WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1934 AT COURT W. It. Stovull, of Lawtonvilk*, whu is :ui educated man, not so much in books but in the know!-! oi people and l.uman ii-.uuro' aad common horse seruj. 12. is a phiiosoplvr. One of his say ings i.i "I: ain't e\eiy woman th. .: wean a diess who is a lady, oi' c\e:y .. v. ho biitcin.^ is a man." Th «t is the truth. you k;:•>'..• i". it's a mighty wary mule t'. .• can fool Will StuV; 1 us to his ::e or y. r a mighty *i' • ! .■ co - v that deceive r: . X. S. ..iulliiv.a. of \Y;!.-0.. s Stoie. that hue >■■! coi.imuih > Mtitilo'A «:.}». .«i - . Ai:.;hv ■ » keeps ill:. .. .. .. v;i 'i on 4 jo li? af!.r:s. v;iito a.i c., e :h.,,!e to politic:.! tremia. J. D. ; ..i-i.i, ol Duck Isian 1. a \ii y capable i aimer, who knows the- ai'i of producing fii. tobacco, the kind that shimmers like gol.i. Fred Bennett, a local writer who delights to wony the bovs wno cuss Stokes and move out, then move back a^ain. W. A. Southern, of Meadow*, wlu> has just recovered from a siege with pneumonia. James W. Young, of Walnut Cove, who is one of Stokes coun ty's most respected citizens. A. J. Fagg, ex-Clerk Superior Court of Stokes, now a citizen oi' Wins .on-Salem. Moil- Hawkins, of Sandy Ridge, candidate for Democratic sheriff. Hard Ziglar, of Sandy Ridge. Miss Laura Ellington, of Sandy Ridge. Miss Ellington's time is often pressed into service by public duties. J. C. Carson, superintendent of schools of Stokes. Luther McKenzie, Germanton, who carries his years sprightly as in other days. Will Stovall, of Sandy Ridge, a fine judge of a mule. Dr. J. L. Hanes, of Fine Hall, back recently from a northern hospital, improved in health, and busy at ever. Slow up, Doc, re member to avoid the pace that kills. Joe Hill Neal, of Walnut Cove, whose initials are J. W., same as his father's Dr. J. Walter's, same as his uncle's Dr. J. William's, same as hi.- brother's Dr. Joseph Walter's. T!r : s is a quadrupl • roinciden . Re/nimH one of a promiiKii J'lit Iby law firm of a few yt:us u;-o, vheie I'irtnci •• were O. i (Jardii :• and M. M'» !'■ ; ]1 ' 1 11 ' '•' l of u gK u Pmle, the oi i *. 1 el alr man of ' i eiao-.v ' •: ceutive c .v.ntce, To 1 'io j;. tsin •' '• of Wa.'i. Covrt, bti'. \ ■' visit I':*- v l !••;• '>: c t" mi 1 ■ yen:it. ' ■ «d I • th. > • 1 . !'(>'■ i.y -iy * : u::.l ' . ; •: • '• I •' • • tin - • TV:. V. « >. Put as-« j, i; ; P.' ' O ' ■ y.l hf !'.■ 7 i 1 ('■'! !I " ' too >"■ ' o !>o' -s v; t •> oi" 1 \ M i(',v' ) |..-M'!.ir K. p. cr i !*?;• Lnwsonville, who V iho vc • ■ t of liudy Vitl'i '' «>! i F: ik Ti''oy 'von ■V* s"r. town, a nidiilate for the bo-' of ' on; Bob Luwson, v.h wotddn'* u-11 yon a lie to rav your l'fo Mrs. Willie Hairslon fVsir.t'ei of V.VntM Co - .e, who i.- o".p >•' th? fa s; huslncsft women and c.c of tLe most charming ladies c-1 the county. Harry Davis, of Walnut Cove, j H. O. Hall, of Peter's Creek ! township. i Will Fulp, of Walnut Cove, j jiopular agent of Security Life £- Trust Co.. of Winston-Salem. I F:\vin Sheltjii, of Mojit' Spi ings. !)