Professional | ' CARDS [ JOHN D. HUMPHREYS* Attorney-At-Law, DANBURY. . H. C. Prompt attent.on to all bwfinaaa Will practice in all State court*. J. W. HALL Attorney-at'Law '• DANBURY, . - N. C. Prompt attention to all business. Practice in State and Federal Courta. S. GILMER SPARGER Attorney-At-Law, (Over Burton Drug Store) Walnut Cove, N. C. All business given prompt attention. Will practice in all State and Federal Courts. JAMES W. MAUNEL, Attorney-At-Law, | Walnut Cove, N. C. w - W. READE JOHNSON Attorney-at-Law, 409-410 O'Hanlon Building, WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Practice in State and Federal courta. DR. H. G. HARDING Dentist KING. - - . N. C. Office hours: 9 to 12 and 1 to E AT A LOW PRICE IF YOU NEED ICE. Box and screen doors, screen windows, dcor frames, window frames or swings or tables. Bring me your order. I will make or fix anything you bring me. J. A. PAYNE. Walnut Cove, N. C- Same Price lor over 38 years 25 ounces Cor USE LESS than of high priced brands MILLIONS OF POUNDS USED BY OUR GOVERNMENT NOTICE. Having qualified as adminis trator of the estate of Sandy Forest, deceased, all persons (■wing his estate are requested to make immediate payment, and al! persons holding claims against his estate are hereby notified to present same duly authenticated for payment, to the undersigned on or before the 14th day of May, 1931, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. , King, N. C., May 10, 1930 . * SUSAN J. FOREST, 4 Administratrix of Sandy Forest, deceased. H. H. LEAKE, Atty. for Administratrix. NOTICE. Having qualified as adminis tratrix of the estate of Walter D. Glenn, deceased, all persons owing his estate are requested to make immediate payment, and all persons holding claims against his estate are hereby notified to present same duly authenticated for payment, to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of April, 1931, or this notice will be pleaded in bar oi their recovery. Walnut Cove, N. C., Route April 22, 1930. MRS. LULA GLENN, Administratrix of Walter D. Glenn, deceased. J. I). Humphreys, Atty. for Administratrix. The Of Hon. j*»es W. Manuel " Wanut Cove, N. C., May 26, 1930. To The Danbury Reporter: In the interest of the candi dacy of James W. Manuel for the House,, of Representatives, and in the interest of the Dem ocratic psrty of SWkfes county, I-wish to Bay that I have known Mr. Manuel all of his life and very intimately in Walnut Cove for the last 11 years. Mr. Manuel was the oldest of a family of 13 children and con sequently had to rely upon his own effort in educating himself. He read law with Judge G. H. Hastings and later completed his studies at Wake Forest College. For the past 11 years he has been practi cing his profession and is well known in the Southeastern part of Stokes county. Mi»t Manuel is a man of ex cellent habits and character. He is clean, sympathetic in manner, and if he is elected, he will represent the wishes of the people of Stokes county, rather than the private or corporate interests. Q AM ELS are made to smoke / - »i «.., «* > 5 -V —«—t • .'■' ,» ypaft SJWt mm «*«bv A, ... **, .« AMI «*• •* !"*• • . ... . ...... *•«'* i" •• •'•••• „.t . uu: .*.-.» | *«phMiiA n* Nj. ...» - - ■>/' * •-; - ; !' '• ■ .fix V s ust K1 •"• f ''"''' FROM THE DAY the choice leaves of sun-mellowed Turkish and Domestic tobaccos are first selected for Camel Cigarettes, every step in their manufacture is headed toward just one goal—the mrking of a thoroughly enjoyable smoke. Pleasure, found at its best in Camels, is the on!y reason for smoking. That's why Camels make no pretense of being anything but a smoke. Camel is a blend of exquisite smoothness, mi!d end mellow and , „ marvelously fragrar.t. Have a Camt.l! - ? , ★ ON* Till RADIO J , ; -(m Camel Pleasure Hour —'Wednesday evenings on N. H. f\ network, VC'J Z, anit asShciatyd stations. » . ;J > 'Consult yojr local radio :i:ne table. ./ % C/S,SA k VW G* 1930, R. J. Reynold* Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem. N. C. j I, realizing that if the people ;in other parts of the county . • knew Mr. , Manuel as he is known by the people of this community, feel that there would be no doubt of his nomi nation June 7th, and his suc cess in the general election. I expect to vote for him and do not hesitate to commend him to the voters of Stokes county. Yours very truly, A. F. MARSHALL. FOR SALE. Two Jersey milk cows, one registered Guernsey bull, one Jersey bull, two grbde Jersey heifers, about three thousand chicks, one day to four weeks old, at reduced prices. J. E. TREVATHAX, Walnut Cove, N. C. Luke Reilly Says, "The Rat Died Before Reaching River." "Since moving near the river two years ago, we've always used RAT SNAP. Watched a vicious water rat, nibbling 1 at RAT-SNAP outside the i house. About 15 minutes later ha , darted off for the water to cool his burning stomach, but he died before reaching it." Three sizes, 35c, 65c, , $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by King Drug Co., King, N. C., Walnut Cove Hardware Co., Walnut Cove, N. C. vc; The Atmosphere ;. About Each 0f Us Everyone carries an atmos phere about him. It may be healthful and invigorating,, or it may be unwholesome and de pressing. It may make a little spot in the world a. sweeter, and a far better place to live in, or it may make it harder for those to live .worthily and beau tifully who dwell" withih its Cir cle.