Page Four NOTICE By virtue of the power of sal* contained in a certain deed of trust executed on the 18th day of No vember, 1924, by Percy Sheppard to J. D. Humphreys, trustee, to secure the payment of a certain debt therein recited, the same be ing recorded in the office of the Register of Deed 4 of Stokes Coun ty, N. C„ in Book No. 72, at page 468, default having been nude in the payment of said debt at matur . ity, and the cestui que trust having applied to the undersigned for a if"" foreclosure of said deed of trust, the undersigned, Mrs. J. D. Hum phreys, adntx., of J. D. Humphreys, trustee, will, on SATURDAY, APRIL 23RD. 1932,' at the hour of of 11 o'clock a. m., j at the court house door in the i town of Danbury, N. C., expose at public auction to the highest bidder' therefor, the following lands set forth in said trust deed: r Beginning at a stake and stone cm tin- South margin of an old ditch, iur'de line of W. C. Moor», formerly Harris' iine; North 85 degrees West 132 pules crossing two brar-hes to a stake in Gilnu-r Wat kin's line, formerly Clark's line; thence North 5 degrees East 223 poles crossing a Hranch to a set stone, a corner to M. A. Sheppard'?- land, his line; 87 degrees East S3 3-5 poles to tt set stone and witness pine and persimmon trees; —— thence running with Hall's line S. 14 degrees and 15 minutes East 283 poles to the beginning, and being the same tract of land that the said Percy Sheppard purchased from E. C. and Z. R. Sheppard. This 22nd day of March, 11*32- MRS. J. D. HUMPHREYS, Adntx. of J. D. Humphreys, trustee. R. J. Scott. Atty. NOTICE By virtue of the. power ot sale con tained in a certain deed of tru.-«t ex ecuted on the 15th day of Mlrch, 1928. by W. E. Ixodes and wife i- Ellen Rhodes to J. D. Humphrey: trustee, to secure the payment cf a debt therein reeited to the Bank of Stokes County. said deed of trust b-?. ing recorded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Stokes County. X. C.. in Book at page -13. and de fault having been made in the pay ment of said debt at maturity, anc the holder thereof having made ap ' plication to have said deed of trust foreclosed for the (satisfaction of name the undersigned will on SATURDAY, MAY Jlh.. 1932, at the hour of 1 o'clock, p. n>., at the courthouse door in the town of Dan bury. N. C., expose at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the fol. lovt-ing described lands described in said deed of trust: Tract No. 1. Containing 105 acres, more or lesas. the same being bound ed on the North by the land* of Dave Xel.-on; on the East by the lands of Bill Spencer, Carl Mabe. George Smith. Bud Spencer, W. E. Rhodes; on the South by the lands of \V. E. L Rhodes; on'the West by the lands of " George Smith and Henry Williams, and being the identical tracts of land conveyed by deed to W. E. Rhodes as follows: W. H. Smith and wife, dated Feb. 12th. 1303, recorded in the ,f --fice of the Register ot Deeds of s'Voke.-' County, N. C„ in Book No. 44 at page 517; Lpwls Spencer and wife, dated March. 1903, recorded in Book Xo. 5J at page 171, In said office; L.P. l- Urogan and wife, dated August 15t1i., I 19U3. recorded in Book No. 52 »t page 172; Ida X. Spencer and hut. band, recorded in Book Xo. 48 at p.tge 17, dated March 2nd., 1905; S.. T. Williams and w4fe, dated March 20th.,- 1918, Book Xo. 64 at page 295; - S. T. Williams and wife, April 20th., 1912, Book til at page 450; W. H. Smith and wife, dated Feb. 23rd., 1915. Hook Xo. 61 at page 452; Also 24 acres, for metes and bounds of which see deed from liardie J\ Hutchins, dated June 9th., 19i9, re corded in the Register's office of "Stokes County, X. C., in Book Xo. 54 .at page 160, to which reference ,s here made for further description'. * (Thi* deed-of trust is second to a - mortgage held by" the Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank.) This 30th.. Ja.v of, March, 1932. i MRS. J. D. HUMPHREYS, admx. I of J. I). Humphreys, trustee. It. J. Scott,' Atty. