DANBURY REPORTER Volume 58. NO ONE BEATS US ! STOKES FAIR ON SCHOOL BOOKS OPENS OCT. 20 Stale Superintendent Allen Says No State (Jets School Hooks At Less Price Than North Carolina. I Answering the charge -i Charles A. Jones, congressman and republican nominee to suc ceeil himseli' in the Ninth Dis trict, that North Carolina is paying $lO per pupil per year, or about .$10,000,000 a year for school books, Dr. A. T. Allen. State Superintendent of Public Instruction, has issued state ment to show that Mr. Jonas has over-stated the amount by about. B'to per cent. He status that, based on Federal ligurees, | North Carolina is not paying in excess of $750,000 a year, ! or abuut one-eighth of th.• ; amount Mr. Jonas charges. Moreover. Dr. Allen show '.hat North Carolina, her coun ty and city boards of education are getting school books as cheaply as any state in the Union for the same books. All contracts with publishers pro vide that North Carolina will get school books as cheaply as any state, and when prices are reduced in any other Stater Ihe prices are automatically re duced to the same level in this State for the same books. HANCOCK COMING TO KING OCT. 11 Candidate For Congress Will Address Stokes Voters On the Political Issues. Hon. Frank Hancock, candi- date for Congress in this dis trict. will address the Stokes voters at King on Saturday night, ()ct. 11th, at 7:.'10 o'clock. Mr. Hancock, who was one of the leaders in the last Legis lature, is an able speaker and one of the State's most popular public men. Stokes Has 726 Miles Of Roads Stjokes county's outstanding bonds, as of July 1, are shown to amount to .*791.000 in Chair man Houghton's returns. The county has a total of 72G miles in its county highway system; the tax levy for li)2) was .50 ieh!.s on the .fIOO valuation uhit h brought in revenues o!' s.'>U.i>l(s. 12 for building and maiiiuining the county high ways. Oyster Supper And Brunswick Stew The Ladies Aid Society of the Haptist church at Walnut wi'l have an oyster supper and Prunswick stew in the vacant build ng next to A. T- Roth rock's store Saturday evening. October 11th. Other good eats will also be on sale. Takf this opportunity to enjoy a geed meal and at the same time help a good cause. Established 1872. The Western Shows Have Heen Secured For Amusement Feature—Farm. Cattle. Poul try and Other Exhibits Promise To He Good. The Stokes County Fair opens at Walnut Cove on Monday, October 20th, and will continue for three days. The management has just contracted with the J. W. West ern Shows to provide amuse ment for all who attend. This shew company has all kinds of rides, hobby horses, etc., and is one of the best shows on the read. ! At the fair you will see some exhibits of cattle, poultry, etc., ! that may surprise you. Stokes ; is now taking great interest in the breeding of better cattle, poultry, etc., and Stokes farm ers should all attend- You may get an inspiration that will lead you en to bett'-r farming, da rving. etc., and then. too. it i will do you good to go out and mix with your fellow citizens. So don't think you ire "brow ing away time or money to at tend your own cot-nty fair. Go •each day or nitrh' with youi family and enjjy i':. Fine Arts Club Mesdames H. M. Joyce and N. E. Wall charmingly enter tained the members of the Fine Arts club at the home of Mi's. Joyce Thursday al'ternon, Oct. ,2nd. Lovely Autumn flowers and potted plants were used in the recepton hal' where the guests were received.. The meet ing presided over by the presi dent, Mrs- X- E. Pepper, which was opened with the club wo men's hymn, followed by the club collect. The minutes ot' the last meeting were read and approved, and the dues collected, after which several matters were discussed. The topic of study for the afternoon was the bowk "Fish omonger's Fiddle" by A. E. Coppard. Mrs. Frank Martin gave a very interesting sketch of several of the short stories. 11,)t chocolate. sandwiches, pickles and lea cakes were ser ved during a very pleasant so cial half h tr.\ Church Meeting Here Oct 15th A fifth quarterly conference f Panbury Methodist circuit will be held at Danbury Meth od st church, Wednesday, Oc tober 15, at 11 o'clock. Rev. W. K. i'eovey, presiding EUler of the Mt. Airy district, will preach at eleven o'clock. Din ner' will be served on the gr und. Uusiness session at 2 o'clock. Every member and friend ef the charge is cordially invited to be with us. Ellsworth Ilartr-lield, P. ('. