WEDNESDAY, DEC. 14, 1932. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS J. F. Bennett, of Vade Mecurn, was in town Monday. \ Jame« F. Smith, of Meadows, wa* In town today. . Mr. and Mrs. John W. Prlddy, ol La wsonville, Visited Danbury Mon. day. Wesley Mnbe was here from Peter'n Creek township Monday. James B.; Joyce, who hold* a position with 'the Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank, a* assistant fleU agent, spent the v,eek_end at hit home here. Mrs. J. John Taylor and Ml*. A 3. Sitk visited Winstcvn-Saiem Tue*. -day. . i. Rev. and Mrt. O. W. Marshall ant Mrs. N. E, Pepper spent a shor Awhile at Win*iton»Salem Tuesday. Roy Bc-oth, formerly of Danbury now of Dalton, will remove to Ran. io'.ph ".ounty soon. W. F. Bowie* and Spencer Jones cf Walnut Cove, spent a short whiU i here Wednesday. 8. P. Christian ha* been conllnet to his room several days with IllneM H.' M. Joyce ha.s recently beei inJhipo«ed, clone to hi room. Mart Bowie*, of Wilson's Stor« was here Friday. T. V. .4lzemore and family expe^ to remove to Winstoro-Salem soon J These ur« good people and life-loni citizens of county. The. many friends in the county will re gret to cge thwn leave- N Will Lewis, of Walnut Cove visited Dinbury to Jay. Register of TWds T!. P. p.aile rk-ited Washington Friday and Sa*. urday. He wa« accompanied by hi niece. Mi- Virginia Bailey, of Wal rut Cove, who hax accepted a posl tion in Washington. Mrs. .«hertfT J. 3. Taylor and Mrs. A. G. Sink went to Winston-Salem today. ft. M. N'elsoji, of Northview. was in town Friday. One of the be«t farmers of Stokes county, and one of Stoke* county's best citizens. Miss Elizabeth Ru.ssell, of Da. ... maacus. Virginia. -pent the week-enl with friends at Danbury and Walnut Cove. Miffs Ruswll Is very pleasant, ly remembered. having taug'ht «lt I Danbury and Kins. During her stay in the county »he formed many enduring friendships among our people. A farmers' "tobacco rally" is staged for next Monday at Wins.on galem. The neighbors and friends of Rev. O. W. Marshall and family tendered them quite a generous poundins Monday night. Mrs. Anna Douglas, of Princeton. West Va., visited her sister. Mrs. S .A. Martin, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fulton. Mr*. F. Lovin, Mrs. Anne Carter. of Walnut Cove, and Dr. and Mr.*. £L. H. Morefleld, of Danbury, visited % Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Priddy at Hart, man Sunday. Gilbert Alley, county game war. den, was In town today. James Lasley was here today from Meadows. Mr. and Mrs. N. K. Christian, of W"e»tneld. were here Thursday. Tl>e -condition ol K. W. Sisk, cf Lawsonville. is reiKirted unimproved. X. A. Martin has told his stock of goods here to T. I>. Meador Orocery Co., who will open a new store at tlie «>tand. with J. A. John | son as manager. j Sanders Rierso-n, Jr., and Albert Oorrell, of Winston_Salem, are as. slsting In an audit at the court house- Auditor J. n. Voss is doing some special work at the court house the interest of the Liquidating Agent Bank of Stokes County. Definition of "Nice Porker" An aesthetic shoat. Too Cold Yet Xo, my dear Thcrese, no bee' Utfore