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND UN DER A DEED IN TRUST. By virtue of the power of sale: contained in a deed in trust executed to me on the 2?th day of Jan., 1927, by Harry Mahe and wife Mary Mabe, which is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes j County, X. C.. in Book Xo. 76. at ' page 321, to which reference is here unto made, to secure the payment oi a note therein recited in the sum of 1510.80, due to The Bank of Stokes County, default having be?n made in the payment of said note : at maturity, and the holder of same 1 having applied to nie to foreclose : the trust deed for satisfaction of the j same, 1 will expose to public sa'e j to the higher bidder for cash, at the ( Court House door in Danbury, j 4* I TUESDAY. MAY 3HI>, 1»32. a: the hour of one o'clock, p. m.,' th.- lands conveyed in the deed in J trust, viz: "Two certain tracts of land con-' veyed by ! ed from Master Brown and w ::*• to Harry Mabe and wife M try Mabe. the f.rwt containing 35 acre*, more or less, and the second tract containing 4.T5 acres, more or less, for minute description- refer ence i> hereunto made to Register's Cilice. Stoker County, ISook Xo. 75. page 129. Also a certain tract containing ac-rvs. . more or less, described in a deed from J. W. Brown and wife to Harry Mabe and Mary Mabe, which deed is duly recorded in office of Register of Deeds. Stokes County. Book No. 75, page 231, reference to which is hereunto made." This the 30th day of March, 1932. N. O. PCTREK, Trustee. —i —., NOTICE. State of North Oa.-j'iua, Stokes County. In the Superior Court, " Before the Clerk. W. C. Hairston, Administra tor of R. C. Hairston, de ceased. Against William Morris Hairston and Jemima Hairston, heirs-at law of R. C. Hairston, de ceased. The defendant William Morris Hairston above named will take notice that an action entitled a* above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Stokes County, North Carolina, to sell land belonging to the estate of R. C. Hairston. dee'd, for assets to pay debts due and owing by the estate of the said R. C. Hairston. dee'd.. and the said defen dant will further take notice that he be required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Stokej County at his office in Danbury, N. C., on or before the 12 day of May 1032, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 25 day of May 1932. J. WATT TUTTLE, Clerk Superior Court. J. W. Hall. Atty. for the Plaintiff. NOTICE. Having duly qualified as Ex ecutor of the last will and testa ment of Wade H. Boyles. de ceased, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims' against the said deceased, to present them to me. duly au thenticated, for payment, on or before the 10th day of March, 1933, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted j to said deceased, are hereby re spectfully notified to make im mediate payment to me. CLADE H. BOYLES, Ex. P. O. King, N. C„ Route 2. Petree & Petree, Attys. for Ex. BABY CHICKS—At lowest price ever offered on pure bred disease -free chicks. Blocks and Reds 10c each, White Leg horns 7c each delivered 100 per cent. live. MOUNT AIRY HATCHERY, Mount Airy, N. t. ••..v." r 'loapr32' THE DANBURY REPORTER NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of a decree of the j Superior Court of Stokes Coun- j ty, North Carolina, rendered on the 14th day of March, 1932, in the case of The Federal Land Bank of Columbia- against JH. i Fowler and wife Bessie Fowler, appointing the undersigned W. G. Petree a Commissioner of the Court, to sell the lands of J- H. Fowler and wife Bessie Fbw ler, default having "been made in the payment of said judg ment, which was rendered in foreclosure proceedings, I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door, in the Town j of Danbury, N- C-, on— MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1932, I at the hour cf twelve o'clock J noon, the land described in the judgment and the mortgage deed cf the said J- H> Fowler and wife, to the Federal Land Bank of Columbia, to-wit: "All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land containing 110.93 acres, morie or less, lo cated, lying and being in Saura-' town Township, County of 1 Stokes, State of North Caro lina, being bounded on the! North by the lands of L. H. j Isom and Joe Isom; East by. the lands of Walnut Cove j Corp-; South by the lands of, J. L. Mitchell; and West by the | lands of G. L. Joyce; and hav ing such metes, shapes, courses and distances as will morte fully j appear by reference to a plat thereof made by F. O. Jones, ■ Surveyor, on the 18th day of April. 