WEDNESDAY, OCT. 1, 1930. A series of fins within the manifold of the Hudson Great Eight motor provides equal distribution of fuel tosses t>> all cylinders. For the 76th year in success ion Mr. and Mrs. James Pelter cf Eastrington. Eng.. had a goose dinner for iheir wedding anniversary. M : ss Betty Cook, society girl and aviatrix of Evanston -111., recently led a fleet of six airplanes in a search for a flyer who disappeared while crossing Lake Michigan. Attorney Ralph J. Scott, of Pinnacle, arrived here this week and has heated in Dan bury for the practice of his profession. Mr. Scott will be located in the office of Hon. John I). Humphreys, who has been nominated for Judge of the Superior Court. ! AH Used Cars j I 5 ! Greatly Reduced | 0 2 1 SEE THESE o « I s « X 0 0 Three 1929 New Ford Coupes o 1 One 1928 Ford Coupe o o One 1929 Ford Tudor Sedan 2 0 Two 1927 Ford Tourings | 1 One 1927 Chrysler Coupe | o o o I 0 c 1 Several $25 Plug Fords l 0 C o 0 . c 0 c ! Fulton Motor Co., ! X 0 0 o FORD PRODUCTS £ t WALNUT COVE, N. C. o 0 o jj> ONLY FOItD DEALERS IN STOKES COUNTY C c o > THE BEALTESTrr 11 ■—-in.ii ■ V.' r ( v ,'s cj for baking powder Qgj E22ZEIia l|fl Use K C Baking Powder the next time you bake and judge its quality by Ull|f|us^fly|||[|/ results. You will nnd there is none better N! —purer or more efficient. jMllh fU» L You save in buying and save in using K C Baking Powder. ounces BAKING AV POWDER Recently through inadver tence a Philadelphia newspaper used the headline "Tours" over its column of death notices. No doubt those concerned took the tours, all right, but none had round-trip tickets. James C. Ames of Duluth, Minn., slipped cn ice and broke a leg while on his way to church for the first time in seven yeai's. The new school buildings at Lawsonvilie and Francisco have been completed and school opened in them this week. A large attendance is reported in both schools. Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Davis, of Walnut Cove, gave a chicken stew at Saura Lodge, near Walnut Ccve, Monday night, entertaining about 150 guests from North Carolina and \ ir ginia. THE DANBURY REPORTER STOKES COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT Criminal Docket Beginning October 13, 1930 APPEARANCE DOCKET. Monday, October 13, 1930 No. 82. Dink Middleton, Paul White, Taylor White, Happy Smith, B. &. E. No. S:J. Judscn Spain hour, Housebreaking L. & IJ. No. 84. Curtis Moser, Housebreaking L &. 11. Xi. 85. C. A. Warner, Manslaughter. Trial Docket 12. 13, 14. 15, Benton Phillips, A. 1). W. 28. George Neal and Mrs. Westmoreland, Possess ion of liquor. 35. Elmer Roberts, L. & 11. 37. Lem Bennett, D. M. P. 81. John Wm. Hawkins, Seduction. 48. Norman Hawkins, Possession i.f Liquor. 49. P. M. Holcombe, Operating tar intoxicated. 53. P. M. Holcombe, Sale of Liquor. 50. Dewey Venable, Manufacturing Liquor. 56. John France, Assault on female. 51. Rufus Nelson, Luther Nelson, Reckless driving. 52. Jefferson Sheppard, Possession of Liquor. 55. Wiley Golden, Manufacturing Liquor. 57. Will Chatman, Disturbing Religious Congrega tion. 107. Charlie Joyce, A. D. W. 108. Nat Cobbler. F. &A. 114. Edward Mabe, A. D. W. 115. Edward Mabe, Operating car intoxicated. 116. Posey Rhodes, Seduction. Tuesday, October 14, 1930 61. Harry Duggins, Manslaughter. 62. Tazzie Priddy, Operating car intoxicated. 63. Nishel Ziglar, C. C. W. 64. Geo. D. Griffin, C. C. W. 65. Jess East, Posle Mills, Damon Coik. Joe Owen, Possession of Liquor. 67. Jack Evans, Willie Stewart, L. & R. 68. Dewey Love, Operating car intoxicated. 69. Ike Hicks, Operating car intoxicated. 70. H. A. Fulp, A. D. W. 73. Percy Newsom, Possession of Liquor. 75. Frank Moore, Operating car intoxicated. 71. Sam Williams. A. D. W. 72. Sam Williams, Sale of Liquor. 74. Sam Williams, Operating car intoxicated. Wednesday, October 15, 1930 76. Wade H. Davis, C. C. W. 77. Alley Ray Moser, Operating car intoxicated. 78. John Stewart, Possession f Liquor. 79. Jim Eat. Rosa Dunlap. F. & A. 80. Tom East. Emma Tucker. F. & A. >9. George I). GriMin. Assault on Female. 9". Leonard Smith, Abandonment. 91. ( Ui - t s IIo:lge, Larceny. 92. I'.lni'T I.f.wson, Assault. 93. 91. .Mm! in Stephens. '• • -aing i-.i int •xie;.:e.f. 95. t'••urge : , W illie i !■>•, Assault " •• t' :i: t -9i!. • 1 :■ iv(■ • 'Lion. Opera!!' car intoxK-ated. 97. N .'i Wil.h. I'o-sessi. : Liif or. 98. R.