PAGE SIX c -•*- I The | lE2aitdso!ti3 & Mat! I MARGARET h TURN3ULL k P * | y IVLYiiS MYtr.S ► _. nf ...njj THE STORY ?.♦•» * • - •- :•••:•' i«!i; t 1 .•. Ii - 1 !•« \ • .1 . » f. • • V ' 4. ? S i v. • « - cif \!"ri:ii : With v ? \l. • • • s • ■in • nhritis . » .*1 almost • • ll> ! • J .-- l.t-avillß lit r • 1•! . I .. ■ •.■]■•! 1' ' «■■•.! I: .• \t - i.t.b s I-.! - I s r tit. tut*, nnt) v tJit \ are thf «• . ... ; .ii.t! I utli r. » !... had t *|tt -It I S- (• Jirt !(. ■ t'l • Iht ft .t : • tt :h .!• saijt:*** ' !*•••« ■ ' .* tf.v> men *h«- I**, t cn v r sv* it " CIIaITKR ITT v., I:, tfc • ! BP beer s;■ r -.,f v>t, r'« . rtrnc i r . ' In r m.irri-v t :t I • * i:• »-ft- her and invites 11*.two t- ROl.m.i •« k,.t | a " tl.t:• " \t ith a young mar Mack" \:nar-n, .I t "hf kn us !ittl though *h* thinks sh- - n \ t ti tv Ii V - Fifth nrrantres that I.atl\ s ii!t!-->in takf ciiaru. . r ih" h- 1 • '■! at salary. ai.l Sr tli- a..* - > w 5,,.. ret."-; !: 1. rt - • M.'•» «. U r: - rr.ti : am! « •. t rtli.t] •\ CHAPTER tv—r. ' •:? tlis her fa thor sli.- * t :t.*t •. tt .i in S.r Hw rpi nil '. t! . \ tit,ir att I'm). : . a; . ?•• ff* ft i• • to l*#r lint, ~ • -rv \ : ...... \t; i|* . t'. r form* M . r- •>: . f !..1 . .1. !••• ''«• n'. • - lrl r; Vi\.,rii 11. ".» * It 1 ' f f f r l it a tin. .•» ■ « u r r if.! ..*'«•■ 11" -stiff ■ - rttll for a !.:« viaduct ho hti M.t.i: It at rantt .1 thf t llol.i rta dr ' • Sir *ht !.• !« t. "t - tr. '. • : tr.a- ■ :-! i• \t tl-, t • .. t!,. ] .\- roll • t!.- «.tk. • - > r • • m. s.. » Stohorta with Xavnrro . t ■>, t . ..._•• ... ••! ft.r tl'. F n - • Ctmtiiuieil :r r.i week.' ' ' i '»t.'t ■ t ..; !." rt '. rt• ; It 'lf S'.f's tat t-t > • - u-t a ■ el.:!•!.'" ;• |• lit I,f !~: t; ft.t tillotnf mid rose. !";r l«fiiri> lie coultl •Hollo. Initi:" Itoliortn cailotl. *WI: tf Ia; ; t nod? Xo lijrlits in The (fHriifo. No «ivn "f Willy. Xo i>tm» In tl..- kitolion. U how ar • tlio m»ils':" " . in", woj.t aa.• \ . W1:'■ . ,; . I • ' lix > t ill' ' ...'k lit"!. ■ Iter c (•» -!• i : r >• .1 tt. -tt.t •! o!l t • , ■ . . _• ■ 1;.; t-r : i .. ,• 't.ii :i_'i I .> A • . - All. I . . : . I II: t i t: .t • • i ■ : I - v I 1 1. ►. •I . . i, j ■ • Hum wI.fM > •• .a i so cm:ji \ v. to work "Woll, I can apologize ialor, If t.i'fitssjtr\ Slio lookoil ftin IliO It'ay In l.t.tiy Siitaiivnii. 'N tl.e host \• i can tlnV" (Juiokly liolu rt Maclloth spoke, wiili nti appetiliiiK li-ok at A^y. "This is my tistor, your Aunt arid she has kiinlly consented to help ns out. Sint-e you so strongly oh.lect to I lie tlillirtilties of housekeeping, I've Installed hor as housekeeper." "Aunt—Aunt Aggyl" ISoliertn. who had lieen free all her life from the ericuinbcanee of relatives, stared tit this aunt who had come from across the sotis unhidden, unannounced. "Mow do you do, my dear':" said Indy Sandlsoti. and s';e stepped forward. Itoherta drew hack a little, hor eyes sparkliitß angrily. Site g;i\e her fa ther, who had outwitted her in Ihe first move of their difficult game, n quick glance before she could control her voice sufficiently to say, pleasantly: "How do you do. Aunt? This Is a groat surprise." "To me. too." Itohert MacDeth said smoothly watching his daughter, "and it very welcome surprise to both of us. As "1 t:ilk about thai later," de clared his sister, regarding her niece wish great friendliness. "If you'll step into the kitchen with mo, my ;!i ar. Weil maybe caII get solno kind of meal together. uml tomorrow there'll he .t in> and maids here. Your father said jou expected llietn to ll. orivw I I'd rather help the secretary t: 1 hi* win about the garage," »ai«J Roberta airily, and turned to so. I'l ■ | iti j. capable I.ami of I.aily S i di-ou fe'l «ht!y. hut coinpolliugly e!. lit' I!i cc s sho : ler. "\o lieeil. liii.ty can al«ay» ('ml his way 1 ! -".lt " Sir i Source! >-.r (ioorge—who'; 1 ' sir lieorgo \ -it Kdward Saisilisnti." s.i .1 her a tint smoothly, as she blocked her sway of es. ape. ami gently steered her kl'id onward "Is it not wHinierful that your father si otild •I' v* Mo I > »r\ i.