THURSO IY, OCT. IS, IS:*,! —AT— DEPRESSION PRICES SANITARY CAFE Corner Fifth and Alain V\TXST( X-SALK.M, X. C. When Von Visit t h 2 ?y. ( all Chicken POl Pie. \ tal £ > ot Pie, Beef steak, Oysters, Fish. Vegetables, Past el- iz— All the Good Things You Love AT THE LOWEST PRICE IX TOWN. And Three Fine Fe..lows V\ ill V*» ait On You and Make You Feei At Home- Jgljx i-rj;;' PAbr, T/H-Q p-"* ' L LV Ltl ■£ J JL-Xl'-.i .ii-f • *.' .. t K£ :• '• •" , y ;v ■ "^suuv^mi K " ■ ? . * 'tfim V*4gFv"'* ?Et -V* ' ■ - ; 5 : : • , /pi j,v Cf- . • '.£ g| .-4 • *k.| ABOVK. Primit.vx ta.ninu ,rjf met .od.l arc ».t: lin r&S*' V* 4-C* "£>*• ,' tnurh of France. Note Ihe • >-:. v wooden plow I hi* farms* •. v s UKt. p'uilo tsy l"w:rif t»nl- - •: trfiJlJrt*. t'f low:iy, T•. Y.J \ tT*-" V v? '♦• RIGHT. Andre lc LnHou - ;j„; ( - I-vr- V|,-ndl A»nH.*3.a»!or, J; ,ndMnH« o ulur. . • V • - . ... T V plctvrcci whir tnkiue « : t ' • |,| rtr«:i n>ar i!k Eroht 'J ••• o ' ', • . -.'•/ fi! tt'Bfl •.W , on, il. C. 'iioln I _ ...« ,„ _ - ... I! by L : n'l«-rwoiicl ;ml Under- j - -.V , v£> .'5 *«« l. j . p ' • 1 •»■. ,jt- >il Seme Forming Facto and figu.v --|-.i;i\T|; ; s figuriiiß in the nov.*s eminent, l.r.ewi; j* the import.:ree j in m::nv wuvh iho?e days. of nitrate * if • in \».ir ti put a re we h«ir that it* wine merchants are striniisn up >:i iruf •-r t to inula up a hatnv over the Ii;» business that syr.tiu'ti'M.itrutf-ir.austry in trance, they "are doing with the U. S. A. 'fho I"ren;M ir.rn:er;', tradition- Then we hear that Frenchmen are bound. refiised at firet to believe compliining that there will be tew that the synthetic nitrate of soda American tourists this summer be- gave as good lesults as the product cause the franc has risen from which they had In en using, around 4c to almost 7c. Last month, however, an article If your geography is rusty, you in "The Fertiliser, Feeding Stuff may like to be reminded that and Farm Supplies Journal" (pub- France has 1212.059 square miles, or lished in London, England), said 53,237 less than Texas. Its African that large-scale ollicial tests in colonies however, are about 20 France are finally convincing farm times as big as France itself. There ers that the two kinds of nitrate are 5,500,000 farm owners in give "practically identical results," France with the average farm con- a fact wide-awake Southern farm eisting of 24 acres. t ! ers who use the American nitrate of The French peasant is proverbi- soda made at Hopewell, \ irgima, ally slow to change his habits. As a could have told them years ago! result, many French fanning meth- Forty per cent of rural France is ods have remained unchanged for f arm ed. Over 12,000,000 acres are generations. The two oxen in the forest, 8,600,000 in oats, 3,800,000 picture above are drawing a wooden . vineyar d, and 3,600,000 in pota- E low toes. Textiles, iron and steel are the obstinacy of the French farmer was big French industries. The P«P^ gPCTi lately when the French Gov- tionofgreaterPansisover3,ooo,«oo. THE DANBLRY REPORTER NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by ' ue " uti • order ol the Siiuciv C- : u l ' ' Stokes County, mi; •« in the Specinl Proceeding entitled • 'I. V" .re. A dm. • J. I?. ! Dee'd., A. C. Admr. of , Henry Kni.cht, I>v. v.- . A• 11 • Moore. widow of .7. ]j. *>T ,r.i Jennie M v' ! •• ." n-v , Kr.i.rhf. a n ( , ('■ ni'h*: »■ \v : i n TH' IISD.W, (H r;!sl!si (.S, •!'