WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 1932 'local news items. Elder Jas. A. Fagg, of Winston- Salem, was here last week en route to Lawsonville to visit his mother, j Mrs. J. L. Fags, who has been lil; (M for some time. Mr. Fagg will be I associated ,thia seijson with Frank of Winston-Salem, in th? | operation of Brown's tobacco ware house fn that city. J. A. Phillips, of Wln*ton.S:ilem.' captured recently by State highway patrolmen with liquor on his car, was released from Strike.- j:*.i 1 Fri dy on S2OO bond. His ca■' f will bo j heard at the nest term of Pfokes, Superior coi:r .t Anr.cuncerr. r r.! ; ; liav ju.-t been re-ceiv.-d here of th» nvarriow on June 15th of Miss Francos Edger iton, of Golds bo ro, to Mr. Francis Alexander Pcnland, of Beech. Miss Edgei ten is v; ll rermmb-red hr» | -w I where she taught in the schools and her many friends will be in terested to know of her mrriage. C. C. Taylor, of Maiden, Catawba oounty, planted 800 bushels of eee.l sweet potatoes this spring so th.n he could fill his new curing -this fall. Advertise In Tlic Danhury lie. porter for results. Mary Vaughn Lewenllyn, who was operated on for appendicitis at a Winston-Salem hospital recent ly, has returned to her home and is Improving ni-cely. Advertise in The Danhury Re. porter for result*. 4 , HOOTS MOTOR CO. W General Autoßepairing Washing, Greasing-, Simonizing, Polish ing and Waxing. All Work Guaranteed. OUR MOTIVE: Service and Satisfied Customers. 635 N. Trade St. OPPOSITE DOUGLAS BATTERY CO. Office Dial 8431 Residence 2-0553 Bear /J§ • Align - ?J ent W Means: The proper correction of: Shimmy, hard Bteering, weave and wonder tire wear; all of which are the direct cause of misalign ment of the axles and wheels. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING to know the true condi tion of this part of your car, drive in and get a free check-up. We have the best (equipped shop in the State for this par ticular work. BEAR ALIGNMENT SHOP 709 A North Trade St. Phone 5914 NOTE: Heat will ruin your axle; we straighten them cold in the car. Reduces Charity Bill (Con.inucd from pug" 1.) horn? demonstration Co'V consider ' the most nutritious of all canned goods. She will use the tomatoes, okra, bean.-, and corn now ripen in?? J for this purpose and say.-i she w'il ' liil 3,000 cans before the garden i: I j exhausted. ' Dan bury M. E. Church ELLSWORTH HAKTSFIELD, Pastor. Ist Sunday—Bethesda, 11 a. m.; Forest Chapel, 3 p. m.\ i Pine Hall, 7 p. m. 2nd Sunday—Davis' Chapel 11 a. m.; Vade Mecum, 3 p. m.; Danbury, 7:15 p. m. 3rd Sunday—Pine Hall, 11 a. m.; Forest Chapel, 3. p. m. J 4th Sunday—Danbury, 11 a m. Davis Chapel, 7 p. m. sth Sunday—Eleven o'clock services distributed amongr the several churches. Watch foi special announcements. Sunday Schools at the churches. 10 a. m. Epworth Leagues at Pine Hall and Be thesda. Missionary societies a 1 Pine Hall and Danbury. Unior prayer meeting at Danbury Macon county farmers made r, start with lespedeza this spring bj seeding 300 acres on the smai grain. The crop js looking tint since the reoent rains. J. T. Albritton of Calypso har. vested an average of 100 buslhels u No. 1 Irish potatoes per acre ovei the greater part of his farm th. l season. THE DANBURY REPORTER - Mr. Rector Keeps Cool ' h .1 » GEORGE RECTOR v GEORGE RECTOR is one of that group of almost legendary fig -1 ures "who made Broadway Broad- | way," for it was at Rector's In the | golden days before the War