PAGE EIGTH W. F. BOWLES REOPENS AT Walnut Cove HARDWARE Farm Tools, With Attractive Line of PANTS, SHIRTS, and Gents' Furnishings. In the Nelson building just across the street from old burned stand. (live I- I .j a call, and let me know your, and I will guarantee quality, service and 1.-nee. POSTAL SAVINGS 2 PER CENT OUR SAVINGS 3 PER CENT Millions r-c dollars have been de !> sited in Postal. Savings within the last few years by persons who wish ed to be sure that the government would protect their money. Realizing' this, the last Congress created the FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION which insures deposits of this bank and other members of the "F. D. I. C." up to $2,500.00 for each deposi tor. No longer, therefore, is it necessary for savers to seek the Post Office to be sure that their money is safe. We invite them to deposit with us. Their funds will be protected by Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora tion. Will earn 3 per cent, interest com pounded semi-annually. Will be immediately available when needed. THE MORRIS PLA/S BANK 206 W. 4th St., Winston-Salem, N. C. Member Kedertii tfeposit Insurance Corp. State Planters Bank CAPITAL STOCK ASSETS ARE $70,000.00 U. S. Depository Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Your deposit is insured up to $2500.00. Time and Savings Deposits. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS. STATE PLANTERS BANK, Walnut Cove, N. C. Let the Reporter Job Print Figure With You On Your Printing Needs. THE DANBLKY REPORTER Stokes County Young People's Conference i The officers and leaders ot Stokes County Young People 3 Conference just held a meeting in order to plan their annual I Young People's Conference in King. The meeting will be held m the King Baptist church. There will be morning, afternoon aa 1 ceuir.g sessions, the evening which will be a banquet session will be held in the King high school building. Rev. S!-.uford Peeler and Miss Edith Kiider. who are gcae: d secretai\ o. the North Cuoiini Sunday School Association, a:. ! Direeti'! o Voting People's WOI'K respecticely wire present at the meeting. The following people were eicctcd to serve as of.icers: Gene:a! chairman, Roland Car roil. Secret try. Rater Hall. County Director, Jessie John son. Registration chairman, Oberm Johnson. Publicity chairman. T. G. New, Jr. Banmvi chairman. Ribiv.:i Hclsnbeck. Registi trs were appointed for the different churches in King and throughou' the en'isv o-unlv and qno'.ar assigned to each church. It is hoped to have at least 11 0 young people present a', the conference this year. The principal of the High Scho >1 has agreed to release from school any pupil who has registered for the conference. A small regis tration fee will be charged t:> cover expenses and banquet fees. The program will be of much in terest to the different churches, it includes music, a playlet, ad dresses by ministers and young people, discussion groups led by confident leaders, and a special stunt feature for the banquet. The banquet session will close with a candle-lighting service. Watch for further announcements of other features of the sessions. The meetings are open to memb ers of all denominations upon payment of registration fee. More Arrests in Charlie Gqlding Robb'y Snooks Vaughn and Nathaniel Hairstoa are the latest additions to the gang of racketeers charg ed with robbing Charlie Golding of his S6O in Walnut Cove last week. These colored citizens were ar rested this week by Deputies Berk Smith and Luther Williams and brought to jail in default of bon J. Charley Golding, col., was rob-' bed in Walnut Cove last week, 1 when Walter Gray and wife and i Ol Lash, charged with taking his | i money, were arrested. Lash going to jail, while Gray and wife were' let go on bonds. NOTICE. Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of J. A. Martin, defeased, this is to notify all per sons having claims against said estate to present them to the un dersigned. on or before February 1, 1035. or this noMce will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persona owing said estate will make Immedirte settlement with the undersigned administrator. This the Ist day of Feb.. 1931. C. K. BOYLES. Admr. of J. A. Martin, deceased. W. R. Eadgett, Attorney. Stokes Farm News (S. J. Kirby.) The adjustment of the tobacco contract acreage figures) for .Stokes is nearly completed. More than ninety per cent, of the grow ers have accepted cuts to make this possible. When the other ten per cent. sign the adjusted contracts, checks for rental pay ments will begin to arrive for distribution ar.vng co-operation growers. Every effort is being put forth to complete thir work by the first oi April in order Si-ikr>:- farriers nay receive their 'i! check:-. Production Credit. Siokes farmers can now file ap plic.itsons for production lo ,n.. There are two classes of thess loans. There has been some con tusion asf to which loan producers s!vi;:Ul attempt to get. The de tails governing this has been worked out and ii is possible (•> give prospective borrowers def inite information on these loans. Production Credit Loans. Farmers owning land or pos *?.