Page Two Platform of Farmers Running For Prosperity "Walnut Cove, April 11.—The foU lowing platform recommended by tbe University of Tennessee is copied from a sheet entitled "The Three Mortgage lifters." Every Farmer In Stokes oounty should adopt this platform: 1. A good garden, canned veg». ~ tables and fruits, a milk cow. a flock bens, and a few pigs tor every farm. 2. Reduce cash expenditures fur farm operations, receive cash income from several farm products. 8. Reduce the cost of maintain- Ing work stock and the iproduotljn of milk, beef, pork, and spring lamb* for market by developing good pastures, growing legume hay necessary grain feeds. Store hay for future use. Depend more on lime, legumes,' Mfrul farm manures for fertilizing Burpoaea. 6. Sow land of mediocre fertility ■B*(l hill land in grasses and clovers ■or gracing and improvement. W t. Terrace hill lands andi aow cover crops to prevent eros jtta Keep tarm implements in rsw and under shelter when not In Grow cultivated crops on the gPK land on the farm, limiting the •acreage of tobacco, corn ootton potatoes, sec., to amount that can be economically bandied with the TO«b and horse labor available on the tarm to assure quality ae wall mm quantity production. 8. Improve the production of livestock by use of pare bred sttrss, by tba sale-of Interior animals and by better feeding and care. t. JCaep farm reoords to deteranu in* types of farming that pay beat. Prepare credit statement for banker land beep it up to ate from year to year. This practice will put tba ' tarm on a better buslnees basis, and Credit (landing, and inspire confi dence between banker and farmer. .19. Co-operate with other farm. «rs to buying needed supplies and in marketing term products. The abave 'platform has my ea. t doraement as being the proper road to prosperity for Stokee oounty farm ers. J. E. TRBVATHAN. County Agent. Rev. and Mrs. F. E. Mansfield vis ited Charlotte Tuesday, attending t'.i» Womtfan's Missionary Society of the Weatern North Carolina MethodM Episcopal Conference. The conven. Won is being held In Myers Park a Church. Will Drive Away Depression Blues i 1 -■■ p^B/B - ' -^ r /^^M a rvk&' • % I -P Wthcpmt L*wli 11), 0I« Alba n I (», Paul Whitiniin (»), Orabam McNamaa «». •M Frank Mack of Um ftovalara (»), teal all-atar a roup of «taoin-chaaara In mammitfi hraatfcaat ta atlm«teta InOuitry. DEPKBMION will tafca a back aait ta Monday algbt, April 4. wbdSGaoaral MoMW aitfnaltaoa tba op*ninf of tba nation*) oxhMt of 111 antomoblloa u otbtr dlWM l*d produet* aUMflttatatoir la _J» eitiai with in Iwii'l AMtv * blMt oTtto m, »«ftmg «bl«fe *ut In IN2 radio biotory. Tba a»Uoo wlda Mn to atlaralata tba M»II U»i Igteatir tad tbaraby iadoe* .jweepeHty'fa kfairr'n a «toti . will bagta w»aa tin asMMta opaa tba prrrloua paturday. HpTa tßa& t MMM aatartaiaora Mri&fiotf ta#» ba iHHia* »««1 WhltlMß UlftM HUM Wife ttair Mbortrao/4to |An, jfp MMT TWfil Wifcr *»' MM*** * Ol#a !>■■! VM Let's Help Start Business Moving: Now !• the time to help start bet ter times In Dixie, says the current Issue of The Progressive (Farmer. Rural Ist, and every family in the South oan help In bringing about this result—some by cash and some by barter. This farm paper con. ttones:— "It seems to be generally aooctpted that the national government and the Federal Refeervi> System are go. ing to reverse in some the ruinous policy of deflation which has forced down all commodity prioea. This reversal of policy may go to only moderate lengths. Or *t may conceivably go ter enough to force prices back to average levels of 1920-SO. At any rata a measurable degree of rising prices is generally prophesied. "What does this mean? It means that a dollar spent now im likely to buy more than a dollar spent later on. One leading Southern power company even conspicuously adver tises this prediction:— " 'The dollar you spend now 'm worth 51.50. The dollar you Mure now is worth 76 cents.' "We would not go •© far as that, but to every reader wbo hu surplus money, we would say -this: Now is the time to make really needed lm. provements, to 'buy the thinca you know you ahould have, and to make investments that you expect to make sometime. If there la butfdJog to be done, house* to 'be repaired or painted or equipped, we doubt wbeth. er you can ever again hire or buy so cheaply aa now the needed lumber and carpenters, paint and painters, plumbing and plumbers, con veniences and comforts. And it you need t buy itles everywhere never before offer ed and never again likely to be aur. passed. The man who has money would do well to invest it while *t will buy oioet. "In the seoond place, we should like to strasa the fact that even folks who haven't money can do a lot to start business moving by doing everything they can by barter. A dentist reported. a day or two aso that one farmer had furnished him turkeys to pay a bill, another cream, another tenure for his garden. We have just heard of another farmer who bought some land by agreeing to pay, not cash with its present uncertain value, but 7(0 bushels of soybeans each year for ffve year*. Advertisements in local paper# and in farm papers announcing exchange* you are willing to make —livestock, feed, seeds, machinery, equipment, etc.