The Crltz Team Dr. S. A. Moir's Wild Cats at Francisco defeated the Critz j team Saturday 10 to 3. They ; also defeated the Copeland team from Surry county 13 t.> 4. Both games were played on the Francisco diamond. The Francisco boys have lost' only one game, this being the lirst game of the season. At least a part of their success should probabbly be attributed to John Lawrence and Bob ( raddoch, who are -aid to be tie hardest rooters in the S.ii-'h. n i:e Kranci-io team has an ojioi challenge to any team i.i I ho comity. FAVORITE RECIPES OF A FAMOI S CHEF As Told ta Anne Baker hy ItOGER CRETAUX. Cief. Tha Rooseveit, Nfjv York City Spaghetti Imperia' •Me a I oro "it"r:ii ;;> s i'.nl oil i'l a - i .ce i a. Ai!il 1I! .ii : il ■: o'.' • ' ii.'l t w > '.;!!>! o: . .1 IV i !• ■' I ,' % 5 «,i ■ ■ • I / »?' " :■• ■ » • Is' iii ! i ■ \ ' .>• i " ; 1 ' ' I*-*',. ■ ' ' ' : ;. - 4&\ iii'- i tmti B ik SI I.c c i.= :• i Rs;rr C'^-.ux . 1 i!.-' :i •) : . . in :•. :i iii a •! u...... I'otir 'ae ; :cj ov • i*. "■ ' ''• *' ''■ !'!he . two oa:. •.« Oi 1'..: Stai'ed Cucumbers (* t: t r!: • :yiJ:uin-s:.:i* i .;i ;i:'.be: - iu halt ngt Ii v. i.-i'. a - . I on until tender ,i nl'i'd water. Scoop out tilt- ceil *i » iiiii u:i a '.i halt* with a mix jr • olisisiin.g ut" three cups cook d n • •. ouo iup chili sauce, one table- I •ii i.iii \ in»gar. one tablespoon , ,g.n. i.vj tablespoons toi'iato 1. ■i.-linp, one teaspoon paprika, salt j iinl pepper to taste, ami one large | onion which lias been chopped fine 1 iikl cooked in melted imttcr. Serv* mmediutely, being sure that the i>orlions are very hot. - _________________ i f, SEE THESE | ! Used Cars ! ? c vor WILL SAVE MONEY. > } o ' ) j One 1020 New Ford Sport Roadster J o One 1920 New Ford Sport Coupe 0 One 1020 New Ford Pick Up open cab. 1 Two 1027 Ford Touring-*. Two 1926 Ford Touring's. $ One 1921 Ford Roadster v. ' One 1025 Fora Sedan. ) Two 1025 Ford Coupes I One 102S Chevrolet Coupe 6 One 1927 Chevrolet Touring 1 . I Oiie 1027 Chevrolet Coach. 5 One 1028 Chevrolet Cabriolet (Red) > 15 Good iiui? Curs with license plates j priced f'orn ?20 00 to $75.00 . Terms to reliable parties. V I Fulton Motor Co., 6 | FORD PRODUCTS I WALNUT COVE, N. C. $ ONLY FORD DEALERS IN STOKES COUNTY 10000-^ooooco^ecoooooooooooood^^ nuw \jne Trcnrmuinnur — Dressed Up for Company !'\ JOSHJ'HI.XE B. GIBSCX Then add chopped pepper and Cream of nir -if //..Ml. Tomato Soup. Cover and simmer 30 Utnclor, /'"»' t.iOfumus iJift., mlnules . Add spp.«i.e:tl. place in bakaitt ii. J . licinz LotNpdny dish, pprlnkle with ;;r.itei! cheese, and licat uulil cheese is melted. WrHKX one's husband tele- For a moment th.> salmi seemed phones late in the afternoon a hopeless problem. Hut there to say that he is bringing com- was a can of peaches aid a bottle panv for dinner, ono always goes of Mayonnaise Salad I.'r«>ssing on through mental gymnastics trying the supply shelf, and this ingeni to visualize the possibilities for ous homemakcr soon devised an a creditable meal. Anil why is it unusual and delightful salad. that such messages invariably 7 —n seem to come at the end of a !i particularly tiring day, when to |l undertake any further work is |ii almost an impossibility? Re- ;j I'vi* cently, a friend was telling me Ii about such a situation, and boast- ]. j inc how t-'he had built up a splen- | (SiSi- K. I did dinnt r from th .