DANBURY REPORTER Volume 58. PRIMARY TO BE HELD SATURDAY; INTEREST GROWS AS TIME APPROACHES Tickets Are Being* Prepared This Week For, Voters Next Saturday, June 7 —List of the! Candidates As They Appear On the County | Ticket—Voting' Booths Distributed For the, Several Precincts. | In the primary to be held on Saturday of this week there are a number of Republicans whose names appear on the county ticket. A smaller num ber of Democrats are running. Inasmuch as the State law now guards the tickets very varefully, and the probability being that some of our readers have tioi seen a ticket and do ii t kiv-v ,i'ist who is running ii: ihe ■>: ;rciive parlies in ill • c inlly, w-' print b« ,o\v 11 i • ■ ci'.nu'.- • f men on i. ,!i «• ;L" i:■ ' *'s, ; •! yn;i are ior i• '• to i•>im • > .!i unlay 1;. y u.' clioi. w it!i 1! ■ e tii.it tin >' ;;r • all od men or they could •! •! "i, lheir nam s on tin tickets. Tile ii:- 1 for ia !i party a - it appears on ihe tickets ioilows: DEMOCRATIC TICKET : For .Member House of Repre sentatives : HARRY 11. LEAKE J AS. W. MANUEL For Members Board of Educa tion : J. REM) FOREST J. L. CHRISTIAN R. I). HUTCHERSON For Members Cornty Highway Commission : I'I)\VELL RAY JAMES c. CRAB; ■I. MOIR HAWKINS E. W. CARROLL REPUBLIC AN TICKET : For State Senator : R. T. JOYCE D. L. IIIATT J. H. HALL W. M. JACKSON For .Member House of Repre sentatives : CURTIS C. McOEE C. DDLI'IIUS SLATE For Sheriff : J. R. NUNN ERNEST R. NELSON MONROE J. FAGC JESSE R. i'RIDDY For Member.- Board of County \nnmissioners : JACOB FULTON RUPERT S. HELSABECK KUFUS O. WOOD CARL T. MA BE OTIS DILLON For Members Baard of Educa tion : JOHN W. I'RIDDY EDWIN KISER Baker Reunion On Fifth Sunday of June Mizpah, June —There will be a reunion of the Baker fam ily at the Friendship Baptist church on the sth Sunday in June. Everyone is invited to attend and bring a well-filled basket of good eats. Established 1872. PINNACLE VVIIL PLAY M.WODAN (ianic Full of Thrills To Ho Pulled Off At ,'M-tvndan Next Saturday—Dr. M«nvfield and Lon Sisk Wi'l Represent the Stokes Team. Next Srturdav ninjr ai Mavo.lan, I'. .M.. by the i! •!.. uotwi'.h/.tandiiiv tin* yui tv. .try «v (tl:. rc° t * tn the ; n?r;. v. {'...) ">l ' crack : • Wail teams t i !i;s • 'lit i-t :i:- : -t.- vi!! nie-'i i.i t : -. i v '»•..). ! ■ 1:. 1 ii! : 1.. . .>r May :. * n.! S *. v »!! ,oU h I'oi i : : iir.i'ii*. ; ;i ::.i i" • a jrreal ; ..m.\ am! »!•• : .iuuulred.- i ! 11. pi", i•. iiin-liM ii:«y ,Jo i.yneh. " ill in' i!>.-»•.• t > sec it. It is '.iiiii' • ii •' h >re thai i»r. 11. !i. More:>M :nd l,nn Sisk i f Dauhury, vtll ie the «>!"- licial routers for '!••• Pinnacle hoys. 'Noiiirh sail!. THEFTS OCCIJK AT"" WALNUT COVE Several Places lirokm Into and Various Articles Stolen—One Citizen Loses His i iickens. I Walnut Cove, .In; • —A numher of thefts ha e been | committed here -.H1.! in the 1 1' mnuinity recently The ! warehouse of th«• St«>!;es Gro_ eery company w: s •••t'ereed on ! last .Mr.nda\ nighi a id several ■ bags of sugar tal '-n ,i.; well as i a lot of canneii mn . The thieves are evidently ; reparinu II s make an expei ine-i i on a new hrand of su;.:u - head, using 'canned corn iiiste-.l •!' meal. Three barrels «>f e-in which Joe Allen had stored i. a ware ■ house near Nesil ..