Christmas, but you may hav your strai«h.t hooch. House Committee Approves Beer Bill Washington, I>ec. 15. —Modiflcatlor bill, but the committee agreed t the manufacture and *ale of beer o: 3.2 per cent, alcoholic content b weight was approved today l>y th( powerful House Ways and ileum Committte with a swiftness of ao. tion tliat surprised lioth il« ardem riupjMirters and avowed opponents. The provision to legalize wine w-i: eliminated from the original Collie) of the Volstead law to ]>e> ni ;1 consider :i separate nieasuie at meeting probably tomorrow whi. i would give tlie 1 ioii.-v an opportunity to vote on the proposition. Chairman Collier estimated thil the beer bill, if enacted, would "pro. vide $178.0U0,00U a year at least i.: revenue, and will go far towa"c balancing the budget." He plan* t". call it up for House action Tuesday The vote ordering the bill reported to the House was 17 to 7 with par.y lines split. Oysters /or^/ EXTRA! The inside story of the oyster! When this scoop was recently made by science, it revealed curi ous things in the hidden life of that bit of sea-mystery which had for so many centuries "shut it self up like a clam." When the scientists, however, pried open the shell of this reticent creature, the oyster, they pried Into many of his family secrets. And since can ning has made oysters available for those who lire inland as well as shore-dwellers, the facts con cerning the oyster are of univer sal Interest. A Valuable Food First among the discoveries Is the fact that oysters are good for anaemia. We had long known that the oyster was an excellent appetizer, main dish or stew, b'tt It was left for science to reveal that he was also a veritable min eral mine of copper. Iron, zinc and manganese. * A pound of oysters U *ald to provide all the Iron THE DANBURY REPORTER. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ES. TATE VOTER DEED OF TRI ST. By virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed of trust executed to m« on the 27th day of February. 1930, by Wert Fulp and I'arthenie Fulp his wife, which it? recorded in the office of Register of J-K-eds of Stokes County, N. C., in Hook 7S, page to which reference is hereunto made to secure the pay. ment of a debt therein recited in the sum of SBOO.OO, default having be-n made in the payment of said money at maturity, and lhe holder of said deed of trust securing said indebtedness having applied to mc to foreclose lhe trust deed for tht satisfaction of said debt, 1 will sell at public auction to the highesl bidder for cash, at the court hourtt door of Stokes County, North 'ar. olina, on— SATFRRAV, DEC. SI, IMS. at the hour of 1 o'clock I'. M., the lands conveyed in the deed of trus: to. wit: Firnt Tract —Beginning at a stone J. Robertson's corner in Thomai Taylor's line, runs- North on sale Taylor's line 9 chains 10 links to i slake: thence North degree: West 11 chalne to a stake in the lint of tract allotted to Sampson Hairs, ton; thence South 9 chains 10 linki on that line a stake in J. Robert, sotie line: thence South 78% deg« East 11 chains to the beginning containing 10 acres, more or lens. Second Tract—Beginning at : black oak