!! p iO;M) o'clock A. M, ' •! S i ! '!\ ;• j( : ,» . •/, h : bi-i .'.••!• -it 1.,;- lowing (k; ■ . i!... | ... Ive'Jin.iii" ::l ..'"o center of ih Madison and Pine Hi! :ho • .••••• ~n iron stake the N-.r.b '•, i b"-'. ivi lo.'sd. j; 111 V [; of (vt.-. Wist oi; :• ; • lino J J., j poles 111 ;!l", . ;. ;;j;p j>l •J. M, Galloway :• Luer thcncc North SO deg. 20 mil'., West o;i Galloway's line fitj j oles t > a large white Oak stump. hi.s corner; thence South 45 dec;., 1 West 90 poles to a stone: thence South S deg.. East 105 poles and, 1(5 links to center of the Madiso.i and Pi ne Hall Ro;.d: thence with the meanderings of the present | Madison and Pine Hall Road to | the beginning and containing 140] acres more or less. The bidding! to start at 5682.50. ! This October 3rd. 1934. j C. G. MOORE & A. C. KNIGHT, | Commissioners. , SALE OF SCHOOL PROPERTY Ey order of the Board of J Education of Stokes County. I will offer for sale to the highest I bidder the following school pro perty : Pine Log Schoolhouse and lot and Friendship schoolhouse and lot October 25th at two o'clock. Place of sale Friendship school house. Piney Mountain 'schoolhouse and lot. October 25th at four o'clock. Place of sale Piney Moun tain schoolhouse. | Frans or Big Creek school- j j house and lot, October 29th at i j two o'clock. Place of sale' | Wright's Store. | Leake or Collinstown school-, I house and lot October 20th at! four o'clock. Plf.ce of sale | Francisco schoolhouse. Smith or Hard Bank school-: ( house and lot and Bennett school-, I house and lot October 30th at • two o'clock. Place of sale Law- J so.oville sclioo'.lv I Tut tie o!* l.''o*:i scho ■ho , :se ."n • ; 1. . ..,i S'o\v:;i'f 'r -.::1 ! lo; October "Ist ■ • two o'clock. I T.t;y. 0 ... .. ■ . Ff!•: ' 1 F r. ('. r\r.-;v f" \OTICK G! SALK | j By virtue 1 I contained in a «.!. ! »' v:~- | cuto:l on iho o'!i day •:' ' ! ob j 1021. by J. P.. 7.cake t> J. i>. j Humphreys, truetce tor Bank o;' Stokes County, securing paynvnt | of a certain indebtedness therein I recited in tiie sum of S5,00(!.0O, which deed of trust is recorded 1:1 the oil ice of t lie Register of Deeds of Stokes County. X. C.. iti Book No. 72 it |•.c Ml. default having been made in the payment of si'.id debt at r.iaturi.y. and t•• holder -i" same Ir.r.'hr.j applied for foreclosure fo. - s-.-::.-:;'ac:i;n «: same, the unuo-si'.tr- i v.:!'. «,u ti • !(»tli F>AY OF NOVLMSJF-.K, at the hour of il:i' ti » court house dc r i:i 'he •own >'' Danbuiy, K. ex; n; public sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lands conveyed by said deed cf trust: One town lot in the town of Danbuiy, known as the Taylor Hotel and lot, adjoining the lands of J. Spott Taylor on the West, Main Street on the South, fully described in a deed from J. Spot Taylor and wife to J. R. Leake, dated October 4, 1924, and re corded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Stokes County, Book , page , to which reference is hereby made. This 10th day of October, 1934. MRS. J. D. HUMPHREYS, Admx. of J. D. Humphreys, Trustee. R. J. Scott, Attorney XOTIC I- Of ' I.?: 01 EKAL ».• I'ATI: WORTH .VIOLIXA. L'or.r v c • : -s I'r.der an by vli uo of the power and hoi'ity contained 11 that CC!' !I: • i I '.rust CXCCU - c! by I-. L. : • an-, wile. Fanny T. Hurt to ... • Raleigh Saving s Hank rivl '!»• • Cenvi.ny, tru •• tee, which said deed of trust i !:• 1 o--; and rc-iirded in D ■■■',: P; re n:;->7!. of the Stokes Couniy Registry, default havir.g been !.