* siiupiest of ; materials. She had planned to i ; *-■? f. ./•' «&*V I serve !l.:>nburfr st ik, baked P' 1 - \ V Wi tatoes. a lettue.'s-.ib'i and a fruit j' •.V fc--. 1?S-'» dessert: and *!ie wis almost gfr; aj' V flfeV ''if ~ ' f rant if wh' -n !i r -h-in-l phoned mr^f''f* late that lie w.i-t briiv.-iti.: thr'"» j \ V -L t9 ' guests. The Hamburg steak was I ! Ml 1 not •'nou«!i to s- :-ve so many, and | 1 * «her>> -med to b.» n'tno>t noth-1 { ' \ 1 ins else to take its placf. 1 low- •j; ' i j ev 1 Wli 'l" Wh.'at l!ve::'l " I tT . M..lba Salad wit!. V,avor.m!s» ,loro is the r?cipc £UO Uiea: I'ressing .Vr'/M S, Fis Puddinr wj !'• > Cr.-.m , , r3n p ,. u , j . .1. . .» n «« ~|j . f v in v be 1 .. . Mavj.mai. c ' ' ..... i. :art Dr«*> • •ervmg t.> company almost any r> r .,i„ :.• •• •. •• •« t»-.« c,r. «. t Th w. :ii«!l i•' uctif« i v- wl • •! ,• ... 1 * i'. • . ■ i •; "• . a ' " tei' • j (■ " ... '■ ■ .. .. | i* »ft ' » ' .IV-.'. ''l • • ~ • . , ■' . . . . : ~ •' u : tr« r,'/ "i . ' ' ' I '' ~ ! | \:1 jf i "ll ~u ...... .... ...I "'s tnl! : . );• s-i! tvevo ; t an i !.' .. c. an-i • hat ' 1 ;•> • 11 a • ■ ' ''' ' T: .' '' , - that keojMnd "lit .-and rr/nl- A Vienna doctor recom mends garlic juice as a means of reducing. Weight 01 popul arity '! John Malia of Dublin walked "20 miles 011 his 106 th birthday to play chess with his son. A six-week-old girl baby, found abandoned in an airplane near Baltimore, has been adopted by Mrs. Leo Steinmetz of that city. It is promised to permit American wo mm who many • foreigners to retain their citi zenship. But it is doubtful ; t" , any law will enable them'to ree tain their monev. | * I Chile will soon have its first airplane factory, a branch of j an American plant. I I "What's in a name?" Miss - Aliki Diplapakou of Greece won ►« a beauty contest in competition %\ Favorite Recipes $ i of a Famous Chef $ ■ as T- id *o Anr" Hiker Y By LOUS DIAT. Chei. x The Carlton, Nc.v York 0 : 0 ! ll'- i; : . i, ;i i salads 0 ' ire always ivdniMc in the 0 I kiteh«-ll V.lliiv the ,r ilili til Ol' 0 I avoiding it ' iilint; satue- X j iii. i i u the X I . t i often be* 0 ••• a com xxfifc!>'*: """• ~r> V; l cat otters the 0! ' Fe r rn'i i re— j XI Jluii'Sl 0 §*% A'rff, lour litr K e A WL . one Xj IfifiS; 5J miiall turnip, X Louis 0.:.: Iv.n !• two I Y ] onior s and a j Y' small quarter ol' n na-daim .sized | V! cabbage. lliown a!! of those in j 0 iiireo tablespoons at I.utter. Add () three cups of w'lite run ntiwne, Q i.e., stock made from or A veal, and tls.- -o if water in ] A ! which white or lima beans have Xi been cooked. Add , ri ■' and ; X i one or two teaspoons of salt. a 1 firing to a boil ai d • ok slowly Y| for at least v hour. The pot j Y should bu uncovered s\>r ai least , Y the first. I.all' of t"i-• cooking. 0: Just before serving ad I one* I 0 fourth cup of thin er a.a, one 0 level teaspoon of'sn ~ •, and one- Q half cup ol' fik- a wh.,« lima Q j beans. a Marion Salad —I'V. 1 tais select a a very linn, cr: p. j„ o I i: i head *, of lettuce. I.i vcl the . •in so Y that it will fturn! I\ ■ I on the Y . plate. Cut off a ;.u«ii slice v ' from the top. W ; a pair of Y kitchen Blnasvs cut , . f ; e inner 0 | leaves, leaving four . layers. 6 . Wash in cold water. Yu/u upside A I down on a cloth !