-mI '! im •: 'e, A. D. W. Thursday, October 16, 1930 99. Rolar.:l Bullin, A. 1). W. 100. Sandy Hicks, Harvey Stewart, Assault with intent to kill. 101. Garfield Wall, Reckless driving. 102. Joe Owen, Transporting, etc. 103. Frank Cain, Transporting, etc. 104. Will Nance, Manufacturing Liquor. 105. Will Nance, Sale of Liquor. 106. Lowery Kedrick, Operating car intoxicated. 109. Ethel N!cholson, Sale of Liquor. 110. Will Connoway, A. I). W. 111. Charlie Moss, Transporting Liquor. 112. George Fulton, Resisting Officer, etc. 113. Robert Cardwell, Appeal. 117. Settle Oakley, Gilmer Mabe, A. D. W., etc. 118. George Lankford, Operating car intoxicated. Cases not reached on the day set for trial will b? heard on the next or succeeding days in their order. This Sept. 29, 1930. A. J. FAGG, Clerk of Superior Court. ? it i Improved Uniform International SimdaySchool f Lesson* By IJEV. r. I KITZWATKI;. l» !• kr «•: Fiu u.m. Mimmlv i tide InmtiiU •J« h « » (c\ 1I«C0. WtbU'in .\cu>j ni'« r \ Lessen fcr October 5 ZACHARIAS A ?•: D ELISABETH: LIFT IN A PICUG JEWISH HOME M:SSOX Tl'NT—i. .'(I 1 (HtlihKN Tl»\T —And thi) were bflh rlphtc «UN I i n lii.d, w::il:lnj.' in II llif "nin:.Miliiii ills am) criliiiiiii' s it tin; I. r«l l linr.t RMMAI:V R 'I ;C—II. to O-r llfiiiit ti f.i.i '1 JUN!OK Helping I" M:ikc- Our Homes ' ■«•« i! INT I: L :.M I:!' I A'r I* A.\T> SI:NIOI: T I •- IC— What I OW« 1.. M \ Home. Yl.l N'li l'J-K'l'lJi AM' AM'I.T T' V lC—What iiaius a ll'H.« (Jl.r. I. A Gcdly Husljand and Wife d.uUu i . Tin' name ZachiiH:)* mentis ".fo!u> v::!I rc::ii : lul'iii.' I!I" n ;I n» Klisaheth means "A eovenunt iiiui.rr." I. When Ihi-.v lived (v. "In the davs (if IIIP Kitu:." Tiny lived in a day when podle-stioss was rife. The priesthood was corrupt, She rutin;: classes must wicked. 'J. Their character (v. li). I'dili were righteous before Cud. ap| ear to tie righteous before man v. ho are not righteous before Cod. They were so mated that they walked ;n I lie commandments of the l.ord blan eless. The highest In wedded dfe can b:> attained only when belli hush ind and wife tiro united in Jesus «'hri-t. Their practical living was manifested in obedience to God's coin liiundments. They were childless (v. 7). Tlicugh this godly couple were well mate.;! and possessed the joy of the l.ord in their souls, there was a real lack in their home. No home is quite ideal into which no child lias come. 11. A Son Promised (I.uke l:S -3). 1. By whom (w. 11. 19)? Gabriel, a special messenger of Coil. appeared and made known the good news to Zacharias. 2. When (vv. Ml)! While ofliciating as priest this good news came to him. From verse 1" the Implication is that Zacharias had been praying delinilely about this mat ter. While he burned Incense, which is typical of prayer, the multitudes without were praying. it. Characteristics of the child v\ 1.V17). I > Shall be treat in the sight of thi- l.ord (v. 1."'). Though the people did not greatly esteem him. lie was highly esteemed by the l.ord. ('_•} Shall drink neither wine nor strung drink (v. 15). Me was to lie a Nazarite. separating himself from sensuous things and ded icating himself unto the Lord (Num bers «:l-«). (.'{) Shall be filled with the 11• Iy Ghost (v. lu). The energy of the divine Spirit was needed to enable hill) to lead the peo ple In re pi 111:: I. e iv. 1(1). (!) Shall go in the spirit and pow er of r.lijah (v. 17). In this powi r In- was to prepare the people fur the cumins of the S:i\!ur. and the salvaii n which he was to ! ring. •I. Zacharias asking fur a si.n (vv. t« AithcirJ) (he ai.ed priest was ear nestly praying fir the salvation of Israel, the gracii promise of tii • atiL'el wldcli « tt:c bi'gilinltit: "f 11 :;t saivatiin stiv-'.'et'ed lis faith. The angel rave him a «i-.••. I localise he ri fused to pra!>e Cod in ralili fur this Ills p.. !|. - li" I ■ ' «■'•• •• I \ I. 1 • 111. Tie PK. . f _d (!. I V ■ ; . ' \v'ill I i ■;!■ .-v ~. M " 'I i • (\ • • .) (in t! i' • - ' the c!.:id a* ! .-I ; I i (v. |:M. It) an :>s ..I w «••••• '/ ritis made'ui the t. aie w' 'i ;ie would haw by dhine instruct • It. Zachi'i'ias praises Cod (v «'.|) At this time Cud ope:.i I the im ill) of Zacharias. and IK eiTered up | raise to God. IV. Zacharias Prophesying (I.uke 1:07-80). 