• Tattle's , hardware store w>.s stolen on Tuesday night. Mr. Young, of th.* Rosebud community, who ws.s in town this week, reported tiat all of his chickens weiv st«»l?n a few nights since. ii. d them locked up in his chicken house :; M :! it was hvoki i iiii >. Bernard Wriuhl .vddrtsses Lions C lub l}e;*iia!'d Wiiglit. « f Greens. . V. >:!! v.'il.. .1 > isiio ■ in Dan- Monday, :,«'>fre.ssed the member.-. of the "»'.>l:es Counts 1 Liens C'.u 1 ) a 4 ih -i. regular meeting in Walnut t'nve Mon day night. M»\ Wight. who i.; one of the Dcnv.emtio candi. dates for Solicitor to succeed Mr. J. F. Spruill, v:is in Stokes : ]irimarily in the inter jst of his | candidacy. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, June 4,1930 JURORS FOR SUPERIOR COURT | Summer Term Opens Here On j June .'JO With Judge Michael ! Schenck Presiding One ( i Week Each of Criminal anil ! Civil Court. I The regular summer terms i of criminal and civil courts for | Stokes county will open here [ | I on June 80th and July 7th, re-; ! spectively, for one week each, i j The courts will he presided! J over hy .Judge Michael Schenck j of irentlersonville. At the meeting of the Stoke*l ! Hoard of Commissioners lierej '.Monday, jurors for the courts I ; were il.'awn as follows: FfI.ST WEEK—CHIMIN \E TKRM. J. I'. " tnphell. Iloltl. I vie.! ! !'. W. wK.vnian. Charlie Stee'.o, j •W. i". Martin, Sam 15. i'riddy,! ■l. S. • man. T. W Mabe.l i 1 A. I i ti l', \\. A. I.i ';o•. .!.! jE. 1 i.i*•'. .las. 11. Mendi-nlia!!,' ; U. E. 1.. Francis. 11. (liris itia>;. V.. W. Rhodes. Kuel l!ut_ chcrson, Jerry W. Dodson. S. j ->I. Nelson, T. S. Oakley. N. S. Johnson, W. E. Hawkins, Recce Mabe, () Taylor, E. B. Tay lor. C. E. Martin. 11. CI. Alley, j. ' Will Moiince, K. E. Wilson, Eiindv W :od, S. C. Montgom | ery, Robt. Flinchum, A. A. Jef_ i ferson, S. I. Boyles, A. A. Rut i ledge. Roy I). Tuttle, () W. Bar ! her, W. F. Marshall, J. R. Nel. j son, EJ. Riser, J . W. Riser,' Alfred Durham, J. S. Garner, j ! SECOND WEEK—CIVIE i TERM. j (i. M. Moretield, W. C. Holt. J Rector Tilley, J. A. Newsum, 'J. IE Snyder. Herbert Ray, \\ !J. Gravitt, M. F. Edwards, E. i (). Creak man, J. W. Moretield, j J. K. Joyce, F. G. Fowler, F. l: Dearmin, J. M. Vaden, T. ('. Holes, J. S. Barr, R.W. Andrew., J. Dillard Hall, Drew Joyce, | Dewey Shelton, J. W. Jefferson,; i O. T. Gentry, E. I). Bullin, Paul Redman. Virginia To Let Contract For Bridge j The Virginia Stats high ; ! way commission is advertising j I • .lor bids on the famous bridge > ; to be erected across New river ;at Jackson's Ferry. Contract I I has been let for the bridge once before but the operatorsj ! of the ferry at that point tiled; :MM injunction against its con struct i n. They lave hee> doing a fine business in putt in ■ curs over on the ferry and ar reluctant to surrender the' business. The new bridge will be 7" f• 11 in length with three 12' foot spans and one 100 f > cantilever. j Misses Josie, eßrnice and i Gcorgie Lawson, of Eawsoi ville, spent the week end wit ,i Miss Annie Simpson at Leak.