that a. the notables of New York gathered to eat and drink and be gay. Mr. j Rector, as active and zestful as j , ever, loves to recall the time when ,K contract bridge was merely whist , lg 1 and an after-theatre supper con i slsted of seven courses instead of )!'' a bowl of lettuce and three soda j I crackers. Strangely enough, one I of Rector's most famous beverages | I was. and still is, an extremely I le legal drink—Frosted Coffee. Here u i Is his recipe: 1 quart strong coffee (». f. 1 cup cream | Ms pint vanilla Ice cream it! '.4 cup powdered sugar Chill freshly-made coffee. Add 'II 1 the sugar, cream, and half the Ice j cream. Shake or stir until thor oughly blended. Pour Into glasseß I containing crushed ice, topping a j each with a spoonful of ice cream. V | NOTICE. i.l | Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Jn.»per C. Tuttie, ne deceased, notice is hereby given ail jM-r.-"or.« holding claims again:; said estate to present them for pay ment, duly authenticated, to the undersigned on or by the 2nth daj of of June, 1833, or this notice wii pl , be pleaded in bar of their recov er.v. All perfon* indebted to sa'd i estate are respectfully notified te | mai" immediate payment to me. _| Thi.- l.'th day of June, 1032. Ml MANIE TfTTI.E, Administrator. P -troe Pftree, Attys for Adm. i ! A la:--.; moving van of the Dish r t Transfer Co., at Winston-Salem, here Monday with a party of Wal i k' rtov.-u young people out on a pie. r.k\ had to discharge part of the , load at Danhury and telephone for another van to carry in about 15 ol ' the party. It seemed to be a case of J overloading. I i Twenty farms in Tyrrell county i have cleaned out their rat popula. , tion by using the poisoned bait rec. i ommended by the county farm ! apent. >■ j » Portrait in Platinum • JEAN HARLOW NOT the most unfortunate of young ladies is Miss Jean Har low, she of the platinum top', ster ling sUver personality, and soUd gold movie contract. There Is no brase in Miss Harlow's makeup. Slim and dainty, she takes life with a quiet zest, and begins each shin ing day with a cup of fragrant coffee, as shown in the above dia gram. In the trunk space usually reserved by traveling actresses for spangles and sequins, Miss Harlow packs aprons and house dresses, and when she stops at hotels they are apartment hotels with kitchens where she can putter in the pan try. She likes to cook, and It is estimated there are 4,877,888 young men who would like her to cook for them. This is considered to be impossible by Miss Harlow and her mother and father, who travel with her. She particularly likes to make her own coffee because she likes ber own coffee. Poor Print NOTiV M. j I tliMtft and by virtue of the powsr ' of kilv' oi j-t.i! r.0.1 !n i o :■ 'I-i !■••)! a of trust. ■! ?•;.• It. T. I'riddy a::.! wit •. LS I:.. Ma,- Pridly, on the ' Mill day i i February, 1;I3», J, i». Humphre. *. tru.-100. to - -t-. th t . , payment of a debt tin r« :n r.. 3 - 'l, o tl.o vani•» belnu re.'nrdtd In~":lT •' office • f •!:•• i:-.rV v r D dp -if Stokes C. y. x. c., in D >.>k N 7•.ai ; • -l v 7. . i'.i.t . >. .. I.i-.l- 111 -n• , ; | 1,.. ,• j 111,,!1 ■ • 1. ;y. j ho,I •• -I „r ~ > ;i; ,. '• j plication ta l..uv j.:;. trust for j • II"! v. i:i. mi tv. !: ,1 I day of A n.