in Thomas Taylor's lin« the northeast corner of Lot No. 3 thence North on Taylor's line 3\i chains to a stake; thence North It degree West 30% to a «ton near a stable: thence North 5 chs to a red oak; thence Wcet 12 chs to pointers, in the line of the tra.?' r.ttached to Sampscn Halrston thence South on that line 13 'chaini to a stake: thence South 7K>4 degree* East 1 chain to the begin, ning, containing 14 acres, more oi it heing lot No. 4 in the divisiot of the lands of Big Peter Main-tor and the Interest of Wert Fulp ir other lands adjoining. Third Tract—Which is numbered as lot No. 2. In,-the deed from H. H Williamson, Chairman of the Boar oi" County Conim!«sioner» to Wer Fulp. beginning a: a -stake *n Thoj Taylor'n line, the northeast corne of lot 1, runs North on Taylor'i lino 9 -chains nnd 1" links to a j>»s oik: thence North 78' i degree West 21 chains to a snurwood it Sampson Ha!r»ton's line: thenci South on hip- line 9 eh lin.s and 1 'ink-- t» n stake tlic northwest corne >f T.ot No. 1: thence S«>ullj 7 V, : (!e-■ :ce East 11 chains to 'h- l e finning, containing l'i a • -. run •>r less. This 29th day of Nov.. 1932. J. W. 11A1..L. TriiMt-c. Sir.-', Jacob Fulton .it'e'uied th Red Crcs meeting Thursday. Mlm Laura Ellington, of Sand* Rid ye, was here Thursday at'endiiv. the meeting of Ked Cross officials Miss Fllington is head of fc charity organization in Snow Creel* township. necessary in a man's daily diet, and 36 per cent, extra. It will furnish 50 to CO per cent, of the needed phosphorus, 35 per cent. o( the calcium and an appreciable aoiount of strontium which is also valuable In bone building. This pound of oysters Rives two hun dred times as much iodine as an equal quantity of steak, eggs or milk, and contain* vitamins A, B, C and D. Just what the oyster himself eats is still his own business. Science is making rapid and in sistent Investigations, however, to find out Just what minute plants he favors and why. They have already found that it is the copper In his make-up which makes the oyster "stay put" in stead of roving for fool, and stay ing put he lets the variety of foods which the sea has to offer flow to him. It is these food*, wisely chosen bv the oyster which makes him a valuable addition to our diet* » NOTICE OP SALE I'NDEK DEED OF TIU'ST. Ey virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of '• I'U.-t executed on the 27th day of Sep. Lember. 192K, by A. T. Bare and wito Nora Hare, to J- f). Humphrey**, trustee, to nerure the payment of » deht therein recited in the sum >' 12,(100.00 tine to S. 11. Campbell, trustee, under the will of B. 'l. Stuart, of Wythe County, Va„ which lleed of trust l« recorded in the Registry of stoke" Vnin-'y, N. C„ in Liook N'o. 7*. ;n pace 155, default having been made in the payment uf & id Indebtedness at maturity, and the cestui que tru«t huvim; made applleation for foreclosure »' the trust deed for the satisfaction of u)id deht. a" In said d--ed of trust provide'', the undersigned will, on Till-: I4TII DAY OP JAN.. lit the hour of 1 I o'clock -V M„ on tlie prem Ws In reinal'ter deserihed »ITer at public auction ale to th-j highest bidder therefor the