THE DANBURY REPORTER Volume 59. IIELP FOR BUSINESS NOW IN SIGHT gantic Two-Billion Dollar Finance Corpora tion Will Be Functioning Within a Week— l'Busted" Banks Will Be Helped Along With btheir Corporations—sso,ooo,ooo For Fann ys- HHAking for HHHF farm relief of Stokes Farmers At-J MM Meeting in Winston —No Definite — State Asked Nflß|9jsS^kid Agent Trevathan, Young, H. G. Tuttle, and other farm-1 county attended j at the Robt. E. Lee week composed of from Forsyth. Rock- 1 Davidson, etc. of the meeting the condition of with emphasis on jHMt low prices of tobac- Measures look-' of the farmers but no definite formulated. A BBfiHffigßvas passed urging OTmßHßb^gH l ' to appoint a com- the situation, HHnßHnflßH'>ti ve* of the I HHH natiWl farmers' present as State J j MBM USES OPEN AIIBMBIIBigffIBBBB ' Open Second I Cove—J. L.! New Meat Mar-1 proving. Jan. 13.—Hau.'i- HBMH pened a second v formerly had | Walnut Cove. opened an carrying MBHH merchandise. is located occupied Automobile 9hB«9HHHB'II has open meats building HnmnriHi Motor Co. here id HH|HmB e W3 under at a Wins- ' this week HHHnH be getting Fullbn. who has at her ihanue here for is improving. pres;ttent of the Bank, was here gggmSSHv yester- i H of War. of W|- Newton says 1 iere #• greater of war todai than in | I 1 Established 1872. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, Jan. 13, 1932. Help is in sight for business. The Senate has passed the $2,000,000,000 "reconstructibn" bi|l by an overwhelming major ity. The house will, nodoubt, pass it this week. The presi dent will sign it. and the law should be in operation within a week. The bill will work as follows: Th e federal treasury will put up 500 millions, to form the capital. The board of directors then will issue bonds and bor row $1,500,000,000. These bonds will be sold at once, as they will be guaranteed by the federal government. The board cf directors will be bi-partisan, and will be appoint ed by the President, and will consist of seven of the leading financiers of the nation. Those eligible for loans, be sides railroads- and exporters, are banks, savings banks, trust companies, building and loan associations, insurance compan ies. agricultural or livestock credit corporatios, federal or joint stock land banks and mor tgage loan companies. Closed banks are eligible if their as sets "are adequate to permit of restoration to solvency." Di rect loans to farmers by the Agriculture Department are made possible out of a $50,000,- 000 appropriatoin added to th-i bill in a Senate "rider." Leans are repayable in three years with extension to be pos sible by special permission. Strictly an emergency crea tion, the corporation must stop making loans a year after the enactment unless the President extends it the maximum of one more year. It is to be liquida ted, preferably in five years, and absolutely in ten yeiars. Stewart-Tilley. James Martin Tilley amd Miss Francis Elizabeth Stewart were quietly married at the home of E. P. Pepper in Danbury on Monday night, January 12th. Justice Jas- B. Joyce officiating. The bride is the attractive daughter of Mrs. Lizzie Stew art. The groom is the son of 1 David Tilley. Aus Pyrtle, well-known tobac co buyer, wias among the visi tors from Stokes county at the Reprter office Monday. Rev- J. F. Manuel, of Ger manton, was a visitor to Wins ton-Salem Wednesday. Mr. Manuel is pastor of Leak Me morial church, near German ton. as well as other churches. H. G. Alley and Paul Priddy, of Hartman. spent Wednesday at Winston-Salem. REMEMBER YOUR RESPONSIBILITY * It Is Incumbent Upon You To Help Reduce the Tragic Ixms Of Lives From Automobiles —Drivers of Cars Can Do It If They Will. A. J. Maxwell, Commissioner of Revenue, in notifying owv-j : ers and operators of automo-' biles of the fact that their license is due for another year, I ' writes as fo lows: "The ownership and opera tion of a motor vehicle places 1 a grave responsibility upon one. It is encumbent upon all I of us to assume our individual " Responsibility in an effort to ; reduce the tragic loss of life 5 upon the highways. Close ob servance of rules of the roaJ 5 and obedience to the law on the ' part of every driver will con ' tribute much toward decreasing accidents. ; lam anxious to cooperate with individuals, organizations ' and schools to reduce accidents ' j and will be pleased to send you j copies of North Carolina high ' | way laws and other sugges ' | tions for reducing highway L accidents." l 1 " Clarke-Linville