- We are responsible .for this atmosphere.—J. R. Miller. • • . ( t u Appointments For. _ : Methodist Church ' -r-dT I' % REV. ELLSWORTH HARTSFIELD', Pastor. t j Ist Sunday—Bethesda 11 a. m.; Pine Hall 3 p. /».; Eofest Chapel, 7p. m. • - »,' 2nd Sunday—Davis Chapel 11 a. m. ; Vade Mecum 3 p. m.; Danbur.v 7:30 p. m. 3rd Sunday—Pine Ha!l 11 a. m.; Forest Chapel 3 p. m.; Be thesda 7 p. m. 4th Sunday—Danbury 11 a. m.; Vade Mecum 3 p. m.; Davis Chapel 7 p. m. sth Sunday—Danbury a. m.; Bethesda 3 p. m. Sunday School at the church es 10 a. m. Epworth League, Pine Hall 6 p. m. Christian Endeavor, Danbury 7 p. m., but on 2nd Sunday 6:30 p. m. J 5. v • i.? ■ = ,j. ! . Announcement {*: j iVjV / f •; i % •To'the Vofers oi stokes Go. : After severaTweeks of con sideration, I have fully decided to withdraw from the race as a candidate for the nomination for Clerk of the Superior - Court In the coming primary. I have. Berv.ed in the capacity of Clerk for almost 12 years, and I am withdrawing because I.think it is my interest to do sd, although I regret that some of my friends may be." flisap.. pointed. No one has ever asked me to withdraw as. such candi date and I am acting according to my own judgment. My as_ sociation and dealings with both Republicans and Demo crats have been very pleasant and their acts of kindness and encouraging words will always live in my memory. My withdrawal has nothing whatever to do with the nomi_ nation of candidates for other offices in the county. Again thanking you for past favors, I am, as ever, Your friend, A. J. FAGG. IV. San Francisco is to have a $1,250,000 ball park by next year for the use of Pacific coast league teams- Mrs. S- M. Russell, 79, of London, who died from injuries received when she fell getting into bed, had a skull more than inch thick and had twice em erged uninjured after being run down by a car. You probably know from how promptly and completely JBayer Aspirin relieves k WeSdaAif. un til you try it for pain such as neuralgia or'neuritis you can not know its full effectiveness. Bayer : Aspirin long ago proved that much ! suffering is needless. Doctors know it : is safe to use freely. Just be certain ! to get genuine Aspirin \tfi4»i Bayer on i the and ,9a o cr.y tablet., ■ AflHirin it tbe trad# mark of B*Jtt tlCafltaftctare of Monoaceticftcidester of B*lic7licacid A FAMILY DOCTOR'S LAXATIVE j |; IS BEST I ' Your health is too important! You I cannot afford to experiment with y vur | delicate bowels when oviuM tongue. ! bad breath, headache, t;a>. nau?er s , 1 feverishness, lack of • .ippetite. no I energy, etc., warn >*f emii'tifiatl This applies not only to grmvYtpeop!. | hut more particularly 'tb" VhiMre:-.. That's why a family doif'.Ar'fe Inxatr.. Is always the sate ciioicV. Dr. Caldwell's Syrupy T\-p sin i prepared today >tr'jet lalwraiorv supervision from fresh .lyxutivc,.lior' and other ,pure exactly according . tOj - yfigiiial ".rj'otlay. millions of families rule T)r. Caldwell's Judgment an tlie •««!(• > twm of their laxative. For l>r. Cal'- well"- 'Syrup Pepsin, in t'fiffleS ifn for *oM in »?! no., •lie largest selling laxative in t' : world! SALE OF LAND CNDEU DEED OF TfU'ST. , By virtue-of the power 'c:' sale contained in a deed ; trus t dated Doc. 12. 1527. Re corded in the office of ih Heritor of Deeds •' Stoke.- County, i:i Hook 77, page :56;>. executed l)v llufus Jrhnson Ju . wife Gertrude Johnson. 't Chas. Ic. ITeisabeck,' Trust* e to secure tlie ]r;>vn* nt of • note of £675.00 an? intrres* as therein set out, •- and th.- said note and debt being du. and unpaid and at the reques of the holder of said note t foreclose the deed ■ f trust ' t satisfy the terms thiA'eof, ] wil. on— MONDAY, JI'NE hi. If) >O. at the heur of: one o'clock IV M. on the premises in Cermanton Stelecounty, N C.. sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the lands con veyed in said deed of trust, bounded and described as fol lows: -1 • "Lying and being in Mead ows Township, County of Stokes, and State of*- North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows, to-wit: This lot being formerly a part of the Elizabeth Tuttle lot on which is located the family home and fronting oti'foad,-ad joining Jess Kirk man- lot in'tha town of Cermanton, N. C. Be ginning at a stone at the Blank of the road, running ndrth 44 1-2 degrees West 50 feat to a stone; thence South 55 ( 1-2 degrees Went 50 feet to a stone; thence North 55 1-2 degrees West ">0 feet to tlw beginning, containing 2500 square teet. • more. «:.-less." ; Thi- Mmv 15, 19: i&: CHAS.R. IIELSABECK, Trustee.