THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 61. Government To Buy Sauratown Mountain PRACTICALLY ENTIRE RANGE, EMBRA CING 110.700 ACRES, TO BE APPRO= PIATED AS NATIONAL FOREST RESERVE=THE ASSURANCE IS FROM WASHINGTON. Practically the entire range or Sauratown mountain in Stokes county, embracing 110,700 acres of forest, is to be purchased by the Federal government and es tablished as a national forest re sei ve. This news is contained in a dispatch from Washington ol March 26 in which it is stated that the national forest reserva tion commission on Tuesday of this week selected 977,723 acres in 7 North Carolina counties as part of three new national forest purchase units. The Stokes reserve, which is known as the Sauratown unit, will probably reach from Danbury to the Surry line on the west, and flanked by Dan river on the north and the highway from Flatshoal to Pinnacle on the south. It will include all the points of historical interest, scenic beauty and recreational centers situated throughout the countain area, notably Piedmont, Moore's, Vade Mecum, Rock House, Hanging Rock, Moore's Knob, Cook's Wall, Tory Den, Cascade, etc. The exact purpose and details «f the government project are act definitely known, but it is generally understood that good roads, fire prevention stations, parks, fisheries, etc., are included in the plan to protect and perpet Sudden Death of Dave Nelson, Prominent Sandy Ridge Citizen, Aged 52 Dave Nelson, aged 52, Sandy Ridge citizen, dropped dead today (Thursday), after a short illness. 1 Mr. Nelson had an attack of something like cramp in the stomach on Wednesday. He im proved, and the illness was not regarded as serious. i Today while talking with his write, he suddenly expired. Mr. Nelson is survived by his wife and seven children, as fol lows: Lera, Leff, Posy, Odell, Pensie, Ural. Gladys. Me was a brother of Cephas Nelson, of East Radford, Va., of James Nelson, of Sandy Ridge; and four sisters, to-wit: Mrs. Wm. Smith, Mrs. Corinne Nelson. Mis. Robert Sisk, and Mrs. Cora Sisk, all of Stokes county. The burial and interment will be at Sandy Ridge Friday. A most dangerous line is the dotted line. Criticize your self today anJ others tomorrow. Your wife as well as your sins will find you out. Established 1872. Danbury, N. C., Wednesday, March 28, 1934. uate the forests and timber inter ests, and to enhance the beauty as well as the utility of mountain and forestst. The dispatch from Washington follows: Washington, March 26.—The national forest reservation com mission today selected 977,726 acres in seven North Carolini counties as part of three new national fares: purchase units. Land in the three units, C'roa tan, Suurat nvii and UwharrL\ will hi purchased by the commis sion after examination and ap praisal. Each tract will be pur chased on the basis of its apprais al worth. The largest of the three, the Uwharrie unit is located in David son, Montgomery, Moore an J Randolph counties. This section containing 560,026 acres, is drained by the Pee Dee and Cape Fear rivers. > The Croatan project, located entirely in Stokes county, con tains 110,700 acres. It is drained by the Roanoke river. Erosion control, withdrawal of poor land from production, water shed protection and timber pro duction will be practiced on the Sauratown and Uwharrie units while timber production and demonstration of forest manage ment will constitute the chief work on the Croatan project. Announcement. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Regis ter of Deeds of Stokes county, subject to the Democratic pri mary to be held in June, 1934. HARVEY G. JOHNSON. Announcement. I hereby announce myself as ,i candidate for the legislature for Stokes county subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary in June, 1934. 1 will appreciate the support of my friends in all sections of the county. J. E. THORE. Glad to see our old friend G. Wilson Priddy today. He was here accompanied by his sons Bib T. and Robert H., all living in Forsyth. Been there now for sev eral years. Mr. G. W. is now in his 79th year, and his whiskers are white, but his step is steady and his mind as clear as it used to be. All these are good citi- I zens. formerly of Stokes. BAILEY-JOYCE NUPTIALS SATY. I J O P l L A R REGISTER OI DEEDS TAKES L'NTO HIM SELF A FAIR DAUGHTER OF SNOW C REEK FOR A WIFE —WEDDING TOUR TO FLOR IDA, AND THEN HOME. Pinnix Bailey decided not tj wait for the June primary. He is already elected. Last Saturday he took unto himself a wife and helpmeet—Miss Dolly Juyce of Sandy Ridge. The happy affair was consum mated at Walnut Cove, Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald, of the M. E. church, tieing the knot. The ring ceremony was used, and the place was at the M. E. church parsonage. The lovely bride was attired in a going a'.vay eiisernble oi blue with matching accessories. Mr. iind Mr». Bailey left im mediately for a tlip South includ ing points in Florida. On then ret urn they will make their home in Danbury. The bride is the attractive and accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Joyce, of Sandy Ridge, and is a favorite in her circle of acquaintances and friends in the Sandy Ridge community. The bridegroom is the popular Register of Deeds of the county, who has made an efficient and popular officer for two terms, and who is a candidate for re election. Cantor Arrives In 'Roman Scandals' Eddie Captor in "Roman Scan dals," comes ~to the Carolina Theatre for 4 days in Winston- Salem, beginning Easter Monday. Ruth Ettiag, Gloria Stuart and David Manners appear with him in the pop-eyed eoraedian'a fourth annual musical comedy for Sair ueL Goldwyn, succeeding his "The Kid from Spain" of last year, j Ita story