•'■•. i in the payment :i .•■h-c.inoiis thereby ■ ::i ' conditions the:. -in x ■], t!io undersignrd substiiuted i.irfico ly instiu'ii! !i; icc >: - dcd iu L • »Ic ST. Page* .'j'*'! Stokes C'-riity Rcvis ry, will in I KII;.\V, •). IMI, at or aijoiit 'y.elvo '/flock iiooa. at tiio courthouse door at Da l !- bury, Xorth Carolina offer for sale and sol) to the highest bidder lor cas 1 the following describe J property: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, containing one hundred acres (10!)) more or less, situate, lying and being on the public road, leiding from Da-i --bury. N. C.. to West field, N. C. t in Big Creek Township, Stokes County. State of Xorth Carolin:., having such shape, mete:, courses and distances as will more fully appear by reference to a plat thereof made by F. O. Jones, Surveyor, on the 24th dav of July, 1925, and attached to abstract of title now on file with the Atlantic Joint Stock Lard Bank of Raleigh, Xorth Carolina, the same being bounded on the Xorth by the lands of R. VV. George: on the East by the lancis Of L. P. Sullivan; on the South by the lands 0 f Mrs. C. VV. Ray:' and on the West by the lands ot' R. W. George; and being the identical tract of land devised to Mrs. Fanny T. Hart, by the last will and testament of her father James S. Flippin, dated April 2j,' 1906. recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Stokes County. North Carolina, ; in Will Book No, 7, pasjes 189* 192. being the third Item, or paragraph of said will, which, tract ot land is mue particularly described and defined as follows:' Beginning at a stone, the Southeast corner of the tract 1 thence North 1742 feet to a stone; thenc.j West 4224 feet to pine on the side of the public road: thence with the meanders of said public road, the followin; ses nnd distances: South ,'H ' - ' ■"'» minutes, En \ 7i:: ; i,o ;- r . s i^. ls 1' ■ feet; W-th. "i , r . c . f „ i; a ' i; ' "• " ■ i ■: "h ; .. ■ i-t-r i-. : ti.i i:, If III.; (I v. I".;.;-, ,:;l j • •(). v iii i'of[ui;r .'.-jMrs-t i t!'" amoui't pj.j (vi i,i . • ! h. : : the &!.; .Jay o; October, IfKJI. J >SEPH 1.. C'Ot'KKRHAM. Sub.-'.i.urc i Trus c.-. Robert Weinstein i.n i W. D. Snbiston. Jr., Attu: :• y... Raleigh. N. C. N'OTK'K OF S\l.»; or Kl-AL '•>•1 \n: Py virtue of : -i order nado i.-v His Honor J. Wa - T :tI!-j. t of the Superior Court of Stole? •• CctrMy, en the i:;th day March, 1934 Iji the Special Pro c( outiiTetl I'. s:;>,■ - f '.il. Kxc iinr of !•'. M. \'c:i.thr '•s. F. M. Versatile, !:. \V\ W-nable. et ,il„" the u:>lcr. v-ird Com missioner therein ;!}■• oii.-ied io i iV:e s:>ie of aid !;.n ?, will mi the (sth I? \Y OF NOV. |«):51 at » p. nr. ON Till: I'KFMJSKS. offer for sale. to the highest bid der, for CASH UPON CON FIRMATION, the following tracts or parcels of land. Containing by estimation ap proximately thirty (30) acres located, lying and being on the Grassy Knob Road leading from Pilot Mountain to Westfield and being within about 2 miles of Pilot Mountain. This being a part of the land known as the F. M. Venable land, adjoning the land of Carl Covington, D. D. Venable and others. This tract of land will be sur veyed and the number of acres announced on the day of sale." This the sth day of Oct, 1934. i W-. R. BADGETT, 10 11 4t Commissioner. XOTIO: OF SAIL OF RK\L - KKTATH INNER DELI) OF TKLST By virtue of -he power e la'.i ine l in a deed of 'rus' >- cuied tii me on ills 19'!'