , So far the registration f has been light, it is stated. 1 END OF THE GREAT CONTEST NOW IN SIGHT ________ IDOUBLE VOTES ARE OFFERED One More Week Will Tell the Tale, and Somebody Will Win the Handsome Premiums—Prizes Will Be On Hand Ready For the Count —Millions of Votes To Be Harvested Before the Close On i May 31==Last Extra Vote Offer. i I L«. 1. .. * 1 .A. 1 T .11 Saturday night. May .'Jlsi, i looms iii the distance and i t rapidly approaching, i Next week marks the close i !of llit Reporter's great IV pu j lar Subscription Drive and Yo ; liny Contest, when at sundown, -May .'{lst. the polls will be closed, the ballots counted an I the grand prizes awarded to these who have worked so : faithfully : id long for them. I The two handsome automo biles and the other georgeou - prizes will be on hand wailing, and when the figures are cal culated by three disinterested judges, awards will be made by the contest manager according to the rules laid down in the announcements. ! It is only a week more, but during this time tremendous work will be done and millions of v tes will be harvested bv the candidates. There is no un certainty now, n>> doubts, no illusions. The crisis is ap proaching with sewn-league boots. The end, which must mean .'.Teat happiness to some body. is already in sight. Ev ery lick of the clock brings it i nearer. There is not a moment to lose. The golden-winged hours are slipping oft. i The Reporter announced in 'its list issue that the 400,000 vote bonus would l>e the last ottered. But tlie contest man agement. in order to create j still nvnv interest and still greater excitement, has decided to allow every vote subscrip tion received from Monday' ; morning, May 20. at 7 o'clock, 1 i until the contest close— it dou-' I hie value. Thu-, instead of I!? 1.50 subscription yielding 5,001» votes, it will produc■ 10.00'! votes, ar.d a 2-,vear sub-' script ion will mean 25,0n. votes and so on. NOW FOR THE LAST GUAM) HOME STRETCH. Those who are behind in the race have a great chance. A steady, systematic pull, losing no time, often wins. Brilliant stunts are fine, but unless the pace is kept up, the slower plod ■ I der mac conu* under the wir | 4 ! first. j T lere are .ureal t, rril-ri' >of • j Sti kes county that have no' -'been touched. Hundreds of people are yet without their . | county newspaper. •J Here is an idea for some of I j the candidates, to be worked up >jor let alone. Out in Kansas in • a voting contest conducted by a weekly newspaper, Mi.-s W'in - nie Scalin was the lowest can 'jdidate. and it was five days to . j the end. Miss Scalin put on • j her thinking cap. Next morn- I ing she sent out three groups of solicitors of two and three ' in a group, all working for 1 Miss Scalin. Miss Scalin kept her forces in the field, and th;> : experiment cost her 888.50 in i gas and salaries, but she won '| a SI2OO automobile, and she • | thought she had made a fair "I trade. 'lntensive cultivation often ; make* great crops. More cash ! can be made on one acre bv i.siiig plenty of brains and -v.- !ergv than some stupid, lazy farmers make on 10 acres. It' a girl wins a SIOO prize by I j halt-hearted work when by whole-hearted work during the same period she might win ( SI,OOO. is she alive to the pos ; sibilities V A lew years ago all the smart one- said an airplane couldn't fly across the Atlantic, iand proved it by scientific facts that could not be disproved, but while the wist' heads were I figuring, i.indberg tl. w across. I here are lots of things that can't be done—by the Weak. But the strong do them, ami the world applauds. I During the next eight daw. 1 watch out for the impossible to Jbe put across with a bang bv ' somebody. The Reporter sends its best J wishes and heartiest greetings to all the candidates. May the j most deserving win, and when' those who deserve to win, win, may there be no heartaches left behind. Do not be disappointed if you No. 3,026 fail. Now i. tin 1 time to antici piit« 1 heartaches. tk> out and i' bring in the sheaves. It can lie done. I', will l>e too late to t complain after the sun ~ i' the western rim. Now is tile day of salvation, i' ' News and Personals 01 Walnut Cove \\ alnut Cove, May 22. Mis# Thelrna Rothrock spent the , week end at X. ('. C. W. Greens j! boro with friends. Miss Helen Fulton and Gilmer . Sparger were week end quests , of Mr. and Mrs. Donnell Van , Noppen in Mebane. Katharine, the small da ugh* , ter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fulton, j j is improving, after several clays | illness. Mrs. Lowry Scott is visiting [relatives in Durham. „ «*• * Miss Sallie Matt Marshall, who has been a member of the Ker n>'i .-ville school faculty, the past ,V'has returned to her home •' iiere. Airs. Anne Carter and lictle ■ daughter, Anne llollinsworth, have gone to Mt. Airy for an ex • , tended vi.-it with the family of • Mr. \V. F. Carter. 'i Mrs. i>. I). Gentry, of Carth -1 age, is visiting her parents. Mr. ■ and Mrs. ,1. F. Dunlap. Miss Claudia Neal, who has • been teaching at Germanton, is • al home for the summer. Mrs. \\, c. Davis, Summer* - field, visited her son. P.W. Davis . here the past week. ■j Mrs. Harry Di>vis, who has ~ been taking treatment in a Win j ston-Salem hospital, returned to . hei home this week very much improved. 1 he Ladies' Aid Society of the i P-.tpiist church met Thursdav I i; niternuoii ;.t the home of Mrs. J. : L. Mitchell. j Miss Sail Young, of Hender j son, was the guest last week of Miss Thelma Rothrock and at i tended the commencement of j the Walnut Cove high school. Thos. Corn and Elmer Shelton, of Lawsonville, were in town on Wednesday.

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