foikiwlnu lands and property in said deed of trust described: That certain tract or parcel of land situated in Wa'nut "ove. Stoke* Couny. Nortu Carolina, con. tuining Approximately 4.32 acres, the whole of which is described it: the »aid deed ot trust as beginning *t an iron stake, at the intersectio'i of the (Sermanton road and the Winston.Saleni.Wa In ut Cove hard surfaced road: thence North 3 deas. and 30 minute* West with the west margin of the hard-surfaced ro-id 435 feet to an iron stake, Mrs. W. H. Sanders' corner: thence North fiO decrees SO minutes West with her line 530 feet to an iron stake, her corner: thence South 13 degree* East with her and Vine.v Huffman's line 369 f e et to an iron ct ike in the o-ld Clermanton road: •thence Norta 50 degrees 10 minutes Ba»t 300 feet to tin Iron stake: thence South 20 rlegrees Bast 30 minutes 52 feet t" in iron "take on I lie north margin uf the new Ccrmanton road: thenca Morth 5." degrees Bast with the north margin ol said road 100 fee' lo the beginning. containing 4.32 icrfr=. more or less. This pdoperty will be offered first n parcels and if necessary as a whole. The first fiarcel to lie olTered will he a tract containing less than 2 acres, on which w i-ituatcd the I.rick filling .Nation. This tract will have a fromauo of a ppmximatcly 135 feet on tlie Winston_Salcm hard, uirfaced road. Parcel numlier tw.i r«n-:aining lev- than 1 acre*, lie- Immediately vumli n parcel Xumb. I. and h.iri a front i:;c of about I• ' 'eet ''ii the n l '! I !(rinatitoii load I'll,, alei' o built bv \. 'r. liare I* I »i i l:i." p itl'arcc iff-i'i r ■'» '- ■ iiirn-'il : ite!y >rn: :!!| ' ',-t of |i| :'■('! Nlllllb,']' 2. It ll ! ■ f -ontage o: - 2nit fret • ••> the 01, •rTiunntoii road and ■ ntains ]«•■■ haii I ncr«. T.'ie n- v ri-id"iici luillt bv John !: iin sliuaied •' this parcel. All measurements a ipnroximate. This property will .old pre rcrnlily for c i h. but terms will :>, :icc;«pt Ilile. "Vrni of wile will 1,. announced at the sale. This 12th day of December, 193' i MRS. .1. I). HIWII'IIKBYS. Admx. i .1. I>. Humphreys. Trustee R. .1. Scott, Attorney. NOTICE op SAM-; OP »E\l ES, TATE IN DE It DEEI) OP Till'ST. By virtue of tile power of sa i contained in a deed of tru«t execut-' to me on the isth day of l-'cbru-iry 1926, by B. I'. Bd wards and I'. K I'.dwards his wife, which i - j-ecordei n the olllce of Register of I >cedr« o Stokes County. N. C„ in liook 70 page 09, to which reference i.s here unto made t«> i-ecure the paymen of a deht thi-rein recited in the .-'111; of SIOOO.OO, default having beet made in the payment of said deht a mathrity, and the holder of sai deed of trust securing said Indebted. ne?M having applied to mo to fore close the trust for the sattefactlor of said deht, 1 will sell at publi. auction to the highest bidder foi cash at the court house door o Stokes County. North Carolina, on— SATCHDAY. DEC. SI. 1932. at the hour of 1 o'clock P. ,M„ tht lan-dc' conveyed in the deed of trust to.wlt ' Being Lota N'o>. 