—might start a lot of business moving. Some counties we know have a 'farmers' exchange' day at Ardao, Graham UcNtoM, aoa an nouncer, tad a boat' of attar atari wIU taka part la BroUwtx'a bl*- (aat broadcast.' Mora Mmb forty •Utlana wflJ ba ltaiMtt In tba radio opoafef of tba driva "to pot taili to *hl tat brief back aroapartty." ■uw K the ttawsAw Studio atop-tba famota fliiiitir)«in THi atra ia Ifaw York-QU* *a nw will bo attaadad from 1 world!. Twafe i% iffit. rr**tat - 'wfU W !Liav laMMr 'liii ot th* «raa> that only a klof «a«M ton »mtaiMilill a Um Hiiln ta° THE DANBURY REPORTER I Republicans Hold Convention (OoatlnMd from me one.) | duced. We cannot eit idly by while farms and homes are {wins sold for . debt and tanes. W« can and mint work cut a system by 'which the ' general public can prod ue* home 1 support with lenoush (additional to meet their juet obligations and at | least a share of the pleasures and . comforts in li». ' • Therefore, be it resolved that the | Republican* of Stokes county In regular convention assembled in Danbury April 9tth, 1932, do re- solve; Ist. That we go on record as ( opposing the fifteen cent, ad valor urn tax levy for the maintenance of the State schools, and recommend that ' this money be secured from some ' other sou roe: \ 2nd. That the offioe of county faaro demonstrator be abolished. . Srd. That the office of county sc. countant be abolished 4 th. That tfre salaries of all county officer, be. reduced oommeh. surate with tbe ability of the tax payers to pay. 6th. We l recommend that our State Senator and Representative use their influence tor a like policy in Btnte affairs. 6th. We condemn the act «t the j last legislature increasing the ealary , of the Clerk of the Court 7th. We condemn the act of the ' U. £. Senate in refusing to confirm * the appointment of Cfcas. Jena* as 1 District Attorney In the Weetei h ' Dlst. of N. C., Instruct our dele ! 4 gates to the State convention to ' vote for him for National commit- 3 teeman to succeed himself. 8. That all county officers reoelv. 1 ing more than 860# hold office in succession tor two terms only. 3 " ■ ■■■• ; _ in i i the court house—bringing all sorts , of thing* ready for swapping. ' "Tee, it's time to start •' business ] moving in Dixie. Those, who have money to spend will flno this an ad. vantage©us time te spend it And the rest of u* caa ourselves help' a lot by careful trading." NOTtCfc OF SALE OF REAL REAL ESTATE. North Carolina, Stokes County. tinder and by virtue of the power contained in a certain deed of trust executed by T. H. Branson and wife Mary Branson, to J. A. Dillon, Trus. tee for J. H. Moore to secure cer tain notes therein mentioned, and the said J. H. Moore having assigned one of said notes to S. A. Mitchell, and S. A. Mitchell having assigned same to S. R. Holland, and said note being due and unpaid and pay. ment having been demandel and re fused, I will, on MONDAY, MAY I, ifit, at 1:00 P. M., at the court house door In Stokes county, at I'anbury N. C., offer for sale to the tiicl»e*c. bidder for cash 'hi t'jilor'ni de scribed real estav. t.i.wl*: Tract No. 1. Belnj; the tract or boundary marked Nos. 14 or IS on a plat made by S. W. Mosher, C. E.. recorded in office of Register of Deeds of Stokes County, N. C.. Book 66, page 484 to which 'reference te hereby made for better location and description. Beginning at a point on Dan Riv er as shown in said plat at Mrs. McGill's corner; thence 8. 4 degrees >1 minutes West with Mrs. Mcoin's line 1426 feet to a stake; tbence 8. 84 degrees East with her line 2648 feet to a stone; thence Bouth 4 de. grees 46 minutes West 847 feet to a stone; thence South 84 degreees 46 minutes East 1716 feet to a stone;' thence North 22 decreet SO minutes West 102 feet; thence' North 27 de grees 86 minutes East 260 feet; thence 'North 2 degree* 16 minutes West 804 feet; thence North 11 de grees 10 minutes East 262 fee*.; thence INorth 2 degrees 26 minutes' East 141 feet; thence North 81 de grees West il feet to a stone; thence North I degrees It minutes East 2608 feet to * stone; thence' North 10 decrees East 111 feet to W stone; thence North 84 degress W. with Mrs. Sara Olenn's line 1(18 feet to a stone; thence South I degress II minutes West 184 feet to a atone; thence Month 88 degrees West Ml test to a whits oak stump; thence. South I degrees II minute* West 987 feet to a stone in Mrs. MoQills corner; thenoe North 86 degrees -SO minutes West with MM. McOill's line 1980 feet to the 'beginning, contain ing 288 acres, more or less. Tract No. 2. Being the same bought of 3. E. Alcorn between above tract and road beginning at an iron stake in center of the old road; thence South 88 8.4 degrees East 26 ipoles to center of new