1924, which plat is on file with the Federal Land • Bank of Columbia-" Terms of sale:—One-fifth ; cash- and the remainder in five equal annual installments, bear*- 1 ing interest at the rate of six i per centum per annum, t 0 be, due and payable annually. All bids will be received sub-! ject to rejection or confirma-. tion by the Clerk of said Super ior Court, and no bid will be ac-1 cepted or reported unless its j maktr shall deposit with the, Clerk at the close of the bid- ( ding, the sum of $500.00. as ai forfeit and guaranty of com pliance with his bid, the same to be credited on his bid when accepted. I Notice is now given that said lands will be re-sold at, same place and upon the samej terms at 2 o'clock p- m.. of the same day, unless said deposit is sooner made- | Every deposit not forfeited or accepted will be promptly, retuned to the maker. This 14th day of March, 1932- W. G. PETREE, Com. j N'QTH'i: OF SALE OF REAL ES. TATE I'N'DER DEED OP TRI'ST By virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed of trust executed and delivered to me on the 14th day of March. 1928, by J. J. Booth and wife Mina Booth, which is re-, corded in the Office of Register of' Deeds of Stokes County. N. C., in Book 78, page 49, to which reference is hereunto made to secure the pay ment of a debt therein recited In the sum of ?254f1.00, to The Bank of Stokes County, default having been made in the payment of said debt at maturity, and the holder having applied to me to foreclose the trust deed for the satisfaction of the debt secured by same, I will expose to public sale, .to tho high&st bidder for cash, at the Court Houee dooi In Danbury, N. C., on— TI'ESDAY, MAY 8, 1832, at the hour of one o'clock p. m., the land conveyed .In the deed of trust, to-wlt: Lying and being In Stokes County, and in the town of Danbury, X. C., and more particularly descrioed and defined as follows: Beginning at an Iron stake, two feet West of the Northwest corner of the prim, ing office porch, running AV est with Main Street 30 feet to McCanless's line; thence South with McCanless's line 100 feet; thence a stone; thence North'feet to the beginning. _ ~ This 30th day of Inarch, 1932. T. XV. HALL, Trustee. Memories make life happy. For getfulness makes life possible. NOTICE. By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Stokes County, N. C., in the Special Proceeding entitled J. A. Leake, Admr., of G. L Sheppard, deceased, vs. W. L. Sheppard and wife, et al, it being No. 1066 on the Special Proceeding Docket cf said cpunty, I will, on SATURDAY, MAY 7TH, 1932, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., at the court house door in the town of Danbury, N. C., offer at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lands set forth in the original petition iu the above mentioned action or pro ceeding: Beginning at a black oak, old corner, running West 40 poles to a post oak; thence North 46 poles to a sourwood; thence West 38 polos to a black oak; thence South 216 poles to a poplar In ahe old division line; thence East on E. S. Harril's line 78 poles to a white oak, the division .corner, thence North on said ReiA'es' line 1.82 poles to the beginning, containing 100 acres, more or less. See Book No. 20, at page 496, in the office of the Regis ter of Deedt; of Stokes County, to which reference is here made. This 28th day of March, 1932. R. J. SCOTT, Commissioner. RMH„„„„„„„„, shrdlu cmfwypetaoit NOTICE OF LAND SALE. By virtue of the authority 1 vested in a certain deed of ( trust executed to • the under signed trustee by W. P. Smith *dated December 29th, 1922, | and renorded in Book 66, page i 798, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes County, 1 North Carolina, default having I been made in payment of the i 1 notes therein securted, at the | request of the holder of said notes. I will sell at public aue- J tion to the highest bidder for cash, in front of Bank of Pinna- I cle Pinnacle, N. C., on— SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1932, ! 