DANBURY REPORTER SUDDEN DEATH OF JUDGE HUMPHREYS Passed A«a > After Short ill ness With Pneumonia County Mcunils the Loss of Her Foremost Citi /en. On Thursday. December 4. at 3:30 o'clock in the afternoon Judge John Daniei Humphreys died at his home in Danbury. He had been ill since Novem ber 19 with an attack of in fluenza, but his condition at no time had been serious On Sunday, Nov. 30, however, he sustained a relapse which quickly developed into pneu monia of an aggravated type. His physicians gave out no hope from the beginning. On the afternoon of his death how ever, he appeared to be con siderably improved, and was talking witt the nurse and some cf the family, when suddenly he collpased with heart weakness, and died without a struggle or a tremor. The interment was at the cemetery here, after funeral service in the M- E. church, conducted by the pastor, Mr. Hartsfield, who was assisted by Rev. H. VV. Hudspeth, of the Presbyterian church. Not withstanding the extremely in clement weather a large crowd of friends were in attendance at the funeral, some cf them from a great distance. At the church service testi monials as to the fine Chris tian character of the deceased were given by Rev. Mr. Harts field, Rev- Mr. Hudspeth. N. O. Petree. of Danbury, and J. F. Spruill, of Lexington. Mr. Humphreys was of the highest type of Christian gen tleman. Probably no citizen of our county had so many devot ed friends, who loved him for his noble and kindly character, and his many acts of friend ship- Thousands will mourn the passing of his splendid citi zen who was indeed and in truth "the friend of njan." His age was about 64. At the last election North Carolina elected Mr. Humphreys Superior Court Judge, one of the highest hon ors within the gift of the State. This was acclaimed with de light by; his thosands of friends in his home county a& well as throughout the State. He would have been sworn in for his duties cn the bench Jan uary 1, 1931. Judge Humphreys will be sadly missed in Stokes county, not only by his family and his nearest friends, and in the church, but his loss will be distinctly felt by the Danbury bar, and his place will be hard to fill in the business life of the county. The deceased is survived by his wife and two daughters, Eptelle and Frances, the latter being a student at Salem Col lege; by two brothers of Rock- Resolutions of Respect. North Carolina. Davi iscn I'uiinly. Wh ifHs. Cod ii, his infinite wisslnm has • ailed Judge Join* 1). Humphreys. this great r uanl: whereas, his life was clean, liable and given in ser vice tn his fellow man ami whereas: his ability as a law yer has become recognized by the entire State to the extent that hi* had recently been ele vated by the people to the Su perior Court bench: Now, therefore, be it resol ved by the Bar of Davidson County: Ist. That we, as fellow mem bers of the Bar. deeply feel the loss of our learned and distin guished friend and brother. 2nd. That Judge Humphreys' death is a great less to the Judiciary as well as to the Bar of North Carolina. 3rd- That we hereby extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Judge Humphreys 4th. That a copy of these resolutions be sen f to the fam ily of the deceu.; .vi and a copy to the press. Respectfully submitted . J. F. SPRUILL. J. C. BOWER, W. F BRINKLEY. Committee ingham ccunty, Ira at Reids ville, and Thomas in New Beth el township. J. H. Lawson, former Stokes county man. now residing with his family in Winston-Salem, was among the visiters here on Friday- ■ 'ftgftgg IQC3Q J STATEMENT OF I j The Bank of Mount Airy j ! Mount Airy, N. C. [ - At close of business September 24, 1930. RESOURCES. ! 11 Loans and discounts $1,507,488.81 h : g S U. S. Bonds 17,196.15 jj $ o o North Carolina Bonds, 82,000.00 |! So Other Bonds, 63,111.25 o; J} 8 o Banking House, 104,857.75 So o o Furniture and Fixtures, 27,637.74 I o H Cash on hand and due from banks, 195,995.50 o o 8I Other jeal estate, 14,840.67 go O g V izmssssssasiat Q Q 1 S | Total $ 2,013,127.87 | S U J 11 LIABILITIES. h fl I! 11 o I Capital stock, $ 100,000.00 g g o o Surplus fund, 150,000.00 g g go Undivided profits, 14,846.10 g g g g Reserved for interest, 15,418.72 g g J go Reserved for depreciation, 17,001.46 g g r g £ Unearned interest, 13,931.49 g g . g g Deposits, 1,701,930.10 | g I $2,013,127.87 O II Danbury, X. ('.. Wednesday, Dec. 3, 1930. PINK HALL SCHOOL BURNS; Wooden Structure. Containing\ Six Kion;.- and Auditorium. Cm.