-t. 1032, Hi t!l> h-air i,f f ( 1 ovarii 51.. at the h tu,. I door 111 l : -,VII f ,t Dun'x.iry, X. C . I: ' '' "i" •• t ; :: "••• Jon t- !h«» I' | iiirii-st i i'.i r the rii:.,v. cj | lag ib-scr. .1 lands conveye.i ; n sail d.'Od of ~ "rS-4Tlr.» ,M_l :if ■, Win::Ml o!tl oorn-r. running North nr. S.hel. T ion's Un» 120 poles to pointers, torn, rly U'h.iloek's corner; i*.h-nce Last so : to a willow on the s M est ha:.]; if Lit;:-, snow Creelt. near a *?.rin* at a poplar tr«.. : I: ft nor s, h | I'n j, :, s to a whl .„_ , on.;, l»- a; vn's line; :ht-ncp AVes; 80 poles to t!,.. begli r..t:g, containing *"• •:••• • •' ■>. r-lj tlio s latid* of r» S. P: • Ty, .1 \v. T: :.,•!«_ . m-'ftoti I • .ourij 'r.tot. Containing f13,:i." I acres. nit. •oi ...... ,p j. f..;; v . -.1 I . PiJddy and wife A:. - Priddy. to n W. 11 Inm !■'. r.. (iat.-d .M •i- Ij 1 l-\ Ifj.i. ;• o |in :i]o . ;n... . !h " R"«i-:«r «f n• N , , st..i : . .1 ; . Ctr>.:inn. ,:i i: N'o. i.'j it j,..,: ;>vt, which dooi! r .."1 ,t- : latioii r«f is a lHi. by t;i )•„. ,i*sorl:.tlon att l 0 'tho U'ser.theroin oont.iim'.] Is ; !n wpora'i-d Into th.V instrument nt part hereof, thsaid lands adjoin. if Iriß th« lands of n. Pil.bly, j. av. ~ Throckmorton. J. \V. .«h ltoii, \\\ f. ~ Priddy and Jo t . slnr:ln" 1 v Th: f - 11-th day of ,1 r'y, 1 f»32. J llfMriinilV.-', Adntx. of .1. n. Hiinit hivys, Trnste*'. n. J. Scott, Attorney. X O TIC K. 3!. vVI tUv- ot :-.ty i-..nt .I:: .i ' >l AdiiiinUtrutrls, c T. A., v.. j onl 1 i| , x £ll inv or An;r>T, | | - «.V. -;j ... li. r K -'. In c. "y, - : !.. ! J -.ho il ... st .... .. ; , !|p , : |, «:• tt.i. iii itlon. tl. • ; , i •! ! i' , lo.'.vli: f 1- • .1.1 in« mi ir, l;.in >.■ j. 1 F'lllU Xo .l- Jl.-A .•: 1 j .f -Vort'i 33 .|. _;r •. j ,r. 1 , , •. i ! • o an iron stnkv i?i N. p. r« • •/. lilt-; til n X.'l",h :,| u. .: i \Vf,.t 3.' l 1 ileitis t.l a bla.ltja.:; X..rh y K. Pn .-•on corn' r. Xi.rth h .1- AVf.s- 20.ji| dialii:-i tn ro'-k i.i!. ;11 W. .1. i* tjlk's 1 in; th« n X.'J th .s J■ _ " Kl'' i s \Ves,t with l-'u!i;'.s lino ' . : a chuiiits to I''ulk'.s ro»'k th* 'i North r. 1.2 decrees Kast !.:>rhaln with Kuik's lino .to Wa!t r Tuttb-'s rock cirnor in Falk's lini't Mi- n ' North HU dcm-M'.- U'fw on Tut:!■■'., | line 1 -:40 chains to a pino itunip' Tnttlo's iHirnt'r; then South t !.. . grees W' w'th I*m* and William 1 Kni'.'.lu i lino | i,"7 c.iuins tn an Iron j stake X. ii. Preston's rorner; 'h i: j South 7 degrees WV.- t 3.Ml chains | passim- a stake in State I lull way ' right of way to the corner of 11i« h_ j way Xo. lili; thou South i>2 1.2 do.] jsreos Mast with center of Highwy | Mi chains. South 4S degrees Ka-t 3i» I chainri to a point in center of High, way opposite lion stake on North east side of Highway, corner of lot No. 3•». William Knighit's property, Book «t), page 2Oil, Hegister's of Stokes County. H. H. Tutlle's corner; then from center of High way Xorth 42 1.2 degrees Ea.«t to H. H. TuMle's corner; thence con. tinues North 42 1.2 degrees East with Tuttle's line 1.37 chains to center of railroad tract: then with center of raillnoad track South 52 1.2 degrees East 1.43 chains to an iron stake; then North 33 degrees East 37 links to the beginning, contain, ing 42.acres, niort rr less. Also lots is to 2ii inclusive as shown by lot of tihe property of W. 51. Knight, deceased, made by E. N. Hodsin, engineer, dated Jan. 1 1027, and on record in the otlice of the Register of Deeds ot Stokes County, and any and all other lots described on said plat belonging to the estate of W. 51. Knight. This July 0, 1032. ESSIE ftiAY .rrcssup, Adm* C. T. A., of \V. 51. Knight, deceased. W. 11. Biulgett, Attorney. i IM.'l'OiiT OF 11' * «»> !i-£ j. >■» >. ' The Bank of Pinnacl?! I' >■•'•••, North Cirollnn, t. Hi I -'oniniis-ciinr of tianks at .it i'.