2 P. M.. all the right, title and interest of the grantors in the ! following described real estate, , to-wit: A certain tract of land lying and being in Stokes County i aforesaid, and more particular ; ly described and defined as follows: Beginning on a poplar mark ed J- D. L. an old corner, runs S- 18 degrees West 2 chains to | forked pine; thence South 42 degrees East 13 chains and 2 links to a willow on north bank |of the creek; thence up the , creek as it meanders at this I time 5 chains and 95 links to a ! stake at the line of W. P. Smith; thence South 10 degrees Blast with his line to a stake now Robert Lawson's corner; thence East with his line 10 chains and 50 links to a stake and pointers near a dogwood; thence i North 32 degrees East 3 chains to a stake on top of the hill; thence North 13' degrees East 6 chains and 50 links to a stake; J North 22 degrees East, 35 chains and 37 links to a stake in the old Shipp and Joyce liqe-" thence with said line 33 chains to a hock in the old-Wilkes liae now R. F. Cox line; thence®, with his line 15 chaiins to beginning, containing 98ap acres, more or less. about one-half acre now - tKd as a graveyard. y Sale made to satisfy batiHe due on principal interestJpsd cost to add. • fjP This March 14, 1932. jH| W. R. BADGETT/Tru^*^ ■ in buyinq.l ' you save in : usinqT 1 BAKING HV POWDER SA#E WICE FOR OVER * 40 YEARS -1 25 ounces for 25$ NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of a judgment of the Superior Court of Stokes. County, North Carolina, ren dered on the 14th day of Mch-, 1932. and a supplemental judgment of said court, render ed on the 28th day of March, 1932, in the civil action pending in said Court, wherein The Federal Land Bank of Columbia is plaintiff, and W. S. Crews and wife Jennie Crews, are defendants, appointing the undersigned, W. G. Petree, a Commissioner of the Court to sell the lands set forth in the judjgment and the mortgage deed of said defendants, to The Federal Land Bank of Colum bia, default having been made in the payment of said judg ment, the Commissioner will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder upon the teims set forth below, at the Court House door in the town of. Danbury, on— MONDAY, MAY 2, 1932, at the hour of twelve o'clock noon, the land above named, to wit: "All those certain lots, tracts or parcels of land, con taining respectively, 40.30 acres and 32-25 acres, more or less, located, lying and being in Meadows Township, County of Stokes, State of North Caro lina, having such shapes, metes, courses and distances, as will more fully appear by reference to plats thereof, made by E- D. Styers Surveyor, April the 29th, 1924, which are on file with The Federal Land Bank of Columbia- The 40-31 acre tract is bound ed on the North by the lands of T. W. Terry; East by the lands of T- W. Terry; S. by the lands of T- W. Terry; and West by the lands of T. W. Terry and W- G. Riser- The 32-25 acre tract, is bound ed on the North byjthe lands of Wesley Smith; East by the lands of M. S. Tillotson; South by the lands of W. W. Terry, and on the West by the lands of T, W- Terry" Terms of sale: One-third cash, and the remaindeir in three equal annual installments, with six per cent, interest pay able annually. All bids will be received sub ject to rejection or confirmation by the clerk of said . Superior Court, and no bid will be ac cepted or reported, unless its maker shall deposit with said Clerk at the close of the bid ding, the sum of $3Q0.00 as a forfeit and guaranty of com pliance with his bid, the same to be credited on his bid when accepted- Notice is now given that said land will be re-soldi at sie same place and upon the, terms at 2 o'clock m., same day, unless*! said• is sooner made. v Every deposit forfeited or accepted, will be promptly returned to the makenr ; ; ' " -WChis 20th day of Mjreh, 1932. fe W. G- PEfREE, Corii. " NOTICE-OF SALE. OR.LAND, j. By virtue of a decree of the Su -flprlor Court Qf Stokes. County H N-. C-, gendered IjJ the prtfCeidlnrj Voititled. "Mrs. V. J. Spalnhower''and lathers against Thos. Green and oth. ;*rs," appointing the_ undersigned a : Commissioner, he will s«ll «t public,' I auction, to the "^or» Cash, on— !