-e such a grand j out J in. : ' l»oi• ~i look, .1 at her warily. "What's y :r hist name?" -he asked. "ll' a't : ok a lit li':o you. lit ' :r.t Ass* ' ' III'II •!. in' II iw i-otiM he'- I'm old* I, - steptiiuther. lie's the living Imago i niy late hltshatld. Sir Stephen Samlisoti of Saudi-".rao." The title :•••! « •• • ■ frotu l.adv Sandisoii's an nouncement. Her tiiei i' I - el ! isti.l in the doorway looking at ler This dumpy little w. i!,an. whom t-iie ! id thought must he i i»»i\ !.i .seki'i pi r. w iiit was indeed the hollsekl epor iiW by her father's authority, what 1: 1 she mean ly reeling otT titles ike that: "Who ur- yeu v ' 'Your filler's sister." said Aggy • witli quiet composure, "at.d also I.ady Sampson." • llohe.ta looked from her aunt to her father, ller father nodded. Without a word Roberta to..k the tray and went ot:; of the room. "I've taken the t!v*t trick." declared Robert MacHcth, sinking hack anions ; the pillows. Agg\ .ooked at closed her lips. . nodded, and wvt.t towards the kitchen. As the door between the kitchen and thr .all eloped. Roberta turned quest iorinsl.v to her aunt. I.adj , Samiisoti smiled at '•••". "Roii's niy bil 1..- ami your fjither «o we'l! :.o rjttam 'ut We'll not he tjrannized ovei ni her." "l .-s's a t this sirjiiyi t. - ' Roberta ' Baid. "Are yon on in* »ide or father's*-" j "I'.i th, and if y*-n'll follow niv ad , vice Jul' live !t: to him. Hamor him ami he'* jo>;r«\ nml surely Rob's \i r.v ea-y to humor Y • .ti faado a mis > t ein managing 1 ini |oda«. Yoij told ! a what * u wen going to do before , " u ii.d i;.'' 't n.erta t ::'iu don lier angrily Sl.i w,s i...; tn be easily mnmiscd. "If vo i take in* | ;o e In re, yea lake my p ace will..ait any aid of mine." IN ** alii.* surveyed cjjtnily. "It s v r is it'. ' Roberta t dded. I "Well tie sooaer that's understood the .Iter We'll jl|st Set Iho sllppM*. I.w me w | If,, tl.e potatoes jire, II bei-ta • I keep a i,\jl totisue in •Mr head Y :>e phulr.s r.cht into f; ' * 1 it. .* : ;.d t: I-,. Roberta •i - :• l'ed herself a match ' at* w.n :t. S" •• I':-,; her first' "I'M j'Ci ! !•:■ s she ! •;,« h.d over to \ 11: ! ,\i|!it : ■ . ' ' "■"i ' :* \N 1 oil. ,i ; i | 'I , > i m i I j^j "Did You Bring the Braw Lad Over to Marry American Dollars, Aunty?" might he handy for Sandishrae, al most any other girl would have a bet ter chance than the daughter of Rob Maclietli. Your father was a joiner and builder on the estate, and his father before him." Roberta looked at her speechless, so nngr.v that she dared not open her mouth. "Aye, the money might hotter come from pills or pork or groceries. The gentry would swallow it and a stranger in Sandishrae easier than they would Rob's daughter." "Leuve me out of It," Roberta flamed. "I'nii't you think for a moment. I'll—" "S> fur from it." her :imit declared vigorously, 1 that I'm just fair upset lo see that ion sharp ti 10 fatal weakness of the Mael'eili family." "What's that'"" sna|i|ieil liolierta. noting with surprise the professional manner in which l.aiiy Sandison pared lite potatoes. "They're .iist slaves to beauty, the whole claii.iamfray of them," ileelareil her aunt solotntily. "and ynii're as had as the rest. Watch what you're doing, lass You're haggling that loaf something awful." "This isn't Scotland ixhere there's '.aril scrabbling to get bread—ami a rati." liolierta told her with scorn. "Hl.x there are heaps of good-looking men oxer lie re. Ymir' I'eatlty isn't in danger." "So you say." saiil her aunt. "Time will ti 11. Ii » HS Wi 11, liolierta. Tin! (mast I'll! 1 JHU M 1 tried (.lit your strength." "I'Ui'.i ' I 111 T,"t reduced to poor Scots my :'at !