'*- —ar — WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 28, 1932 NOTICE OF KALE OF HEAL ES TATE INDEB A DEED IN TBI'KT. By virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed in trust, execut ed and delivered to me on the 18t3» day of April, 1824, by H. A. Futp and wife Lula B. Pulp, which is duly recorded in the office of th» Register of Deeds of 'Stoltes County, N. C., in Book Xo. 72, at page 871, to which reference is hereunto made to secure the payment of a debt therein recited in the sum of $170,09 to T. S. Smith and wife Martha C. Smith, default having been mad? In the payment of said debt St maturity, and the owner and holder of the nut-,- * having applied to me to foreclose the trust for the satis, taction of s..,id debt. I will expo.-e to public sale to the hi'-'hwt bidder fur cash, at the court house door in Dan bury. N. C.. on— KATI UDW. (KTOIiIiK. IS. 1*32, at the hour of 1 o'clcck i*. M-. '.he land conveyed in the d-ed in trust, | being in Sluice's county, and describ. I ed in the trust d*'d a." follows: "Beginning at a white oak stump! in Smith's line, runs Mtost on Smith's | and Pulp's line 7.04 chain* to jji ; oi-on stake, formerly a whit© oak; | ithence South on Pulp's line 16.10, chains to pointers, TaTum's corner: thence North 2i degrees East 12 chain r ' to a pine stump: thence N. CO dgrees East *o links to a red oak: thence North 20 degrees East 6.70 ohain* to th > beginning, contain!;!-; 6.9 acres, m«re or less, and betn;' the same tract of lmd ;h \. day con veyed to li. A. Pulp by deed from j T. S. Smith and wife Martha C. i Smith, to which reference is here, j unto mad l '. This the 9th day of Sept.. 1932. X. O. PETREE, Trustee. NOTICE. By virtue of the power o* sale con. tained in a deed of tru.t. txecuted by H. G. Harding and wife to J. D. Humphreys, trustee, to secure the payment of a debt to the Bank of (Stokes County, the same being rec. orded in the f'tokes County Regis, try in Book No. 78, at page 355, default having been made in the payment of said debt, and the cestui que trus-. having applied for fore closure of the trust, the undersigned .. w«] on— . . BATIHDAY. OCT. I, 1t22 at the Itour of ll:IS A. M., at tlic court houite door in the town of Danbury, N. C„ expose at public stile Uie followiw den-ribed lands: Beginning >n the center of the State National Highway, runs 8. 14 degrees West with A. L. White's line >OO feet to a stake; thence A 4« degrees East 104 1.2 feet to a stake ln C. 8. Newsom's corner; thenoe North 34 degrees East with C. 8. Newsotn'a former line CO a stake, center of said highway to C. B. Newsom's corner; thenoe' North 4* degrees Wast I*4 1.2 feet hi ceo. tar ot said highway to the beginn. log, being the same lot of land sn wtiioh is now; wahrttag the d**4'Lng Itouse by H. O. Hording In the town •f King, N. C., and adjoining the properties of A. L White and King Christian church. This 27th day of Aug., I*l2. MRS. J. D. HUMPHREYS, Admx. of J. D. Humphreys, trustee. R. J. Scott, Attorney. NOTICE OP SALE OP REAL ES. TATE t'NDER DEED OP TRUST. By virtue of power vested in the undersigned ln a certain deed of trust executed by P. P. Richardson and wife Emma Richardson, on Peb. 18, 1925, to J. H. Fowler, which deed of trust is duly recorded in the office of Register of Deeds of Stokes County, in Book 72, page 168, reference to which to hereunto made, default having been made in the payment of the debt therein recited, and the 'holder thereof (S. J. Hinsdale, Liquidating Agent of the Bank of Stokes County) having applied to me