r WEDNESDAY, APR. 27, 1932 LITTLE STORIES OF HUMAN INTEREST Former Solicitor Geo. A. Younc->, Dr. lleid Joyce, of Wheatlan 1, Attending the l'unerul of Dr. \V. j. jj, carter. of l'ine Jlall, wu-. .Mr. „•.,] Mr- Minni-h Wii-eV of Greensboro, was a visitor here Oklahoma, who i.- attending medical v - -M here .Monday an ho.i. ~t t. ( . n ; |y and tiled nnotie. with Wair.ut «ov r . touay shaking hands with friend.-. college in Philadelphia, is here on a " a!l b " a, " r waK K. -he county election board of hi. and ,\l.-. .. .. ~,U a !ined as a,I. ' Mr. Younce eome days since an. . ... Gray, one of Winston-Salem's morit „t„,,r..i, ■ ai . . visit to relatives. Dr. Joyce will .nient.on to run .or Sheritl jn m.n.i!ra.■ the estate of h,.- nounced that he would net be a ~ , ~ beloved citizens. Dr. McCnlesri had Stokes imhih-v in ,v,,. n , .... finish his course this term, and will ,ukl " *"«»'> >n tn- D.-m.-ratic iu..i.-r, th* a:. K. .M. Wlieekw, w j,u candidate for Solicitor in the next for years Held .Mr. Cray in highest primary. Mr. farter had the distim- uV.I a: w ««lnui c.v go to Toledo, Ohio, ano do intern *wunut ' jrin,ury - esteem and never failed to visit ti.,l lion of being the llrst candidate •v. y. Mr. «,..| Mrs Wh ■, , «■■>—»«. M . Rev. and Mrs. EV.sworth Harts- . ... ~ „ Robert Mabe, one of Stokes coun. , .. ' •""'''"l- Mccset.tr> ol the boa;d. I hereon, fie'J and Mrs. \V. E. Joyce returned J - ' asg. one ot the avowed ly's (inest tobacco growers, heie .. ~ .... , . .. yesterday from attending a district candidates .oi .Sheriff in the It.*- J lurry H. Williamson. form- r . . , , . ~ „ today from the Buck Island hills. I ,„hH,.an i 'I!. T. Joyce, of Wesilield, vMi.'d conference of the M. E. church at publican piunarj, was in town yes- county commissioner, was here to. , stated that some insect wa*> making . . . ... ~. , ' * broth-r. 11. Al. Joyce, here t!i;s Elkin. terdjy >hak.ii n hands With day from pin* Hall serious ravages on tobacco plants week. Mr. Joyce is a former rii"m_ Attorney Gilmer Sparger 'and SS. i" his community. In fact this re- ~ c ~ ~, mi . ' Wof th,. stat.. Senate, having 1 M™- s - »• ollv *r "n«l Mr. and Mr-. The Ladies' Aid Society of Friend . h , , , P. Christian attended Surry county l»ort is coming in from a number cf Sm ,.. 01 , v _,. . ... ' "'"tin'tion of being eleet.d t > bmith ° lher ' of "oanoke. Va„ vve r . ship Baptist church will present a „.... . . , Superior court at Dobson today ;n sections of the county. . , . . ' '* ' was -ev^niy heie last week visiting relatives anj program on "Mother" on «aturdav connection with the trial of Colontl frlpml* , ' *' r ei>resented Snr'-y M Wesley Unville, of Walnut Cow " "' K ' ay 7lh - ilr - of and Stokes couniies Moore, negro, charged with killing ... ™'" ws ' was here yesterday returning from „ , ~ •♦•imanton, will speak on the same his brother some months since on Miss Clovis Robertson left yester. . . a visit to the parents of his wife at i„ , mjject, a ter the presentation of an 3 Mrs. W. li. Joyce are the farm of Mr. Christian, near l '®> to spend some lime with rela- . gtuart Va ,P " r " B,am - occupying a cottage at Pied.nort Westfleld, in Surry county. ' " lives in l*orsyth county. , Springs. . I . JUST ONE THING AFTER ANOTHER CARL GOERCII This same man, David Lesofsky, ol Beihaven, about whom 1 wrote last week, came into my office a day or two ago to censure me severely in connection with that story about the fur business. After the censuring had been properly attended to, we sat and chatted about this and thit —mostly that—and it was while we ■were talking that he told me about the