THE DANBURY REPORTER. Established 1872. SPUES PRESSED V WTO SERVICE I HOME WEEK-END I Stokes Representative Appointed Chairman Of Committee On Elections—Holds Position Om Several Other Committees General Assembly Swinging Into High Gear This Week Liquor Bills, Absentee Ballot, Sales Tax, Bonus, Old Age Pensions, Unemployment In surance, More Pay For Teach ers, Diversion Of Highway- Funds, These Are Some Of The Important Matter* Coming Up—Sparger To Meet With Stokes Constituents Soon. Representative from Stokes, Hon. S. Gilmer Sparger, spent the week-end at his home here, and rested from the strenuous dutie3 of another week in R.-deigh. Mr. Sparger. who was ir.i:;- viewed by a represent'dive It* Reporter, slated that .!;o Gene; •' Assembly would beginning with Monday's session swing into hip.h gear in the consideration of the multiplicity of important mat ters of legislation now beginning to be pressed for hearings. The representative from Stokes looked well, but clearly showed the weight of respon sibility which he naturally feels from being pressed in'o arduous service in this assembly. He has been honored with the chairman ship of the committee on elections, while also being named as a member of several other important committees, namely, finance, education, judidary, and other minor committees. The repeal or modification o' the absentee ballot law, is a mat ter sure to engage the serious and heated deliberations of this as sembly. This law has its strong friends as well as its enemies in this legislature. The committee on 1 elections, of which Mr. Sparger is chairman, will bs heavily in fluential in quieting the com motion which is now revolving around this much mooted ques tion. The sales tax, soldiers? bonus, old age pensions unemployment insurance, liquor and beer, in creased pay for teachers and State employes, diversion of the highway funds —these are major problems which this legislature must wrestle with to say nothing of the hundreds of local and minor bills with which the law mill will be clogged from now on. Last but not least is the revenue bill, which engages the deepest thought of the best minds of the State body. Mr. Sparger is very anxious to reflect the best sentiment of the I people of Stokes on the important, legislation to be enacted within the next few weeks. He purposes at an early date—possibly in February to meet with the people at the court house and get a focus on their views and wishes concerning beneficial legislation for the citizens of Stokes. Mr. Sparger possibly will defer this Volume 62. THE PRESIDENT'S BIRTHDAY BALL THIS EVENT AT WALNUT COVE ON NIGHT OF JAN. 30 PROMISES TO BE A HUGE SUCCESS THE PROGRAM IS INTERESTING A THOU SAND PEOPLE EXPECTED. I I The President's Birthday Ball and entertainment to be held at Walnut Cove Wednesday night, Jan. 30, just a week away, bids fair to be a great succe»3. thing is being put in readiness for a gala night long to be re membered. Jinx Moser's nine piece orchestra has been secured to furnish rhythm for the fox trotters, Charlestonians and waltzers. Another famous musi cal organization, strictly a Stoke:: county outfit, the Smoky Hollow Ramblers, composed of six pieces, ranging from four strings to seven, with Harmonica John. Guitar !k n . Fidd'.V !V.e n;:' B; Eyes will } ' '• "* * * lIvVJ, R ; . £»,»-i'i'» rr, iUV"* Oi •"0 spacious rooms h\vo I.con r. for the occasion and the dances, both round and square, will be along simultaneously. The same admission ticket will permit the entrants to either or both dance 3. In addition to the dances other features have been added to fill in the gaps apd to keep the crowd both old and young enter tained. Not a dull moment is to expected from the time of the grand march to tiie last strain of Homo Sweet Home. The ticket sn!e3 t 1 " Walnut Cove section met a luncheon and tea list night the home of Mr. pr.i Mrs. J. I Woodruff and perfected a • organization to place the ticket.: on sale the rest of this week. It is expected that every family in this part of the county will be contacted by this efficient and enthused organization. Others in all parts of the county are at work selling tickets and reports coming in indicate an attendance of as many as 1,000 or more people. T - . io to be a big night for the Warm Springs foundation, for the county and the town. The refreshment committer, the marshalls and the committee on decoration and arrangments will meet this week to give final touches to their part in the program. Meadows-Baker Mr. and Mrs. G. Ross Meadows announce the marriage of their daughter, Maude Cornelia, to Charles G. Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs. C O. Baker, of King, route 1, at Hillsville, Va., on Jan. 9, 1935. M. E. Church Service ! I ! Rev. J. B. Needham, pastor of M. E. Church, will preach at Dan bury next Sunday at 11 o'clock i A. M., and 7:30 P. M., and at Vade Meeum 3 P. M. meeting until opinion crystallizes on the more important issues,; many of which are now in the i embryo 3tate. Danburv, N. C., Thursday, January 24, 1935 Winston-Salem Production Credit j Association To Meet The annual meeting of The Winston-Salem Production Credit I Association serving the counties of Forsyth, Davie, Davidson and! Stokes will be held on February "!, 1 1:30 P. M. at the Forsyth County Court House, Winston-' Salem, N. C., it is announced by L. E. Francis, secretary of the association. ! Not only are all of the farmer borrowers from the association, the holders of Class B stock, ex pected to be present, but Mr. Francis said today that a most cordial invitation was also ex tended to all other farmers in the territory served by the asso ciation and that it was hoped that large numbers would accept the invitation. "Every member of the asso ciation," said Mr. Francis, "is ur i'd to bring one or more 110:1- • with him, as it is our .'.v every farmer in thb 1 :;'ar.';l acquaint himself : io credit service which our organization has to offer. "Directors of the association for the ensuing year will be elected at this meeting. Every member of the association it' en titled to cast one vote, regard less of the number of shares he owns, and it is to his interest to vote for men of the highest in tegrity and bur.inesa acumen. "At the meeting a complete re port cf the year's operations of the association will be submitted. The Production Credit Corpora tion of Columbia will be repre sented at the meeting by Mr. V/. M. Webb, who will outline the set-up of the Farm Credit Ad ministration of the third district, the method of control and opera tion of the production credit as sociation and will give an ex planation of the association's operating statement from or ganisation through December 31, 1934. STOKES FARM NEWS TTN \XT.S MUST SIGN APPLICATIONS Contract-signing land-owner .1 who have finished marketing this years crop of tobacco are urged to turn in their allotment cards and sign their applications for equalizing payments. Land-Lords or land-owners who hadi tenants or share-croppera en gaged in growing tobacco 011 their farms during the year oi 1934 must get the signature of each tenant on their applications before the equaiU.r-g pament will be made. That a tenant was oa the farm last year and has sine? ; moved away does not affect this I rule. His name must go on the j application with that of the land i lord and the tenant must either ( sign his own name or make his ! mark for it to pass TOBACCO PRODUCTION MAY' BE INCREASED. j The announcement has been j made by the AAA that acreage ! production allotments are to be (Continued on Page 4) B. P. BAILEY i IS CHAIRMAN LOCAL BRANCH OF FEDERAL f HOUSING CORPORATION ORGANIZED IN COUNTY LOANS ARE NOW AVAIL-' ABLE—CITIZENS URGED TO AVAIL THEMSELVES OF OP PORTUNITY TO BUILD OK 1 IMPROVE HOMES. \ i t B. P. Bailey, ex-Register of i Deeds, with an office at the court house here, has been named as chairman of the local t agency of the Federal Housing Corporation. i This is an agency established by the government at Washing- ( ton to furnish immediate cash to citizens who will build new homes or improve their present habita- , tions. ] j (Harrill Wood, of Asheville, field j representative of the FHA in North Carolina, waii here Mon- day, organizing the I" • of the FHA. 13. P. T\ - ' 1 pomtcd clUili". •: in the county. V. .'. was named finance commitlc;; J. i Scott was named ehcairnuin of ] the committee who will ascertain the needs of the people in the matter of ' financing new building or im provements; N. E. Pepper was appointed chairman of publicity arrangements. FHA borrowers wav be accommodated for building homes for a period of 5 years at 5 per cent, interest. For improve ment or rehabilitation, the loan period will extend for months. Banks or other home financial agencies will handle tha loans, which a r e guaranteed by the government. The North Carolina Forestry Association will meet in Raleigh at the Sir Walter Hotel, Wednes day and Thursday, February R and 7, announces K W. Giaohci extension forester at Stat'' College. HOT POT .TTTf « OUT OF RALEIGH ' THPv.r:AT«:Xi:;('r lf forme. 1 Lieutenant Governor P., T. Foun tain, of Rocky Mount, doesn't. ' reek to snatch the toga now sported by Senator Josiah W. Eailey, Raleigh, next year a lot of people who help support pillars ' around the State Capitol will be ; very much surprised. Mr. Foun tain's actions have been inter preted as those of a candidate for a year or more but in Raleigh ; recently he was asked directly if he intended to run for nomination to the Eastern Senate seat. "I am seriously considering it," Fountain replied and that is con sidered something in the nature of a direct reply from a man whoj never has been prone to tell other • people what he intends to do. | 1 • WISE EGG Lieutenant ; Governor A. H. Graham is re puted to know his way around in the world of politics and his Senate committee appointments (Continued on Page 2) I DEATH OF MRS. LURINDA J. LEAKE; SPLENDID WOMAN, WIDOW 1 OF LATE P. J. LEAKE, PASS ED AWAY SUNDAY BURIAL AT SNOW HILL CHURCH MONDAY. I Mrs. Lurinda Jane Leake, • widow of the late Peter J. Leake, died at the home of her son, R. E. Leake, near Guilford College, Sunday about 1 o'clock A. M. ' Mrs. Leake had been ill with ' diabetes for several years. Recent- * ly her condition took a turn for 1 the worse. The end came not un expectedly. She was aged slightly * over 75 years Mrs. Leake, whose home formerly way near Sandy Ridge, Stokes county, recently had been residing with her son, R. E. Leake. 