3 on north sid of State Highhay. and 14 and Iff, on the south side of whool stree' in the town of King, N. C„ said lot purchased by B. P. Edwards from L. J. Bluer on the 23rd day o( October, 1923. See deed record>d in the office of the Register of l>eeds of Stoke" County. N. C„ In Hook 73. page 256. Alwi one tract of land conta'nln; 10.05 acre*, more or less, and fullj described in a deed from Thomas A Dalton and Chas. F. Dalton on Ihi 22nd day of July, 1911, For bettei description |.*>e deed recorded in tin office of the Register of Peods Banbury. N. C. Thin 29th day of Nov., 1932. J. \V. HALL, T.ustee. NOTICE of SAM? OF UFA I- ES. TATK I'XHKH lIKED OF Til I'ST. iiy virtue of the power of miU* contained in a deed of ti usi executel to nit? on the 14th day of January* 1930. by L. K. Smith and Minnie L. Smith his wife, which is rt««»rded in the nfflce «»f «»f l>eel»- of Stokes Coun;y, N. t\. in Hook 7K, p«|?e 442. to which reference hereunto made, to secure the p«v. tuent of ac« rtuin sum of mon-y recited in said deed of mi-t. defaii't having )»ee" made in t he payment of *aid debt at maturity, and tin holder thereof having ap|did to un to foreclose the tru-t deed f«»r ta»» satisfaction of the «lt-1»l •••ctir«*d hy Ha me- I will sell at jiithlio an !:•••» to the highest bidder for eas-h. it the court limine doo • in the t »w.« »f Oanhury. X. t\. on MUNDW. .IWI AUV IttTII. I*3/.. at the hour of II o'elo k \. .M.. tin* lands conveyed in the tniM dee I. to-wit: First Tract:— lleuinniuK a; a stem* on tiie f*oiitli hank of the r«c»d. '• K. Smith s cornet". thence N»i h 1 decrees \\*i-t - chains and Il* iink to a ma pie in a hollow; theme South 7!# degrees W'e-t down the center «• tlie hollow a chain.* to a hend: tlience North *4 W'e-t. chains and ♦•4 links to |»ointor-, in l. \V. Smith'- line: thence South on hi* tine •' chains to the road: thine with th road South * degrees Kast 1 cha:s •nd .*ii link* to i ln'iiil: thence Xonli K decrees Ka*»t in chains :• iil links i> the Iteuinninp. untainini: S aorw, hi* the fame more or lc.-. The ulMive di w,, *'itHMl tract «»f 1:«•• * wan ciinvdvil liv ]•'(") 1 "Hi .1. i" Xelson to R. Smith nil Jamiir;. Ktli, lHli!. the saiil deed lii-iiti; re. corded in the tflii'c ill' Uecister Deiile «if Stokes County. X. !• Ronk til. pajie 24!*. This is Tlit third tract described in the >li"d -• (rust above recited- Second Tract: Hcuinuing :it «tmie l. H. Smith's corner; then", Vnrtli mi decrees Kast with th> wad. 2 chains ahd 2.'i links to a pin I. K. Nelson'* and .1. lines Vminji' rorner; theme North I.'l West u hat line. •! chains ;o a maple in hollow; thence down the hollow • MHithwesterly oonrse 2 chains ani 15 links to a maple corner in *a!« tollow: thence South -I Ivim 2 chas ttitl 111 link.s to the liei:iiminu. cum alninv % acre, mure i.r less. T.t ibnve dcvi-rllieil tra*- !:ii:.| w> •olivcy, ,1 by,!,.(.) I.y .1 K. Xcl-o, o 1.. I-:. Smith .'it ill" Till .1 iy i Aimn-t. lit Hi. »ai*i.. I.e ti : rc -. .I. ti the "Mice nf Hi • I • . if Stoke- ('.unity. X. i' >i |\i ! Till- i.- '.ci-th ' Ic.crllie.l in lu» ij i d ■ t » i 11• >v recM- .1. Til!! .1 T.-let: It. • • , t c( hntise !'H. 'ris 11 •'t' • , .1. I". \e|-ill' -lie. ' MMtl i I'\ with ■ it-, i.ii• i it, ■ . '.v. ■ i chains hi .1 I- ml : i r'i. i i then i S'Hith sii i|i ccs V> i!i i> a lieud: Ili n . s«.ni 'i 7'i .