•. Pa-well, phvsi'-i;:n ' S.n 'y Ridge. j U. He! .::bc k. ntf .ncv a! ; t). M. !•.'! ". of King. • Tfiuv '.V:i.-iii, of Wes'f. ' !. FM- I R-VNIH'.I, of Peter's Ci -fi: •ov.nsliip. J, Iliiis C(on, of Pi.'inat !•-, r-amit. r i t ; e Haul: of Pinnac'e. W. 'i. Moore, oi Lawficnviiie, wivi weiv.hs 2 ! >j pounds. :u: .i is not too ,at. K. I'. N'ewsum, who hr.s br.:: e Rpor'-jrV' rrllable .-•id eliie agent at iving since the r S J >a:iish-Am* , riii , .. , i war, of whU-ll hr'.s a veteran. Carl White, of Germanton. I J. O. BoyJes. of Capella. RIiPOKT OF TUB CONDITION' j or TIIE BANK OF PINNACLF at Pinnacle, N. C., to the Con.-1 missioncr of Hanhr. at the rlose business on the sth day of March.! 1934. RICSOIHCES Cash, Checks for Clearing I and Transit Items...s 17.y Due from Approved De pository Banks 120.7'JC.' Loans and Discounts - Other 15,002.7'.! Banking House and Site. 3,MKMH) Furniture. Fixtures and Ef|uipinent 2,470.00 Other Real Estate 1.5(i3.4n Overdrafts NONE Total Resources . .!>44,190.1 * LI ABILITIES AND CAPITAL 1 Demand Deposits Due Others $10,348.92 Cashiers Checks, Certi | fied Checks and Divi dend Checks 17.Gh Accrued Expenses, Taxes and Interest 7h3.44 j Time Certificates of De posit Due Others ...15,731.71 , Savings Deposits Due | Others t»,366.23 Bills Payable ... NONE Rediscounts NONE Bonds and Other Secur ' ities Borrowed NONE Total Liabilities ..$33,248.01 Capital Stock Common. 10,000.00 1 Reserve for Depreciation Fixed Properties .. . . 683.>0 Total Liabilities and ! 10.942.1'. • Undivided Profits .... 259.1'; Capital .'•'44.1JM.1-i Slate of Ninth Carolina, 1 County of Stokes J. Ellis Ci on, Cashier, .1. i? i ::o, Dircior, an I O. J. Il>U> Dii-eetor of the !'a:ik I'inni le. 1 ia h pernon.dly appca'-e I !•' >' • . mo this day, and, beiui? duly i ii , c.v. h for lump', if, s y tl'.T. iho !'o:. i !,; r ' o;- i a ■ to the best • ' !'.!:> Uncv.'lc li.o ; :i I i, ; ;;i' y .i >7 ' .- '.i :. .1. •: V- .' t'n. »1. i. ! I ''l'. i :• vl . a ' • : • '• ' ' . • ■ .. 1! ':. iv ■, Pi.: .. 1. >_ '-V • I . I . T i i.iy . • > - 1 u.i.y ia V- : '/ !j' -. .ii. 1 'biv: .! 1 i t Ts i• : !•' ' '• Grain S l.'-:.' pei b • 1 i "• Th'tr.H'i:' you iov \ P : • I '' ' \ irv and I !:• ' 0 i 1 r '- vc i' ,,w i!ie fatiiio, Vmr-B \rf v tvnlv, C. F. UOP-FRRON S'tiar', V-.i 1 Having filed our income t.— 1 u tin its, it any, we may now aw v ' their investigation. — Many a man who is KaiisficJ with himself is awfully distp ' pointing to other people. THE DANBURY REPORTER MULES FOR SALE By R. B. Davis and Ed Boles PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. C. THIRTY HEAD GOOD MULES. ■ U bh jHfflß f ) "' We Can Absolutely Satisfy You. , >oooooo>ooooooooc 0000000000000000000 A O Make Them I O \ 1 I GOOD CLOTHES ARES 3 ADMIRED. J> 0 14 The Very Latest Sty'ieO ip u r and Fabric in o 'jx [ MADE TO MEASURE! y J $8 to $23.50 S >| J2D% 1, "JIM" FOSTER | ; A Fit Guaranteed. $ 1 T. D. MARTIN, ! ? I 0 Danbury, N. 1\ 0 0 * ■>>>oooooooo >OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO >C« | ' Reliable Used Cars: > • V. ! f".. . J T.