. «:;.>* •: , December. by I'.oy E. Leal, ami wife, which is recorded M the Office o! Register «>! Det ! . of Stokes county, X. 'in Lo ;>. Paue V9l, to wiiicii i-'m .> is hereunto made, to payment >■ i certain m ' r. u recited. defauli havis..: •• made in ti: ■ i yaient of - : d ■ ••"bt a! •: •,iui t ill ): i. !• -j thereof h: -ang ; i pli-i'd to me forcclor » the ' i urt «!'■•} for i 'l' •!: ; t '! of said d' lit m cu. ly san . . I will sell at p.ib- '■ auction to the highest bidd. i . «-ash. tiie Court House door Stokes County, X. ('., mi S m KHAY, Ot TOJSEK 27, »MTi» ai the nour of fl o'clock A. M . the lands conveyed in the tr r deed to wit: Beginning at r. s'akc. t! ■ south west corner of H. If. 1 Leake's lot, runs with the roa.l as it meandersr in a southeast* rly ' direction 2.55 feet to a stake on - the bank ( ,f the road, then t "j northernly direction about ;;7 r j • feet to a stake in H. H. Leake';? s line then South 67 1 _■ degrees • West 268 feet to the beginning, '• containing one acre, more or ' less, and being about half of the e lot of land deeded by W. V. M-- Canless dated June 13, 1922 to Pi H. H. Leake, see Book 70 of a deeds, page 4. in the office of ti I Register of Deeds, of Stokes d' County, N. C. i,: This 25 day of September, e 1934. r .! J. W. HALL. Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of an order of the superior court of Stokes County, made in the special proceeding entitled Joseph L. Merritt, and others against Mrs. S. R. Beck and others, tin; same being No. 1143 upon the special proceeding docket of said court, the undersigned commiss ioner will, on the 13TII IIAY OF OCTOBER, 1931 at two o'clock p. r.i., on the premises offer for sale to th highest bidder for cash certain tracts of land lying and being ::: Peter's Cre?k Township, Stoke. County. North Carolina, adjoining the hinds of J. L. Merritt. an 1 ::n.! bound' •! :■ follow: First Tract: Beginning; srt a p'uc i:i Janics Corns ilno, ruuni" v. • : '■ 7:: t iv ,; 'o -t :• '• • il". tl: ■ , • » • . ' , \* * ♦ 1 ' \ : • * • * * i i/ J : r. ; ' corner nion • on the \V * bral i».-» Crc k rord, WiitVin ••ii;.. v.-ith Irs lin W. si (■■■mot. formerly a (his'rai . 1 ch::ins *" it v.'lii'c* o:*.k l-m 5 chains t ( , ;; i ck pile. l-'"' ; 11 , eh iP;«t to a s»'one. and er oh • 's ! i i'c at .'■'•'id roil wit the «itn« North 11» deer •. s i!. 2'' chid:!: 1 the be:,innin;', cot.- This 12 day •!' September, 10*51 j O. B. MARK. Commissioner. O. B. MAB'i. Co:.vv.i:-sioi:rr" J. W. Hall, Any. 9 13 It NOTICE, N>r" h ( ' "■ ' I: ': ' ' : i ''• ' W. P. Wi'.-n, P'liJn'iff vs. Thco. Wilson. defendant. Notice «ii' Vi'tion. Tlie defendant. Theo. Wilson, will take notice that. n:i actio.: 1 entitled iif above has been com- 1 menced in the Superior Court o.'j Stokes county. North Carolina, to' secure an absolute divorce on j the ground of abandonment and| ■eparation. And the defendant will further take notice that she is required to be and appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Stokes county, N. C., at Dan bury, on or before the Ist. day of October. 