THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 60. STOKES SHORT . ON AUTOMOBILES SOME SEVEN HYNDRED LESS NOW THAN A YEAR A/GO— FIGURES FOR OTHER NORTH CAROLINA COUNTIES. Raleigfh, May B.—Stokes county citizen* owned 1875 automobiles and 200 trucks on April Ist, as compar. Ed with 2750 automobiles and 175 trucks on April Ist, 1931. it Is shown by a compilation mde in the office of L. S. Harris, Director Of the> Motor Vehicle Bureau. The average fod each of the 100 counties April Ist of this year was 2,579 automobiles and 484 trucks, as com pared with 2,986 automobiles and 422 trucks on April Ist, 1931. North Carolinians had a total of 306.339 motor vehicles at the be. ginning of this month, including 257,898 automobiles and 48,441 trucks. The total number is about 34.000 less than the 340,838 motor vehriclea licensed in the State a year ago. While the number of automo .bile** droppied from 298,628 a year ago to 257,898 at the beginning of this month, the number of trucks showed an increase, from 42,215 a year ago to 48,441 at the begin ning of thto month. The report shows that 1,650 of the automobiles and 770 ol the trucks licensed in the State ar? own. Ed by non-residents, while 650 motorcycles are In operai> i. 1 Guilford leads in automobiles with 18.660, which is a drop fro A 22,250 a year ago; Mecklenburg has ; 6.395, 04 compared with 19.975 a yi ar ago; Forsyth hah 13.535 now as compare" with 15,775 a year ago; Wake h;-j 11.400 end had 12,135 a year ago- Bunoonrbe's automobiles dropped from 11,475 a year ago to 9.955 now. Chatham county lhas only 3t> automobiles and Clay only 38. Mecklenburg leads in trucks with 2,860, increased from 2,600 a year ago; Guilford is second with 2,620 and had 2,200 a year ago; Forsyth has 2,350 and had 2,010 a year ago; Wake has 1,825 and 1,800 a year ago; Buncombe has 1,800 now and had 1,675 a year ago. while Durham has 1,265, as compared with 1,000 a year ago. The count Is made, Mr. Harris pointy out, by counting and nieaau;-. ingr a stack of the cards on file in his office then maasudingr the cards, each representing a licence issued, for each county, making the count accurate to a dozen or two in each county. Announcement. I hereby announce n.jself a candi date for Sheriff of Stokes county, subject to the action of the Repub lican primaries In June. I will sin cerely thank my friends throughout the county for their support. M. J. FAGG. j Danbury, N. C., May 4, 1932. Jf' Announcement. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the lower house of the Gen ) eral Assembly, on the Democratic ticket, subject to the action of the June primary. I will appreciate the support of all my friends. , J. 8. GARNER, King. N. C. Established 1872. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, May 11,1932. THE CONTEST FOR STOKES SHERIFF FOl'R REPUBLICAN" CANDIDATES A X D THREE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES ENLIST FOR THE FRAY—LARGE VOTE EXPECT. ED AT THE PRIMARY. Two more Stokes citizens made formal announcement last week they v-ould he candidates In the Juno primary for Sheriff of stokes oounity, i*cth s. .uiemen being affiliated with the Republicon party. The citizens announcing are Hobai-t Browder. of Germanton, and M. J. Fagg, of Danbury Route 1. Mr. Browder Js a brother of Robali Browder, who served as register of deeds in Stokes one term, being succeeded two years ago by B. P. Bailey, the present register. Mr. Fagg was a candidate in the primary two years ago for Sheriff and was defeated by J. R. Nunn, who in the election was defeated by J. John Taylor, the present Sheriff. The other Republican candidate tor Sheriff is J. R. Xunn, making four Republicanh in the raca in Stokes this year so far. On the Democratic side Sheriff Taylor, who will be a candidate again, it* opposed by Joe Carter, of Pine Hall; E. O. Creak, man, of Walnut Cove, and Harvey Johnson, of German'ton. The pri. Mary race bids fair to he Interesting thiis year in t:>« vote for Sheriff 'n both parties. On account of the fact that there are so many candidates in the race for the several offlcoj it is predicted that Stokes will cast an unusually heavy vote in the pri. mary. Another Candidate For Legislature James W. Young was in Winston- Salem, Tuesday. He has enlihted in the race for the Legislature from Stokes, making his announcement elsewhere in the Reporter. Mr. Young us well and favorably known to the people of the county, having served as member of the county highway board, as well as held other positions of public lionor and irust. Mr. Young will no doubt make a strong run for this office. As competitors he has E. W. Car. roll. Jack Thone. A. R. Phillips and E. C. Gann. Morris Thornton, recently deliver, ed to Stokes county authorities by Winston-Salem officials, and who has been held in the county Jail wm« weeks, was transferred to the coun ty home yesterday. Thornton has been adjudged an imbecile. A. R. Phillips, of Dalton, one of the candidates for House of Rep