-viur >..•' t • "i V;;i,J-.k;l «:V.r.,:-/ i .' U> !!• I CitUll;' t* . « !• '/. '.if . Ill# • t':.{>}»«• . 1 0 "iii flu tt •>t • (• • i: '•) . .ii.l 'ir 'fu . i' !'» E".'.'.'il 'i'tii? .r !■ i (V: • , > t . ! t • •[ ■ ) U.:l •! .»'• •■>• 1 ! ir.,l i-r'a.ii' X»\'. >'. l lv'>J • ' I «.:.;b 1 V »:» i; i.i ,> Tuttle Motor Co. Walnat Cove, N. C. "• >OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1 —!■ 1— ■! ni l ■ 111 —>l ■■ I— inn - i "ii-iTu— ■iiMT—rr wnrmrrr- _________ Danbury Reporter Will Do Your Job Printing: Right 1 I'VE HEARD THAT CAMFXS USE fjiji FINER TOBACCOS, AMD fT !S CERTAINLY TRUE THAT SfMCE C , I STARTED SMOKING CAMELS * ' V I DCK'T Ml NfPVOl'5 ANT.- -^M^k IRRITABLE AK/ MORE. '' ■'■■•'??-" '■.'''• ' .. 7 ; . :"f, 'V . _ • " . Vr • ' >.•??• NOTICE By order of the Board of Education, Stokes County, I will otter for sale on— WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25TH, 19154, at two o'clock P. M„ to the highest bidder at R. B. Hutcherson's garage, the following d.d school property, to-wit: Smithtown school house and lot. Amos sehoolhouse and lit. Preston vile school house and lot. Jute school house and lot. Zebulon school house and lot. The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any and at bids, reject any and all bids J. C. CARSON, C lerk. Notice. By order of the Board of Education of Stokes bounty I will offer for sale to the highest bidder it Lawsonville school house on Wednesday, May 2nd, at ten o'clock A. M., the following old school property: Peter's Creak school house and lot. Bennett school house and lot. Sands school house and lot. Ore Bank school house and lot. Academy school house and lot. The Board reserves the right to reject any and ill bids. This the -4th day of April, 193-1. ,1. C. CARSON, Secretary Board of Education. I>y ov] ref th*. r-1 ai km .if Stokes -Aninty 1 wil l on v«* »i* - • .•> t'■ io.ii'v. - st bidder it Franc'.sv-o scl. -'1 'o> i r r.o.ty, April til, it ten t.'elov kA. M., the \vivr (\1 *v »ol tmt >i t.' ( 1 Pr • »\ n ■ 'i«. 0 h i - 1 a:\J lot. * uek - li. ■■ .. T.V.I Ui. The IV :u d res. a, 1 t" \ ' »*..! : .m.v and .ill bUK This the Ith J.-y . f V • !!. 1. C (7 S-v;-.! !. i . i-'tliu • ilion LETS DOLL iv I-UR I-ASTER. : J'nvtei IVmivi.u.-. - i \Y \tv ' • i Y\ S'u'iis tn>;m llcnuty, Lovolim >s i }•' 1 t'i ..♦■ .• :M.l the Hummer morulas. Haiti, wiliil or s:n net o nu! t' 1 j».o;11 waves we i,ivo. Taoy .:p i I I ' l 1 >. I'luco y;»ur bn'r :uul in i' c • • •;' c i ".vn ; baiters auti operators ur.,l yiul ! ■;• '.'i' M, WiLUS Bobber & Keauty Slioppe IM RcjnoliK - Women tt«.d OW.tlrrn Kv.UjKsve'y. PAGE FIVE

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