to foreclose the same for the satisfaction of the debt, I will expose to public sale to the highest bidder for cash, at_ the court house door in Danbury, N. C., on— SATI'RDAV, Otrr. IST, 1932, at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M., the following lot described In the deed of trust, to-wit: "Being Lot No. 104 In the plat of the town of Walnut Cove, N. C„ beginning at corner of Lot No. 1001 runs North alons Bummlt Avenue 100 feet to a stake; thence West 200 fe-et; thence South 100 feet; thence Bb,'* 2uo feet " to beginnlnc, better known a* the J. A. Fagg home place and on which Is located a dwelling." ThU Aug. 21, 1932. C, E. DAVIS, Trustee. riirsri;i; s kale or ke.il estate. By virtue of power and authoritv contained in a certain deed of tru.-t executed 10 W. L. Morris. Tru-v-e, 1 on the 24th day of March, 192*. | by 8. W. I'o well (single), and %V. W. i Powell and wire. Grace !'mv>!',' which said deed of trust is duly recorded in the office of llejrister 'f Deeds of Stokes County, X. C., i:i Book Xo 77 of Mor*.-asses. at Xo. 4J 3, default having been nia.lt i in the payment of tli • note or bui.J. for which said deed of trust \v-j -i o-wuled to secure, and at the irutst of the holder.- said note ir lx.ind. the undersigned Trustee will ofTer for *ale, and sell at Jitlhlj ■ auction to the 'highest bid'fer for ca*h at the court house ]»>r .n ' Dan bury, Stokes County. North ! Carolina, on— *vi:i»\i;si».%v t KT. 12T11. mi at 12:00 o'clock Noon, tlie following de.cribed real property included n *uid de*d of trust: Beginning at a point in ihe center of Lick Creek in Straudy Martin's [ lino; thence with Martin's line North | j*s d"«rees Weft; 11!k3 feet to iron I j bar. hi.-a corner; thence South 3 de_ j yrecs and 30 minutes \Vvt with his. t'lary Neal and Carter's line 1029 feet to a black Oak stump. Carter - ! corner: thence North *>2 East with lii.s lin > 23" feet to a W. ' ».. his corner in Ogburn Nelson's line: thence Xonh 3 degrees Kin 'with his and Sander.-/ line 1122 j feet to a staki', Sunjeiv' corner: ' til. net- South K degrees and jmlnufs i;.lsi with his Ut«- 21 '■« | fee, to a point in the eent-r of Lick Creek in Sanders' line; t hence wit/i the comer of Lick > ek a-: it now stands the following courses: North 3; decrees. West 420 fee: North 3» degrees and 3o .Vest 11 > feet. North 19 degree* Kast »>1 foot. North 15 degrees and 30 minutes \V. j 200 feet. North 4i degree*. West »"# 1 feet. North 18 degrees and 30 j minutes West 200 feet. North 10 I green W. 200 feet, and N. 0 degree.!, 300 feet, and North 10 degrees iV. 335 f»*et to the beginning, contain, ing 76.87 acres, inore or less. This the 9th day of Sept.. 1932. W. L. MORKIS, Trustee. NOTICE OF KALE OF REAL ES. TATE I'NDEIt A DEED IN TRUST. By virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed in trust execut ed and delivered to Security Life it Trurt Company, on the 28th day of May. 192®. by George Neal and wife Ethel Neal, which is duly recorded in the office of the Register )( Deeds of Stoke# County. N. C., In Book No. 74. at pace 49#, to which reference is 'hereunto made, to se. cure payment of a debt therein re. cited in the sum of $1,760.00, de. fault bavin* been made in the pay. ment of aaid debt at maturity, and the owner and holder thereof, hav. log applied to the truatee to foreclose the trust deed for the satisfaction of the debt secured thereby, I will expose to public sale, to the hlghe* Wdder for cash, at the court house door in the Town of Danbury, N. C. on— ~. v . MTDRMT, OCT. IBTH. ' t*M. at