1934, and there an swer or demur to tne complaint filed in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the 1 elief demanded in the said com plaint. I This 27th day of Aug., 1934. J. WATT TUTTLE, I Clerk of Superior Court. Jos. W. Garrett, Atty. for plff J Page Eleven notkk or svu; or real ESTATE DEED OF TKf'ST I*y V'i)! Ho *>l ti'o of s»'ilc iiiic; .. i «»! w list oxo ciiH'J i't j.'c 'iii th'.' U2 day «)!; January, !'C i. by X. X. Preston and wi)o \ I'i'ji ~ v.hif.h i i;•(• itac! in t : - C.>!'l t . lie.;- istei* n j.i; .stoker County, a. in Honk Tti. Kyc ;, t v.-i icli »*:'cicnce h •„ ~|o to wtUlt! t! p. "Viae: ' (/i >.i■() iii . ( >■ i j,j .. fault having been made in tho ii;' -mcnt -said i maturity. :■ii#l ; I •i, . i , • ' ' ' : ' • .1 tp* '■! ...» in :i. .« m-• e |rust ciectl for ii:-- aati*far ion of said •- 1 y " me. i will ,i.U ! iii h" -nic i ii] *i• i j n* i-.ighesc bidder !.'}■ (•: -i\ : t the Court : oUSe t;ooj ul S'':i.cs ('> in* v. \J, C., (in SATI'RIHV, OCTOUi'.K :!«, MM, at 11 i(* hour ol 11 oYlock a. a?., •• lai- ■ (■• , !ivcy«.ij iii (he trust deed 10-wit : Adjoining i lie l,;!idv of \V. J. I ulk. It. J. Knight and others and bounded as follows: Begin ning in the center >f the Hollow road in the Martin line, runs North 4 7 degrees Hast 3 chains and 50 links to a rock, thence North 60 degrees East still on with the Muslin line, 5 chains and 50 links to a rock in W. J. Fulks line, thence South on Fulk's line ' 91 links to a rock, thence South 50 degrees East still with Fulk's line, one chain and 38 links to .1 V rock, thence South 45 degrees 1 West 7 chains and 50 links to a • rock in the center of said Hol low road, in Mustin line, thence ; North 50 degrees West with said road 4 chains to tho beginning, containing acres more or less. Being the same tract of land con veyed by deed from J. R. Forrest i and wife to N. E. Preston, to I' which reference is hereunto , made. Sec also deed from P. L, , Culler and wife to J. R. Forrest, recorded in the Register's office 1 of Stokes County, N. in Boole ■' No. ll. pate 197 for same tract s and boundry of land, i This September IS. 1034. -! J. W. HA LI., Trustee. NOTICE 1 Having qualified as administra tor ot the estate of Joseph L. i notice is hereby given to nil persons holding claims aginst the said Joseph L. Slate, to pre sen? them i-'e for payment, ' duly autliemii ■i • 1 on or by the 1'• : •' • ;it i : or • ?!;'• pi.'v.* : ll lii' r 1 .'il-'d in bar • ■ . i. r.• Ail . i.' mis in - i • .'it • hereby make •:t:.!bor, Y>\ i\ H A !i. istrato!'. . Route I !♦ 13 :.t f.:I . . 1 1! . i.: .. i ! adminis- . J. K. I.i- h.-ciiy ' ••n that ,il I•; .. i-uvil *•': i - iiuilisr • • i csta'e :•.'it iv'ny : : ic*'l ti> i ■ i !it th • sai.o 1 i ; duly :• • • lhonJii• !'• i. in i't' Hr'c: o the •Ith day of 1 i»" • or this notice will ijt* iliv.ii'! n of their iwivo'-y. AM poisons due the Kaiil i'? a:.> aie also notified to make |-.a> jr.ent t:> ; 10. This O. M. Kui'U. A 1..\ of .1. l.ane. Iluial H. !. N. C. C. U. H It, A' v. !'c: - v . ' 10 I >! ::ot!( i-:. llavin.. 'in.: ■ iried 1 )wulo:" of the estate ;! V-• T. I'w'lins, de ceased, late of Stokes County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against | the estate of said deceased to I exhibit tlieni to the undenuKusd lat Mt. Airy, North Carolina, on [or before the ISth day of August, |1935, or this notice will be plead jed in bar of their recovery. All ! persons indebted to said estate will make payment. « This the 7th day of Aug., 19.14. A. M. FLIPPIN. VESTA PALMER,. Executors E. C. Bivens, Atty. Madison, N. C.

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