PAGE EIGHT NOTICE OP SALE. By virtu* of the po«vr of sale contained in a certain deed of tru* i executed on the 15th day of May. 1928, l>y Fletcher Vaden and wife • Ida Vaden. to J. D. Humphreys, trustee, to secure the payment of a certain d -, 't therein recited to Rufus : >». Ma he, and wife, the same being 1 d*d in the Register of Deeds i office of Stokes Cunty, N. C.. in Book ] No. 78. at page lit, default having ( bet n made in the payment of said i debt at maturity, and the holder thereof having made application 1 for foreclosure of said deed of for the satisfaction of the debt secured- theixby, the undersigned i will, on — THE IST HAY OF OCT.. I»:«. I 1 at the hour of o'clock A. M., at the court house door in the town of Danbury. X. 0., expose at public I , sale to the highest bidder therefor; the following descrilx'd lands set J 1 forth in jciid deed of ttrust: TRACT NO. I:—Beginning at Jti Iron stake in T. J. Vaden's line near j the Dogwood corner of J. T. John eon's land. run.i "6 3-4 yards to an j iron stake in the center of the road; j thence with raid road as it meand-' ers Northwest 150 yards to an iron Stake in the said T. J. Vaden's and J. T. Johnson'n line; thence South on T. J. Vaden'a line 118 3-4 yards to the beginning. »up posed to be nearly onewhalf of one acre, more or less, being the same land convey ed by J. T. Johnson and wife Regina Johnson, to T. J. Vaden by deed dated May slh. 1926. recorded -n the Register's office of Stokes Coun ty, N. C.. in Book No. 75. at page 101, to which reference is made for further description. TRACT NO. 2:—Beginning at pointers, John Tuttle's corner, form, erly, later I>. M. Tuttle's corner, running North 32 chains to a post oak on North side of Rid»3 road; thence East 8 chains with said road to center of road near a maple on South side of said road; thence South on J. T. Johnson's line 15 chains to a dogwood and rtake; thence Kast 16 chains to a stake; thence South IS 1-2 chains to a rock: thervce West 24 chains to the beginning, confining 52 acits, more or less, and it being the same land conveyed from J. A. I Ayr" and wife to T. J. Vaden by deed dated Nov. 29th, 1922, tlhe same beinrj recorded in the office of the Register of Deds of Stokes County, N. C., in Book No. 70, at pajce 166. to which reference is her# made for further description. , This 27th day of Aug., 1932, j MRS. J. ». HUMPHREYS, Admx. of J. D. Humphreys. trustee. R. J. Scott. Attorney. I NOTICE OP SALE OP REAL ES. TATE UNDER A DEED IN TRUST. By virtue of the povner of salt contained In a deed in trust execut ed and delivered to me, by V. R. Marshall and husband J. A. Marsh* all. on the 20th day of November, 1921, which 4s duly recorded in th« office of the Register of Deeds "I . Stokes Coumty, N. C.. in Book No. j 78, at page 184, to whioh reference Is hereunto made, to secure tli« j payment of a debt therein recited. In the sum of $1465.00. to The Bank j •f Stoke*» Connty. default havlni heen made in the payment of said debt at na-turtty, and the ownei and holder of having applied to me to foreclose the trust deed, for the sßth'.ictkon of the del.l seourtd thereby I will sell at public auction. to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house doer In Danhury, N. C-, on— SATURDAY. OCT. IST. I»M, at the hour of one o'clock p. m., the land conveyed in the trust deed, to_wit: "In Stokes County, desoribed and bounded. to_wit: Beginning at a pine knot. oorner of Dr. E. Pulp, land*, and runs W. 5 1-2 chains to pointers, old corner; 1 hence,. West on a new line, 12 chs. further to stone, in the public road; theme South 73 degrees West, crowing the creek at the old f > rl 22 1.2 chains to a stake and point. «rs, on the South side of the old public road: thence West on a new line. 38 1-2 chains to a on Dr. JonciV line, on North side of branch: thence South 9 1-2 chains to a white oak. old corner: thence East. 70 chains on the old Hne, crossing the creek to hickory sapl. Ing, the old cornea - : thence North on the old .line, 16 chains to the beginning, containing 88 1-2 acres, more or less. See deed, E. M. Whit man, Trustee, to V. R. Marshall." This the 31rtt dav of August. 