• : ■, \V ( t • dia.'n-i i i • tot:;. 1., i: Smith's is.rncr: lltcii e Smith t. ilerl'ei-s \\'e»t it 'lining t'.i'liiiK 'i with a li. itich; tiieice ilnwn thi branch a* it 'in'tuiilers. I.•.:)■; ehtii t" a -t'Mie corner ( Win. \Velil.n Smith's let MS- tract Xo. J; t'li n. Sinitli I'.j device- \\'( -t -t ehaiiiis :• a st'ine: tic nee South Je- '■ K:i»t l-:l chain- to a stake in lidlUiu : tltence X.irfi I'j dec Kast l!i th tins t'i t':iinters. ,-.-Ii... house cMiiier: thence Xnrth IT' chains to a 1.1-n-k irittii theni\ Xnrlli IMi# chains t. ■ the l»o"innin:-' ciintaininu I 3 42.tmi acre o . V t! 1 same, more or le-s. ThiK is tin fifth tract dcsci'lticil j n n, t , ali.ivc recited ilc-cil if tin-:. I'Viurih Tract: r.eivinir tm at -*i rock on the branch ciirnvr »f Wri. Weldiin Smith's L'nil tract: ruimin.-' down the branch a.s it ineandcs chaln.s to a stine in \V. T. Mahe's •line; then-,. Smith n denrees West I I chains tn a locu t on the siutli siile of the roiad: thence with the me-anders if the said rntd North 7(1 devrei.s Ka>t 7 chains to i bond in the road Xnrth M deflri'eiv. Kast !>."S chains ti a bend in the road: thence Kast r»H'j deui'ees 3..' chain* to :» stake on the south sii|c of paid .road: thence South N.t decs. Kn«t 3.1 B chains to a -tolie on th • south side of the I*- R. I.aw_ son's (Kirner; thence Xorth dpKrec- Wcst 12.92 chains to thi> beuinnin.-. containing 2t!.sn acres be the .same more vr lpsn. Th!« is tlie sixth trac: described in the above recited 1 i of trust. Fifth Tia-t: —I'epinnina; at a ston- Mi*s. I .lie;.* Smith's rnnn ,, West J chains- to a .- uni.i: ihenc.» South ! chains to a .- tone: them e Kant 1 chalnM to a stone; tliencj. North ti chains to the bncinnim.". contalni't-jr 2 4-lti acres be the fiiee more or less. Tiie la-1 t!tr?«- de-cviliel tract.* of land was t ■ 1.. iC. Smith on September 11; th. 1 !l."i. '«• a full itiii eonii''cip d'-eription >f thy said three of land PAGE FIVE Book 74 at pa pre -«9. and 22». a the Office of the Register of l> fa ed«« ol Stoke* County, X. t\ The fifth tract that is d~*eribcd in this no*ic» is the .seventh tract that desenh'l jn the a hove recited de«*d "f tru-t This 14th day of l>e« . IMS.. J. W. HAUL Truffle * XOTHT: or I.\xn SAI,K. Under and hy virtue of the |n*w v »r and authority contained -n a cer:t .i deed »f trust i»y ». i*. Joy re and wil'e Lucy 11. .1« ♦«. trustee. dated .laniiiry •>, 1! 4 2f», and duly recorded in It mil at p;t- e in iJeyUter «»: I •wit office "J Stokes Oiunty. N. . the pro\of which have n««t »e» » complied with, and l»een >c iuested l»y t!»e holder ol the n» c thereby secured. I will «»n — FITN>\V. I>I:I:MIII:I: AO. at one OYI*M k IV M . en he P "eui. ise>, offer fo:- r-al«* foi ia>h .tr pul»« lie auction, the follow uu d»**cri »e«l real e^tat«-: A certain tr-ict of land lyintf MI the ea*t Hide «>f Sandy adjuinin:: the lands ot .1 T. I*ha»w. J. 11. KUint'ton. J. s. Joyce, 11 Thorntin, J. T. Joyce and K. L. Pratt. This l*ein£ known a* ' lr- 4 lirii-f Tillcy la in. am. al*» the J. r '> Andrews Tan Yard farm, i-enta' : »"»i acres, no i*e or lesr*. Thi* I'Urd day -of Nov. 11*32. C\ J. HO I NIK. Trustee NOTICE OF SAII:. Under and l»y virtue of an o de'' of the Superior court of s: ►he* county, made -n the special ins untitled. Thay. K. Helxihectc, Ad in!