the hour of 1:1S o'clock P. If., the land conveyed in said deed Ik trust, to.wit: "Situate, lying and being Ln the town of Walnut Cove, Sauratown Township, Stokes County, State of North Carolina, bounded as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Mack Kobre lot, runs North 65 feet to third street; thenoe West along said street 102 feet to a stake; thence Sou-th 65 feet to a stake, In Boyle* line; thence Bast 102 feet to the beginning, being the East end of the North part of Lot No. 81. as shown in the plat of the town of Walnut Cove." This the 14th day of Sept., 1952. GEORGE A. ORIMSLEY, Trustee, Petree & Petree, Attys. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the eetate of Robert R. Boyle*, deceased, late of Stokes County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased) to exhibit them to the undersigned, at room No. 6, over United Cigar Btore, Wlnßton_Salem, N. C., on or before the 12th day of August, 1933, or this notice will bo pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said eiffTite will please make immediate payment.' "* . This the 10th day of Aug., 1932. B. E. BOVLES, Admr., of the estate of Robert R. Boyle*, deceased, L. W. Ferguson, Atty. THE DANBURY REPORTEK XMTK I: or ixtuu iXHii Ki: s.u,i: OF REAL ESTATE R.\DI:I: \ MOItTU AGE UKCII. IN T II E C.lfiK OF Tin: FEDERAL I.AMI ItWK OF COLUMBIA A«AIXST MARY A. WKTl\. WIDOW OK X. A. MORTON. AXI» OTHERS. Pursuant to a jud;rni.iit nt-nd In above entiiled civil action -m th> 29th Jay of AugUi-t. 1932. in til • >"u]ierior Coun of .-aid County by the CJ'-rk. 1 will on— nil; :ti(i» inv «»r KT„ i#::;. a; i- o'clock M.. at th * C-ouii.y c-ourt huus • Joor in sa'd Couniy *•-11 at public auction to th- highest bidd- r then for tlie following >s■ * - , wrib-d lands. situated in taid C iun. ty and Suite in Reaver lslati.l Towi-_ th:i». oniprising 47 3.4 am mo." ; or less, and bounded and de-:crib-.-J ■ us f«ll«»i: I "All that certain Int. trait -r I parcel of larnl. conaining 4 7 3-4 acres, iii.ii', ur less, located. lyii*.- ainl b.ln.r in I! aver If land 'fmn. thlp, County of Stokes. State oi Xorth Carolina. b-ing lwiund-d on th- Xor'ii by the land-- of it. 11. I Car.er. 11. S. Wild. East by lati's , I of Laura Morton; South by lands JT I 'J. I'. llutoh-ltron. W. A. llutelier. J I son. .jn'l \V. by land-s of J.I". Alcorn and having raii-li Mwpe. nut-s. coiirwn and d a will more fully aiMx .il- by reference tII a plat i thereof mad • by 11. E. Carter; Sur veyor. July H'tli, 1 t'-'it. whli-h p'.it is on (lie with the Federal I.and 'Sanlc of Columbia." The terms of sale are as follow*: im-.li.ilf i*li h. and ihe r-niain.ti' in two «iual annual installments, bearing -:x |n r cetit Interest frim the conlii illation of the .-ale. II IV:IJI! J j annually. All li!ils will 1M- received subje I to rejection or eonlirmat'oii by tli-, Clerk of said Superior Court and r.j bid will be aeee|(tel or re|»ortod ' unless its maker rhall deisosit with said Clerk at the close of the bid. dins the sum of OXK lIt'XDIiED. ($1110.00), DOLLARS, as a forfeit and guaranty of compliance with his bid, the same to be credited on hij bid when accepted. Notice is now given that mid lands will be re-sold at tlhe *ame place and ui>on the same terms at 2 o'clock P. M., of the same day unless said deposit is sooner made. Every deposit not forfeited or accepted will be promptly returned to the maker. This the 29th day of Au*;., 1932. W. G. PETREE, Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of the power ot falo contained In a deed