«• ing collateral in such forms ■ s feed, work stock, cattle, or r -.r:a equipment and wishing loans of more than £")0.0f» should apply for ;t loan •, . ;IProduction Credit As- • isiion of the V.'ins ton-Salen ris*. > ivt which com prises Si Davie and David son. and Fc.s.'h counties. Ao for these loans may b.» made out in Danbury through ' iie County Agents oiilee. Mouev secured frr»i thi« »«•••• «... use i for any part of production work on the farm, such as pur chase of seeds, fertilizer, stock, feeds fence, labor, etc. These loans are for farmers who are either land owners or tenants, who have collateral and wish over $50.00 each. Seed and Fertilizer Loan*. The old Seed and Fertilizer Loan is available again this year as an emergency loan to farmers who do not have collateral, but do have a reputation for paying theii debts. Applications for these loans may be made either in Walnut Cove, King, or Dan bury. If the borrower is apply ing for $50.00 .or more, he must first make his application with ;he Production Credit Association. If this application is turned down he is then given a certificate which entitles him to borro v up to $150.00 from the Emerge i v ?;*3d and Fertilizer Loan. j It is important that everyone requiring a loan with which to finance farm operations this year should file his application at an early date. The indications are that these loans will be granted and the money will be available within three to four weeks afte" the application has been filed, j .Vow Tobacco Contracts accepted This Week. Stokes County Tobacco Grow-: ers who have not signed acreage ' reduction contracts will be given the opportunity to co-operate in j this movement this week. Any ; grower wishing to sign a contract may call upon his township com- Imitteeman and sign in the acre- I j age reduction plan this week or jup until April Ist, according to | announcements appearing in the daily papers of the State. This will be the last opportunity offer ed to tobacco growers to share the benefits offered by the Agri cultural Adjustment Administra te. NOTICE. j North Carolina, j Stokes County. Having qualified as administra trix of the estate of James P. Joyce, deceased, late of Stokes Slokes County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate o," the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or befo-e the 15th day of March. 1935. at ' I-.e." residence. 1 . Pox 47 - Francisco, North Carolina, or this . notice will be pleaded in bar »!' their recovery. All persons i,«- 1 debted to said estate will please r make immediate payment. This Bth day of March, 10 :J. MARY LUE MARViX. Adniinistr.itrU. . Jones &• Price. Attys., Winston-Salem. X. C. NOTICi; OF SALE | VUER 1)1 :VA) OF TRl'ji). By virtao o!' the power >!' sale . it-iinec! in a deed of tins; e.v cute*l by K. D. Fulk and wife. I attic Flillt :O P.. J. Scott, tI'US ; tee. dated July sth, 1932. record ed in the Stokes County Registry in Cook No. S6. at Page de fault having been made in the payment of the debt 1 hereby se cured. and the holder of sa:no having applied for foreclosure io:~ satisfaction, the undersigned will, (•n TIN: mil DAY or APRIL, 1931, at the hour of 10:00 a. m., at tlu> court house door in the town of I'anbury. N. C., expose at j-übli-r sale to the highest bidder for ash. the following described lands: Tract No. 1. Peginning ;; a pine stump, Win. Brown's cor ner. runs North 11..") chains to t persimmon: thence North 25 de vices- West -1.5 chains to a stake: thence North 5.5 chains to a stake. Nelson's line; thence West on his line 1"2 chains to a stake. •John A. Bullin's corner: thenc." l South 21 chains to a wiiite oak in Brown's line: thence East on his line to the beginning, contain not« (> ■ Us 1- . Tract No. 2. Beginning at a oak. Riser's corner, North on that line to an old road and .along said road SO poles to Ris er's corner in the old Armstrong line: West 90 polos to a black oak in Leonard Smith line: South on his line 80 poles to a stake near a branch: thence East to the beginning, containing s> acres, more or less. SAVE and EXCEPT such parts as have been sold off by a former owner, leav ing about 32 acres, being the the same land conveyed from P. H. Mabe and wife to John A.. Bullin. see Book 23. Page 281. This 15th day of March. 