•••!• has to timl jobs for ' She 1 the sudden xvailii:.' ■ ool* iir autit gave ' er. atnl eontinue.] etiiphasi'ii._ her point with the I rea l kin to. "Ili v good looking enough t> make son,i' tiris 1..5,. their heads ha! I'm my fathers daughter to this ex- Tent iii-it !he man who tries to make an impress;, ,n i a tile Hill have to lane more than all angel fair > g lev pretty l air and stand si\ feet ' ■ Si\ feet thru'." I'rotii the door way sir tieorge gravely corrected her. "Your M'titim :its are mine. Miss Macl'.eth. l et's stick to tlietn." CHAPTER IV ller father had automatically rut oft' ihe greater part of Iloberta's al lowance, w hen her aunt became house keeper. lioherta had had a stormy interview, in which her father had told her that as she was not willing to keep house she would not he paid for housekeeping. lie had explained to her. in his business voice wl.Vi was calm and devoid of any feeling whatever, that i.adv Sandison had offered to do without payment, hip that of course he would not permit. "1 recognize," he said, "that it is a .loh to run a l:g house. I recognized i' when you tried it. That's why I in creased your allowance, and that's why i rdluci 1 it now." "Tried!" Roberta flashed out pas •Innately. "I did it." "After a fashiot. " her f; tlier told her. "iitit you didn't put your mild on it. You disliked it and yon didn i do it \er\ well. Witness your pulling out yesterday. and lea\itlg a crlpp'ed man alone xvii'mut a servant to attei ' to him, or to the unexpected guests who arrhed." 1 - should r.ot con • tit,invited and unexpected all I lie way from boti "ie Scctland. ' said liolierta flippantly "Neit sfoiil ! relatives come without warning. l.ady Sandison took* that liance wla n she came ! • dragging little r.eautv with Iter" "You don't like him, do you':" asked her tit her, ignoring tie rest .f her vi.nn, » I ' ' ' »'• "i haven't bo!!ofed my head .bout 1 -in-. ' i!o|. ■ ia t- i him angri y lie's yo -i- gites!. or et 0v,.,.. not mine ' ".Ii:--t Wi ! e's not to be made to fi • I I i::>eif ii: the way." 11' ' el-ta opoin iicr ejes. 'l:i ' n v.' ' 1 «-ty." I: V P.eth wct.t on, usii.:: his bus man ner a i.d \o co. lbs \:. .a! : me. I ■ , . and ;.s In "s a .• l::an Jot ' . ii i ail or i• ] nij 1 iii' iin |.y ; : xmi to s . • I i v ■i" \ ;u e.; i i .■ i •.,.ui.g I ' I to s ■ I ' li a ; : : i I[• ' ' • i ' * ■ i i I , , •• l!" T orlii opeiii d ior • . • . a:.-l ii. witl.o a 111oii-hl as d Willi I t. lor::clling hv. wary : !■• this,, t.liddl -aged people how «|•: k!o per ceive and use ally loophole g:\eti tlietn "I don't know what I want, i:\cept to get away from this place." "(iirls who don't know what they want are dangerous animals to let loose in strange surroundings. When you know what you want come to nie and we'll talk it oxer. Happiness, by the xxay, comes from within." She hated hitn for his reasonable ness. i.ookilig at her Ids face softened. "There xvas a time. liolierta. xvhen you would have come to me and talked It over," It xvas true. To her. as a child, her father laid been