- ville. KING MAN MAKES j HIS DEPARTURE J. Ellis Hauser Deeds His Be longings To His Wife and Leaves To See New Pastures —Death of Miss Nellie .lohn_ sen—Other News of king. ! King, June 4. J. Ellis Han sel*. prominent merchant f this place, mysteriously dr6p i ped out of sight last Tuesdax I Mr. Hauser has been making j regular trips to Winston-Salem j with the company truck and o:i | Tuesday morning he left with | the tnu k to bring back a load jof g > d.; but on the evening mail Mr. W. (i. Hendrix. hi busiiit par!i i r.r cei'.-(I a let ter in which the stor.- key v.: s I l'oiiiiu ing that 1: w.i --| i''nt la . the 1 ruck w • !i| I . i ioiiiio 11• -ii s war, ,*■ i i Wiiisl .. a , : in !• jtr ii .i- r ! that Mr. j llendi .Wr.E-"i.-er's v ' l • ■■■ h« i ■' -is', i' i .Mr. liemlri'.. 1. ke ti l store ai'.d do the bos they en' d wiih i . Mr. Man-' • : er sv ,i als i received a letter incl sin;. deed: t > ail his real estate, which he had exei uted to her. Il is said that the busi. ness of Hendrix and llanser i in a si uad ci'dilion and t!: r Mr. Hauser's individual busi ness is in good shape. He own ed considerable property and has a wife and several children. It is rumored here that there I is a good looking woman in the I case. | Miss Nellie Johnson, aged :55,; (died at the home of her parents j near Capella Friday, following'l ja lingering ilness. She is sur_ I i vived by tlie parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Johnson, 2 brothers,! i'aul and Ueid Jolinson.of Win. | ; -ton-Salim. and 4 sisters. Mes_! dames J. A. Smith and S. P.| Bennett of King, and J. S.] , Boyles and W. I). Johnson of WinstonSalem. A force of carpenters are ati work remodeling the old hank building on Depot street. As I soon as completed about July 1. Helsabeck and Blackburn , >f! I I Winston-Salem, will open up ai [ clothing store in the building. The Ladies Aid Society i f the i King Christian church met onj | Thursday evening with Mrs. ().! [■). Grabs, with eleven members i i I present. Devotional exercises' j were conducted bv Miss Agnes i i rulham. Mrs. Ernest Gnlini ! I 'read a very interesting sertron by Rev. J.W. Holland. The hos_' ; ,ssi>i.-.i |»\ Mrs. 11. G. : ! Iv'iiiotis i'e- I n hmo its. 11 1 next meet ing j . lb lsa | . . ! . ft r the lth' i : .ik.\ ..... I Mrs. S \ ' h*is re_i !. : ' -V after un : 'l ine I; • ; • H 11 o 1 y. in « variolic h ;>i t• 1. ( ai I 'ir O M. Kirhyj 1,, •■e ivtuvred 1 > their li nu i. I i Santord i MRS. PYRTLE WINS FIRST PRIZE; MR. ALLEN SECOND Great Subscription Drive and Popular Voting" Contest Ended Saturday Evening With All Candidates and Everybody Fueling Good — Miss lXarmin Dropped Out lie fore the End— The Standing Of the Figures. Mrs. Mary Ilolln-jok I'yrtle. 1 :i.I:iS.OOO I lev. I>. M. Allen. 10.470.u00 Miss (Jwendolin Deurmin. 5,142.250 Miss Connie iJurwel!, . 042.500 Miss Myrtle Ferguson, 771.000 Miss Mozellc Newsum, ... 7'>5.000 .Mi.~s Ernestine l Hawkins. 527.000 Miss Anna Hudspeth, 4(57.500 ihe Ir i'.ri s so d as abo\ v. Ivn the wen: own Sat. i: 'day on the la t i... . of til • i. i ■ ■ ■ :■ II i'yrtle. i.'.-t ;>ri' . !■• ! st n. ,f !•, i "; j - i : r : . 1 . t r , i >. v .. •» '! \ . > ** , \\ ( . i {: > i • aril F ••?! c >u}u\ Gii. :, !■!..: Dearmin. of We.