1934. R. J. SCOTT, Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST. By virtue of the power of sa'e contained in a deed of trust exe cuted on the 15th day of Febru ary, 1927, by Geo. W. Tuttle and wife. Nannie L. Tuttle. to J. D. Humphreys, trustee, which is re corded in the Stokes County Reg istry in Book No. 76. at Page 335, default having been made in pay- 1 ment of the debt thereby secured, and the holder of same having 1 applied for foreclosure, the un-1 j dcrsigned will, on— THE 17TH DAY OF APRIL, 1931. at the hour of 10:00 a. m., at the! court house door in the town o* i Danbury, N. C., expose at public sale to the highest bidder fo: cash, the following described • lands: | Beginning at a chestnut. Dr. J. Walter Neal's corner: thence ( North on George W. Tuttle's line 14 chains to a rock, a new corner i thence East on a new division I line between Fannie Tatum and; George W. Tuttle 27.10 chains to i j a new rock corner made by them' | in Jap Moser's line: thence South ; : on Jan Moser's line 14 chains tij ,! a stake; thence West on Dr. J. i I W. Neal's line 26.50 chains to the | 1 j beginning, containing 37.22 acres, 1 t more or less. , I This 15th day of March, 193*. i MRS. J D. HUMPHREYS.! c i Admx. of J. D. Humphreys, trus-! -: tee - j 1! J. Scott. Atty. j A {I IJQUn. TABLE IS, KAI.VK. NORM Dnoi*s * Checks Malaria in 3 dn>s. flrst dar. Headaches or Neuratff" | 9 i in SO minute* - Laxat ; ve and Tonic Mint s needy Known WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, IMi NOTICE OF SALE OF REAI ESTATE. . I By virtue of authority contain ed in a certain deed of trust exe cuted by Milton A. France and* wife, Harriett France, on May 24, 1928, to me as Trustee, and re corded in the Office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Stokes County, * N. C., in Fook No. page 111 etc., and the stipulations of said deed of trust not having been complied with: and at the request of the holder of said deed of trust and the note secured by same, I will expose to sale, at public auction to t lie highest bidder, for cash, in front of C. R. Gordon Filling Station, on road leading fro ;n Pilot Mountain to Pinnacle, I on FRIDAY, APRIL 20. 1934, at tlie hour of Two O'clock P. M., tiie following real cv'aie lying in Big Creek Township, Stokes County: FIRST TRACT: This tract contains 19 (2o) acres, more or less and adjoins the lands of Reid Tilley, A. Tiiley, Milton France and others, and was the formei home place of Joseph France. SECOND TRACT: Lying in Pig Creek Township, beginning at a rock. William Jessup's corner; thence North with his line to t stake at Bis Creek: thence down said creek as it meanders to a stake. Charlie Gilbert's corner; South 12 1-2 chains to a stake, ("v. of lot thence W. with said Milton France line to the begin ning. containing 15 acres, more or less, and being Lot No. 6 in the division of the lands of Ruth France, deceased . For a further and better de scription of the above iv.o lots or tracts of land, reference is here by made to a deed from N. F. ' Christian, Admr., of Joseph I Fiance, deceased, to Miltou France, elated Mi" 7. 1! ; ;3. This March .19, 1934. O. E. SNOW, Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL 1 ESTATE. Pursuant to an order made by J. Watt Tuttle, Clerk of the Su perior Court of Stokes County, in the Special Proceedings, for the sale of land for Partition, "Entitled. H. F. Pettitt vs. H. C. Pettitt, et al", the undersigned Commissioner will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, .he following described proDerty, at Pinnacle. N. C., on the prem ises. on-- - MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1934, at 12:30 P. M., this being tract No. 4. as described in petition ;n the above entitled proceedings, bounds as follows: and described by metes and "Beginning at corner of W. 'A. Sullivan, runs East 314 feet to a rock; then Southeast 457 feet to jj a deep gulley; then Southwest 85 I feet; then West with J. W. King i line 428 feet to the corner of Ed J Nunn's lot; then North 81 feet to a stake; then East 15 feet ti a stake; then North 107 feet to •* stake: then West 193 feet to the street; then North 201 feet to beginning." This lot is known as the Pinna cle Ball Park. This the 23rd day of March, 1934. ... R. BADGETT, Hints for Homemakers By Jan« P.oßrri jww nt | V | v ' "I%^ W l v'i ciiti hi» to ro " mi'•!!.«r"ss ng i.v. iilnin? 'hi»ir own m, it rianltttr of o\'rn jar* : tji'tti'ii to nwily fumillM n' v lT"(i«rv'"i nre a va'u •! -.f it.'.:, f fo»vj. the'r frni'rt i ■ t'urnishhitf vitaimn.i c.ont-'lit. providing • source of energy c>n the table top or .'satin can u 'u«!ljr b« ra v rnlitjinr 'irttl with wnml anil r'-.. t v lib t. piece it Ht.ij J » !lh