-umcd Eariy Thursday Mcrnir.y—Children and Fac ulty Not Injured. " Pino Hall's li gh school, a modern structure containing f» rooms and auditorium, was de stroyed by tire Thursday morn ing about 0:30. The cause was a destuctive tlue. and the blaze, started in the roof- There were 250 children and six teachers in the school. All escaped in good order and un injured. The principal of the school is Prof. Vorhees, of Virginia. It is learned there was only! partial insurance on the buil- j ding. Practically all the chil dren's books were burned. The Reporter had a pleasant call Tuesday from Hon. Jas. A. Marshall, of Forsyth county. Mr- Marshall was. in the late election, re-elected to the Legis lature, where he made such a good record in his last service that his constituents are send ing him back to Raleigh. WOMEN HO!.!> CHL'KCH MEETING The V ::man's Auxiliary of thu Fjilsiepai ( hurch Met Tae-- day E\ening With M,*-. !'. W. |)a\ s. Walnut Cove. Dee. 3. Thi-' Woman's Auxiliary of the Epis copal church met Tuesday even ing at the home of Mrs. Paul Fulton, with the President. M.ss Julia Hairston, presiding. Only a business session was held. The engagement of Mis- Hilda Marshall to Mr- Glenn Fair has been announced, the wedding to take place Dec. 24. Miss Marshall is the daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Marshall, of Salem Chapel. Mr. Fair is a former resident of Walnut Cove, having recently moved to Louisville, K.v. S. C. R'erson and family ex pect to move to Winston-Sa lem within a few days. The many friends of the family sincerely regret to see them leave. Mrs. C. J. Lamb and daugh- I ter, Nancy, of Greensboro, spent the week end with Mrs- Lamb's parents. Dr. and Mrs. A. G Jones. NO BANK NEWS Auditors Still At Work On :it Walnut o\t—Re ported Receiver H;|. I»t»en Appointed- a ncl Will (.in People From One t'» Five Years to Settle. At this writin.tr. Wednesday .night, December 10, m.thing new is known of the hank situ ation, though it is learned dele gations who visited the corpor . . . . itlon commission at Raleigh j were advised that owing to the unprecedentedly adverse condi tions in Stokes county, debtors of the bank would be given reasonable time in which to settle their obligations without too great a sacrifice. From one to five years in which to pa\ was promised those who have been victims of crop failures, etc. Auditors are still at work on the bank's books at Walnut Cove- No definite announce • ments have been given out. i . Mrs. S. P- Christian has ac cepted a pos'tion as assistant to Clerk of the Court J- W. Tuttlc. Rober Smith has been employed as assistant to Register of ' Deeds B. P- Bailey. kt 3,652 RED CRO j TO LEND 3 DISTANCE - • (in»aniz:;t on 5 -mid To Se cure Help • i it iito In £2 Stokt A ranch »!' the V in-ton-Si'lem i na;>ter. K v. I). \V. A!! n. r ct• r of t!: Kpisc pal church a*. Walnut Cove. and Rov. H W. Huds peth. pastctr of the Presby terian church of Danbury, were in charge of a meeting at the Presbyterian church here this week, making tentative plans to secure assistance from the Red Cross for suffering and needy people in Stokes county. Mi's. J. Spot Taylor, Rev. D. W. Alien and M. 0. Jones hava been chosen as the executive committee to distr.bute the re lief. which will cosist of medi cine, clothing and food. Aii advisory committee hai been named for the county and is as follows: Rev- D. W. Allen, of Walnut Cove. Rev. H. W. Hudspeth, of Danbury. Paul Fulton, of Walnut Cove. 1 Matt Simmons, of Lawson vil'e. Dr. J- T. Smith, of West | field. I Harvey Johnson, of C.er manton. Mrs. J. G. Bradshav. of : Moore's Springs. Mrs. L- W. Blackwell. of P.ne Hall. M. T. Chilton, of Walnut C ove. A meeting will be held in the Presbyterian church here Mon day night, Dec. 8. for the pur pose of completing the organi zation. It is learned that immediate help is available, consisting of money to procure medicines, food and clohing. j At the meeting Monday night representatives of the ' Winston-Salem Chapter of the Red Cross division, which em braces Forsyth. Stokes ami Yadkin, will be present, and will confer with the member* of the Stokes organization rel ative to immediate functioning of the organization here On the Sick List . ~ T. B. Matthews has been eon fined to his room several days with severe cold, but is up again. v James Haney. the high school faculty, is* suffering with a light attack of flu or cold. N. A. Martin is reported ill at his home. t ' E. L. Kiser, president; O. M. Kiser. cashier, and Chas. R. Helsabeck, attorney and direct or, of the Rural Hall Bank & Trust Co., were business visi tors to Danbury today. Mr. Kiser, although' 73 years of age, is as active as the average man at fifty- He has been * one «f the leading citizens in Rural Hall for the past half a eenturv.

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