some one great and poxverful, xvliose coming meant girts and fun. circuses, party clothes and treats innunieranle. To lie xvlth her father, to walk beside liim. silent or chattering as his mood permitted, to travel xvlth him. to go to Ins ofllee and see him monarch of all; to be made much of and to he admired by him and Ills friends, was as near heaven as this earth could give to liohert Macßeth's little daughter. It was different noxv. Now she wanted to arrange her own life, he THE DAN BURY REPORTER father •lint' licr t:i in \ urn she r:111 for tnlvi«*> nml suggestions was decidedly in I In* way. "IVw't yuii feel like going iimt voir plans Willi mo?" Hit father had beet studying lii'r downcast face. Shi l shook lirr head. She was op p:i -ril willi a desire to climb inli his lap. to put Int head against lll shoulder as she iisnl to do, hut sin would tint yield to It. So ucroos tin tulf of tl.e years that separated them tliev looked in each other helplessly. 11• :j»!••- being a state that Cob • •ft M;;i I'.i'th was unaccustomed 1.• ain • !•*«•! !ti« I to iM'i'i'pt. ho said per I'liiptorily: "Well, w hen you want 11 it I'm here, my girt. and meantinie what •» * 1:111 v.e do to make your aunt's visit pleasant V "I think you rati manage tl.a! 10. Mveeri ynu without my help." snapper Cohort a. ".lust as you like. I Ihntigl 1 it might lllliuse yoi| In engineer it. Sir (icorgi will I»i• a hit of a sensation here, don't you think:" • I don't know. He doe-li'i Interest me in 1 lie least." Iler father's faro c\pre*st d a lo 1 t.'o polite ita redulit.v. "Since v. lieu?' he nskcd. "Since I tirst saw |,iin." "Why V" "1111. I don't 1.l ow. lie's g l-look ing enough In;} he has no—" she felt I.or father's amused eyes upon her a'ld 1.1 lii-iii lit out. "no s>\ appeal." Iler father shunted with laughter and, liiortit'eil. IJolierta withdrew. She had seen Sir George • ••irilng from the library as she (led to the summer hi 'Use. while her f: 1T ' i •:* siill roared with delight over her last speech. Would he teil Sir (lonrgo*- Ceberta's ' f;:ce burr e l. 1 •*•••• « It was little less than marvelous how l.ady Saiulisoii took hold of the housekeeping. Cohcrta, anticipating the terrible awakening her aunt would have when she encoiintored the usual American housekeeping ditllculties, had so far been disappointed. I.ady Sandi sin know, mine better, how house work should be done, and she S'lw that it was done itt just that way. She knew that in Kobcrta she had 1111 enemy rather than an ally. There fore she asked her brother, casually, how Mitch his household bills amounted to on an a vera ire and being told, and shown the tills for the last few mouths, she l ad iutervit wed the now cook, stated the limit within which the hills were to he kept, promised her a bonus for any saving. and wiped t i ... v ~-r y f-otn !ier tuind. She know she had all (lIH in tlio ne»v f-Ook now. had made a possible saving for her brother'* purse, and later, when she knew more, she eo ihl ho more drastic. I.ady Saiulisoii, like most Scots of her class, was careful rather than mean, nnd provided will for both family and servants. She was busy wnrkitii out In r plans, and adjusting l. rseif to tliis vastly different life. with its vastly different needs, that she toiitld herself plunged into. she was likewise very much coin cri ed about her brother. It was her opinion that Cob was far too young a man to bo crippled in this lliani.tT and she was piulilcng an en ergetic campaiL'ii in which si.,, meant to enlist the doi jor, to ge| Col. |o lake a holiday far from dona-*lc and ollice worries. !