1932 N. O. PETREE, Trustee. NOTICE OP SALE OF LAND. By virtue of the power of sale contained In a deed of trust execut ed to me by John Abe Shelton and wife. Ida B. Shelton. on Feb. 26. i 1921. recorded In the Office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes County. N. C.. In Book No. 66, page 296, etc . to which reference is hereunto mad-*, to secure the payment of a deb' therein recited, and default having been made in the payment of the debt at maturity, and the holders of the notes evidencing the balance due on said indebtedness, having applied to me to foreclose the deed of trust for the satisfaction of said debt; 1 will expose to public auction to th« highest bidder for cash, in front of the Postofflce at Pinnacle. N. C., on TFESDAY, OCTOBER 11. IMS. at 2 o'clock P. M., all the right, title and interest of said John Abe Shelton and wife, Ida B. Shelton, In an.l to the lands conveyed in sa;d deed ot trust, to.wit: "First Tract:—Beginning at a post oak on South side of road, running down a hollow South 38 d« grees Kast 9 chaims; then down the branch as it meanders 13.40 chains to persimmon on East bank of said branch above mouth of a guHey, East 2.12 chains to persimmon on South side of said gulley. South GO East 2 chains to rock North of Ji road. South 28 Earn to said road and following the meanders of said road 7.70 chains to ford of saw mill branch; then down said branch as I it meanders 4 1.2 chain« to mouth of a small branch; then up said ' branch as It meanders 11 1-4 chs. | I to a beech on the West bank of j the branch in Sams' line; then W.; on his line, passing his corner, fall, j 1 ing on P. O. Fry's line 24 1.2 chains | to a black oak (down) and pointers, | Robert Lawson's corner; then N. j |on his Hne 30.50 chains crossing two branches to a rock and iKjinte.-s on Southside of road, Lawson's corner; then with road North 42 East 3.86 .hains to beginning, con. taining 58 1-3 acres, more or let*^.! See deed recorded in Book 48, page 484. Second Tract:—Beginning at rock at fork of branch runs South 79 East on new line 13 chains to white oak on ridge. South 87 East 9.10 chains to large white oak in Thore's line. South 12 Wast on his line 15 chains to stake pointers In Martin old line. Went on Martin line 14 1.4 chains to Iveoh on b:ink of small branch, Wm. A. Collins" corner, down branch as It meanders 10 1-4 chains to fork of branch; then up right hand prong of branch as It meanders 4 1-2 chains to ford of branch; then with meanders of the road Northwest 4 1-2 chains to bend of road. North '27 West J-30 chains to pile rook | North 60 West 2 chains to perslm. mon, W. 1 55.100 chains to persim mon, North 25 West 1.54 chains to ' beginning, containing 25 1.10 acres, more, or less. See Deed Book 56, J page 105." j This Sept. 8. 1932. I. M. GORDON. Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue t>f the power, of sale contained In .a certain deed of trust executed on the 4th day of Decern, ber, 1929. by 8. D. Sams to J. D. I Humphreys, trustee, to secure the payment of a certain debt therein | recited to The Bank of of Stokes County, said deed of trust betay recorded in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Stokes County, N. C.. In Book No. 78. at page 417, default having been made In the payment of said indebtedness and the cestui que trust having applied for a fore, closure of the trust for satisfaction of said debt, the undersigned will on THE IST DAY OF OCT., IMS, at the hour of 11:15 A. M., at the court house door in the town of Danbury, N. C., expose at public sale to the highest bidder therefor the following lands set forth In said deed of trust: Beginning at a rock In a Held, a new corner, running North on a new line 24 chains to a sourwoou on the South bank of a small branch; thence North 37 degrees West 2G 3.4 chains to a chestnut oak In the old line on the North side of mountain; thence Soutih 62 de grees West on the old line 14 chs. to pointers; thence South on John Boyles' line 36 chains and 80 llnk. to a stake and pointers; thence E. on a new line 28 1.2 chains crossing a branch to the beginning, contain. Ing 106 acres, be the name, more of | leas. See Register of Deeds' Book No. 48, at page 29, for further description of land Intended to bo conveyed by this deed of trust. This 27th day of Aug.. 1932. ' MRS. J. D. HUMPHREYS, I Admx. of J. D. Humphreys, trustee. 1. J. Soon, Attorney. ** :EX» THE DANBUBY REPORTER. I NOTICE BF SAIiE OP RKALi FA • TATE UNDER A DEED IN TRUST. ! V By virtue of the p«»w of sale | contained in a deed in trust «xecnU ' | ed to me on the 19th day of May, 1928, by S. Q. Tuttle and wit* ( Hermie Tuttle, which is recorded n , the office of the R«fM«r of Deeds of S.lolces Cunty, North Carolina, In Book No. 78, at page 345, to whlcn reference is hereunto made to se cure the payment of a debt therein recited. In the sum of J1955.00, to The Bank of Stokes County, default having been made In the payment of said debt at maturity, and tl»« owner and holder of same having applied to me to foreclose the trust deed for the satisfaction of said debt. I' will expose to public sale, to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in the town of Danbury. N. C., on — SATURDAY. X"T. IST. I*3a, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., th? Lan do conveyed in the deed in truu. to-wit: FIRST TRACT: ••Beginning at a white oak. Alex, ander Baker's corner, and runs South on