*. of ;he estate of it. K. Svnd-«. dee'd v>. AIJW. Sailie Hand**. wldo*r, it al. heirs at law." the same heio-r Xo . Upon the special jo**.. reed in f docket of xaid court. undersigned commissioner will, on—* FHIDAV. DKCKMItIJI 36, It 32. at one o'clock P. M.. at Roy 3. Redd : nvV» store in Stoke* Ccwfi'.y, North Carolina, offer for >ale to highest bidder lcur one.half cash •m l the remainder in 12 month* : -ertaifj tracts or JKl reels of i particularly det-'crilH-d as follow ■. "Lying and being in Yadkin •hip. lniundi'd as follows: Beirut. i;n:j at iHiinters formerly .*4 1». »-vt »ak. said Kiiton's corner. run:!.n»? Rant on a new line 24 chain* ;md links t«• a small Spanish >nit •o.n!««'|j in f«ci'!'"e*s line- tlu'U'C B onth on iiis iim 1• ciiaiur* t » » ' h:t» ; ;i 4 r,-),y\ J 4 j t .. \\\.? i !I:I : IN ... (i r• ; to a d-mMc ■ " "iU l! r« - •- 'ic' . th •n« , -» Vo: h on hV i 1" . , . , r •e-'iism: . »• : ni: . ; | u;{ . ruH "•■re : t .-' Lyin- .• ! ( • j Mi .ol- •w- T • u • • ■ df \ :«.;'o\; • : \', vA i. •! A* ha S. • • iv I'tf s i'ft JiOf, ruiinitiK Xorth 4MI % IfAV lillc 2»; ' ll;t:ns N> If'll i: r , t '* !i ■ .. lii'iuc ill .4 i|j, n« j,, ,i* | , ( . A*-:i S!::- inon '» ••rnor: Mien V\ fin iii- i; i li.iin.i t«* - MI 1 , li lit* -'-j chains t ■ >. >■ Hltc* :i» I'll-!.: I'-I'Mi'i» «| •••i- ' Ili' u;»ii!tn:. ■ ..main i« "1 III", f -.!• 1. Til - sil. \. v , i ;i:ij -L!A.-r III:!.S\I:KCK. '«• :n m «>no'*- N'OTK'l' or S.xi.l-: 01-' I.AMI V.y v'ruio ..i tin. .iiih«..ii\ ill . I'l i.ijii :(■(..! tin.-: f\-. u'c t •o ih.- ui.(k.i>ia!i t ..i n:isi ( .. l.y K,.f. Al. .1 itii.] A.IO i; ,1 ,|.. • Uati'd A'a>"• 'i -""ili 1!'.".«. in,i k-d in r.>'.k 7v p.iii . r.llii l" .it' 1;' "I I 'i*. .1 " County X.n-ih \.r«.i.n i. liiivjim l>i''ii ni;iiK- in i>ayiiipnt ILL.* IMUS :11 ri»LLL >(• -LIU-.L, ;IT I • "f t!u> hu'd'.-r >■ r 'id n» i-s I «!!1 .-I'll it .in !:..n i.. llj:-!l.'sl liidilfl'. I..|' i .-'i. :ti fivnt '1 11 l!a:;k .>:' I'.: n iv!t>. I'innsirle N Stukt'f Conn'v. at 2:«Mt O'CLOCK l». M.. ( SATritnw. I»I: I:MIII:U :H. 111.' following: ill,•••;!,. ;1 r o a! e «n to. wit: . I.vinit nn.l I'ciiiK in Oiiunfy X. i'.. .nljuinin« :h c . imds >f ISufn Joyce and "I hot'-. Iti-uinninir i |x»liMers. liufiw .NIV.C'M odi-n.-r n I rmw Ka.n J.I XII.IIKI chains to I I-ock: tli c n Xorfh 4 eh tiiiK to a IM>:I on >idp of Manlitii-.v mini: then w !i t!'c nn inl«>rs «.f >ai ( | mail a.« f i:_ lows: X'M*:lt 4 lia!n-'; North T.'l d«»vcy* m .ha in*: X. rih T7 llPfl-eiW Wl-| .ll I lis; North li'! di»m'CC s i-t IL' di; iiis t.. a i>" 1; «.n hank of road: tli«-n >NIM..II r>'.'. THE LIT.A!NI:!N-.-. . OIITHI, N.. IS» T AORP .. Jiiofo or 10-«. T'lj.- i.flns 'li. tru't of 1.i11.1 Shi-. ,l,y I i.||\(.ytll liy \Y. >l. •M- tthew. ci-niiii;.. „u.!., „„ f j thls triiM is t• .spi ife - hj I'nl n-> of t;.. ;III"I-LI MIMU-.I .IN.- .IN T|.F* IRNIJ li'-ic'ii il- i-vii. i Sile nia«>« :v Inimrj if pHmlpal ind into.-.,.-. N.i „r j-alp to add. Tir • -li.. L'V;i. 1 ... •• V 1!1J^. W, i: UAUOKTT. TruMeo.