|- THE 7TH DAY OP MAY, 1932, | fet the hcur of one -o'clock, p. ».,' the praises In the , tywn jTof N. "C.;~*a '"lot ln-^a.ld*fdwu' 'belonging to the helrs_at-law of Mrs. I "Thos, J. King, deceased, b^ingr. the \ if ' same lot bought by W. G. [from the North State Improvement Company, lot No. 38, on the plat of said town, and described as follows: "Beginning on a stake near the street, runs North with street line to E. E. Kailam'a line, 84 feel; thence with Mrs. E. E. Kallam's line, 200 feet to the R. R. llne,-- or right of way; thence South, with the right of way line, 84 feet to the Mrs. Savage*' lot; thence East, with th!.«r line 200 feet to the beginning." Deed ; book No. 73, page 43, in the Regis, ter's Office of Stokes County. This the 30th day of March, 1132. A. E: fepAINHOWER 1 , • Commissioner. Octree" & PftrW. AWy. ■ .. • .*> j- ***• ' t WEDNESDAY, APRIL IS, 193J, Professional CARDS Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted DR. T. E. HOLLEMAN f Optometrist Woolworth Building Winston-Salem, N. C. J. W HA L L , Attoraey-at-Law DANBURY, - • C. Prompt attention to all bnriatM. Prsetire in State and Federal Courts. DR. U. 6. HARDING ' Dentist KING, • - - If. C. Mflce hours: -'9 to 12 and 1 to S II.H. LEAKE Mtorney-at-Law Office Second Ficor King Drug Co. Building •••.'_ KING, N. C. % Wi!l Practice in All State Courta DR. CHAS. A. BLACKBURN * DENTIST • O'Hanlon nidg., Wlnston-Snlcm, N: C. Announces :' • HK WlUi PRACTICE DFVTISTRY > ' V '„ : '-AT • ■ i WAICS'IT COVE, N. C. :» -.Each Week On TIESI>AX». » A. M. to 5 P. M. arnd ■ ■ THI'RSDATS, 1 P. M. lo 5 P J*. At The Office of "the Iate Dr. H. F. .Blackburn NOTICE OF RESAtE 5F LAND UNDER A DEED IN TRUST.'- By virtue of the power, of sale contained in a deed in tr.ust executed to me on the Ist, day of December, 1927, by Alex j.ef? fersbn and wife Annie Jefferson, recorded in the office of the Register of Deed? of Stokes County, N.C., In Book No. 76, page 492, to which reference is hereunto made, to secure pay ment of a debt therein rlccited in the sum' of $1647.50, dtae to 4 Alex Flippin, and pursuant to an order of the Superior Court of §tokes' County for a re-sale, default Waving been made A in tS" $ payment, .of ™ said debt, I will expose to public re-Sale, to the highest bidder foi| cash, upon thie paiem ises in Stokes County, N. C-, on SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1932, at the hoar of ope o'clock p: m. the land c6tiveyed in the trust deed, to-uut,: "Beginqng at a stake, N. 6.11 chs. to pofiiters/N. 11 1-2 degs. • W. 3.15 cik N. 19 deg.-W. 2.70 chs. N. 3aT«deg. W 2.26 chs. to persimmoA%ee, E. K. Y. back N. 75 deg. W. 4.25 chs. to a rock, N. 5 1-2 deg. W. stake in road,' , then,"with road S. 77 1-2 deg. W. 10.80 chs. to stake in road, N. 3 deg. W. 2.66 chs. to stake, S, 71 deg. W. 7.93 chs. to stake in Bj"W. George's line, South _on_.. . his lipe 13.90 chs. to pointer at Forest line, withrhis line East chs. to the beginning, -containing' 44.95 acres." This March 30, 1932. J,* REID FORREST, \ \ , Trustee- i Petrel & Petntee, Attys. —" —■ f ; NOTICE. This ia to. certify that I have this fSajr qualified as executor of the last Wfll o* H. E. Blaokburn, deceased, fand 4rll persons owjng said estate I will make payment to the under j signed immediately, and all persona holding claims against said estate \fill present them to the ' Undersigned within 12 months from | this date, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their payment, r "t'This. 25th day of March, 1932. C. A. BLACKBURN, 8x.... 514 O'Hanlon Bldg., Winston-Salem, N. C. Don't Get Up Nights This 25c Test Physic the bladder easily. Drive out impurities and excessive acids which cause ,trrltaitioa-_ that results In i€^g'pttlns. 4 baclrache. burning and gettjfttg. up..nights. BU-KETS, the ~. "fcladder phynie, containing buchu, Juniper oil, etc., works on the blad | der pleasantly and .effectively as i castor oil on the bowels. a 260 box (5 grain size) from youj* drug, gist. After four days, if not relieved ' of getting up nights go back and get .jour miojpey. You are 'pound to feel better after, this cleansing and you get your regular «leep.. Locally at

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