stunt that Dr. Gibbs and two or three other friends down at Belhaven pulled off on him about three years ago. There was a certain lady in Bel * haven wio was seriously ■'ill and I about whom the entire town was | h 1 .greately concerned. It was while she wag in thiri condition that Mr. Le_ I sofsky had to leave on a trip to New j York city to buy merchandise for his store. While ho was gone, the | lady died, b t David didn't hear' about it. "How it Mrs. Illank," he inquired of Dr. Gibbs a day or two after his Ik return from New York. Doc started' k to say something and then suddenly | changed his mind. I "Poor Mrs. Blank," he murmured. I "She Is very, very sick. They just I phoned around here and wanted to I know If I couldn't get a little whisky 1 her. Haven't you got some ttont [ you could let me have, Dave?" I "Sure!" was the hearty rejoinder! I of the liberal Lesofsky. "You Ju'jt wait a minute and I'll bring you a pint. I got some real good stuff." In a few minutes he returned with a bottle. Doc thanked him for it and assured him that it undoubtedly j would do Mrs. Blank a lot of good. I Later In the day. Doc got two or three friends together an d they all drank to the health of Mr. Lesofsky. rOf pourse, David didn't know of the J honor that was being bestowed upon j him. Early -the following week, Doc! paw David again. ir "How are you, David inquired I In a somber tone of voieH) "I'm all right, Doe," Sir. Lesofsky told him. But what's the matter with you? You look kinder down and out." "I'm worried about poor Mrs. Blank," replied Doc. ij "How is she getting along?" asked , David, anxiously. "Very, very sick. I'm just looking ! around, trying to find some whisky l for her." "You just wait a minute", David \ counseled him. "I'll get you a pint." | f i "And do you know," Mr. Lesofsky ; told me, "that them darned seoun- ■ , drels kept getting whisky from ma I for about two weeks before I found | j out that the lady had died while I . wai In New York. If I hadn't accl. J dentally found out about It, there'a; no telling how long they would have j kept it up. A sorry trick, I calls It." j But Just the same, he laughed • heartily about it while telling tho | tale. N 1 PERSONAL PENCILINGS ABOUT PEOPLE YOU KNOW Attorney Gaston A. Johnson, M High Point, candidate for Solicitor in the 12th judicial district, was it the Stokes county court house yes. terday afternoon, shaking hands with friends and meeting citizens of this county. Mr. Johnson wis accompanied by Lee Gibson, promi nent business man of High Point. Mr. Johnson, who is the only op ponent of the .present Solicitor, I'. L. Koontz, of Greensboro, in til') coming primary, Is a young man. having practiced law in High Point for the past 7 years. It will be re called that Attorney McAnally, who entered the race some weeks since, has withdrawn, leaving the field to Mr. Koontz and Mr. John.«on. The time for filing for Solicitor expin d yevjterday, so that the two candidates mentioned will be the only two to be voted upon in the June primary. Mesdames S. P. Christian, J. XV. Hull, W. E. Joyce and N. K. Pepper will leave tomorrow to visit Monroe, and atlond commencement of the Monroe High School where Mi-.s Miriam Hall, of Danbury, graduate.* They will return Friday accompan ied by Miss Hall. Robt. .Sisk |spent the week-end in Winston-Salem. State of North Carolina, Department of State. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION To All to Whom These Presents .May Come—Greeting: WHEREAS, It appears to mj satisfaction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for th voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stock holders, deposited in my ofllco, thai the Bennett Mercantile Company, ,i corporation of this State, who-.e principal office is ."itualed In th» town of King, County of Stokes State of North Carolina, (T. G. New being tllo agerut therein and In charge thereof, upon whom proces. may lie served), has complied wit.' the requirements of Chni.ter £2 Consolidated Statutes, entitled "cor. porations", preliminary to the issu ing of this Certlrtcate of Dissolution: NOW, THEREFORE. I, J. A. Hartness, Secretary of the State ot North Carolina, do hereby certify that tho said corporation did, on the 2nd day of April, 1932, (lie In my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all consent and the record of ths pre. the stockholders thereof, which said consent nd the record of the pro. ceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 2nd day of April, A. D„ 1932. (Signed) J. A. HARTNESS, Secretary of State. THE DANBURY REPORTER '' Sam P. Heath, former Danbury. l " Walnut Cov« boy, now located at ■' Greenville, was here this week. Mr. - Heath buys tobacco for one of the 8 big export companies. During tlio s past season Greenville and Wilson » had quite a contest to see which - could sell the most tobacco, with '• Greenville winning, making it the - largest leaf market in the worli. '. Wilson had held the title for some •> year.-'. ( NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER DEED OF TRUST. o By virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed of trust executed 0 and delivered to me on the 29th f day of November, 1922, by John H. Joyce (unmarried) which :« record 'l ed in the office of Register Jt lj4 Heeds of Stokes County, N. ('., In Book «6. page 7«>7, to which refer ence Is hereunto made to secure tho r. payment t>f a debt therein recited In the sum of $342.50. to The Bank of , Stokes County, default having been made in the payment of said debt 1 at maturity, and the holder having ', applied to me to foreclose the trust f deed for the satisfaction of the debt secured by same, I will expose to s public sale, to the highest biddi r , for cash, at the court house door in Danbury, N. C., on— MONDAY, MAY 16, 1932, at tho hour of one o'clock p. m. ,j the land conveyed in the deed of trust, to.wlt: Lot No. 1. Beginning at a stake West side of Windmill St.. corner lot No. 03, runs North 3 degrees E. with said street 50 feet to stake, y corner lot ill; thence North 87 de grees \Y r est with line of No. 01: y i ( , i 150 feet to stake, East side Old e 1 North St.; thence South 3 degrees ie | West along Old North St. 50 feet to i stake; thence -South 87 degrees East it ' I with line of lot 03, 150 feet to be a I ■e' £' nn^n *-- See deed Dillon Hairston ie John 11. Joyce, llook OS, page 179. «, | Lot No. 2. Beginning at a stako i w on Second St.. Thena Hairston corn n er runs with Second St. East 78 fet-t to stake at North St.; thence with I North St. 105 feet to stake, corner .. lot S3; thence West 5 feet to a stake; i- thence North 150 feet with Thena Ilalrston's line to beginning. Iking i( . lot No. 71 on plat of Fulton Heights .. in Walnut Cove. ,> This the 15th day of April, 1932. >• J. W. IIALL. Trustee. ,1 —— - NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER A DEED IN TRUST. By virtue of the power of sale con. tained in a (1 etui in trust execute.! to mo on the 11th lay of I'Vbruary, 1929, l>y T. J. Corn ami wife Nannie O. Corn, recorded in the office of the Register of Heeds of Stoker County, X. C., in Hook .No. 78, at page 275, to which reference is hereunto made, to secure the payment of a debt therein recited, in the