THE DANBURY REPOR-FCR. Established 1872. PIEDMONT 10 PILOT MOUNTffi BY STOKES RESORTS Telegram Sent State Highway Commission, Signed By Stokes And Winnton-Salem Citizens, I'rging Immediate Considera tion Of This Road Project Will Give Employment, Market For Produce, and Develop Watering Places. A telegram war this week sent tc the State Highway Commission at Raleigh urging immediate con sideration of the proposed im proved road from Piedmont Springs to Pilot Mountain. This project, which means the extension of No. 26S State High way from PHo» Mt.. throusr'i Stokes to Piedmont Spring.', viiere i! v. II! intwseri wit'i ' highway No. »0, is •» link the larger rv.n : ii-ion o r; t'.trough highwny ftom K'k'f t> Leuksvillo, touching Pilot M» , the mountain resorts of Stoke*; Danbury, Sandy R'dge, and Stonevil'e. No. 2GS from Elkin to Pilot is already completed, like wise a hardr.urfacc from Stone ville to Leaksville is built. * The text of tUe .wire to state road authorities is as r ol- 1 lows: "Danburv, X. C ' "January 1 I. "State Highway Commission, "Raleigh, North Carolina ! "We urge you p v e r*»a 1 le tv iii'T M) Piedmon* F'>riiir* vi> Mdores Spring.' l , Vade springs, old historic Ho k !!■>'• •. • Pilot Mountain, connecting *pv highway 2>.S favorable considera tion for immediate surface in- : provement. This most important ■ project for Stokes county. De velopment this should lead to im mediate improvement of these re- : sorts thereby giving employment f end a market for produce, etc., 1 to a community which has suffer- ' nil most from drought and de- pression. "Signed: IT. H. Brown, Stokes ! county commissioner: J. A. Joyce, Stokes c-unity commissioner; '.V. ' J. Swnnson, Surry county com- 1 missioner; O. Q. Snow, Surry l county commissioner: J. J. Tay- 1 lor, Shff.: J. VV. Tuttle, Clerl: ' Superior Court; R. L. Smith, 1 ister of Deeds; N. O. Petree, W. G. Petree, Dr. G. E. Stone, Paul i T. Taylor, A. R. Phillips, N. V 1 Pepner, Dr R. H. Moorefield, Dr. S. F. Tillotson, McK, R. Smitlv W. R. Badgett, O. E. Snow, ,T. A. Pell, I. M. Gordon, John 11 1 Folger, A. D. Folger, R. r Lewellyn, Earl Dwigginjt O. N > Swanson, W. F. Swnnson, N. i Mullican, R. M. Hanes, R. F. I Lasnter, A. H. Eller, Chns. F, Norfleet, Robert Gribben, Ray 1 Johnson, R. I. Dalton, Thomns t Barber, J. A. Mackie, J. Porter Stedman, A, Clint Miller, Fred S. 1 A/utchens, J. E. Thore, J. B. i •'l nrrell, W. A. Collins, S. Gilmer Sparger, J. C. Carson, R. J. Scott, Mrs. Minnie G. Doyle." I Volume 62. FHA MEETING HERE JAN. 21 BETTER HOUSING CAM- j PAIGN TO BE STARTED IN ] STOKES MEETING AT 1 COI'RT IIOI'SE NEXT MON- i DAY TO APPOINT COM- \ MITTEES COVERING; COUNTY. Ralph E. Hollock, of Asheville, i field representative of the Federal Housing Administration, wa-i here Tuesday interviewing county citizens with the prospect of put ting on a campaign for better housing in the county. The FHA is a governmental agency which insures up to 2'i per cent, loans made by banks or other loaning agencies for tlv improvement or rehabilitation and refurnishing of homes. Mr. Hollock while here ar I ranged for a meeting to be heM J at the court house next Monday: at 2 P. M., '.n which an organr'-i-j lion will be efiVct'-J covering the county in the interest of the pro motion of the:''? lo ins. Committe.v' will be appoint*. 1 in each town ship, to educate and inform tli •• people with reference to thr! benefits of this service. | Mrs. Doyle 111 Mrs. Minnie G. Doyle, county! FSJRA carried to her J apartments at Walnut Cove 1 Wednesday, ill. Mrs. Doyle's con dition, while such as to engage the anxious concern of he; friends, is not regarded as at all ? :*riou.-s. Real Fs+nt; J)?als At King- Other News Kin;,. .Jan. 1 ♦». - Dr. and M:s:. y'l e;i Hifiser, of Klnnd, V,i., : ,);nt Sunday here the guests of Mi. and Mrs. K. M, Hauser. Recent real esta'.e deals in Ki'T-', John Shnmrl et nl to John Southern lot on West aver.ue. con sideration Alvin Whit t i Rengo C. White house and lot' on Spruce street $l5O/0 an i: o:h r -: considcrat'ons. 11. MeCioe, of Germanton, \v» among ihe vWtois here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Oirvey l ove, who| have recently move! into thci new home on Pulliam street werei given a shower by relatives and friends Friday evening. They; were the recipients of many nice; presents. L. J. Kiser cut an ugly gash 1 in his leg while chopping wood Friday. Dr. R. S. Helsabeck sew-' I ed up and dressed the wound. Mr. and Mrs. George