of trust execut. Ed by Robert Booth and wife to J. D. Humphrey*, trustee, on the 12th day of July, 1925. to aecura the pay. ment of a certain debt therein re. cited to The Bank of Stokes County, the IUM being recorded In the Btoke« County Registry in Book No. 71, at page 12», default having toeea made In the payment of aa-id debt, and the holder of same having ap. plied tor foreclosure of the trust, the undersigned will, on THE IST DAT OF OCT., IMS. •t the fcour of 11:18. A. M., at the pfHtrt psnifi* door in the town of Danbury, N. C., eslxxw at public sale to the highest bidder the fol. lowing lands set forth In said deed , of trust: FIRST TRACT: —Beginning at t ■ rock, David Hicks' corner In llm Gillie Covington's line: thence East . on Hick's line 6.80 chains to a rock, corner of H. W. Covington's lan-1, now Robert Booth's; thence North 20 degrees East on a new line 36 1-4 chains to a Sourwood In John M. Taylor's line: tihence West on Tay. lor's line 16.75 chains to a Black, gum, Mrs. Giillle Covington's corner: • thence South on her line 34 chains to the beginning, containing 10 acres, more or less, this being tho same land conveyed from H. W. Covington and wife to their daugh ter Carrie Covington, by deed re", orded in Register's office of Stokes County, N. C., In Book No. 59, nt page 178, to which reference is made for further description. SECOND TRACT:—It being the name land devised to William Alfon. so Covington, by hta father, H. W. Covington, by Will dated Decembfr 26th, 1917, duly probated and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Stokes County, N. C., for record of which see Book of Wills No. 8, at page 440, 441 and 443 In wild Clerk's office, and containing 60 acres, more or less, which Will Is referred to | for description, thp said land ad | joining the lands of John JVI. Taylo.% MM. Gillie Covington, Dr. McCan. less, David Hicks and others. This 27th day of Aug., 1932. MRS. J. D. HUMPHREYS, | Admx. of J. D. Humphrey* trustee. I R. J. Scott, Attorney. XOTICK OF FORECLOSURE SAM , OF REAL ESTATE UNDER A 1 Moitrt, w.i : I>l :I :■» i\ nn; CASK J OF THE FKDKItAL LAND BAXK I OF COLUMBIA AGAINST E. M. VKVAIH.K. ADMINISTRATOR OF S. L VEX All LE AVD OTHERS. J Pursuant to a judcim nt entered in aUive entitled ddl a/-tim on the | i'.h day if - j Suis rior Court of said county by i tin- »*ierk. 1 will on the Hill DAV »F OCTOBER, 1132. at 1-' o'clock M., at the Cou«i;.v ! Court House door in said Vstiiit..- ■ -1! 'tt Jiublie aUitioii til the hinlie-i bidder til « for i'le foil ,vving d - KitiiriU-d in i anil S'a'o. in SJHIW i'r-" k Township. comiHlsiiis 71 4-1'! a«-ri>'. more or lei;, and Imund" I j and d"rs i bed a« follows; "All that -ertain piei-e. pai'4-i-l IT trait of land. containing 71 4-1" i ai-ris. mor- or less, s-ituat-. lyin-r and being in Siunv Creek Tuw.i- , ship. County of Stokes. Slate , Xorth "a «i!ina. hav'ng sm-li sliap -. ] met- s. eouivi s and di-'.am- as \t;.l •noi'e fully app" tr by n-fi-n-m-e t • a ' l ilt tliensif. in id by 11. E. Cart-;-, j Kurveynr. , n th.- 22nd day of Mar h. 1923. which plat i- on lii • with tli-, J Vd* ! ■ x ' Lind l!a ii: of C«iltmi'i : a, | [ and b in;.- ljouiid d mi t!i- North by I til. land- of W. It. Terrel': „n tin j East by the land if i-r:ir Mi tin, . Wait r .Mar.in and L- ter -Martin: I mi t-.i- Siiuth by tit- lands of L. W. I .latni s; and on the West by til • j lands of 11. X. Wilkin--. I Thi.s Ii ing the .sail#- tra.-t of land I ] heretofore (HIIK'VId to th.- said s ! t L. \ enable by John F. Sh.