resentatives on the Democratic ticket in Stokes, was in Danbury today on business. Announcement. ■I hereby announce myself as can didate for the office of Register ol Deeds of Stokes county on the Re. publican ticket, subject to the June primary, as I have been requested by several friends and .voters, I am in favor of a substantial reduction in the salaries of office., holders such as was adopted by the Republican bounty convention of April. I think we should be interested In the welfare of our country and business interest than public politics such as hedng per. (tonally obnoxious to another. If the public should see fit to nominate and elect me I promise to give them my best service. I strive to make Mfe worth while to myself and others. Yours respectfully, W. R. BOLES, King, N. C. I L % % 0 o \ \ \ \ % „ Mfc g | | Q ALBERT 11. PHILLIPS. A | I 1 \ > § 00000000000000000000000000000000 NORTH CAROLINA LOSES THE PRICE CANDIDATES FOR MATRIMONY' GO TO PATRICK TO ESCAPE ; PHYSICAL EXAMINATION -- I GANN OFFERS TO REMEDY DEFECT. Register of Deeds B. P. Bailey kas not issued a marriage license' since April 20th. but this should not be construed to mean that Stokes couples are not getting mar-1 ried. They are going to Virginia ! and to South Carolina to wed. E. | Carr Cann, one of the Democratic candidates for the Legislature say*' that the reason North Carolina is losing the price of all these marriage licenses is that the couples are re quired to undergo a physical exam. : lnation here, and he puts it in his platform that if hie should be elect ed he will get this law repealed of at least he will make a deaperata effort to do so. As evidence that Stokes couples are getting marriage licenses in Virginia, during April the Patrick county. Va., clerk issued the follow ing licenses to Stokes couples: W. Howard Jessup, of Stokes, and Esther Wade, of Guilford; Orvloe V. Smith, of Istokes and 'Kmily Sue Pratt, of Leaksville; Carl Hill and Ruby Plasters, both of Stokes; Percy Fry and Ruby Over by, both of Stokes; Thomas Smith and Vera Mabe, both of Stokes; Howard Cox and May Olive France, both of Stokes; Russell Hairston and Minnie Viola Eckles. both of Stokes. Couples from other points in North Carolina secured marriage license at Stuart, Va., during April as follows: Benton Blackard and Ethel Wade, both of Greensboro; Roscoe Brans, combe, of Cape, and Dora C Hill, of Xft. Airy; Conrad George, of Francisco, and Margorie V. Ep. person. of The Hollow: Carlyie Scott and Katie Summerlln, both of Mt. Airy; Earl L. Smith and Pansy E. Allen, both of Winston. Sasem; Charles G. Allen and Esther M. Mozelle, of Advance. It is interesting to note in con. aection with the Issuance of these marriage licenses that there were nine suits for divorce filed In Pat rick county. Va., duding the past month . First Tobacco Set Out Near King The first transplanting of tobacco heard of this seown le reported to have bMn done the past week by Kirk of the King section. Dennle Jones, here from that com munity today, stated that Mr. Boyles hod "vtsplanted about one acr*. POLITICAL POT BOILING IN COUNTY 1 DEMOCRATS CONFIDENT THEY WILL RE-ELECT ENTIRE I TICKET—JOHN TAYIjOR THE PARTY'S STRONG MAN. H. H. BROWN, deputy Sheriff of King. Yadkin township, was at the Reporter office today. In dkcus.sing the political situation in the run. j ning before the primary, etc., Mr.: Brown gave it as his opinion that the | Democrats will again sweep the I county and elect their whole ticket. The people, he believer, are suf ficiently amused with Hoover prw.s. ferity, and will vote the Democratic | ticket this year—not only in nation and State, but in Stokes county. Mr. Brown thinks that while other good men have entered the primary for Sheriff, and Jlf elected would make good officers, however. that John Taylor is (the partyVi stronv man. He thinks the :>v»#ont Sheriff will be re-elected by an increased majority. Woman Mayor Elected Columbus county has just elected its first woman mayor, Miss Minnie Williamson. She was elected by a vote of 43 over M. B. Kellihan, and W. H. Walker. Voters of the North Carolina town. Gerro Gordo, set another precedent when they elected broth, ers of the new Mayor to member shape on the board of alderme.i They are A. J. Williamson and W. M. Williamson. Announcement. To the Voters of Stokes County: I hereby announce myself a candi date for House of Representatives on the Republican ticket of Stokes county, subject to the primary to-be held on June 4th. If nominated and elected I will fuithfully represent all of the people of Stokes county to the beat of my ability. I stand for rigid economy in both county and State governments, with the elimination of unnecessary offices. DR. R. H. MOREFIELD. 