sum of {L'312.50, due to The Bank of Stoken , County, default having been made • in the payment of said debt at ma. I j turity, and the holder of same hav ing applied to me to foreclose the trust deed for the satisfaction of the 1 I , ( debt, X will expose to public sale, . | to the hiirhej&t bidder for cash, at the Court llotujp door in Danbury, X. C„ j 1 on— ' MONDAY, MAY 1(1, 19:52, v at the hour of one o'clock p. ni., ' I the land conveyed in the deed in r i trust, to-wit: i i I ' Adjoining the lands of (100. f Smith, Wesley Priddy and others,! t and containing lt!2 ac4s, more or t] less, it being the same tract of land ' conveyed in a deed from .lames W. j Corn and wife to T. .1. Corn, record. '' i cd in the cillice of the Register of Deeds of Stokes County, X. C„ in Book Xo. 57, page 345, to which' I reference is hereunto made for f ! boundaries and description, the I same as it tlicy were incorporated '! in this deed in trust." ! This the ltith day of April, 1932. X. (). PKTKKK, ' * Trustee. : | NOTICE. I I Having qualified as administratn.'s s | of tlie e.-'tate of l'owell Lawson, de_ 0 ceased, late of Stokes County, X. 0.. t this is to notify all persons having claims against tile r.-i'.ate of the nai.l | deceased to exhibit them to the 11 1 undersigned on or before tile 23 'd '• day of April, 1933, or this notice wISI j be pleaded in bar of their recovery. . All persons indebted to said estate t will please make immediate payment., I Tills 22nd day of April, 1932. 1 P. !•:. I.AWSOX and K1.1.1S I.AWSOV, ' 1 Admrs. of the estate of Powell | • I.awson, deceased, i J. W. Hall, Atty. NOTICE. Having qualified as administrators j of the estate of Mrs. Rendu I.awson. j deceased, late of the county f iStokes, State of Xorth Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims to exhibit them to the undersigned against the estate of said deceased on or before the 23rd day of April, 1933 or this notice will be pleaded ill bar of their recovery. All persons j Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This 22nd day of April, 1932. P, K. I.AWSON and RLMS I.AWSOX, Admrs. of the estate of Mrs. Renda I.aw.von, deceased. J. W. Hall, Atty. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER A DEED IN TRUST By virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed in trust executed i to nie on the 30th day of May,! 1927, by 11. A. Ftllp and wife hula .!. | Fulp, recorded in the office of the Register ot Heeds of Stokes X. C„ in Book Xo. 7«, at page -117.1 to which reference is hereunto mad.', j to secure the payment of a debt ' therein recited, due to N. o. I'etree, default having been made in the® payment of said debt at the mat nr.' ity thereof, and the holder of the debt having applied to me t,, fore, closi* tho trust deed for t}i«* s.-iils ( faction of the dobt, I -will 4XpOS«* public sale to the highest bidder for t cash, at the Court House door in i Uunbtiry. X. C„ on— i j S.VItItO.W. MAY '2 I ST. I»:!2, !at the hour of 1 o'i lock p. in., a i .-'trip of land cintu'iiing 3.7 X acre.-, more or less, on the Kast side i f l.ot Nn. 4. in tli" partition of the. | lands of Will. 11. Tillolson. decent" !, ■ assigned 'ii M. K. C.Kll.'p, said j tract being 21 chain* long by l.sa chains wide, and helm; a part tract Xo. 7. conveyed in tin. I in trust above named. | This the I Mil day i f April .1932. w. u. #i:ti:ki:, i » v ' Trust-. ; NOTICE OF SALE OF RE AI ESTATE. , Xorth Carolina, ' i Stokes County. In the Superior Court, j By virtue of an order made by •I. Watt Tllttle, clerk of th.« Supi'i'ior Court of Stokes County, on the 13t'i day of April. 