-it.ill and wife Rosa S:i lton. by deed date I D eenibi-r 3rd. 1917. and i*corded! In the I.(Be of the Register of Deeds for Stolflos County, X. in Book Xo. 64. page 163. Saving and excepting one aci»» Included in above lioundary, ifi'i-dt'd to The Board of Education of Stokes County. North Carolina, for School Purposes." Terms of sale are as follows: One.fourth cash, ui>on continua tion of the sale, and the remainder in four equal annual installment, bearing six per cent Interest, pay able annually. All bids will be received subject to r-ejecilon or confirmation by the Clerk of said Superior Court, and no bid will be accepted or reported unless its maker shall deposit with Mid Clerk at the close of the bidding the sum of FIVE HUNDRED |6«0.0») DOLLARS, as a forfait Jand guaranty of compliance with -his bid, the same to be credited on his bid when accepted- Notice Is now given that said lands will bo re_sold at the same place, and upon the same terms a' 1 o'clock P. M., of the «IIM day unless said deposit la sooner made. Every deposit not forfeited or accepted will be promptly returned to the maker. This the 6th day of Stpt., 1932. W. G. PETREE. Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ES. TATE UNDER A DEED 1N TRUST. By virtue of the power of sale contained In a deed In itrust execut ed and delivered to me. on the 1 it day of August, 1928, by R. N. Browder ond wife Elizabeth Gordon Browder, which Is duly recorded In the office «f the Register of Deeds of Stokes County, N. C., in Book No. 78, at page 153, to which inference Is hereunto made, to secure .the pay. ment of a debt therein recited. In the sum of $3,600.00 to The Bank of .Stokew County, default having; been made in th|e payment of said debt at maturity, «nd the owner and holder of the same having applied •to mo to fort-close tho trust deed for the satisfaction of the debt sc. eured thereby. I will sell at public auction at the court house d"or in Danbury. N. C.. on — SATURDAY. (KT. 29. 1#32. at th'e hour of 1:25. o'clock P. M., to the highest bidder for cash, the land conveyed in the deed in trust, lying and being In Stores County, N. C., und dewrlbed in the deed in trust an follows:- "Beginning at a stone. Bailey's corner: t-hcnift Wo.st, s7 dcgrc-s ■Kast, 17 poles to another corner of •the said Bailey: thence South. 41 degrees East, 5 poles to a stone; thence South, 69 degrees West, and one-half p01e,., to place of hi. ginning, containing ort/e acre, and 18 chains, more or less, and having a dwelling house shunted thereon.'" I This the 22nd dav of Sept., 1932. N. O. PETREE, Trustee. | xoTicK OF NAM: OF I:I \i. i>- : TATE i xi»i:it A IH:I:I» i\ i Tin ST. I 15y v:riu- « f Iln i«ow r of >a"i' • i«jn:ain«il in a «i»* •! in trust »-x*i-ul- 4 • d md d- llv. K-d to no mi i!.- 25 :i day of Juno, 1 bv 1 1. M. I'yr - iinl wifi* Jlan I'M"." . , r««rdiil in Ui«- «iiiii- «if t'i li. i.-. t«r of 1t..-.is «.f jst.ik-s i ty. X. C.. in IV>'k Xi'. 7-. it pa .*!7»i. lo wliicli r*■ «-r-in-. is lu iv i . in (d to secure tit • jiajrment «if a ilvbt tlieriln n ti-d Jn tin .--am I3>i«II.;«. 1«i T!i • ll.i-i : S i; C«iuisiy. d- !i «\ n m !•"' in tli.* ;i lyini rr of sii l d-'"t ' !i:a tni>. an! til- • vvi:- r lio'd of saim- havii! ■ anpl I t • siii fo-i i'ii'?e ib*- ib d f*ir 111 satisfai tion of raid d- I «•!! • p. —f. prl.i- «iV. to th- i.ialn.- b dd'-r for tali, .-it tli- mi . h«:i-- •bsir in ill- town .if 1) nbur. . X. C. • Hi vvn I:I»AV. (mt I»T. i».12. at tb'- hour «if I :!•"• • -• a. !1J tii- 1 mds i-nnwy-d in th "i - i!-.1. to.wit: Kirs: l«it:—Hi-Inniii- -a i:ard. .