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, October 8, 1930 HEAVIER TRAFFIC ON STUART ROAD Since Completion of Highway | Between Stokes Line and I'atrick County Capital Many; .More Cat's Are Seen. i Since the comph tion of the hard-surface road between th? Stokes county l.ne and Stuart, j Va.. trailic on the ruid between Danbury and the State line has greatly increased and it is hav ing its effect on the highway, wearing it down and filling it with holes, etc.. according to citizens residing on the road between here and the State line. A large per cent of the apple cr p, the tobacco crop, lumber and much other heavy hauling ci,mes over this high way. This paper has been remind ed several times that the North ' ' Carolina road authorities prom-; ised the Virgin : a people to meet them at the State line with as good read as trey built. Now, they say, their road is built and they are anxiously i waiting to see our folks carry out their promise. Tobacco Sign-Up Is Officially Launched Raleigh. Oct. B.—The North Carolina tobacco sign-up was was officially launched today at mass meetings in a large num ber of the t;.banco pp idueing j counties of the State. At the meetings county 1 farm leaders explained the con : tract for the proposed co-oper ative organization and machin j ery was set up to carry on an | intensive sign-up campaign un til October 15, the time limit set for the sign-up for the 1930 crop. The county meetings were called by the member in eacn county of the statewide tobac co organization committee. Members of the general com mittee were designated as chairmen in their respective counties. Plans called for the election of a secretary in each county and an organization J committee of three for each ; community in the county. Chairman of the committee- ; will serve as the county com mitteemen. Ai: (pportunity was giw: i the growers to sign the market ing contract at the count meetings, but few signature . were exepected until the 1 .ca! ! committees began their wor' in the separate communities, j Superior Court Here Next Week The criminal term of Stoke* Superior court will convene here next Monday, Oct. 13th. with Judge Schenck presid ing. The civil term convenes one week later. The dockets for b th courts are about the average, with no cases of sp ~- . ial importance. MR. BAILEY NOT COMING TO STOKES Impossible For Candidate For I'- S. Senate To Visit All Of the 100 Counties. A letter from the office of Hon. J. \\. Hailey, candidate for the I'. S. Senate to succeed Hon. F. M. Simmons, expresses regret that it will be aim M impossible for Mr. IJailey to visit Stokes and speak to the voters before the fall election- It was stated that Mr. Bailey had already made something like 40 speeches and on Oct. 3 he yet had about forty-seven to make, speaking twice almost every day. FARMERS MEETINGS THIS WEEK Tobacco .Marketing Man Will He Exptai ned At Several Meetings To He Held In Stokes—Farmers Are I'rgec! To Attend. The new ti bacco marketing plan will be explained at each of the following meetings: Wednesday, October Bth: Danbury 1:00 P. M.: Walnut Cove 7:30 P. M.; Thursday, Oct. 9th; Francisco 9:30 A. M.; Westlield 1:00 P. M.; Reynolds 4:00 P. M.; Pinnacle 7:30 I'. M.: Friday October 10th: Law sonville 9:30 A. M.: Sandy Ridge 1:00 P. M.: Dillard 4:00 P. M.; Pine Hall 7:30 P. M. Saturday October 11th: Mead ows 9:30 A. M.: Germanton 1:00 P. M.: Haw Pond 4:00 P. M.; King 7:30 P. M. Attend most convenient meeting and bring your wife. A-k your tenants and neigh bors to attend. These meetings are extremely important to you. Hoping to see you, I am Very truly yours, J. E. TREVATHAN, County Agent. An Auto Wrecks; One Reported Dead A bad wreck, with one man reported to be dead, occurred a few days since near the Stoke's-Patr.ck line when a truck with 24 or 25 colored pi- pie and one white man on it went oil' of a high bank near Mcllone's garage, n the Dan buiy-Stuart roa i The white man. whose name • Vi ung. was worst hurt and he was carried to the hos pital at Stuart. Va.. where ii i stated he died the day after the wreck. Several of the colored pe pie, \ who had been attending a 1 lap list association, were reported to have been seriously injured. Attorney Gilmer Sparger, formerly located at Walnut Cove, moved into his ( dices here today. At a regular meet ng of the county commissi'Tei's here Monday only routine business . was transact. 1. GOOD CITIZEN PASSES AWAY ; Matthew Robertson, of Law- Isonville Community. Dies at Age of 7."