1932. In a special pro. feedings entitled. "W. I!. Mitch. 11, I petloner vs. Mrs. Ida Parks, 11. O. ' Mitchell, II .». Mitchell, et 11, 11. - j fondants," the undersign".| cininii--1 sinner, will on MONDAY, MAY 23, 19.52. fit 2 o'clock I*. M., ir/ tho j»r*'i)iis . at King, X. *.. in Si4iU« s County, offer fop sa!«' to t!». htah«-«it 1»:«!1« v . for cash upon confirmation. 1«i pr , cont. to bo )»!«1 at t:111«* ot' sale, J evidence of good faith. the fi.l%. ._ . ing lot** oj pajv« Is of land up«n ( which tboro is a brlek *®tii?v b ii!dii . ; to_v.it: Xos. 13 11, 1.1. «»i i j.' it iim.li' I for tho ISlito 11. 1-r- ?*'urnitur.' i'oni* j pan.v. Inf., on t ii«> ;>I-t «l»>- of ncto -1 her, i!»-.■>, and recorded in th* II- - . i tor of Deeds Oflb'O ill' Stoko* t'oUHt;". North t'arolina, in a 2«l book 7'. page si» !#. ! Second Lot. Beginning at the| corner of lot number J 5 on tho | Southside of a ton foot alb y an 1 | runs thonco S. 71 degrees •!•"> niinu:-- Kar«t 43 feet to an iron phi; th«*n« .• j South 1•» degrees West about 55 :V t' to an iron stako, sixio.-n foot from i lino of tho South lino of lot num ber 13 on said plat if continued with tho »amo dogroo, this location being PAGE THREE the X. H!I« of A sixteen. foot di .ve„ way for the us,, of th«. factory >n said J.lat: thence with th,. n edno of said drlve.way X. 7li i'v West 43 feet to the line of lot nu.v.. j ber J .'{; thence Xorth lti decree- 5:. I with ihe linepi of lots 13, J4, i*. I Hfty-niile r,!M feet to the be. i. I This lot k located t» "iv roar ol lotrt di'scribod on said t* I «'s J3, 14, ] ;>. This ataij bcin,; th«» plat al»ovo described. 'Said 1 1 being situated in the town of K 1 x. J hiid J ICING U»T NUMB' .* '" r 'be property «.r tile lihie Kiirnitlire Mft. Co., inc.. .is ui\■ ! by T. 11. .Met'uryro. Jr.. said iil.it 1.- . recorded in the ottic,. of Iti.jsiste Deeds stokes County, lVook 71. . 55! i. The nliove descriptions ar» in*. !- ' ed to cover ail iv.il ,-tate ... ; the |ic:itioner ami th" d«■ f• • nl jointly at Kinir. Xonh Cir».'!na. This .April li'. 11l *J. 1!. liKlli. i 'o:.nnis/dor W. 1!. Had- :t, A:t;.\ NOTIC E OF TTVLE. T.'nder and by vlrtu» of an • Vt nf the Superior Court of (in:. I County, i.iadv in the si ceediiif.- "initl>.| "T Settle (Srnh :v. • Adinr. C. 'J*. |). I'. x. of ■!•: est.il of J. .M. Calloway, dec • : . \f. Jlarmiret i !.• How.. Keel J husband, I).mils Kc 1, Ma. .. r i (Julluw iv Keel, (ittardian of I saret llaviland (!;il'(nvay and ■ dolyn i liveson tialloway, Mine • Murnaivt llaviland and Dm •• jliivesoii rial!,may. liittio Shafc. i i Chalmers and l>o)!i.. S- a: cy." :h. ib l'-ici.ed ("•>iiiliil-.-Sn:• w:!!, «> \vi:i>\i:si»ay. may 11111. a- o'clock I'. M . th. hull-" door ill Stoke* c : > I ty. lianlitiry, Xorth c.iin>l:u.i. ! for rile to the lliuhe-t l.ldd. :• '• ! cash, th.. following : r.e of ' sltliail.l ill St«llS«'f» C ill!";. til . ; sc:'! 11,■.1 ;,S follows T-... Xo. 1: Tr.icis ! •> Clu-ivc ti.e Wirt.Mi . hell ■ i as shown by map '.lv i- of ma . Sin riini'i i' oil:*• ,1-r, K . • ord in I) I l!o'.l 7' I'. i cnnia!nii::r a to* il oi 1 5 ! ja* will .1..,. I f. I- ll", ■ map. wliieh ■ i conn !u • is iiy !•« :■ r:: in id • a pall i. Tract Xe, J: Tract- nuiiibi ; j -1. 12. 13. 11. 1.-,. 17. Iv, I'l. . • and 3ii. con ainin- a t«>tal o | acre--, known as the >•.:; ; i Stok' .4 County, a- shown I made by Sherman clo.lfelti r. c i : |of record in 1'- •.1 15. ok 71. ; .j j .in.' Register of li. . ,is oni. Stokes County, in 1 which 1. • i '• enco is made a part hoivif. Tills the !>til day of April, ItKlj T. SKTTI.i: (lU.MIA.M Comniifi:-

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