--ti rf.-t i- - !•«• u|. runs X. \V ' . : ' tll-lli-.- E:i.-, 1.14 til-. 1.1 .-...1 n. 1,1. ! i!i aiilni4 : • tin- brid - '• n-- Pitt ' Uiv.r. «if Ihi lib:, j •: •!:•■• S. \V. 1-JS ft. :li • 1. . nit 1 ailji ii ill-' '! l.mdft ..1' II M. .1 % j ami others. *i*uau-d in th« E - • •ml tii t.iv.-ti : I ti;•.i- \ ■ b.-in- t!i- ■ tin ! ■ d | ' • /. S.irtli. '.v ,1.- ! ■ . :l >l. Joj. i- .-ci.| v. if... (i i X-iv _ lti.7 reiwitlM in tlic li-- «lei - :!i | st.iit- - -.., i! ty. x. «•.. i: :i. pair- m. t i «h'i-:t ri-f- • o !t - unto ma! ■. TI. • Jo: 1 ii t a bri k ;.ir cr Imi't •" --Itii- . .-r ' I is !• at-il in tin- fork of tin l iiiri. -itrfai-e r«i nl bad ii- ii I'.inb i- v frttui Walnut Cove, and ' Ml.-. , fai-e ro.nl mar the nvid iii-e «if ' Toby It-.otli that 1 a.l* to th-' bridso ai-ross Dan Itiver. I-ia-t «if Danbury." "Also lots of land in the town «-f Walnut Cove. X. C„ liiiim bits Xo- ; . 44. 45 and 40 of the lliah Lm.l Park. d«-scribi-d in a ilei 1 from Winetton Trading On., Inc.. !• Stokes Cln-vrob-t Co.. recorded In the office of the liecisti-r of Deeds of Stokes County, in Book 74. paae' 596. to which reference is hereunto made, which description Is as fol. : lows: I Being lots Xos. 44. 45 and 46. of High I .and Park, in the Town of i Walnut Cove. X. C.. as surveyed bv Kirby and Lentz, Enpinei-rs. a plat ! of which in recorded in the office 1 | of the Register of Deeds of Stokes 4 County, X. C., Plat 800k —page—. ' j Also at the same time and plac. I | I will sell at public auction, to the I highest bidder for cash. all the 'interest that the said D. M. P.vrtle • and wife had. which was conveyed 1 jin said deed in trust. In a certain : lease agreement between Zeb Smith 1 and wife, and North Carolina Oil Co.. to Which reference is made ir. the Deed In Trust above named- This the 29tfa day of Aug.. 1932. N. O. PETREE, Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND. UN DER DEED OF TRUST. By virtue of the power of eaie In a deed of trust executed by I*. C. Campbell and wife Minnie V. Camp bell, to me on the 13th day of March, 1929, which is recorded -n 1 Book 78, -page 304, in the Office f Register of Deeds of Stokes County, N. C., to which reference is here, unto made, to secure the payment of a note therein recited. default having been made in the payment 1 of said note at maturity and the holder having applied to me to foreclose the deed of trust for the satisfaction of the same, I will ex. pose to public sale, to the highest bidder for cash, at tlhe court house door of Stokes Cunty, in the town of Danbury, N. C., on— SATURDAY, OCT. IST, 11.12. at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M., the lands described in the deed "f trust, to-wit: Beginning at a stake the South, west corner of J. D. Humphrey's lot (formerly Elijah Blair's) on the old road, runs with said road a southerly direction 70 feet to a stake and blackgum: thence n.i easterly dirction on a line paralkl wtth the line of J. D. Humphrey'- (formerly Elijah Blair's lot) to a new road; thence with salil road a northerly direction to the Southeast ! I corner of J. 1). Humphrey's (form-1 erly Elijah Dbiir's .lot): thence westerly direction on J. D. Humph, rey's (Cormerly FJlijah Blair's lo: I | to. the lieslnnlngr, being lot conveyed by Ni E. and B. P. Pepper to J. W. Hall. Si c deed for same in office of Register of Deeds of Stokes, County, X. in Hook 56, page 2*5. i Tills 29th day of Aug.. 1932. j J. W. HALL, Trustee. PAGE SEVEN •NOTH I: OR S.\IJ; or M:\i, i:s. Tin: i Mn.it \ IH:I i> or TKI M R.y viM u- •>' :L- of HI 1 coin:.i'n«»l .