is that of a wide-eyed, brow-beaten lad in West Rome, Oklahoma, who, by the power of his imagination, is carried back to strange adventures in the Rome of the Caesars. Fair maida ( in distress among the Emperor':} j captive beauties, intrigue in the affairs of state and a deep secret, with which Eddie tries to escape figure in the riotous story, which lends in a thundering chariot raco j to the sea. Samuel Goldwyn has niaintain- Jed his tradition for lavish produc tion, beautiful girls and lilting music. A 1 Dubin, Harry Warren and L. Wolfe Gilbert have given i Eddie three new tunes and writ ten a plaintive ballad lor Ruth Etting. Busby Berkelsy staged the big dance spectacles. "Roman Scandals." wls dii -ct ed by Frank Tuttle ior Unite I ' Arti3ts release. GOSPEL MESSAGES i AT COURT HOUSE COOPERATIVE INTRA - DL AU.IIIA A 1 IO.S Al. SMi \ ll i> TO BK GIVEN HERE DIRING COIRT RECESSES XKX'F WEEK—PUBLIC CORDIALLY IN VITED TO ATTEND SER VICES. I i At the court recesses next week, from 1 to 1:45 P. M., from! Monday to Friday, inclusive, i there will be services by ministers of tlie county. Leading this special co-opera tive religious movement will be Rev. J. 13. Needharn, of the Dan-' bury M. E. Church; Rev. O. E. 1 Ward, of the Walnut Cove Baptist Church; Rev. J. B. Fitzgerald, of, the Walnut Cove M. E. Church; Rev. Mr. McKinney, of the Ge.- nnnton M. E. Church; Rev. E. A. Lnn?, of the Germanton Baptist Church; Rev. Mr. Green, of Sandy Ridge; possibly Rev. Jno. D. Smith, of the Presbyterian churches of Stokes county, and others. j. It is a series of evangelistic' messages from the ministers of the ! gospel representing various de-1 nominations of the county, and the public is cordially invited to I attend the services which will be held at the noon recesses of the court. New Business at j Walnut Cove _____ I W. F. Bowles, whose hardware store was burned at Walnut Cove some months ago, and in which Mr. Bowles sustained a heavy loss, having but 3mall protection, has decided to carry on. So he ia opening a new small business in the Nelson building, just across the a'.reet from the burned premises. Hers Mr. Bowlea will carry a line of hardware and farm imple ments, with men's furnishings, auch as pants, shirts, etc., at the lowest prices. M. E. Church Appointments Rev. J. B. Needham, pastor oi of Danbury M. E. church, will preach next Sunday, April 1, as follows: Davis Chapel, 9:45 A. M. Danbury, 11:00 A. M. Pine Hull. 3:00 P. M. Bethesda, 4:30 P. M. To the above services, the gen eral public is cordially invited. Written for his children —now given to the public after being hidden from the world for 85 years—Charles Dickens' master piece, "THE LIFE OF OUR LORD." A four-page supple ment, illustrated and illuminated for permanent preservation, with next SUNDAYS BALTIMORE AMERICAN. J Mr. Ynunce is a candidate for Solicitor of this District, subject to the Democratic primary in -lune. CWA Dies Natural Death April I Compliment to Stokes Administrator The CWA administration which has brought practical comfort and material aid to millions of un employed in the nation, will of ficially die by limitation next Sat- urday, March 31. The Stokes unit of the great ! federal agency is closing iis books this week, but the Repor ter is assured by Mrs. Minnie G. Doyle, the administrator in this county, that the formal demise of the CWA does not mean that , all projects in this county will be discontinued, or that federal aid will be withdrawn from our un employed and needy. I On the contrary, it is stated that other manifestations of fed eral interest in our jobless popu lations in a newer and broader dispensation, will be in evidence , at an early date. ( It is certain that the farming classes who have been on the government payrolls for many , months will be assisted to a deti nite opportunity to place 2hem selves in an independent and sel. - 1 determinate position, whereby they may become self-sustaining. On the other hand, a working crew will be maintained to carry out and complete deserving pro ' jects. Since Mrs. Doyle has been ad ministrator under the CWA in the count v. she has received I 1 quite a number of compliments os to her ability, energy and gen eral fitnes3 for the difficult n»«- ■ sition which was entrusted 'o her, ' but none of them has been iroio i pleasing to the little auburn ! haired executive than the remark made by State Administrnor i Number 1,011 Mrs. O'Berry last wcok that Mrs. Doyle "is the most o'.ii'ient equi ty administrator ia the State.' While the friends of Mrs. Doyle share her pleasure in such a ex tinctive felicitation from so prom inent and authoritative! a sou*ee, yet they feel that the compliment was not undeserved, and they are willing to divert a large port»o» of their appreciation to the State head of the CWA for her good judgment. Stokes In Evidence "Down Sooth" Nat Nelson, formerly of Saura town township, this county, now living near Ellerbe, Richmond county, right close to the South Carolina line, was in Danbury Wednesday. Mr. Nelson is visit ing friends in Stokes. He says the woods are full of Stokes emigrants in the counties down south or east, this State. He gave a chopping one day last week •inrl out of the 10 hands present, IS were ex-Stokes farm ers who have left this county dur ing the last lew years, now locat ed in Richmond county. Among the number he mentioned Gid, Edward and Everett Mabe, Abe Mabe, Noah Mabe, Lem Mabe, Gerry Mabe and Scott Simmons. I Charles Dickens' Masterpiece "THE LIFE OF OUR LORD," il lustrated and illuminated for per manent preservation. Four-pago supplement, in colors, with the BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMER ICAN. Buy your copy from your favorite newsdealer or newsboy.