• 1;t I,'ob would t.e Ii;.;• 1 10 nio\e and lioberta 1 romisit., i, t . a barrier to any j I:,11 t;.:.t t• • k hltn from iioii e ;s; loi'.v. Stills!.i'O 1,.,1 Ihe t.-nv ,\ his island v. as s1 , p,.,| ||, beauty, y.•: llohei't M ii sj 01.|, his hi ad ; s he spo! .. io ! S S s|i-i- ; "• I a 1. • s';t:,e to toll IJolierta your 1 ; e." "It «i''. I have I■••i , ii a 1 a.'g.iii'S take to laal.e a 5,., ret 1!' , sister, "nnd Ijohortn's uslly foo'ed. It you I ?■ : 1 ■.■ • I her she Would have been .! i • wild. She's Ii d 1.0a.1e i." •I • ■ .-■• lor a: I." , y-'i "V :■s - ■ •lie! - ' > ; • II.: "i' - •I- v . I 111ill't i : 1 '■"•"'t . s ..... : s ; !u Sic. '. .■ V, || ' Col : i, ...| "She I. , - ! „• ud'tlilloil rellletiill!. Agg.v !■ : .n'lout her and sighed. "It's a bni.i.lo place. Cut you never can toil about ymmg people." There was a pause. "Was there nothing Cohcrta ever nsked you to lot her do. Cult, and you refused':" lie shook his head. "Not any 0110 particular thing. I think she had an Idea she'd like to go abroad, but I thought that would come Inter. Any way she hasn't made any clamor about it." Aggy nodded her head. "Well, It will break out somewhere, ntnl where you lenst expect it. I wish she'd till the house with young folks. I'd like fine to see her amused." "I'll give a party for you nnd Sir George. That'll stir up things maybe." "Maybe," agreed Aggy and sighed. "I wish she liked me." Colt sighed, too. "It's strange the two women I like best will neither or them like each other." "I like her fine," declared Aggy. "It's me she cannot thole. She's under a good deal of strain. Rob. I wouldn't give this party unless she wants It. You're likely to have her make It a terrible failure If you give It before she's agreeable." "I wish I knew what to do," said Roberto's father. "I know this Is only i a I« 'in| orary phase of Roberta's char , actor we're seeing now. Imt I don't I like !t. It gives an entirely wrung j view nf I! iliertn. When she l« nice j —is herself, I mean—tin girl could he ! sweeter." "I take jour word f«ir it." said I.adv Sandison. *•••••• The doorway of the summer house darkened hut Roberta li«] not look tt|». i "1 hef pardon." Sir «»onrgo said softly. "Sorry to dlstttrh you.'* "I'm not disturbed." Roberta told him coldly. "What is it V" She lorki d tip at him and at once ; perceived her error in so doing. Ye pods: r.m he was handsome! Of course, he knew it. 11l show him he leaves me cold, she thought to herself. I lie was looking at her tucsiiotiitiglv. If lioherta could only have guessed it he too was disappoint,,] j n ]|, ( . island. It was beautiful, i: was peaceful, hut he might as well he in Samlishrae for nil the eM itetlK lit he was likely to find. Save for America!' -lung and American manners imd this airl's studied rudeness, life was h* stucoth as a n.ill pond. "Stno..oV" |,. ,] j, t ■ d of.'ered a , cigarette. "i atl.i r doesn't approve." , "oh. will," Sir (Seorge said easily. "fathers l ine to have seine prejudices, : hut 1 must say your old lad is re markably free from them. Seldom • met one more o| cii-mlndcd." "VesV* i ".lolly good Sort, if you a. I; r.;0." j "i didn't." ''What? fill, yes. quite so," Sir fieorgo smiled. She was a pretty l He but Ribc.-tn Did N:thir.3 but Blew Smoke Rings. 