WEDNESDAY, OCT. 1, 1930. babies are more given to sucking their thumbs than boy babies, according to an ob servant scientist. Edisons experiments in pro ducing rubber from goldenrod are being watched with inter est by the scientific and indus trial world. It is said that there are now more than 3,000 uses for elec tricity. A 2,500-barrel oil tanker be ing built at Charleston is the largest vessel ever constructed by arc welding, eliminating all rivets, bolts and structural steel. The Massachusetts govern >c's safety committee has ree- Jimended that radios be not permitted on automobiles in that state. Misses Frances and Margar et McAllister, twins, are both practicing lawyers in Now York. Their father is also u lawyer. Miss Grace Kunyon f Chey enne. Wyo., has been adjuged the greatest horsewoman and br ncbo buster in the world. Mrs. Clara Shortridge Eoltz, sifter of Sentor Short ridge, is a candidate for governor of California. . v* • -.-ir Dolores Del Rio. ni it ion pic tture star, i* the daughter of a banker in Mexico City named 1,. Asunsolo. Sofia Hernandez Mnljuveres • f Olmeui), Spain, gave birth t duplets, two b ys and three girls, but all died soon after they were born. Mrs. K. IJowman is presi dent of a large agency in New York. 1 lo Louise Prenkle, 1.•-Near old farm girl, is cartoonist oi llu* I'atri t and Free Pn'ss of Cuba, N. V. Her work has at tracted wide* notice and som* of it has been republished in other newspapers. Marigold Rollins, 11. is the first girl to be appo nted a pag~* in the Texas legislature, and is detailed to serve the women members. Robert McDonald, 10 numths old, made a train trip alone from South Paris to Brockton, Me., a distance of ISO miles. r.ovs over 9 years 1 age may n w become aildiated with the 15. y Scout', s as •"Cubs." and be come full fledged Scouts upon reaching the ago el' 12. Mv iviii Koont'c, 17. is aa aiii handu-r and trainer at I V Los Angeles 7. o. where h dr'ves his pi li»n "Jack.e" hitched to a small wagon. Girda and Elizabeth Klan'- si h. aged i and 6, respectively, traveled from Chicago to visit their grandmother in L»erlin, Germany. Rev. J. 11. Mallet, of Greens boro, was a visitor here Tues day. Mr. Mallet, who is now pastor of Holy Trinity church in Greensboro, is the former pastor of the Walnut Cove Episcopal church. Lum Booth was among the | farmers who sold tobacc > on | the opening sale day Tuesday j at Winston-Salem. Lum was | disappointed in the low prices | he received. S. P. Christian attended the i opening of the tobacco market I in Winston-Saiem Tuesday. Striking an automobile, Geo. Homan of Winnetka, 111, was thrown from his motorcycle in-1 to a tree. Soon after obtaining a divorce in Chicago, Mrs. Samson Czar ny became the w.fe of John Czarny, brother of her first husband. Walter Seaton of Chicago, testified in his divorce suit that his wife forced him to darn i his own socks. An hour after they divorced their mates in Reno, Nev., Thomas liovd and Mrs. liulh | IJarlett were married. Rev. William Ii binson of! Mansfield, Eng., has walked l 12,000 miles to preach 5,800! sermons in iiis 7 J years of ser-l vice. Henry Evans, an escaped con-1 I »ict in Coves, Ens;., was re captured while hiding in a farmer's ilor.r bin. Churl;*? Ryan, bridegroom of a few hours, was lined 1" r boat ing several guests at his w.*! 1 - ding in Chicag.. I Mrs. .Mary Patterson, 85, th.* ; oldest woman ever arrested in London. was lined f«»r shoplil't i 1 • I J-*. I lbi roil (iu*tav Dorse-hen \\a (convicted of stealing a neck lie fr in a fellow i dger in a cheat) ! hoarding houfe in lierlin. When Miss Agnes I lorry's scalp was torn ofi' in machinery in Sheilield, Kng„ i was re placed and is now grewng on ■ again. .Mrs. Ruddolph I'nlack of Dundee, Scotland left her * 1.">0.- 1000 estate for petis'ons fcr . teachers. ' Miss Joan Wright f Dover. I Kng., was lined $ 150 for ] smuggling, SISO for impert'n ! ence t» guards and for lying to the court. Miss Klsie ciordon, a typist .of l.iverpcol, wen $51,000 in u race sweep-stakes on the first ticket she ever bought. j tarry Mason, 6. of Chicago, biiiKicd a girl playmate by thrusting a peiu-.l int > her e\v. The peculiar appearance of one i'i .). ('. Wailave's v s can. - i 1 anvsl i:> Chicago " a tiiar;rc cf :.ri:nkei:nt s, '• it !i ' v,|;; roKii-ed wiioil 111' Mli.uv that it waff a glas.-. eye. Tin- same shaving brush has been used lor. 24 v ears by !• red A. Noel of Whitman, Mass.. who says it is good for ten years more. The largest tuna fish ever, : taken with rod and reel weigh-, ed 758 pounds and was caught by Zane Grey, the novelist, who has also landed the largest dol-, ' phin, striped marlin and yellow-. 