Yelverton. j of Greensboro, were week-end! visitors to relatives here. The following births were recorded here last week, to Mr. I I and Mrs. Leham White, a son; j to Mr. and Mrs. Arl Helpler, a daughter and *> Mr. and Mrs Lonnie Covington, twins, a boy and girl. Norman White has moved into his new home in West View recently completed. Mrs. Silas Culler and children, of Pinnacle, spent Saturday here the guests of Mrs. Annie Walker.' Danbury, N. C M Thursday, January 17, 1935 (An Editorial.) THE BURDEN ON THE SCHOOL AUTHORITIES The school authorities of Surry county can not escape the responsibility which is theirs, nor shield themselves from the certain bitter cen sure which will descend upon them for sponsor ing one of the most serious accidents to school children which has occurred under the State school regime. ( The law requires the parents of North Caro- 1 iina to entrust their children to the hazard of ! Ihe highways, crowded as they are with 1 tragedies. -It is the duty of these officials to 1 whom the safety of the children is given to pro- « vide for them safe transportation as far as is in 1 their power. The question of the safety of the children who are lent to the school authorities by their 1 parents has long been mooted at many a North 1 Carolina fireside. Many parents may be ex- ] cused when they feel ill at ease to see their bovs 1 and girls packed like sardines in a jitney which races down the highways with &n irresponsible youngster under the steering wheel. The evidence in the case of the PHot nca»~ ' raged v discloses seHous neglect on the part of iiu authorities and criminal recklessness on 'ihe 1 svari of the driver. The ill-fated bus left ihe school !oaded v/iih •V'i siiufcnts. and steered by a hay only IS v im c;!d, who had less than a yesv's espovi;n?. managing the most dangerous machine of t'v age. He travelled at a fast speed with his price less freight. This'fact is indisputable as the bus hurtled itself 120 feet after striking the wagon, and then jumped a 12-foot stream. As Ihe radiator of the car imbedded itself in the opposite bank Of tlifclrecfrHt could naturally-go no further. The boy driver declares that he was blinded by the sunshine in his face. So much more rea son for going slowly, carefully, until he could discern objects ahead. But he went on blindly, ;>ot seeing a man on his right vnti! his bus w;v~ "Inmost upon him, swerving to ihe lift and n-> f .• ctim? -he parked wagon r.l ;rl. The school authorities speak ir e'. •' or tlie affair. They explain that the boy harl •» "good record" as a driver. AD lfi-y?ar-o] youths who drive cars are permitted to ha v> good records until they kill somebody wsth the*!* incompetence and carelessness. This, which came near to being a tragedy of major proportions, should bo a lesson to a'i school authorities everywhere Thos? parents who are hovering around the hospitals v: , v»r? many of (he little folks, maimed f>r 1?V •ne struggling for tVo* h'ttle lives - th :,v 5-ar'?n'f> are justified in thci'* demands for an in «. estlga; ?on. One result of the very un for' affah when brought before the slate higher-ups h education, as ii V/ill be brought before them, should certainly be a ruling that only MEN of experience, of tested sobriety and of mind and conscience should be used as bus drivers. These buses are carrying every day the most prized possession of the citizens of the State, and their greatest asset —their children. Their safety should be guaranteed. Taking Over The Post Office Mra A. G. Sisk, who has been appointed post master at Dan bury, is this week arranging to take over the office here, and remove the same to her cafe and store. Methodist Church Services Sunday, January 21st, as follows: Pine Hall, 11 A. M. Forest Chapel, 3 P. M. The public is cordially invited to these services. Attorney General Brummit Dies After a few days of illnes;s with pneumonia, Atorney General Brummit died at his home in Raleigh. His successor it S,« believed will be A. F. Seawell. Another School Bus Crash Accident at North Wilkesboro. Collision between school bus, carrying 42 children, and an automobile. Eight children in jured. FARMER LOANS FOR YEAR 1935 APPLICATIONS MAY BE; TURNED 1\ TO K. O. PALMER AT DANBI'RV, WHO HAS BEEN APPOINTED AGENT BV PRODI'CTION CREDIT ASSOCIATION. -■ 1 I Announcement was received to day that R. O. Palmer, of Dan bury, has been appointed to take applications for crop and seel loans to be secured from the Winston-Salem Production Credit Association, or through the Federal Loan by tlic Secretary of Agriculture. All applications will be t?i;dor ed to Mr. Palmer, who will be located at the eou»* house i.