'hitig. this red-headed girl, c\en If i siie was a triile hrusijue. "Well, then, 1 volunteer the remark." lie waited. I.lit liohcrta did nothing hut Idow siiioke ril!»s, '('lie middle aged might he a to her Imt she Mattered herself that she knew her own gciieratii.ii. This young man had come out to make himself agreeable. Well, lie would he lei't to i|o it all by h i li:s ■ 'f. (To be Continued next week.) Oil drillers in California haw I suci-oedetl in penetrating the earth t > a depth of 9,350 loot. ""————» i —i H;:lt' Sules and Heels I SI.OO !Mail orders given special ■ attention j ({» Mi l > SIIOK KKP \H! J ill SHOP / r.'cndor; Hold |«|| JJH N. Ma : ii s;. j'e 'lic .V. 1" ||| U .1-1 m. S. , . Xever wait to see if a headache will "wear off." Why suffer when there's Bayer Aspirin ? The many millions of men and women who use it in increas ing quantities every year prove that it does relieve such pain. And as surely relieves that of neuralgia; neuritis; even rheumatism. Doctors declare £*»«- uinc Aspirin ( with the Bayer Cross on firry box and tablet) does not affect the heart. Any drugstore. ASPIRIN Aspirin 1* the trade mark of Barer Manufacture of Afufioeceiicacidester of Salicylicecid WEDNESDAY, OCT. 1, 1930. | Throe lions wort- in the funer i al procession in Marseilles that i followed Mile. Mario Matour, I animal trairer, to the grave. Mrs. Ann Ralston of Liver pool was arrested for setting lire to her mother's home after they had quarreled. | General, :■ conuiiMi cat, is j said to j'■ th • world's wealth iest feli'ie. its mistress, Mrs Eleanor Hob::' of Hull, Eng., having left $50,000 for its eare. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having duly qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of Frances E. Kington, decease!, late of Stokes (ountv, North Carolina, all persons owiny her estate are requested to make immediate payment: and all persons holding claims against her estate are hereby notii-ed to present the same duly au thenticated. to tlie undersigned for payment on or before the 16th day of September 19-il. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their payment. Sandy Ridge. N. C, Route No. 1. Sept. IC. 1930. JOE W. KINGTON. Admr of Mrs.Frances E. Kington. deceased. J. I) Humphreys, Altv. for Administrator. Ar tU When you Children for It Baby has little upset* at times; Alt' your care cannot prevent them. tint you inn l.i> prepared. Tli -n you rati do what any ixpericmv 1 nur-o would do—wliat iiu»t. physicians would 101 l you to do— ui\e few drops of plain ; astoria. No sooner done tlian Hale. - is soothed: relief isjti t amatti-r ot inoi.ii nts. Yet you have easel umr child with.mi use of'a iinsrit» doullfiil i!ntjr: Casturia is u-jjotaMe. So i'"-. safe t ■ li-o as 011,11 as an infant h::- i.m; lit:!,, j aiti y.;i caw.ot Jiat aw.iv. And :t\ always for the cruel,'t patios if colio, or iniii.;ipati.n, or iliar r! a- i "cot vo too. fir older children. V . . : ! inn L -irUs ucrr bought It: • ; Ir. HAS THE LAXATIVE IN YOUR HOME A DOCTOR'S APPROVAL? Sonic tilings people do to help the bowels whenever any bad breath, feverishness, biliousness, or a lack of appetite warn of constipation, really weaken these organs. Only a doctor knows what will cleanse the system without harm. That is why the laxa tive in your home should have the approval of a family doctor. The wonderful product, known to millions as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Fepsin is a family doctor's prescrip tion for sluggish bowels. It never varies from the original prescription which Dr. Caldwell wrote thousands of times in many years of practice, and proved safe and reliable for men, women and children. It is made from herbs and other pure ingredients, so it is pleasant-tasting, and can form no habit. You can buy this popular laxa tive from all drugstores.

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