3 V THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 60. BANK OF STOKES MAY PAY DIVIDEND LIQUIDATING AGENT REPORTED NEGOTIATING WITH RECON STRUCTION FINANCE CORPOR. TION FOR A LOAN, SECURED BY BANK'S COLLATERAL. It is reported here that a dividend to Stokes Bunk depositors will bo forthcoming soon. It is understood that auditory hive been hero for suone tinier examining titles to property in which the Bank ol' Stokes holds a lien, and that this formality is necessary !>e_ fore the Reconstruction Finance Corporation will accept the collat erals as (security for a loan, appllca. tlon for which, It is stated, has been made to the K. F. C. I The Bank of Stokes County holds first and second mortgages on muiv thousands of dollars worth of land In Stokes and adjoining counties. Before the federal bank will ad. vanoe money on such collateral ■ they must first be closely examined and checked with the records at the court house. It has not been ascertained how much money, if any, was applied for by the Bank, which 1* now in liquidation, with Mr. L. L. Aycock as liquidating ag^-nt. KING NEWS King, Dec. 21.—John .Mrtie" and tiis sister. Mrs. Charity Lunkford, have returned to their homo" hero after spending a fw day* w!•:h rel.i. tiva in Wylesburg. Va. The Cabin Grocery «'o. have m'led their store building from Depot St. around on Main street and are «erv_ ing their trade .at the new location Walter Thomas has moved his famiPy from. here ti> High Point where he will engage In a motor freight line, running fron: High Point to Baltimore and other mont'hern cities. The King high school bnvketbail team lost to Old Richmond school of Forsyth county in a game p'ayed in the King gymnasium Friday might. The flnail score stood 1# and 33. Eve>'ette Stone, of Hiigh Polmt, 'a spending a few- day.* with his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Stone, on Main street- The follow|ng births were regis, tered here last week: To Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Todd, a son: to Mr. and Mns. Aldie Venable, a daughter; and 'to Mr. and Min. Iloy Fulk, a eon. Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Booe spent Monday In Wlnston-Salem shopping. George Smith, prominent plante.', of the t'apella section, was a hu 1- Ties» visitor here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Co>e. of Beids. vllle, are spending a few days here the guests of relatives. C. O. Boyles. Jr.. has accepted H position with the Brown and Will iamson Tobacco Corpora*'lon at Wirvnon-Salem. He entered on his new duties Monday morning. Methodist Services At Danbury and Pine Hall Services at the M. E. church next Sunday morning at 11 A. M., by the newly appointed pastor. Rev. J. B. Needham. The service will be in keeping with the Christmas season from the theme. "The World's Joy Brlnger." Services at Pine Hall M. E. Church in the evening by the same pastor. The publlo Is cordially Invited to these eervlcbs. "Come and worship with m." Established 1872. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, December 21,1932 Q =ioc=aoEaoi==aoEao ■ ! ! I[| I J I 1 goi—aoc=ioi=raonot——locaoi— —loeaoi——aoco Q=K> [THE BEAUTIFUL DREADFUL SNOW omo STKIt. IT I.IMJUtK ON, iti:.M>i:iti.\; thwii, innafk \\l» S|:UI(HM,V IIIM>KItIN4j Tlt\l»i: ITII> TltVIMi TO «;irr itu> or it roit siioi'i'Kits. I i • i iti: i. drmd ! It'! -II i\\ . It slavj- m|i. in;.;:jiia Very -1»v. I>. The hialn'. ay.- .1 I- unsafe in l>. i i i (I i i'k'iit- i r |iortel. Tli" it- II 'ii hi. trrupplcd |«!l!i .t ,-i; . mi ilit.- .i widen the I|i i-.i ihm .iiMiiiiiuli -alllienti | 1 I'ur '|lti ;» li.i--.ia ■ A • .i■ .if h:ul ai'd '"oi rain f.;i in. i h il'd ■-rust ' I''- in. ...jut f«n- il.lnt- us th.->v ii lint -Uii> an.i .-'.-iiim|.i ■■ ..v«.tin- ■ ii; . t . Uiuuhin'4 ' at Ii it.l I I" ■ !i Xm-ili I'triflilVi -Slni'l ll'lllip. live ''Oc'l cllK.'W'd "' !■ I' ■- i 'I -11 m\ • I- I . 111 in T> v lamif i m .. jit- .(• t lie .inpedi ment ' i! j.-'l a is IniM 'if |».ii'i.- tl)'' • !■*'• •-ai 11 m r Ik* aii tii'n ii'lird fa!- .if i »r !nsh, ' that ii.irkiii" :> dillli-ul!. a ß*i«• its«ly hindei'lnu i lin-tnia- trail' 1 . In tlic rimutry. «iff tlie in tin liiarli. way artri'ifs ninny of tlit* i-olliiUti! road." arc* itn |ia-sa lile. Thlp- js one "f tin- nmyt trouble, -sonii* ."mmfalls f«u- I>.. .-tnlier re. ported in many years. Death of Frank Whitt Accidentally Shot Ai ' Uh'iH.illy sho; iii t!u abdomen on Xuvi-niiii'. I? while hiiirjiiu with ' his lirotlici.in-l:iw near Wilron's I | Stain*, «! t in i iifin Koiite I. William Kinneis. Whitt. ."ill. ail' \Vjii.-inii.SaW'iii, known to hi- intimate* "Frank." pushed away Ala HI I|,l v afternoon fit fn.ili ii'i'lock at a WinCim hospital. Ari'an (linn to in formation, Mr. Whit! mill hi* iiraitlii'i-in.luv, Mil I'arroil, wot'' hunting on th|i I'armll farm. In caiinp 111i111n(.*i' a .-liotcrtin wis «1 i■- hII i:ri| ami .1 part of the load .-triia li -Mr. Whitt in the ahd". 1111*11. Ill* »:l i-aill Vi-V'-.l tal II hOS« I'it il in Winston-S lifin iiinl several day* I.iii- an a• |llii 111 win per« formed in an I'tYairt to save his ljf». It was t 'iniii'lit "th.it tli' l operation win a MII •■•■ I", however. during th-i past ti*\\ il.iys hii- condition hud Kraiwn worse. lie WUH Inn 11 nt t'lommons, April I". I s 7■». 1 -ain of \v. 11 and Betty Holder \\ hjtt. lie liinl reshled in Wliuitoti.Saleni for a number of years aiuj for -n >ear« wa« connea'te,! with !• ossle llrntlie's. He WUH A car penter by trad". He was married to .Miss Nellie iMrmll "ii years anil w 1- a ineniher of Sprayue Street fluii'ch. Win.-itoii.Sali'in. Surviving are tho widow; thr.>e daughters. Mrs. F. ||. sheppard and Misses Carrie and Mary Whttt, if two sisters. Mrs. J. J. Ooforth and Mr*. J. \V. Dulley. Mi'. A. J. Faiwsr. Mrs. Fa-sg an-l Miss ICdltli Fa«K were among the Danbur.v visitors in the Twin city Tuesday. Mrw. Sal lie K Pepper, of Panbury, and Mw. Lai 11 ie Joyce Fulton, of Walnut Cove, visited \Vinston-Balera Tuesday. Number 3,755