• iii .a. Pre- X i pare small balls out of one-quarter X , pound of cream diet so ami place a ! in a niound in the lettuce shell. Yi Pour Kar-le-Duc jam around the Y ; cheese balls. Sprinkle with from Y | one to two tablespoons of sugar. Y I Bathe some of the lettuce leaves Y [ which ha\» been cut out in 01 French dressing and pile lightly i O | around the tilled shell. Vol.. 111. No. II \ i In-m I >r|>iratiou C"|>yrijilil I'MO 10.000 Farmers Sa\ - ! forming that recognizes I And W hat a Tax! ' tlie distinction between price and | Tiw profit on feruli'.ing. the proilt j protit is essential to agricultural The United States is one country paid b.v tlie increase that fertilizing j success." — Wheeler McMillen. ! that does not tax or control the brines, piles uj> to un average return I ! wowing of tobacco. But after the of for every dollar spent oil 1 V-C j leaf is marketed, what a harvest it fertilizers for all crops in 35 states. .. , - ~. , ~ ... Kathers! Internal revenue taxes for So saysthe National Fertilizer Asso- 11 ■"> ' 1 €*tC I | manufacturing, license taxes for ciiiti >n. after Interviewing 'IB.OOO Maybe it's the spring weather ' and iinaily the consumer furtni rs and studying their answers, i t i !a , makes u mole pull, or ma.vlie refunds everything everybody else Front even where the umnistak- ! it's the slap of a line an.l tli" s-ound I hus paid up to that minute. able verdict comes that wise ferliliz- of some stout languag" behind htm vr in;:does pay the farmer who »srows . . |,ut this picture from the V-C 1 " crops for market. Pan of the wis- I hnn„,. irl , ta't.s the position that .. Wo do not have any trouble sell dom is m choosing the right ferti- } j,.„ V -C. „ 1( , V -C to customers who want h/.er m,l U cidin.ttou,eold reliable j ~'.l iv:c checks up K-fore le K „„ a fertiliser."- Slade. Rhodes & ..I >ou 11 take tL Hows word ; .t ;m •, nays llf picture, and sees the Co., Dealer. Hamilton, N. C. V-C l>ns up across the liehl. : An« !;.*r trutli is proved Viy the Then ho thinks to iihmell'. in inuJe i V-C ati '.• !*» of * itt.noo farmer.?. ! Tins truth i-; that it pays best to ' "ihar.ue indeed is fwiniul. yet ever I'ert i : •• well. Tue more sonorous T*. needful.' Carlyle's Essays. 'i : i.s of fciMli/er per aire j v ** are !»r..v« «i u» produce the greater I hi'dier uros- ..due in tlie li/ial \1 f at/J" 1 - 1 A certain good farmer has been iigure that counts most —net prolit! - - r \j " buying a carload of V-C every year _ _ V ft." *4»-- with it. Not long ago ho was having "No line will surpass \-C. As A'aSS*'* B\. "* tm argument with his dealer aliout dealer and consumer. I recom- • AamgiJ, . terms. mend, .sell, and use \-C. P. A. , "All right." said the iealer ll- SMIIM. Dealet, McHue. lia. language. "Well, everything is all , nally. "If iotl feel that way about Y'.(j right. We nil ;ht as well set going for IV' ploAvt I Ins held to.i mail" H Hi; lil SINKSS times with a V-C crop to have any ,1a , ... , in.tii»:i \\.» (aii take our time from ' A A * ~n i,tea ..I the status of ; v.air 1M and me I. ame I ' G-mJ large-, le c„..,.er,. :vc ,nur1,..1,.g u „ kw „ 0h ,. ;1)| „ f Q/ faf \ tit n,!.', Mates can IH> «uned Aa , t „ IM!0 s,, K . , J 4 jML 1 iro m t:si- i. t :r,.it ili.iii 10.., A_! n ! uv, e::. i«i>\\ i• > ii«» some —■——» i..rii'**r- a-otiaU')ii . cmii t..i;r "t aii a»uit;al hu-.n»*«- "» 1,1 " . it. I'll ju : ttirn \o»i ovr to '.lie «t'Vs r muttons ul..| .... ,r, fli.-m ,a f, . r - Uv-''-, U "'' 1 " ,lW ' ,n W>U r . : v.i a a N . : J+"\" ' t«»n;ei iu»' i•n l*at h;ui. "Don ; «» like um\' ra , \-c i 4i .v.* •n i . you.' i'lllu* t verla-t ill vi y esci-edlng JH.IMKMKNI. Five «.r I-. \ 0 ~NITFR Cat* Ru-k*lil> iilll let you do any thins . (M } , •' 41 M 1 % A MPH • . , I won t i. I ior J . •r . '!