Wedding Announced The following announcements I. have been received here this • I week: Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart - Childress announce the mar : riage of their sister, Miss Mar - ion Rangley Clarke, to Mr. - John Wesley Linville on Wed nesday, the thirtieth of De ' cember, nineteen hundred and ! thirty-one, Martinsville, Va. •j Inclosed cards read: At home after January 6th, •Walnut Cove, N. C > I 'i Goes to Federal Pen. J James R. Bondurant, former . ly assistant cashier of the Peo , pies National Bank of Martins ville, Va.. was sentenced to one year and one day in the Federal penitentiary at Atlanta this, week. He was charged and i pleaded guilty to misapplying i $9,000 in funds belonging to ' the bank. i J Boles-Chapman. , Harvey J. Boles and Miss . Elizabeth Chapman, of the f Friendship community, n»ar Germ an ton. were mar ried Saturday. Jan- 9th. with • Rev. J. F. Manuel, pastor of • Leak Memorial Baptist church '■ officiating. The young couple will make their home near Ger manton. Mr. Botes being n prosperous farmer. Tomorrow the Limit. Friday, January 15. is the limit fixed by State highway , authorities for allowing old r licenses on automobiles nn the highways. TWO DEATHS OCCUR AT KING I i Mrs- Martha Cromer and Jacob i' Shultz, Two Aged Citizens- Pass Away—News and Per sonal Items of King. King, Jan. 13.—Mrs. Martha i Cromer, aged about 70. died at! ! her home near Mizpah Satur-! ; day. The deceased is survived; Iby two sons, L. O. and Pete ! i Spainhower and one daughter, , Miss Blumie Cromer. The fun-; j eral service was conducted at ! Mt. Olive church Sunday after-; j noon at two o'clock and burial, ' followed in the church ceme | tery. | E. W. Carroll, prominent ! planter of the Neatman section, .! was here on business Saturday. Miss Clara Pulliain- of Greensboro, spent the Aeek-end I here the guest o 1- her mother, , Mrs, J- S D. I'.i.liam. i Mr. and Mrs. S. 0. Schaub Miss Cloddie Stone, of High !. Point, spent Sunday with re!a , tives here. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Knight "! have returned to their home in j Newport News, Va., after; I spending a few days here with j I relatives, I I The home of Mr- and Mrs. ;! William Boles was made happy j 1 last week bv the arrival of a l ' | new baby girl. i j M\ and Mrs. Raymond Eii- 1 .| wards, of Winstin-Sslen l . spent; ! Sunday here the guests >{' Mr. j '! Edwards' parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Edwards. Otis Knight, of Newark, N.! J., is spending a few days witi:! his mother, Mrs. Jj-upb Knight, in West Klrg. j Miss Ercie Pull'am, trained i nurs e of Winston Subni, -rent | Sunday with relatives here. ! | Jacob Shultz, ag*c; S?2, died at the home of his (laughter, l , Mrs, J. W, Rutledge. near Pal- I ton Wednesdy morning follow ing a lingering illness. The deceased, who was cue an.oii'-f t the oldest and most highly re ! specte! citizens of the commun ity, is survived by several sons ! and daughters, a number of I grandchildren and a host of friends- , The funeral service which I was attended by a large throng iof people spite of the down- I pour of rain, was conducted at I Chestnut Grove church Thurs day afternoon at three o'clock and burial followed in the i graveyard. Sheriff J. John Taylor, of Danbury, was among the busi ness visitors here Saturday. Cornelius Southern, who , holds a position at Bassett, Va., spent Sunday with his family here. ! The Home Makers Class of i King Baptist church met with Mrs. C. G- Slate Tuesday even -1 ing, January 5, at seven o'clock. I The meeting opened with the , class song, "Bleat Be the Tie." Scripture, taken from the first 1 chapter of John, was read by Mrs. John Smith. Prayer by Mrs. C. D. Slate followed. This being the first meeting of the New Year officers were elected as follows: President, Mrs. , John Smith first vice-presi dent, Mr. H. A. Wolf; second 1 vice-president. Mrs. C. R. Car-j roll; third vice-president, Mrs. Gabe Lawson; Secretary, Mrs. I L- A. Rutledye; assistant secre-, 1 tary. Mrs. C. T. McGee; teach- ( ! er, Mrs. C. D. Slate; assistant teacher. Mrs. L. J. Riser- The February meeting will 1 be held at the home of Mrs. . John Smith. To Investigate Tobacco Companies Representative Hamilton, of Kentucky, demands that Con > gress b e authorized to investi ' gate four major tobacco com l panies to determine whether ! there is is a price-fixing agree ment. | SENATE OFFERS FARM BOARD WHEAT Votes To Appropriate Forty Million Bushels Of Grain For Relief Of Nations Hungry Millions —House Is Expected To Concur In Senate's Action. i Washington, Jan. 4.