road; tbenoe with the new road the follow-' ing courses North 16 1-4 degrees W. 82 poles; thenoe North 11.2 degrees West 10 poles; thenoe North 6 1-2 degrees East IS poles to the fork of the old and new roads; thence with the old road the following oourses: South 24 degrees West 10 poles, thence South 18 degrees West 22 poles; thenoe South 11 deg>re«e West 14 poles; thence South 22 1-2 degrees West 7 poles and 20 links to the beginning, containing S and 6-16 acres, more or less. This the 4th day of April, 1982. ( J. A. DILLON, Trustee. NOTICE or SAIE or REAL ESTATE. Under and by virtue of the author ity oontained in the will of R. T Watts, deceased, recorded in Booh 9. page 76 and Tl, in the offioe of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Stokes County, the undersigned Executors will offer for sale and sell at public notion to the highest bidder for cash on the premise* at 12:0# o'clock noon on MAT ns, im. the following described real estate: 64 acres, mora or leas, three miles North-east of King, *. C. Jutft off Moore's Springs road West. 26 acres in cultivation of which 16 Seres In bottom land and meadow. Balance la timber. Place well watered and lays well. This 4th day of April. IM2. ELMER WATTS and CLAUDE WATTS. Executors of the estate of R. T. Walts, deceased. Ii "mi ii ii n> ■* i |if w+*jTSS^CSBSSSSIBtF^SrT^SBSSSSKBiJ^iiiLJMSS^ A Personal Testimony I How the Security Life & I Trust Co. has benefitted I one Iredell County I man and his | familyl : I fart Gamb^w ;; .with the future of \ I your Loved Ones 1 e l The poorfaouMt an crowded with people who could do bette* with thdrvSKs^-, 111 money. A policy with your Home Company will protect your ,• I loved ones against want.- >SM|i : SepxrMy life* TrmtGmpa&y i I HOME OFFICE—WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA fi J B NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER DEED IN TRUST. By virtue of the power of ■ale contained in a deed of trust, executed and delivered to J. D. Humphreys, Trustee, on tiie 19th day of October, 1927, by Gaston Shelton and wife Sarah Shelton, which is recorded in the jffice of the Register of Deeds of Stoke i County, N. G, in Book No. 76. page 478, to which reference is hereunto made, to secure the paytaent of a debt therein re cited in the sum of $373.45, due to Duke Taylor, default having been made in the payment of said debt at maturity, and the holder thereof having applied to the undersigned to foreclose the trust deed for the satisfac tion of the debt, I will expose to public sale, to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door, in the Town' of Danbury, N, C., on— SATURDAY. APRIL 30. 1932. at tiie hour of 1 o'clock P. IL, the lands conveyed in the trust deed, to-wit: "Tract No. L Beginning at the Ore Bank corner (pointers) in Mabe's line and Jewel's line, and runs South 45 chains to a dogwood; thence West 221-4 chains to a pine; thence North 45 sau» to the old Ifabe line (pointers), thence East 22 1-4 chains to the beginning, con taining 100 acres. fiaet No. 2. Containing 23 1-2 acres purchased of John W. Mabe together with above named tract of land. For more complete description kee. deed duly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes County, N. C., to which refer ence is made fur further de scription.** This April 11th. 1932. MRS. J. D. HUMPHREYS, Admx., of J. D. Humphrey*, deceased. Trustee. " By Petree & Petree, Attys. WEDNESDAY, AftlL IS, 1912 NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER DEED OF TRUST. By virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed sf trust executed and delivered to me 18th day of November, 1929, by F J. Petree and wife which is recorded la the Office of Register of Deeds of Stokes County, N. C., Book 82, pace 18, to which refemme is here unto made to secure the pay ment of a debt recitod therein to The Bank of Stokes County, default bavin* been made the payment of the debt at ma turity. and the holder having applied to me to foreclose the trust deed for the satisfaction of the debt secured by same, I will expose to public sile, to thfc JMgbest at the Court House Door In Danbury, N- CL, Mr " WEDNESDAY, APR. 27 r 1932, at the hour of one o'clock P nu, the land conveyed in -the deed of trust, to-wit: Beginning at a stake Mat- (now Creakman's corn er, ion West side Summit nue nmr North along said ave nue $8 feet to S. E. corner of Lot No, 80, Fulton's corner; thence West along Fulton's line 200 feet to stoke; thence South para|)el with Summit Avenue 58 feet to Matthews cornet', thence East along Mat thews* line (how Greakmnn's line) "200 feet to beginning, be ing North part of Lot No. 78 in ftWi of Walnut Cove, N. C. • This April 11th. 1982. J- W. HALL, Trustee. NOTICE. All person* are hereby notified not to employ, harbor, keep or board my man Glomer Kkr. The «U Okwfier Riser ic a 'minor of the ape of It yean. Thle April I. Mil. ! llaprtw w. O. RISER. W. G. KISER.

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