PAGE TWO GOOD EATS —AT— DEPRESSIO/N PRICES SANITARY CAFE Corner Fifth and Alain WINSTON-S.M.KM. N. C. I When You Visit the City, Call Chicken Pot Pie, Veal Pot Pie, Beef steak, Oysters, I'ish, Vegetables, Past esies—All the Good Things Vou Love AT THfc L';W-\ST PRICI- iX TOWN. And Three Fine FeJows Will Wait ( n Yiiu and Make Vou Feel At Home $ The First Nalionai Bank § 5 Of Mount Airv, N. C. ® m m Sstakfis/ietf ASY-j J Resources More Than J J $1,500,000.00 0 m m We Solicit \ our Patronage £ •0000 OO OOOOOC'OOOOO y Stale Planters Bank A A X V ? Walnut Cove, X. C. e I o o o o | I 0) DEPOSITS INSURED (g) | | II Tlio fjtfera! Deposit insurance Corporation j £ | WASHINGTON, D. C. j 0 $ 1 maximum insurance CEfinn •? 0 0 j .p O cU FOR EACH DEPOSITOR SdUUU j; 0| 0 o 0 o a x oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc>o-; . _ I >OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC 001 £ When You Go To Martinsville f! 0 0; o Remember 0 o 01 | Southside Shell Station | $ Elmer Campbell, Manager $ o Martinsville, Va. 0 So X 0 g Gas, Oil, Tires, Tubes, etc. | $ BARBECUE, and All Kinds of Eats X S BEER and Other Drinks 0 o Just as you go into town you will find o 0 Southside Shell Station right at the o 0 o £ forks of two streets —On the left. $ >ooooooooooooooooooooooooooboo-6oooo THE DANBURY REPORTER. Fulp Reunion The Fulp reunion was held at j the ho no o; T.'r.c!** Sanierj | Fulp near King. Stokes county, on Sunday. Sept. 23, 1934. The day was fine and about 125 mem bers of the family mil friends wore present. Dinner \va 5 spf«\u, or. a lor.g table in th'_> yard am", a sumptuous feast was enjoyed r, .• all present. Rayah c-f Trmity. X. C. . reuai-.-;;.- a::.: ui t:.. be;.e.'. • ■ . su.l: t Till.- : ..rt:.. bi;.mh tht. iamii.v h " ttij iVv iz'acec* 11\ v. Thomas Fulp. o. W'umut Cove. Stortes cou:;ty. dating i: .a t * -7: i: century. His so;: Walter ! - uip. was represented a", the re union by CFulp and i'amih of South Boston. \ a., and lie;- e! > Poa.-vji; tiin.: family o* tlciJ *• vi:.v>. X. v..: tne son. Duugl is Fulp was i ep; (.scr.tea by Mr- ; . Grace Pov.'t ;. v •' Walnut Cove.: Archibald Fulp wat» representees o,» £. ib. i* u.j, t .;e L;nv;!;cs Winston-Sale;*.;. lieitabeck.- t. Km.,, I.ur.ii ilull, Vvrwnu* Cove. C. M. Fulp'o lamily fjom Trinity, the McGec-.-: of King ar.d Pin nacie. the Powells from Walnut Cove, and many others of cio«e relation. The children of the said Thomas Fulp. Patsy, who married a Zimmerman. Louise, who mar ried a Starbuck. Richard. Nancy, who married a Westmoreland. Jim Fulp, and two twins Jane and Bettie were not represented, if they left heirs. It is hoped that the family may be trace;! more accurately and fully by next year. Oliiceis for the association •. the nan.o wore elected as fal lows: Pr lent Ci;:.s. R. ILL .- '•cek. V-Prc.---i.ient. i ha:-. Fulp. ,>j South Boston: Sec.-Trc-as. Or.i Fulp. of Thomasville: Asst. Arch Linville. The place o." meeting f: ne:;t ye - ;r was set for the first San .av in Sept. at S. P.. Fulp'* near Kir.,. X. C. NOT ICM OF SVI.K OF RKAL KSTATF. I'XDKR DKKD OF TRISI Bv virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed of trust exe cuted to me on tho 19th day of December, 1932 by Roy E. Leake and wife, which is recorded in the Office of Register of Deeds, of Stokes county, X. C„ in Book 66, Page 791, to which reference is hereunto made, to secure th> payment of a certain sum therein recited, default having been made in the payment of said debt at maturity, and the holder thereof having applied to me to foreclose the trust deed for the satisfaction of said debt secured by same. I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door of Stokes County, N. C., on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1954 at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M., I the land 3 conveyed in the trust deed to-wit: Beginning at a stake, the south west corner of H. H. Leake's lot, runs with the road as it meanders in a southeasterly direction 285 feet to a stake on i the bank of the road, then a northernly direction about 375 feet to a stake in H. H. Leake's line then South 67 1 j degrees West 268 feet to the beginning, containing one acre, more or less, and being about half of the lot of land deeded by VV. V. Mc- Canless dated June 13. 