1. l'raising God tur fullillment of the promise of salvation (vv. !7-7.") This was according to covenant promise. 2. John to be called "The Prophet of the Highest" (vv. 7(i-7!>). lie was to go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways. 3. The growth of John (v. SO). He grew and waxed strong in the Spirit, and was in the deserts till the day of his showing unto Israel. Our Own Sina The world today is openly confess ing other people's sins, but too few people see their own.—J. G. lluth. God Stamp* Ut Only melted gold is coined and ready for the stamp. When melted, God stamps us.—Evangelical Visitor. The Favorite Book The Bible has been the favorite !>ook of those who were troubled and down trodden. —HeDry van Dyke. PAGE THREE CHICKEN STEW GIVEN AT KING Christian Sunday School Has Picnic—Several Mirths Re corded—Other Itenv\ , King, Sept. 30. William Gordon gave a big ehickeii stew and weiner roast at his tolmcct barn Friday night on Pinnacle Route 2. Quite ;i large crowd attended and all seemed to enjoy themselves t > the limit. (). W. Sisk and fam ily, of King, were among the > nes attending. The King Christian Sunday School went on a picnic to Crys tal Lake near Winston-Salem Friday afternoon. About one hundred people were in the party and it was an enjoyab' occasion fjr all who made the trip. Mr. and Mrs. I{. Brady DeH liave returned to their home here after spending a few day.- with relatives at Sparta. Theodore Xewsum i solicit ing funds to improve and fen» • the Xewsum graveyard which is located near Tobaccoville. All who have relatives buried there are rei|nested to send Mr. Newsum a donation to thi •= worthy cause. It will be ap preciated it matters not how small. His address is King. X. C. The new home of Dr. Rupert S. Helsabeck which is located on the site of the old Stokes County Fair grounds, is near ing completion. The doctor ex pects to move in within th j next few days. When complet ed this will be decidedly the best residence in King. The following births were registered here last week: T>> Mr. and Mrs. Oakley Hartgrov • a son, to Mr. and Mrs. WicK Owens a son, t) Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Baker a daughter, • Mr. and Mi's. L. G. Lawton i son and to Mr. and Mrs. Grad»* Shore a son. Clyde Mickey, of Wuiston- Salem, spent the week-end her the guest of relatives. Mrs. Stover Mintor an ' daughter. Miss Lois, of Roar.- oke, Ya.. are spending a few few days here with relatives. Mrs. Minter is the daughter Jasper X. Xewsum of Roanokt. and who was reared here. Lin Southern, planter, who resides just north of town ha the misfortune to lose a grod barn of tobacco by fire Satur day afternoon. The Pinnacle base ball tear was bent on defeat'ng the Kin--' Tigers in a game played in th- Pinnacle park Saturday, so the - " secured Rabbit Whitman, but i' was to no avail. The Tiger.- devoured them to the tune ■ six and three. But the Pinna cle boy- who are a jolly goo.", buncv h took it g io:l na I tired!; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Xew sum. of High Point, were weel- • end visitors at the h me « i M" Xewsum's brother. Land s L Newsum. who l'esi ie- ju-t e:u ol' town. Messrs. Sp» icer and IToirit r Slate. Wii-Salem. --n i Sunday h re the guests of rela t ivi s. .1, . • N ' .» - » -S: •' m ; :n . 1 \- >e" day. F.i! m r- 'n i".is • i ' • 'i "ei" I'll -; * V pvrii ? toouci I'. r ihe nv rket. M>\ s. A Mrs. ('• Ross N v - xiim. Mr. :ud Mrs. .1> hnny ' - iee and Mrs. S. W. Pulli: spent Sunday with rclati "> • in Davie county. Everett Stone, of 11 iyrh Poin . spent Sunday with his parent-. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Stone, wh • reside here. There will bo preaching ser vice at the King Moravia i church next Sunday at eleven A. M. and at 7 :30 P. M. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Pulliam spent Monday in Winston-Sa lem. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence | Reeves have returned to their j home here after spending sev ' oral days with relatives at Sparta. Two heavy show trains {Kiss ed through here Monday en ! route to the Mount Airy fair. Harry H. Leake made a busi ness trip to Danbury Saturday. An inquest on Mrs. Cather ine Watson of London, who died suddenly at 92, showed her heart was turning to stone.

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