-- | !'I I .-I.' • -1.1 -he 8' ii day . • .11.. • j isrsorm ms. .•ans and i. • - r.s .. M 2.''"!.'-' "'in '• lid KJ\- nr. • . . 2.47". ii j • i 'a V !.:■ : Am ii.: ■ ■ ' i-':> I*. :n ji- ' t t;:..T I I' ■' :• It- M-' . •• .... To; 1 ;• i.i vnsf.rrn:-;. ' S ''i 1"... 1 In .... .- J H."it.i i | i'ii.i v i (x-1 &'■■■■> • • t) 122.1; lb '. •! ; I• .•••' ; :„r * a»>s. ■ I'i:-.I li.-.f-rtt tn..-,. rj-h r iJ-.,-i-s Hul.j. -t m [•"■ is! ■ Ch . I:s Out." 'i !. .'tig 57 ritni' Certliloa'.es et ij.- po-:,. ID'].: «ii: r,y Aft'r S" 1 > iy• i ir,.i:;j.i., >av;r~.' Df [KJ-.'s (13i..- i.'i or Af.'-r 30 D-iys) i;. 7 11. ! XnXil liMy-'.ide x.x;; T.'t I ~71 st , • x«. **i -Tin:*. County ■•! S .ikts, E::.. % ti it, Ci. bier .1. !!. St.lllo, IMrretor, art 1 T .1. Itol. s. IJ: • tb • r. : t: of I'lati ic • «.oeh i . ,t. •• ■•■i'p' it. d i . tl.s ,1 ..• i' •!. ' •!■ Iy t-v.... :.. . ... •, > ll'l!.-' If, -ays '' at ';. ;• . report trie -to tb ■ b. -t u : hit. v.l at*.. tt ,: 1 b- Kef. J. ELLIS f'OoX, fa-hl. r. J. R. STONE, Till' ct. >. .1 HOLES, Ul|. S'.v«'l'n ':•! an.! ,-f.b-erib. I !«..•• :•> me this t!io 12th tiny of July, 103'. E. P. STOXE, Xcitary l»tb!If. WAXTKH —nt:y board ft r ..i.iti. til- r In "Xch irge f- r 1> •- r..s lit j-Ia• ... voice and exj ro.slon. J. IKVINO BOLT, 1? a'i, Fl.i. A SHOE SALE | } For the WHOLE Family | I OPENS THURSDAY MORNING PRJCCS Thompson Shoe Store 442 Trade St. Winston-Salem, N. C. Careful Cleaning EXPERT DYEING j Send us your most delicate garments. NOT I IIK.XI' WOIIK IHT GOOD WOltii tllj:.\l\ UNIQUE Cleaners & Dyers Cash and Carry Kcpuirint; and Altering Specialty. 1041 N. Liberty Street Wiii«*onJSaloiii, N. '. high School Students - We invite your attention to the advan tages of Glade Valley High School Glade Valley, N. C. A standard High School course plus training in public speaking, Christian leadership, music and sewing. Rates reas onable. No extra charges. Write for catalogue. REV. C. W. ERVIN, Principal E. B. ELDRIDGE, Supt. PAGE THREE ! Eep'/ r '. cf the ('•Hi.'ii.-m of tl:e | STATE PLANTERS iJANh lAt W limit C \>, North Caio j !i*:a, to the Commissioner of j Es;r.!"« at th-.- close of hu.uiK'-'.s •" : the 'J'H! ;'iiv ot June 1 RESOI'RCES | 1 : 'I .. . ; I > ' ' * -• ' v ■ •• • \ . . „ 11 ■ ' -.1 I! ■_ I . '. ' ! ■• • " I- ll' i T : (.' .! ■ I ' • ''• i ' . n•• j-. . » MAIULIHES '■ I -1 >•••■•• • i !• ' M I f: ' i I': . I \ • r:.--• l-vv.l fill- 11. Pr .• II ■ ii:..-.... i . !. , t V K .•« 1 !••!•■ -• .... : > «'!:• . . «! ■! I ft-.. :'s C i!j ml. Vm '■ :■ •; - it- - 11. _ !>'.;•• on : A : 3 I I) i>v -IT J:• .• I S. . .'n. - !••;.. : - (hi. . ! •'•■ A:' M '> i\ - > i • - r, , S :it" if N' «'arulitia, ■' founty of Stokes j J. 1). .1-hr nil, " i-lr T. I 1 lillI ill .I . II I -jl_ ton, Director of th K*uw I'l.intvr* !! !!:!■:. - I : l || ivoilally ;i. »»!•«.-. .J I l iv Ji". •• .lay, ami. K'! I> _• iluV . .-UMIII. (• nil >«>!■ —:r, .-I;,- tli ii t'.i;- foiv-L'nina ff-uoi't |s ti-n ■ to t:i.* I> -t of h.V I;iv«'.\ 1,. i;. f. J. 1). JOHNSON, -li:« :-. T l. riVßl'l.Y, 1 i:i-.-.--.:. 'iko. ii. rci/roN, i>ii •.'i•!'. ; Sv.oi ll t., .111,1 (I 'ii ■ Ill" t'll* III" mil (1 ly .If .1 I. S. :if )TT. Notary I'. "Mil Small Yard of BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS Sell clii'ap or trad** for clit. tri* llutlio. Mu*t be nood OIK*. A. M. CHURCH 18411 WaiiKlitown St. Dial 2.1044.