} Years. Matthew Robertson, of the Lawsonville community, died a' his home last Tuesday after noon following an illness of only a few days, ihough he had been in ill health for some time. The deceased was one of the j county's best citizens. He was 73 years of age and is survived by five sons and daughters. Hi wife preceded him several years. The funeral services were | held at Snow Creek Baptist I church by Elders J. A. Fagg and W. J. Brown. Burial was I in the family graveyard near the hi me of the deceased. Not Enough Children Being Promoted Raleigh. Oct. 7.—Only GS of each 100 white boys and girl.- enrolled in the public school i f North Carolina during 1928 2') were promoted to a higher grade, it is learned from the current issue of State School Facts, official publication of the Department of Public Instruc tion- School Facts, formerly a semi-ironthly publication, now issued monthly dev. tes the first number of its seventh volume to "a study of pro motions" in the public sch'(ils for white children. In the ele mentary schools, it points out. 07 and in high schools 7.'?. of every 100 pupils enrolled were promoted to a higher grade at the end of the year. The per centage of promotions varies from grade to grade, from onlv 58.1 per cent of the first grade enrollment to 83-4 per cent of the eleventh grade. The following conclusions relative to promotions are pre sented bv School Facts: (1) The percentage ot pro motions is greater in high schools than in elementary schools. (2) The percentage of pro motions in city schools is great er than in rural schools. The percentage of pr - motions has increasi'd w thin the past live veal's, the greater iiurea-e ' eing m-ide 1»y rural eli nn niary pupi >. i 1) Tin percentage >l pro m t ions varies ;nn ng tlu yrades, 1 roni the lowest ill t liist gr.'.ile t«i the highest in th«• eleventh grade. (")1 The percentages promotions varit ~ among speci fic rural systems, from 10..") pel cent in Cherokee county t; SU per cent in Monttrcmery. (6) The percentage of pro motions in specific city sysii ins is much greater than that «»1' rural systems, (ireenslmro lead ing the largest cities, Salisbury the liexl largest . and Nc v 11- in the third in size, in the pelceetage of pr> in tioiis.. ' v Number 3,644 I.AWSONVILLE HAS SCHOOL OPENING First Day 222 Pupils Are En rolled—Budding Is Complet ed Six Teachers Are In Charge. Lawsonville schol opened .Monday of this week when 222 pupils were enrolled with Prof. A. J. Flannagan and live ad ditional teachers in charge. The building, which is a 10 room brick struct erected according to State plans and pec. licat ions. has been com pleted and everything points t i a line school year. Prof. Flannagan. who was a visitor to Danbur.v .Monday af ternoon. stated that it was probable the sclvul would have 150 pupils within three weeks, or as so n as crops are gather ed and s mo of the older school pupils are released from farm duties. In this case the Lawsonville selli I will be entitled to an additional teacher. JOHN H. FOLGER TO SPEAK OCT. 11 Will Address Voters At Sandy Ridge In School Budding There. Snow Creek Democratic Committee announces that Hon. John H. Folger, of Mr. Airy, candidate for the State- Senate. will address the voters at Sandy Ridge in the new school auditorium there on Sat urday night, Oct. 11th. at 7 :«0 p- m- Mr. Folger. who was a mem ber of the last legislature and who was instrumental in pass | ing the new school act, is a line orator and citizens will en joy hearing him speak. OTTO WOOD IS OUTLAWED Judge Midgette Signs An Order —s.'{7s Reward Offered For Him. Dead Or Alive. llaleigh, Oct. >.—Otto Wood { has been declared an outlaw, in ! .in order signed here last Fri day by Judge (I. E. Midgette. This coli rful one-handed law violator, originating i:i Wilkes county, operating throughout the nation, four times escaped from Stati - prison, now has a price l *->1 en his head, dead or alive. The act of de claring him an outlaw means that any citizen may, upon see ing him. order him to h;ui:. ami, , ( if lie either runs or lights, may i shoot him down, with complete immunity from prosecution. Otto, who apparently lias a deep-seated criminal bent, has it mixed, with a seemingly con suming passion for publicity— in newspaper parlance, an " nk , hound." A newly invented typ writer tb L . blind has been devised ' vki'h weighs only thr .j iS.

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