*.'■• •' • * i'. 'ieti: :•* He leu ' ' l ! v | ,|: ;,,v ••" ,i 1 '' il 1 » j>a i•: MMki • mark. V**i «>/.vr nitiht,a-lineelu\ • ' wain \-\and I wo»» ?•. Uo ~, •, . ...., . ~ *,, ~ . i;/j • \jt." . L;e. at . him*. •!••» In: V-t\ «i; i 1 h.V,: A: .'i iM• >it.'■! « '__ a" ...... ....... ~t«,ners and I t-iau-Mti. • Well, it i .... , ..... , f ..... One ot the 1: : -... n i 1 ° puts then uM. hum |iay. M- MUo r:.'iiet.ients of V>Q can cite ' rCl own/arm has ir.ade with to- chuDter una versa. _ ... J .1 w.sit I. R. TVSON. " V-C i ill Mi . V \NI» V M T "man- ,I J y ( . v/.Ar* :rm" ♦ ••at- «»." an t»\- "" fill ei rigrF r«>i»\rco of Louisi • it ..i •«'!!. i :in»relvti • ana erows ov-t in rieii valley soils. It curing li* «.• * lie i riv er»>i oil ' /:rovvs rank, ami has a heavy leaf useiltii!'. w r.»\ h« -* "The work t>{ h\e chemical engineer , liiai l u»!.s like e\port tohac«*o. It i; mr't iian* .* a\ I;a • heav.v durimj the past century has advanced too strong to he u>»! except i i l ».t. I.i i. iin!i:it!')n h.' ten centuries." Farm - , hlemls. as a heasoning or spice witU wide vari- . of »:is. • ei's Handbook v) Zxptuiives, i milUor tobaccos. » » V 111 (.IMA- \ 11411 IN \ IIIMM \L. OLTROK II ION ——— Mr. I{. ('. Kin;' Tells a Wonder ful Story About Hats- Head It. j "l"or months my place was alive, with rats. Losing chickens, cjrgs, j I'eed. Friend t.-id me U» try RAT-! SNAP. I did. Somewhat disappoint-' ; ' eii at tirst not seeing many dead I j rats, hut in a few days didn't see a ! I live one. What were not killed are ! not around my place. RAT-SNAP : ' j sure does the trick." Three sizes, j 35c, tiac, §1.2.1. Sold and truaratiteed j by Kintr l>rug Co.. Kinjr. N. C., Wai-| i nut Cove Hardware Co.. Walnut | Cove, N. ('. 7maylC\v Marjorie Host. won a silver championship cup almost as i large as herself in a swimming ! carnivai contest at Dollar, Fla. ! ; NOTICE. J. H. Fulton & Co. against L- E. Moorelield. I Notice of Summons and War rant of Attachment. The defendant above named j will take notice that a sum-. 1 mons in the above entitled ac- : | tion was issued against the de I fendant on the sth day of April, 19:50, by A. J. Fagg, Clerk of | the Superior Court of Stokes I County, State of North Caro ! lina, for the sum of 9225.00 due j the said plaintiff for goods, I wares and merchandise sold to 'the defendant and for which .'he promised to pay, which j summons is returnable before : said Clerk at his oilice in I)an • bury, N. C., on the s«h day of June, 19:50. The defeilsmt will , take notice that a warrant oi attachment was issued by the said Clerk .if the Superior Court of Strips County ou the sth day of Apr'l, a."ainsc the property i sai.. «i> t'e. ilju't, which nan-iiit ! is ruturnabife before the ;.id Clerk, at the i time and pi,,«.e above named for the return of the .summon;, when and where the defendant is required to appear and answ er or demur to the complaint or the relief demanded will be , granted. This Gth day of May, 1930- A. J. FAGG, Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL 1 ESTATE UNDER 1)EEI) IN TRUST. ! j By virtue of the power of 1 sale contained in a deed in trust executed to me on the .'SO day of Dec. 1927, by Ollie Bul lin and wife Etta Bullin. which is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes Co. N. C., in Book No. 70, at page 528, to which reference is here | unto made, to