—Forty! million bushels of Farm Board j wheat was voted by the Senate' i today for relief of hunger and, 1 suffering among the millions of the nation's unemployed- ]l ; was the first direct federal re-, lief proposal approved by eith- j e4 house. Fourth of Store. The Senate passed and sent the House the Capper joint resolution directing the Farm Board to place this amount, one-fourth of its store- at the disposal of the Red Cross and j other relief agencies to be mill jed and furnished free to desti tute and needy persons. The action followed testi nionv by Governor Gilford I'in i > chot of Pennsylvania, and John ! L. Lewis of the United Mine Worker's, telling of dire relief jfoj a destitute population of more than 1,200,000 and I'in chot attacked the administra tion for the opposition to fed eral relief . Radio Bill, j After passing the Capper bill, the Senate passed a measure by Senator C. ('• Dill (I)). Washington, to transfer to the radio commission all the radio activities which the 1027 a t left in the Commeifc-e Depart ment. I Afterwards two more futile ballots were taken in an unsuc cessful effort to break the dead | lock over the election of a Sen ' ate president pro-tem The ' Western Independent Republi cans continued to refuse to sup port Senator George H. Moses (R), New Hampshire, of "wild jackass" fame, and the ballots gave no one a majority. New Message. President Hoover sent to the Congress when it Reconvened at noon after a two-weeks holiday recess, a new message emphas izing the need for stimulat ing credit was greater than a month ago, and renewing his demand foi 1 immediate action on eight points of his program. He did not mention dire fed jeral relief proposals, such as I the wheat donation bill or the Costigan-LaFollette money re lief plans which Pinchot and Lewis approved. Meanwhile the House showed its teeth in the matter of economy, by slashing sejteral millions from the first of the appropriation bills. The new Democratic control brought out the finst deficiency bill, carry ing more than $100,000,000 to run the government for the next six months, with many funds heavily reduced. Then the membership took up on the floor and directa^^Mieavy Number 3,708 1 fire of criticism against the George Washington Bi-centen -1 niai Commission for its elabor ate and expensive plans for a {celebration here this year. Tariff Revision. The Democratic joint policy committee drafted and ratified 'its tariff revision program for ! immediate passage by the House. As previously india'u : . the bill inti*>duce;l by Ch.virman Collier of the House ways and means committee requests the President to call an internation al conference for negotion of reciprocal t.. if adjustments; amends the H;i\vley-Smoot act to make the tariff commission report its recoinmen : ations for 1 late changes to Congress, in stead of the President, and proposes creation of a "eonsum i eijs' counsel" to represent th'j cause of the consumers before tariff commission. This three-part piMtrrani em bodies the main feature-, of the tariff program for vtAl! some of the Serate !)emo"* and nearly all of the Western Pro gressives, led by youthful Sen ator Robert M. , '"'! , i i.> (II). Wisconsin, battled Jo;- nearly half a year dinting the Hawley- Snioot debate- The measure will Ik 1 taken up . tomorrow for a irief commit . tee hearing and may be passed and sent across the marble cor , rtidors. •j The Senate debate over the • Capper bill, and tho Senate . ( manufactures committee hear ing on the Costigan-i .afollette s bills for money reliei of from . $250,000,000 to the unemployed, both developed new and startl » ing testimony. Strong criticism of the Cap per bill came from Senator W. E. Borah (R), Idaho; Demo cratic Leader Joseph T. Robin -1 son, and Senator Thomas P. ' Gore (D), Oklahoma, but they ' did not call for a record ballot ' when the bill went through on a viva voce vote. i > Gore, picturesque blind sena tor, said he proposed to "put I President Hoover on the spot," until the President comes to I Congress and admits his own ' relief plan is inadequate. He I and Borah both expressed fears that the direct aid provided I would be construed as large enough to meet needs. The wheat is "only a dfrop ( in the bucket," Senator George , W. Norns (R), Nebrhska, said, , predict, lg other larger direct ( bills would be necessary. "Peo ! pie in many places are starVinic , now."