the old line, 23 1.2 chains to a dogwood: thence West 19 ch«. to a rock and pointers; thence Soutli 12 chains to Town Fork Creek; thejice down the same 7 chains to a fallen down tree: thence East 19 1-4 chains to a hickory; theme [ Nortfo, 7 1.2 chains to a white oak; | thence East 1 1.2 chains to a maple; I thence North 2 1-2 chains to a blaok l oak corner, (now a corner of Loubn George's third of the tract, that u=, 1 formerly her corner;) thence con. . Unuing North on her line, in at!, ;19 1.2 chains to an apple tree; ' thence West, 6 chains to a rock; j thence North. five degrees East, ' 3 1-2 chains to a pile of stones In Baker's line; thence West, on his . line, 2 chains to the beginning, con. taining 50 acres, more or less." ■ I SECOND TRACT: ■ j "Adjoining the above, beginning ' at a black gum, J. W. White's cor. I ner, and runs South on his line ■ i 30 1-2 chains to his corner, dog- I wood; thence W«st 7 1.2 chains to ; a black oak. old corner; thence N. ■ passing 2 large hickories, and on to ■ an apple tree, in all 17 chains; I I thence West. 6 chains to a large • rock: thence North, 5 degrees East ',13 1.2 chains to a pile of atone., • Alexander Baker's line; thence East 1 on Baker's line 11 chains to the ■ beginning, containing 25 acres, mor-> ' or less, and being same land assign -1 ed .to Louisa George, et al. Sec Book No. 33, page 321 and 322. Register's office of Stokes County, N. C.," This the 27th day of Aug.. 1932. N. O. PETREE, Trustee. NOTICE OF SAIiE. 1 I Pursuant to an order and Judg ment of the Superior Court Of Stokes County. NOrth Carolina, rendered on the 19th day bf Sept., 1932, In the Special Proceeding en titled R. C. Sheppard and lira. Je-ttle E. Handy vs. T; C. Sheppard and wife Anna Sheppard, and «th_ ' era, the same being No. 1090 on the Special Proceeding Docket of sai>J County, ordering the sale of certain . 4ands hereinafter set forth, and *P. I pointing the undersigned a com. J mlasioner of the court to makn. such sale, the undersigned will, on FRIDAY, OCT. 91ST, It3l. at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M.. at the court house door in the town of Danbury, N. C.. expose at public sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands fully set forth in the original complaint filed In the above entitled cause. Beginning at W. T. Smith's corner on a road, at a chestnut tree, bound, ed on ths East by the said road ti a black oak tree,, Pendleton Slsk'* ■corner, originally. In the West side of said road, on the West by Edwin H. Banner's line, originally, on the North by the lands formerly be. longing to W. H. Reeves and the C. B. Bouldin line, containing 100 acres, more or less. Said land be , ing a part of the estate of the late , C. L. Sheppard. and which was deeded to him by W. H. Reeves on August 31st, 1876, said deed being recorded in the office of the Regis, ter of Deeds for Stokes County. N. C., In Book No. 23. at page 244, .o which deed reference is made for ■ a more detailed and complete de. scrlption thereof. SAVE AND EX. CEPT from the above boundary i that portion of same sold off to T. C. Sheppard, containing about 2 • acres, more or less, and conveyed I to him hy .said C. L. Sheppard. ' This 29th day of Sept., I#SB. R. J. SCOTT. Commiasiomf. Bring Your First Load of Tobacco to TAYLOR'S -WAREHOUSE. Winston-Salem, N. C. ——————^ We have practically the same force we started with five years ago. Every man eager to give you the very best service possible. Be wise and sell your 1932 crop of tobacco at TAYLOR'S WAREHOUSE Patterson Avenue, Liberty and Tenth Streets. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ES TATE UNDER DEED OF TRUST. By virtue of the power of sale contained In a deed of trust execut ed to me on the 29th day of &>. cember, 1028, by R. 8. Smith and Minnie Smith hie wife, which !«' recorded li» the "Ofllde of Register Deeds of Stokes County. It, C., In Btok 78„ page 220, to which refer ence la hereuhto made, to secure the | payment 'of the euro of- SIIOO.OO therein ""recited. default having been- j made tit the payment of said debt at maturity, and the holder thesfeof having applied to me to ' foreclose 1h« trust deed for 'the satisfaction' of said debt secured by same, I will sell at public auction to the highestj bidder for cash, at the court house j door of Stokes County, in the towi of Danbury, N. C., on— SATURDAY, OCT. », IMS, at the hour of one o'clock P. M.. i the lands conveyed In the deed of trust, to-wit: Three certain parcels of land, all adjoining, described In a deed exe. cuted by Hessie Richmond. Admr., to R. S. Smith, which deed Is duly recorded In Office of Reg-leter jf Deed« Stokes County. Book 7>l. page 397, reference to which la hereunto made. Save from this boundary 6 acres sold off to Alex Nelson, leav„' i Ing a total