secure the pay of the sum of $2,000.00, there in recited, due to Franklin T. James, default having been made in the payment of said debt at maturity, and the 1m!. l er thereof having applied to mo to foreclose the trust deed for the satisfaction of said debt 1 secured by same, I will sell r * public auction, to the highest ' bidder for cash, at the Court House door in the town of Dan burv, N. C., on— I 'SATURDAY. JUNE 21, IWO. at the hour of one o'clock, P.M. the lands conveyed in the deed to-wit : j "FIRST TRACT—On both sides of Zilpha Island Creek, mi the waters of Dan river, and bounded as follows: Beginning at pointers in Covington's line, (formerly Shackelford's,) cor ner of lot No. 1, held by John Brown, running West on his line, chains and 12 1-2 links to a pine in said line; North on the division lb'o G-l chains to pointers in McAnaliy's line; East on his line 1-5 tin 1 12 1-2 links to pointer*: So« ;:i. '. n the line of lot No. i, (>i ; h •.. to the beginning, io:.iainiuj, S2 acres, mow or ar.d ' " !'i • 'net v.!el !' '.rv ! > >v.v cd to James Tilley by John Br \Wi ••.lii ". 'i'e ".•'! ! ie PnvM, !•:•• ;•»•! i • in ' 1U ; isi v 4if l >e> i!s fif St ,!., s c(>unty, N. in Book No. 21, I pages 333 ami I > \v!»; u reference i: hereunto ma le i\»r more eertaintv of description. SECOND TRACT iiegin ! r'r.'t' at pointers, Covington's corner, (formerly Shackel ford's) runs North on James* line. G4 chains to a black oak in McAnaliy's lino; East on his line, 13 chains and 12 1-2 links to pointers, lot No. 2; Seutn 4»n the line of lot No. 2, 61 chs. t«» a pine in Covington's line: ; West 4>n his line 13 chains and 12 1-2 links to the beginning, containing 73 acres, more o;v less, and being the same trail of la ml conveyed t4> James Til ley by W. A. Lash and wife, by 4leed recorded in the office of tin* Register of Deeds for St«»- kes county, N. C., in bool: N4l. 29. page .">();■>, etc., and t which re i'e re nee is hereunto made for more ceriainty of de script ion. Saving and exeipting there from. !2 acres soul off 4>f sail 1 lai d.- by James Tilley t4) Dr. J. William and Dr. J. Walter Ncal. by c 1 reconled in iht oiii'j" of the Register of I>et'4l of Stokes county, N. C.. in bo4)k No. 38, pag4* 5159, t4> which ref erence is hereunto made for houndari4\s and description. Also, saving and excepting an . other tract of 18 4-10 acres. old 4>ff" of same by James Til ley to F. T. James, the deed n r which is nconled in the of fice 4>f the Register nf Deeds for Stokes county, N.C. in book No. 43, page 417, to which ref erence is herei'.nt4> made for boundaries and description. Saving and excepting also an other tract of 18 1-10 acres sold off of same by James Tii ley to J. Robert Tilley, and con veyo4l by deed recovde4l in tlv cilice of the Regi-iti'r of Dee' 1 -- f"r Stokes county. N*. C„ iij Mook No. page ."i 10. anil wlnVii ivforem'o is hereunto made for iMU-nduries and des c ee i! *l ! roni ?vlary Ti!>v lo Fran! !in T. Jame.-. Book No. ">«), pugo 317." i'his tin? JiHli 4uiv of May. 1030. N. ). i'r'Ti'FE. Tru-!e . • Hof>»or f ( liic.igo it. 14 on a l us m r purs' c!it I".ling .T..V- It was v. - tiTiied the next dry. Janus Oxf' rd of Balfast, get a warrant for his wife ami Charles Cook, who had elope i charging them with stealing all • ihe furniture in his heme. Mrs. Jane Heritage, 73, and j Benjamin Tudge, 84, were mar ! ried recently in Melbourne-

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