• dwd in tra «s- i:. '1 and d-• 1 • iu«* «>n t 1 •• l'.tfc :ul : Mui|.! \ M.: which .- d-':- In tM olli • of th« !:• r i f !■ U r.l S Couir.. N i. 1: i S2. at > til,', h }■■■■■ ■ it- hi-IVUiiO . i II -::t (. f I !• i: • n 1- -d 1 fc"tl;> - Ji . !._ ' n 11..id- " ' f «i d- ■>' >1 •'. • »nd 1- i- r t?i« • • . . ;)•: .1 r « to for-. - .• •• • .!«-,! • • • d' • .} th-r-'y. I v : .v • -• • • •!)•• • T »' !».«*.'• X. C. S\TI!:L»\V. o«Tol;»i: IST. I»:;i ' Ml- ■ . . ■ •..■ u I- M.. the lar d■ • • ;..d -I .1 d d in •: • . of S'ol;. .. - V. r h «' •« 111. WILLI: IN-:- ■. «J— ■ I I. •:* X. ■=. IT • ! IM. • , l-Ut «•: t! • T ■ • W • ■ • N • - • ■ M • ■ and v|. : i.'i . i .1 f i-' f-d th- ! . f .1. W. V- ■ li. !. Al-o I '• I I" I. r : .1' ' . ' .• • 1.. . . . • f 1,-'! .V, 1. * This i!. -TM; d : • f An;'.. 1 x ». i'i:Ti:i i:. r i ■ \OTH I: or or iti:\l. L.s. T.\Ti-: I MH I: HI I n or tic l vr. I'.y virtue of |mir f stl« i.n« l :n i !«• i .1 ts II—; •x■ ■r_ .-d to niv on ill* -*'h day .*f . 1'«29. I.v A. X. T iv.l- and 'i - * K!iza!»«t!i 'l'll*.tl- ulii.-h is r- oidt'd in the Ollici* of of li-il of S!«kw County. X. I'., in IVhiU •>, IS'.i. to which iifeii n lj hereunto mail** N- MTUl'i* th- |ii/. fnent of tli«- »»11111 of (Clin no. t rwiteil to Tlu- Hank of of S'.ikoi County, default havinji !«•» n m.tl4 in the payment of said d«-i>". at tr.aturity. anrf ;h- ho!it*-r t h^ivof • having t«» nie -lo fowlDM tli« trust ilwd for the satisfaction j of said del>t necuied by Mime. I wiit I sell at |>til>lic auction to th«- hiihMt j !>idd«-r for cash, at the i-our: h>ucie dK>r of Stokes County, in the tavra of OanUury. X. C., on — I SATIItIIAY. (HTOHKIt I. lOXS. at the hour of 11 o'cloi-k A. M.. tho [ lands conveyed in the Hunt d""*d. to-wit: , Tho er» ire undivided interest Ot the »aid A. X. Tuttlc (which intor. j •st Is onejsixth parti in and to * certain tract of land containing 116 acres, more or less, lyingr on thi Earn side of highway Xo. 89 anl adjoining the lands of H. O. E. A. Rothrock, J. 1. Blackburn, at al. known lie the F. J. Tut tie farm.' . The raid K. .1. Tutth- being deo«M«d> Thk™ trust Is meant to convey Uis entire Interest of aaid A. N. TuttM In and to the real estate owned by said F J. Tuttle at tme of hta death. This August 30. 1932. •! J. W H.VLJA Trustee. 1 NOTICE or SAM OK IiAND. IIV. DEIt DliKl) OF TIIITST. t t By virtiio of the |>ower of sa.l4 in a deed of trn.st executed and de. . livered by (1. C. Baker and Minerv* , Baker, his wife to me on the 15 .'day of Xoveratier, l'J-ti, which i ' recorded in B>uk 78, at • the Oflice of Register ol IVeds ot Stokes County, X. C., to whicl* reference ie hereunto made. to secure the payment of a note tlhere- In recited, default haWni; iK-en mad'' in the payment of said note at maturity and th» hoUler having applied to me to forechmo the deej , of trust for tht witisfaction of the i same. I will expos.* to public »al% . to the highest bidder tor oa.sh, at the court house d"or of Stok*M County, in the town of tlunbury. N. i C.. on— I SATIHDAY. OCT. IST. I»S2, at the hour of 11 o'clock A. AL., tho j lands described -It the di ed of truit, ,' to.wii: | Containing 32 aciw. more or low, j it being the sjinio tract «>f land dj. wilted lii a ded from Jerry Baker, iM. K. Biker, S. SI. Baker,. R. B. Bifker, Willie Biker and Carrie Baker to C. o. Biker of date March, 31, 1921. and recorded in the OHloo of Register of Boeds of Ktokes County, X. C., in Book fix, at paso i 22ti, to which reference l* herein j made. J. W. HALL, Trustee.