of 26.75 acres, more or less. J . * This 20th day of Sept.. 1932. J. W. HALL, Trustee. NOTICE. Having qualified as executor of the estate of D. GolHne, deceased, late of of Stokes County, this Is to notify all persons holding claims against said emate to present them to the undersigned on or before Sep tember 22, 1935, or 'this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said esta u will make Immediate «iettlement. This Sept. 21, 1932. W. A. COLLINS, Executor of D. Collins, deceased. W. R. Badgett, Attorney. NOTICE. By virtue .of the power of sate contained In a certain deed of trust executed on the 2nd day of March, 1921, 'by J. R. Craddock and wife Susie Craddock to J. D. Humphrey*, Trustee, to secure the payment of a certaiin debt therein recited, tlie same being recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes County, N. C„ In Book No. 66. page ( 294, default having been made I t the payment of said debt at matui'- I lty, and the cestui que trust having applied to the undersigned for a' foreclosure of said deed of trust. I the undersigned R- K - Smith, sub. stltuted-trustee,-'will, oiw— ■j SATURDAY, OCT. «TH, IMS, at the hour of 1:S0 P. M., at the ! Store of 8. A. Moir, Francisco, N. C.. expose at public auction to tlie. Mghest bidder therefor, the follow. Ing lands sat forth in said trust j deed: j Beginning at stake In bottom, thence East 25 142 chains to a white oak; thence North 21 1-2 chains to a stake; thence North * | degrees East IS 1.2 chains to pointer corner dower lot; thence | with said lot to a pine In Held; thenoe North 6 decrees East to n red oak a new corner In old line; , thenoe a westerly course on a new line to a big poplar In the Smith and Lawrence line; thence South i on Smith's and Pyrtte line to the beginning, and containing 120 acres, more or leas, same being South end ,' of the lands of Henry Lawrence. deceased- ' | This th day of September, 1012. R. E. SMITH, Substituted Trustee. NOTICE. Having qualified as Administrator - of the estate of H. L. Wilson, dec il. ' { late of Sandy Ridge, Stokes County, I N. C., this is to • notify all person's having claims against the erfate of ' | said dticeaoed to exhlbdt thiem to | the undersigned on or before the 25tth day of August. 1933, or th.!s notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estßte will please make Immediate payment. This the 23rd day of Aug., 19l!\ H. B. WILSON,— Administrator of H. L. Wilson. S. Gilmer Sparger, Atty. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ES. TATE X'NDER DEED OF TRUST. By virtue of the power of sale > contained In a deed of trust execut. , fed to me on the 6th day of Febru. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 28, 1982 ary, 1929, by R. T. Ray and Lula Ray bis wife, which is recorded in the Office of Register of Deeds of Stokes County, N. C., in Boole 78, pasej 272, to which reference to 'here, unto made, to secure the payment of a certain sum of money, default having been mad« In the payment of said money at maturity, and the holder of said deed of securing ■aid indebtedness having applied to «w (O foreclose the trust deed for the satisfaction of said debt, I will •ell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the ocgirt house door In the town of Danbury, N. C., on— g SATI'fIDAY, OCT. !*, «#**, j at the hour of one o'olook P.' M, the lands conveyed in the deed of trust: Being the right, title a)*? interest of Loula Ray and R. T. Ray In a tract of land conveyed by Sam Flippln, to Letitla Forrest, contain, ing 92 acres, more or lees, the same being of record in the Office of Re*, later of Deed* or the Clerk of the Court of Stokes County. See the same. This 20th day of Sept., IM2. ' J. W. HALL, Trustee. NOTICE OF LAND SALE. Under and by vjrtue of the power vested in the undersigned. In a certain deed of trust executed by A." W." Daniel, et al, Dec. 27, im, iteoorded in Book 82, Page 107, In the office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes County, the Perm* >f which liave not been complied with, ■the undersigned, will on" THURSDAY, OCT. 20. IMS, at one o'clock P. M., In front of the court house at Danbury, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction ;o the highest bidder for cosh, the following described real estate. A tract of land located In Beaver Island township, - Stokes county. North Carolina, known and designate, fed as Tract No. 8 of the sub.dlvUu Jon of the Reynolds.Ralis land of the late J. M. Galloway estate, as ehuwn by map of record in deed Book 71, page 809. the office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes County/ to which. reference 1, mad* for a ' full and complete description. This the 19»h day of Sept., IMS. v C. O. MOORE, Trusts*. „ i\ • v

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