1922 to H. H. Leake, see Book 70 of deeds, page. 4. in the office of Register. of Deede, of Stokes County, N. C. • This •25 day, .of September, ;1934. , j .J . • • J. V/. •H-A.14;- Tfusiee.... I Republican | Speakings j! And Rallies SOME OF NORTH CAROLINA'S MOST |j GIFTED ORATORS li COfVISNG TO STOKES A dressing - the voters of Stokes County on the issues oi the day, the following speakers will appear at the j : Times and Places below: j ; W. C. Meekir.*. Chairman State Republican Executive Committee, at Dar.bury, if r b ■'l6. ore o'clock p. m. T. X at x\ ;g's School House, near Hartman. Saturday r.ighr, October 13. 7:30 o'clock p. m. !i L. L. Wall. Volunteer School li"use. M o.'Uy. October 15. a* o'clock n. ni. Jk !*.:*. .. J: . Pinnacl\ Thursday, Oct .-be r 1 7:30 o'cl A "k p. in. L. 1,. ./..11. Walnut Cove. Saturday, October 20. 7:30 o'cl j i P. 1.. Jr.ut. Sandy P.ic'/je. Tuesday. ')c'.-»bw 23. 7:3>» o'clock p. m. j | N. D. M Xairy, candidate for Solicit ';- Lav*?'.nville. Thuvsusy, October 25, | | | 7:30 o'clock p. m. | i J. T. Eenbow. Francis o. M nday. Oot-ber LP, 7:oft o'cl *ck p. r.i. X. D. McXairv, Dillard, Tuesday. Oc'. ber 31. 7:3*■ p. r.i. C. C. Frazier, Reynolds School. Thursday. Xovember 1. 7 :C' r. m. jj Jal:e Xewo'.l. King. Friday. Xovember 2. 7:3' i o'clock p. m. T. G. Xew. Wilson's Store, Saturday, Xovember 3. 7:30 o'clock p. m. John R. Jones. Germanion, Monday night. Xovember 5. a ALL VOTERS BOTH REPUBLICANS AND DEMO CRATS AND ESPECIALLY THE LADIES, ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THESE SPEAKINGS All of the Candidates will be present at these meetings Stokes County Republican Executive Committee Pay yoa r— l Subscription!! All names on the Reporter's subscrip-S tion list who are not paid up, will be® dropped. Renew your subscription NOW. We«T cannot afford to send on time at SI.OO. I COME IN WITH US AND GET THE! COUNTY NEWS, THE CAMPAIGN! STUNTS, THE FUN AND THEI FROLIC. If it is worth 2 cents a week, O. K.—l>etV Your Light SHINE ■ FOR SALE— Pure Bred Re gistered Guernsey Bull 3'] years old. Will sell at a rea sonable price. Cladie Hill, Francisco, N. C. 10 4 ltp America's The tantalizing flavor* of true may. onnai*r and true old-fashioned boiled j dressing nrwly combined! Smooth and vrlvrty, made in the exclusive Kraft Miracle Whip. KRAFT'S MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING DOES YOUR BREATH OFFEND? —PROBABLY Many attractive persons are not welcomed at social gather ings because their breath is bad. Don't be one of them. Make sure that your breath is sweet and inoffensive by gar gling with Listerine. It combats infections in the mouth, checks infection and instantly destroys odors. Lambert Pharmacol Company, St. Louis, Mo. LISTERINE % '• * * ends halitosis KIIIV 200,000,000 germs THURSDAY, OCT. 4, 1934 NOTICE or SALE OF RI AL ESTATE I ruler and by virtue of an order of tlie superior court of Stokes County, made in the special proceeding entitled Joseph L. Merritt, and others against Mrs. S. 11. Beck and others, tha same being No. 1143 upon the special proceeding docket of said court, the undersigned commiss ioner will, on the 13TII DAY OF OCTOBKK, 1934 at two o'clock p. m„ on the premises offer for sale to the . highest bidder for cash certain ! tracts of land lying and being in Peter's Creak Township, Stokes County. North Carolina, adjoining the lands of J. L. Merritt. and /! others, and bounded as follows: 1 First Tract: Beginning at a J pine in James Corns line, running J North 73 degrees East 11'4 E chains to a rock pile, thence j North 14 chains to a cedar in I YVatkins line, thence West 12 j chains to a rock in Ben Merritt3 Line, thence South with his line 4Yi chains to a stump near a branch, thence East 2 chains to pointer, thence South 12 clAina to the beginning, containing 17 Vis acres, be the same more or less. Second Tract: Beginning at a corner stone on the West brancti of the Snow Creek road, Watkins stump, thence with his line West corner, formerly a chestnut 15 chains to a white oak South 5 chains to a rock pile, East 15 chains to a stone, and crooked Spanish oak at said road with the sam? North 16 degrees E. > 2 5 4 chains to the beginning, con taining 7V S acres. This 12 day of September, 1934 , O. B. MABE, Commissioner. O. B. MABE. Commissioner J. W. Hall. Atty, 9 13 4t COUGHS Don't let the* get a strangle hold. Fifths them quickly. Craomulsion combine* 7 helpj in one. Powerful but harmless. Pleaaant tv take. No narcotics. Your own druggist i«i authorized to refund your money on thai apot if your cough or cold ia not relieved by? Creamulsion, • ; «' (adv./J k