1 She was a splendid Christian ] InHy, whose example and life hn ! ( . ; I inspiration to fiio3e wi .i j v. i.oiii Mie came in contact. SII -- no eri for her many Chris.- , I-,i vli: ues and her uneolfis:-. , uevotion to her friends ana church. She was a consisteT. i member of the M. E. Church. The funeral and burial was at Snow Hill church near Sandy Ridge, on Monday. The deceased is survived by the following children: R. E. Leake, of Guilford College; J. R. Leak?, Of Danbury; H. H. Leake, of King; John A. Leake, Gloster Leake and Leonard Leake. o i- Lawsonville: Mrs. Covie Smith, Mrs. Mattie Hill, Mrs. Dottie Cas?. Mrs. Aggie Walker, Mrs Fleta Smith and Miss Angie Leake, of Stokes County. The funeral and interment were conducted by Rev. Chas. Wall, of Sandy Ridge and Rev. Mr. Williams, of Greensboro. j Mary A. Hicks Mary A. Hick-', wife of Stan ton E. Hicks, deceased, succumbed Monday afternoon to an attack of pneumonia from which she lia.i been suffering for several days. The deceased was a native oi Stokes county and has spent the greater part of her life there. Surviving are the followin;; children: J. Gllie Hicks, J. L!.i ridge Hicks, Roy E. Hicki, M... W. A. Southern, and Mrs. C. L., Johnson, Walnut Cove, N. ('. 1 Twenty grandchildren and ow; great grandson, and one brother, James D. Hicks, Walnut Cove, N. C. Funeral services were held at the Bethel Baptist church, of' which she was a member at Meadows, Wednesday P. M. at i 2:00 o'clock. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Rev. M. E. I Manuel, Pastor and Rev. J. H.J Hanec conducted funeral services.! The following grandsons acted as pallbearers: Gilmer Southern,j Curtis Southern, Elwood Hicks, I t Leonard Hicks, George Hicks andj J. E. Hicks, Jr. The following granddaughters were flower girls: Evelyn Hicks, Iris South- 1 em. Era Hicks, Alma Southern,! Leona Hicks and Elizabeth John-j son. t . I Number 3,275 FERA CHECKS OUT SATURDAY MRS. DOYLE'S OFFICE HERE TO BE TRANSFERRED TO WINSTON-SALEM MONDAY, NEXT WEEK—CASE WORK ERS TO HOLD THEIR JOBS —MRS. DOYLE TO DIRECT RURAL REHABILITATION IN FORSYTH AND STOKES. The FERA office here which has occupied the N. A. Martin building for more than a year, giving employment to quite a number of Stokes men and women, will be removed to Wins ton-Salem next Monday. The employes here will be checked out Saturday of this week, except possibly four case workers who will retain their jobs. It is understood that the Martin building will be retained as headquarters for the case work ers in the county, and that possibly one or tv.o of the prcsc-~t. clerical organizat'or -.• ••,• be tained. The v.w!:«rs who \..,1 continue their work in Stoke:.- ma as follows: Miss Alice Christian, Miss Martha Powell and Claxton Lewis. In the new set-up at Winston- Salem where FERA district No. 14, composed of Forsyth and Stokes will have its headquarters, Miss Hermanse, of Winston- Salem, will be the administrator. Mrs. Minnie G .Doyle has been appointed to the position of director of rural rehabilitation iu Forsyth and Stokes. It is reported that Paul Lewis and Dan Heath, farm, foreman in the present organiza tion, Will I . iT' UJj u. Ct*?eb Hicks Dies Caleb Hicks was buried a* Clear Springs church cemetery Wednesday, aged 73. He died Sunday at 5:30 P. M., close to the Tom East place, near Walnut Cove. Survived by his wife and t children. Sold Load Of Turkeys At High Point J. Reid Forrest and son, Wil bur, were in town Tuesday returning to Francisco from High Point where he sold a load of 50 turkeys at a good price. Mrs. Forrest is one of the most successful poultry raisers in the county, but it takes a high de gree of skill to raise turkeys. Mrs. Doyle Still 111, But Better Mrs. Minnie G. Doyle, county federal relief administrator, is still at her apartments in Walnut Cove, but she is reported much , improved this week. Later—Mrs. Doyle was carried to Duke hospital, Durham, Tuesv i day. The Chilean Nitrate of Soda j Educational Bureau announces the offer of 300 and 200 pounds of Chilean nitrate as first and | second prizes for corn club mem- I bore in each county of the Stat? ! in 1935. District and State prizes | also are offered.

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