1 tail. THE DANBURY REPORTER The Oklahoma A. & M. Col-' lege wrestling team won the l national collegiate champion ship for the third year in suc cession. Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce claims that the cen sus being taken will shew its city fifth in population. It stood, tenth in 1020. President Hoover has signed I the bill providing $.">00,000 for! completing the restoration of the famous frigate Construe-j tion, known as "Old Ironsides." Lincoln's Tomb at Spring-j field. 111., is being improved by the state at a cost of $175,000. Men attending the Opera Compique of Paris must wear full evening dress and silk hats. Switzerland turned out 2" million watches last year at an average price id' about $2.50 each. Mitchell McLarin, inmate of a po' r farm in Key West, Fla.. bid SIIO,OOO for ferry proper tv put up ft r sale. "I was his nii.tlur otue, bin lie is married now." sobbed Mrs. Mary Eineran n court in Pulu th. Minn., when -die sought '.o make her son support her. 32 ST ANNUAL WESTON-SALEM ■ mwi f Alii N. C. . • OCTOBER 7, 8, 9, 11- -ISiG "THE SSBS-SV ZJV MmMmsounni jghAv AMUSEXKHT INSTITUTION \ EXCITING AUTO RACES— ,^' ,(■/✓ / \ Handsome Purses—Thoroughbred Horses. \ i \ Bfcrv Night, Elaborate Displays. v *yiv uk ~—txA N EXHIBITS— /ffillhX livestock. Poultry, Field, Farm and Home. \M /> I 111 llhA * CHILDREN'S DAY— j3k |r I " U|i fflV I y l/C t ,rif,a >- > : o!il ' r ,oth ' AH White School |I II 1I»| f f" ' ~ Adults, l>ay or 1 COMidENCE— V "» v /slfO 'S\t/y r £ SMA rtXteraoea —Pnomptly ai> 2*oo S •- JXk ' *** J 50 f a tSH Evening-—Promptly, at -7r:«0 '\ 31 V (iates Open—7:oo A. M. Da% '% tt&S Va"daVe and Windiscli \ | & Cfcerry James Tott, aged 58 and thrice widowed, must nay Mis- Alma Cant of London. $1,500 for breach of promise. Postman John Jones of Minffordd, Wales, has retired after walkimr 168,321 miles in 40 years' service. Testifying against M ss Flora Agnew, charged with disorder ly conduct, Mrs. J. C. Clay ton of Chicago said the youngj woman's "language was a* thick as the paint n her face." Henry Ward of London. wh' named a man now dead as co-1 respondent, was granted a di vorce. There ;iv practically tin j same numb r of horses on j farms in the United States as there were 'n years ago. but the number of mules has more than doubled during the sam. period. John Sankavich of Chicago, s a peaceful citizen who never ses into his neighbor's af fairs, and :h doesn't under stand why 'ther folks can no*. >e equally ; nsmerate, Winn a censu- enumerator began ask ing him 1 stions. .'oh.-i sain: '1 mind ni> business and yon mind yoi i ' Many girls from Lond.n, who are unable to get jobs as hair dressers in large cities, are vis iting vdlages as traveling barb ers and making a goi.d living. Because he believed there was "good in the prisoner," Constable H. F. Derham, of Blackpool, Kng. paid for the de fense of James Yates, whom h • had arrested as a burglar. Who said there were n: can did candidates? Harvey Mc (Jehee. of Paris, Ark., is run ning for the »>tfice of district at torney because "1 think 1 can make a living out f it." He also declares that he will put in his time during the campaign "kissing babies, bragging on the women's cooking, compli menting the farmers on their crcps. and warming things u>» t'i r my opponentts." Truth in ihe movies g t a l)oost in B sti.n the ether day when a Dr. Davenport was prevented from sin wing a pic ture depicting an Afr can can nibal in connection with a lec ture. The "cannibal" reported t • the ]> lice that he had never been in Africa, bu* was a Har lem janitor t.i wh m the "doc tor" owe I a'ioutSpn«> for star ring in the cannibalistic r le. After a 12,000 mile journey fr m Ontario, Miss Elsie Peter son arrived in Capetown to be married. Albert Lucas, aged 19, ol I'orth, Wales, risked his life t > rescue a supposed drowning baby and found it to be a doji. Appointments For Methodist Church REV. ELLSWORTH HARTS FIELD, Pastor. Ist Sunday—Bethesda 11 n. m.; Forest Chapel p. m.; Pine Hall, p. m. 2nd Sunday—Davis Chapel 11 a. m.: \*ade Mecum p. nv; Danbury. 7 :'io p. m. :ird Sunday—Pine Hall 11 a. ni., F rest Chapel p. m„ Be tlu-sda 7p. m. li h Sunday—Danbury 11 v m.: Vade Mecum •'» p. m.: Davis Chapel 7 :J»0 p. m. sth Sunday—Danbury 11 a. m.: Bethesda p. m.: Forest Chape! 7 :."»•» p. m. Sunday School at all churcho* exc« pt Vade Mecum 10 a- r.\ Kpworth League. Pine Hall, at ti::JO p, ni. Prayi''meetings at Pine Mall and Danbury announ ced. also Missionary Societies. Prayirmeeting ai Davss Chapel every Sunday at 7:">o p. m„ ex cept 'in fourth Sundays.