-t. ii- ! k toe; 11 • third ]>ri::i. an A'.water Kin' i ;' .in t radio set :•: rgli Mis - Dearmin ha '. • •'di tl; race Friday evening, i Ihe lourth pj'ize, an exquisite' diamond ring. won Gy Miss! , (dnnie Harwell, of (iap. while] 1 the fifth prize, the g Id wrist 1 i watch was captured by Miss 1 Myrtle Ferguson, of German-I ton. The two cash prizes of SSO and s'2~> were awarded Misses Mozelle Newsum, of: Walnut Cove, and Ernestine ; Hawkins, of Sandy Ridge, re j pectivelv. Miss Anna Huds [ pi th, of Danbury. who was not |an active candidate, won com. i : missions. The many friends of Miss' iGwendolin Dearmin sincerely ' regretted her action in with t I drawing from the race befor--: jthi' end, as she had made a very strong showing, and stood 1 j line chances of winning one of i the chief prizes. But. as Miss Dearmin, how ever, had lost i I two or three weeks at the star, i of the contest, being a studeiu; jiit Westlield high school, she' | felt that this was a handicap which seriously affected her success at the close. The contest, which was con t ducted under many unfavora. j hie conditions and cireumstan- ; ! •i es from the vcrv start, vet en. f I i ded vcrv successfully at hist. j Eighteen candidates were 'ed at the beginning of the eon-.' 'test, but on account of serioti 1 ! illness ii .ear relative*, no] ' less than i'ottr of the most pop-1 ' i ' , 'ar and strongest contestants' j were terci .i to abandon the] ! race. i Messrs. M. (). Jones, a. G.J j . :v and A. J. Fagg were the) '. Iges. who v ery i arel'ully | mputcd the votes and award -led tlie prizes Their decision I 1 was eminently satisfactory to lei ei yboily, and iill the candi ' di-.les and their friends expres-j sed their salisfaction at the ah No. 3,628 ->! .!•■ i'airne-s -1" the • ntest ti.- ii p .-a-i n ■■ at tin- n • i !i t> .-:i; that • J' 1 :*t '! Mr. A . v.ho • ■ - ■' a! ci ■ . . • .•' !s of ' i r» ' ' ' il ■ •tn;.* * 1 ' 'i. an 1 - : . • ■. rtunit t 1 '• :••• - llifi" -i appre c'. TV: i ll.' t}•: • ' ilr'i •t; i' \vi>!h' to CX* t 1 'i' t•» each ;sini all >f tile con t. ::; it.-, i ••/ . her with their i rii'iMi.-i wlin helped to make thn ■ ntest a success, its most cor vial grat : tude and thanks. FARM HOARD i MEETS SATURDAY Held A Short Session .Monday Hut Few Members Wer* Present—To Discuss Fair To lie Held In Fail. The Stokes County Agricul tural Hoard held a short ses sion at the court house here on last Monday, however, very lit tle business was transacted. On next Saturday the Board expects to meet and discuss b wiiu'ss matters relative to the holding of the county fair in the fall. Pinnacle Woman Attempts Suicide Mrs. Addie King, aged :)1, of Pinnacle, recently attempted suicide by taking a large dose of arsenic. She was rushed to the Mi. Airy hospital ami i* reported to be recovering nice ly at this time. Mrs. King is the wife of Mr. Kdward King, who is a tanner of the Pinnacle com. munity. and has been sintering trom ill health f ;■ some years. She is the mother of •"> children. Y\ bite Sulphur Spring's Opened May 30 W hit' Sulphur Springs, just I out of Mt. Airy, which has 1101 I been operated tor some years, opened for guests on May :»()th. The hotel is now under new ' management, being incorp ra_ ' ted recently with Dr. J. W. i Tankersley, of Greensboro. a president, E. P. Holt, of Oak- Ridge. vice-president and T. W. i Gilliam, of Statesville, secre tary and treasurer.

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