-, Danbury, and be forwarded tn the proper authorities for ap proval. Mr. Palmer states tha' ! will be reiidy tn begin taking ap plications by the Ist of F. , i. and urges those who flesh • 1 . this year to apply early 1m ••!>! • to avoid delay by pressure application.'* Farm Census To Bejrin At One? An enumeration of the IP.;.'} Farm Census will be startc i within the next day or two. Mr. J. R. Hall, supervisor of Greeiu.- "Eoro, ' t 1 staff of enumerators througho'H Stokes county have been appoint ed with an exception of one • two township? in which appoiir nients are rndy to be made. Til is census will include a com vletr- schedule of >!1 cruiy, !• Ptoek, chickens. hor.,s, tin' i I.ind, waste land. building, ..iand nviiiy other facts rela tive t.i operation and maintenance of L,OO I iVi.iis. Every land own • and imam will be visited by • n agent of the governrv lit wtlii:- the next few days and it > hoped that they will l'amUiari:v themselves with all the farts an ' be re-uly to an*' ,, er (j'le***i«:■ rapidly. A complo'o Ist for !' county enii"ie! Hoys is tn-t *;i\ but for the benefit or ! • • fanners, it is l.arned tint l\ o. 1 'aline:'. !'ov as-ii>. ant to P., !' Bailey, :>s Roister of Deed h. 1 been appointed for Danbury township. Folger Introduces Bill Senator Folgcr, of Surry and Stokes, takes cognizance of the serious school bus accident ne.v Pliot Mt., last Thursday and in troduces a bill. He asks thnt no person under 25 be allowed to drive a school bus; requiring ir all :ieel body for buses, shatter proof -(lasr., and speed limited t. ! CO miles. New Beer Bill A beer bill is introduced in the General Assembly allowing 4.5 content instead of 3.2. , E. W. Carroll, of Germanton, was here Monday. Number 3,054 32 CHlLOttjl SCHOOL BUS WRECK It Was All But A Fearful Tragedy When I>oad Of Students (ioing Home From Pilot Mountain School Crashed From The Highway Into The, Creek—.Many In Hospital Nearly All Will Recover. Thirty-two Pilot Mountain pub lic school children were injured, one critically and several others seriously, late Thursday aftc noon of last week when a school bus, enroute from Pilot Moun tain into the Shoals section where most of the children lived, struck a farm wagon and plunged over a culvert and embankment or.e mile west of Pi! )'. Mountain on Tlijlnvay Tie M-. Airy TP i s v/ho'-? PJ~ port i)f the* affair is t •,-j below, MVS »lint the WI'"K, •••'* mo»t serious in the hi.-* th.i Surry county schools p.nj one o" the most serious in tho highway annals of Surry county, occurred" when tho bus, driven by Archie Barker, 16-year-old student driver, cut around a pedestrian on the right of the highway and collide'l with the farm wagon parked on the, oppoaiU' -m T*- i _ bu flicn ' ' out of control and plui inward approximately forty y... ds before leaving tlir? hard surface highway and turning down the fill on the bunk of :i small creek. Tlie bus carred load of thii'ty-thive pupils jst : 'ditfon 'o tlio driver, according the clos -05! check that could !.:• j.tade. and all except two wore injured in one way f>r another. 'Ono girt, Minnie Marie Bowen. 14, \raa reporte 1 in critical condition by tho sur.;eons of Martin 'Memorial Hospital here, where a score of the wreck victims vvre rushed for treatment. The only ones to escape injury were Jov F'ynn. IS, I'): ' "vii'ma Lee I s , one of the .'cni'kst »:•ut r of t'r.-j bus. The lit'l? Bowon (•!. ;> second year hi h school uient, sue tained head injuries, fractured ribs and possibly a punctured lung, though the full extent of her injuries had not been ascertained. Six others were reported to be seriously hurt. They were Ozells Scott, 17, with a fractured pelvis; Buster Martin, 14. lacerated scalp, fractured thigh: Gertrude Marion, 12, fractured pelvis: Margie Chilton, 14, fractured pel vis; Jessie Cooke, 16, fractured pelvis; and Ethel Chilton, 15, possibly a fractured pelvis. There were ten others under treatment at the hospital, witli* painful but less serious injuries. They were Oliver Allen, 15. hernT wound; Clyde Allen. 17. discola tion and fracture of the wrist; Pansy Calhoun, 13, scalp wound: I ' Pernie Logan, 11, scalp wound and cerebral concussion; Tom Hauser, 19, compound fracture (Continued on 4)

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