2mayJw | A. R. PHILLIPS ! FOR LEGISLATURE NEPHEW OF THK LATE JOHN Y. PHILLIP* OF DAI/TON—IN. TERESTED IN EDUCATION AN 11 AGRICULTURE. One of the leading candidates for •the Legislature. su'jjei-t to the Democratic primary in June, is Al bert R. Phillips, of Dalton. Yadkin township. Mr. Phillips waas born and reared in Stokes county, being a son of the late Dr. M. D. Phillips, of Dal ton, and a nephew of the late John Y. Phillips, who practiced law in Stokes county, represented Stokes in the legislature in the year ISSJ. and was register of deeds for a number of years. Albert R. Phillips is a graduate of Wake Forest icollege with years of post graduate, work. He has taught five years as principal of schools in North Carolina. H? spent three years as business man. j ager of "Young Men's Collew" at ' Buenos Aires, the capital of Argen. tina. in South America. Mr. Phillips has in recent years' lived at Dalton. where he has mas. aged his father's farming Interests. He is deeply interested in educi i tional work, and is highly com pet- j ent as a teacher. He is especially interested in the States' and county's j agricultural interests. recognizing the difficulties and overburdene.i condition of farmers at this time. | He believes, above all things, that | | home ownership is the basis of sound | and stable government. Mr. Phillips stands for econony |in county and State government, in the revaluation of farm lands an i j other real estate at their cash valu?. j He favors the entire elimination of taxes on land that bears growing I Umber except a severance tax. He proposes the elimination of the 15.-\ advaiorem tax. and In the Suite's full support of the schools, and that text books should be furnished to all children free of cost. Mr. Phillips is a young man of | earnestness of purpose and of high j ideals for the promotion of educx. I tion and the relief of agriculture. fpipis= Vise and Ohrvis ( By W. P- Murray. Things easily obtined are easily lost. Joy, weo-e it permanent. would become hundrum and monotonous. It is the temporary enterception of grief that makes possible the re tention ot' pleasure with all of its enchanting splendor. Anger reveals ones' weaknesses: Calmness and self-control, one's strength. Good living is natural living; natural living is good living. Any. thing that is in harmony with na ture is good: anything that is good is in harmony with nature. Evil is both naturally and spiritually in. harmonious. Self-confidence incurs the confidence of others. Number 3,725 PRIMITIVE BAPTIST FUNCTION SUNDAY j HAITISM I\ |».\x ItH'KR AT l>A .\ Bin V ATTKA TS UVHfiK CROW I)—!»I.TAILS OP THE O:rkmo\Y. The Primitive Baptist* of North j View church, just east of Danbury, | held one of their 1111 pressive bap. | tismal services here Sunday morn* ing when Mw D. S. Priddy immersed in Dan river by elder Watt I'riddy. A large congregation assembled for the wrvice. After ringing s-onie of the good old hymnd as the audience stood on the bajik of the stream, the officiating minis, ter made some appropriate remaxkJ and offered prayer. The candidate for baptism was then led down into I the stream and immersed th* ; minister. Immediately following th« | immersion the congregation san« | again and alter handshaking and Isood fellowship the audience dis. persed. going back to North View ! church where services were held at 11 o'clock. These kool people, be lieves that immersion is essential in baptlwm. and as said before the service is a must impressive one. Announcement. At the request of my friends. I have decided to offer myself a ran. didate for the Democratic nomina tion for th ■ legislature from Stoker county, subject to the action of the primary. If nominated and elected. I pledge myself to stand for the interest of the farmer!# and the common people , and I will ap preciate! the support of all my friends in the county. JAMKS W. YOI'.VG. While the time for tiling notice of candidacy for office expire* tn ten days, only aix candidate* have actually filed in Stokes, and hre« of these were for the office of con. stable. There are probably more candidates than ever known before, but they are slow to tile. Thoee who have filed so far are A. R. PhlL. j lips, for the House, J. H. Carter, for Sheriff, both Democrats; H. FJ. Carter, for Register of Deeds. Re publican; D. C. Wood. Bob Simmons and Sam Woods, all Republicans, for Constable. In genera!. Mr. Phillips declares that if nominated and elected he will support any and every measure that might tend to the betterment of the condition of ithe people of Stokes county, as well as the citizens of tho State as a whole. Perfection i«i moulded from the material «f imp«M-t'ectlons. Pain breaks the monotony of 1 ease; ease relieves the misery o£ pain. Man kills the snake with calm unim passioned premeditation; the snake attack* nian out of sheer fear and for self_pr«wervatlon; and then only when molested. The decree of evil is determined, not by the evil itself, but by th* view-point of the individual. 1» some evil ts Justifiable and Rood; ti» others good seems undesirable and j wrong. r * Envy Is the exaggerating of anetlu er's ability, and the mitigating «f one's own.

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